DOJ IG knows # of FBI informants

It's incredible that you guys think all these other people and institutions are absolute liars, but Trump is as honest as the day is long. What world do you really live on?
I think that he is a liar and those institutions, filled with humans as they are, also are undoubtedly staffed by people who are politically motivated liars (as is any institution that is staffed by human beings).

That isn't to say that every member of those institutions is corrupt, or inept, or a liar, or someone motivated to use their power to hit political opponents but I think there are those elements in those institutions. Conservatives used to have a healthy distrust of government overreach, I think it is natural to question that if people in the Department of Education can have their own politically motivated intentions, why not also people in the DoD, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.?

It has been my observation over the years that when government institutions "lose" things or are less than transparent, that often means they feel that knowledge in the hands of the public would make them look bad for some reason or another. So we do this dance where they conveniently lose a video of something they blamed on the right wing and went from "We can't talk about who and how many we had embedded in that crowd (if anyone at all)" to "of course we had people in the crowd but we can't tell you what they were doing...." And remember this is coming from a group who has shown itself to me more than happy to push people towards crimes, to the point of having more of their informants in a cell pushing for even bigger crimes, all in the name of getting a conviction (See Gretchen Whitmer "assassination plot").

All these conspiracy theories develop when government gives the appearance of hiding things or is flat out caught lying. Both of those elements exist around Trump. So no, it isn't really shocking to me that people don't take all these agencies at face value. There are very high profile instances of them having been caught flat out lying about things to either make Trump look bad or to cover for their favored candidate. Trust is earned. They burned bridges. I don't go as far as some of these other guys with my side eye, but I understand why they feel how they do.
in the January 6th crowd, and the # who went into the capital, but can't tell us until after the election.

MR, have had concerns about law enforcement using RICO and entrapment for sometime. The whole notion of government law enforcement plotting to arrest and try citizens who are part of a group but not necessarily directly involved in a crime concerns me.

A defense involving entrapment is that prior to a crime being committed by a group in which a person was part of, the person was not predisposed.

In regard to the January 6th incident the defense of someone arrested for disorderly conduct and/or unlawful entry would be that a person involved was not predisposed. Furthermore his entering the Capitol was the result of following the leadership of government law enforcement plants. Plants who were part of an entrapment plot.

To make this defense work, it would seem to me the defense would have somehow prove the government plants were part of a entrapment plot by the government. If the government agents were just informants the entrapment defense would be weak in my not a lawyer's opinion.
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Why wouldn't they have informants among that mob? Why shouldn't they? You seem to think that would exonerate the thugs that rioted and destroyed property and injured the police (who Republicans usually support - but you MAGAs have a new "**** THE POLICE" motto). How does that work? What the hell do you think these pipe bombs are supposed to prove? You clowns are an embarrassment to the GOP.
I think those pipe bombs were a Jussie Smollett operation. Thats the only explanation for the FBI’ hamfisted investigation, silence, and coverup.
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It's incredible that you guys think all these other people and institutions are absolute liars,
Well, it’s because they are liars. From Comey’s illegal leak to the NYT, to the SS’s cocaine coverup, if the investigation touches politics, these assholes lie their asses off. Whistle blowers, stonewalling GOP houses investigations, destruction of or “losing” documents, BS and dishonest congressional testimony, using FISA laws against citizens at a school board meeting, falsifying a FISA warrant application, the great laptop coverup, and on and on. And this is just what we know of. Part of FBI, SS, etc. tradecraft is deception and undercover ops. This is fine when criminal gangs are the target. But our government and DOJ have targeted the political opposition. I’m not good with this.
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Well, it’s because they are liars. From Comey’s illegal leak to the NYT, to the SS’s cocaine coverup, if the investigation touches politics, these assholes lie their asses off. Whistle blowers, stonewalling GOP houses investigations, destruction of or “losing” documents, BS and dishonest congressional testimony, using FISA laws against citizens at a school board meeting, falsifying a FISA warrant application, the great laptop coverup, and on and on. And this is just what we know of. Part of FBI, SS, etc. tradecraft is deception and undercover ops. This is fine when criminal gangs are the target. But our government and DOJ have targeted the political opposition. I’m not good with this.
What was Republican Comey’s “illegal leak?”

All the stuff related to the MAGA led House investigation is political BS.

How did a Republican led and Republican dominated FBI go bad in your opinion?
I think that he is a liar and those institutions, filled with humans as they are, also are undoubtedly staffed by people who are politically motivated liars (as is any institution that is staffed by human beings).

That isn't to say that every member of those institutions is corrupt, or inept, or a liar, or someone motivated to use their power to hit political opponents but I think there are those elements in those institutions. Conservatives used to have a healthy distrust of government overreach, I think it is natural to question that if people in the Department of Education can have their own politically motivated intentions, why not also people in the DoD, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.?

It has been my observation over the years that when government institutions "lose" things or are less than transparent, that often means they feel that knowledge in the hands of the public would make them look bad for some reason or another. So we do this dance where they conveniently lose a video of something they blamed on the right wing and went from "We can't talk about who and how many we had embedded in that crowd (if anyone at all)" to "of course we had people in the crowd but we can't tell you what they were doing...." And remember this is coming from a group who has shown itself to me more than happy to push people towards crimes, to the point of having more of their informants in a cell pushing for even bigger crimes, all in the name of getting a conviction (See Gretchen Whitmer "assassination plot").

All these conspiracy theories develop when government gives the appearance of hiding things or is flat out caught lying. Both of those elements exist around Trump. So no, it isn't really shocking to me that people don't take all these agencies at face value. There are very high profile instances of them having been caught flat out lying about things to either make Trump look bad or to cover for their favored candidate. Trust is earned. They burned bridges. I don't go as far as some of these other guys with my side eye, but I understand why they feel how they do.
I think you give the Feds way more credit than they deserve.
Look at the sons of bitches who 'testify' in front of Congress, who will not answer for anything, will lie repeatedly,under oath, 'investigate' everything, but never find anything.
Again, I look forward to the reckoning.
What was Republican Comey’s “illegal leak?”

All the stuff related to the MAGA led House investigation is political BS.

How did a Republican led and Republican dominated FBI go bad in your opinion?
He wrote notes about his meeting with Trump and asked a third party to give it to the NYT. The notes were official FBI records.

Not everything the GOP house does is political BS. But a committed never-Trumper would think that. There are very serious issues involved that the FBI should explain, but don’t. It’s a pretty long list.

How did they go bad ? How is obvious. Why is the better question. To a large extent the FBI was always bad. J. Edgar pulled a lot of crap. So did Bobby Kennedy as AG. The difference is that back in those days the targets were commies and the mob. Nowadays it’s Trump and MAGA. The never Trump media onslaught has been very effective. And it is going on as I write this. It is getting worse.
What was Republican Comey’s “illegal leak?”

All the stuff related to the MAGA led House investigation is political BS.

How did a Republican led and Republican dominated FBI go bad in your opinion?
Well, for starters they had at least one agent working to influence the 2016 election.

We know that for an absolute fact.

They also were found to be investigating things that should not have been investigated, involving the president of the United States.

We also know that for a fact.
I think you give the Feds way more credit than they deserve.
Look at the sons of bitches who 'testify' in front of Congress, who will not answer for anything, will lie repeatedly,under oath, 'investigate' everything, but never find anything.
Again, I look forward to the reckoning.

Mass, how can we have a "reckoning" with the country so divided ?
He wrote notes about his meeting with Trump and asked a third party to give it to the NYT. The notes were official FBI records.

Not everything the GOP house does is political BS. But a committed never-Trumper would think that. There are very serious issues involved that the FBI should explain, but don’t. It’s a pretty long list.

How did they go bad ? How is obvious. Why is the better question. To a large extent the FBI was always bad. J. Edgar pulled a lot of crap. So did Bobby Kennedy as AG. The difference is that back in those days the targets were commies and the mob. Nowadays it’s Trump and MAGA. The never Trump media onslaught has been very effective. And it is going on as I write this. It is getting worse.
Trumpers have a paranoid victim mentality.
Well, for starters they had at least one agent working to influence the 2016 election.

We know that for an absolute fact.

They also were found to be investigating things that should not have been investigated, involving the president of the United States.

We also know that for a fact.
Wow! One agent disliked Trump. That’s a real bombshell. It had zero impact on the Mueller investigation, but a real bombshell . . .

What thing was investigated that shouldn’t have been?
Wow! One agent disliked Trump. That’s a real bombshell. It had zero impact on the Mueller investigation, but a real bombshell . . .

What thing was investigated that shouldn’t have been?
Don’t be coy, Aloha. It’s unbecoming.

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Don’t be coy, Aloha. It’s unbecoming.

Durham! Read his report which boiled down to the investigation wasn’t unwarranted and he had no disagreement with the findings, but he thought they should have had a preliminary investigation first. In other words he disagreed with the Republican FBI Director and the FBI IG. That wasn’t much of a bombshell.
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Trumpers have a paranoid victim mentality.
Are you f*cking kidding.? This is your worst post ever

Maybe you think the government never engages in misconduct, but I know better.

We have a plethora of constitutional protections, laws, opinions and more to make sure the government doesn’t exceed its authority. Saying people who criticize government for exceeding authority are paranoid is silly. We all should hold government accountable every day.

Part of the problem is that the government sees itself and the DOJ as the check and balance against MAGA. That silly. Trump will not be a dictator. He will not destroy democracy. He is not a threat to Democracy. Believing any of that is paranoid. Trump is merely an asshole. I’m
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Are you f*cking kidding.? This is your worst post ever

Maybe you think the government never engages in misconduct, but I know better.

We have a plethora of constitutional protections, laws, opinions and more to make sure the government doesn’t exceed its authority. Saying people who criticize government for exceeding authority are paranoid is silly. We all should hold government accountable every day.

Part of the problem is that the government sees itself and the DOJ as the check and balance against MAGA. That silly. Trump will not be a dictator. He will not destroy democracy. He is not a threat to Democracy. Believing any of that is paranoid. Trump is merely an asshole. I’m
Not kidding. While I agree that the government engages in misconduct and needs to be held accountable when it does, the extent that MAGA culture claims it happens is ludicrous. It all boils down to one and only one thing - the idea that Trump is being unfairly treated. That’s it. It never occurs to MAGAs that maybe Trump is the problem.
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Are you f*cking kidding.? This is your worst post ever

Maybe you think the government never engages in misconduct, but I know better.
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Are you f*cking kidding.? This is your worst post ever

Maybe you think the government never engages in misconduct, but I know better.

We have a plethora of constitutional protections, laws, opinions and more to make sure the government doesn’t exceed its authority. Saying people who criticize government for exceeding authority are paranoid is silly. We all should hold government accountable every day.

Part of the problem is that the government sees itself and the DOJ as the check and balance against MAGA. That silly. Trump will not be a dictator. He will not destroy democracy. He is not a threat to Democracy. Believing any of that is paranoid. Trump is merely an asshole. I’m

One side ardently sees Trump as a dictator out to destroy democracy.

The other side profusely sees the federal government as out to get Trump and his supporters.

Not exactly an armosphere for reaching agreement and consensus between the conflicting political parties required in solving problems such as immigration and deficits .
Durham! Read his report which boiled down to the investigation wasn’t unwarranted and he had no disagreement with the findings, but he though they should have had a preliminary investigation first. In other words he disagreed with the Republican FBI Director and the FBI IG. That wasn’t much of a bombshell.
The swamp is great, finding past loyal surfs who are now past their mental expiration date, creating a report and then signing that surfs to them. We are actually setting without a president due to this new found power that the swamp has declared upon itself. I would like to think that you would be TOTALLY worried about this. But then I've read your trolling and know that you are totally in favor of it.
You prefer systems to control us people, and totally against a government of the people, for the people BY the people!
You are making wonderful attempts to teach systemocrasy. Once your kind totally assimilates us and dumbs us down to not care if AI runs the swamp or not. You will have won and it's apparent that your work is being appreciated.
I fore see you writing in the grand wizard of Oz for president. Maga is Dorthy and we dun pealed back the curtain! Wormy little fvck that was bullied in special needs school! Tug boat Navel academy.
Durham! Read his report which boiled down to the investigation wasn’t unwarranted and he had no disagreement with the findings, but he though they should have had a preliminary investigation first. In other words he disagreed with the Republican FBI Director and the FBI IG. That wasn’t much of a bombshell.
Woah now, Aloha. You’re coming dangerously close dishonesty now. That’s not at all what the Durham report found.

Durham found that, while the FBI was obligated to look into the intel they received, they should NOT have launched a full investigation.

They also found clear evidence of bias among some of those charged with investigating Trump.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the (Justice) Department and FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” Durham wrote.

The report also concludes that “at least on the part of certain personnel intimately involved in the matter” there was “a predisposition to open an investigation into Trump.”

Remember, you’re asking for reasons why anyone should not trust the FBI, or where they went wrong.

I’m giving you actual examples and you’re pooh poohing them.
Not kidding. While I agree that the government engages in misconduct and needs to be held accountable when it does, the extent that MAGA culture claims it happens is ludicrous. It all boils down to one and only one thing - the idea that Trump is being unfairly treated. That’s it. It never occurs to MAGAs that maybe Trump is the problem.
does Trump live in your head? Trump is a big part of the cause of government lies and deception, but it much is more than him. The Wuhan lie, the Zuckerberg confession, the Twitter disclosures, the energy lies, the border lies, playing hide-the -ball with migrants, the Soros prosecutors and more are all awful example of government manipulating the public.
One side ardently sees Trump as a dictator out to destroy democracy.
I think that is phony. People know Trump cannot ever, ever, destroy our democracy. If they think or see that, they are certifiable and belong in a home.
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does Trump live in your head? Trump is a big part of the cause of government lies and deception, but it much is more than him. The Wuhan lie, the Zuckerberg confession, the Twitter disclosures, the energy lies, the border lies, playing hide-the -ball with migrants, the Soros prosecutors and more are all awful example of government manipulating the public.

I think that is phony. People know Trump cannot ever, ever, destroy our democracy. If they think or see that, they are certifiable and belong in a home
How is Trump 'a big part of the cause of government lies and deception'?
Woah now, Aloha. You’re coming dangerously close dishonesty now. That’s not at all what the Durham report found.

Durham found that, while the FBI was obligated to look into the intel they received, they should NOT have launched a full investigation.

They also found clear evidence of bias among some of those charged with investigating Trump.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the (Justice) Department and FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” Durham wrote.

The report also concludes that “at least on the part of certain personnel intimately involved in the matter” there was “a predisposition to open an investigation into Trump.”

Remember, you’re asking for reasons why anyone should not trust the FBI, or where they went wrong.

I’m giving you actual examples and you’re pooh poohing them.
I read the entire report. It boils down to differences of opinion. It's not all that relevant in the grand scheme of things.
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does Trump live in your head? Trump is a big part of the cause of government lies and deception, but it much is more than him. The Wuhan lie, the Zuckerberg confession, the Twitter disclosures, the energy lies, the border lies, playing hide-the -ball with migrants, the Soros prosecutors and more are all awful example of government manipulating the public.

I think that is phony. People know Trump cannot ever, ever, destroy our democracy. If they think or see that, they are certifiable and belong in a home.
Nope. Not at all. I just think that you and many others that support Trump aren't very objective. We can have differing opinions. It doesn't hurt my feelings at all.
How is Trump 'a big part of the cause of government lies and deception'?
Are you a dunce? He lies constantly. He lied about the 2020 election being stolen due to voter fraud. Only morons believe that now. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings; I know you're suffering with dementia. I apologize if I did hurt your feelings. Let me know if you want a popsicle.
How is Trump 'a big part of the cause of government lies and deception'?
He provokes and brings out the absolute worst in the madia, the government, and big tech. If he is so bad, why do they need lies coverups and ridiculous litigation to deal with him? It’s never a fair fight with him.
One side ardently sees Trump as a dictator out to destroy democracy.

The other side profusely sees the federal government as out to get Trump and his supporters.

Not exactly an armosphere for reaching agreement and consensus between the conflicting political parties required in solving problems such as immigration and deficits .
It's more than that.

The corruption in the Leviathan is destroying our Constitutional Republic.

The people are seen as little more than NPCs and props to support the illusion of democratic governance.

Time to throw their tea into the harbor
He provokes and brings out the absolute worst in the madia, the government, and big tech. If he is so bad, why do they need lies coverups and ridiculous litigation to deal with him? It’s never a fair fight with him.
Once again, the constant in this equation is Trump. Seems like we just can’t acknowledge that Trump is unique and a serious problem. The GOP will have a big reckoning to address after we lose this election. What will we do?
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It's more than that.

The corruption in the Leviathan is destroying our Constitutional Republic.

The people are seen as little more than NPCs and props to support the illusion of democratic governance.

Time to throw their tea into the harbor
This is what your Russian handlers told you to post? Do they know you’re suffering from dementia, sir?
Once again, the constant in this equation is Trump. Seems like we just can’t acknowledge that Trump is unique and a serious problem. The GOP will have a big reckoning to address after we lose this election. What will we do?
Agree Trump is a one off and unique. That is why I’m not as concerned as you about him. He has no lasting impact, you have often said the opposite.

But he isn’t the constant. He’s just a guy. The constant is the system that has sunk into a cesspool of lies, corruption, deception, and coverups to defeat him. Who’s next.
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Agree Trump is a one off and unique. That is why I’m not as concerned as you about him. He has no lasting impact, you have often said the opposite.

But he isn’t the constant. He’s just a guy. The constant is the system that has sunk into a cesspool of lies, corruption, deception, and coverups to defeat him. Who’s next.
He is the constant in the equation. Once he’s not in the equation we’ll have something positive on our side.
I read the entire report. It boils down to differences of opinion. It's not all that relevant in the grand scheme of things.

Nope. Not at all. I just think that you and many others that support Trump aren't very objective. We can have differing opinions. It doesn't hurt my feelings at all.
That these two posts are back to back is ironic to say the least.
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He is the constant in the equation. Once he’s not in the equation we’ll have something positive on our side.
I think you are naive. The GOP will never again be a positive in the eyes of the system. It doesn’t matter what people like you think. Trump was a warm up act where they developed their means and methods. The force is with the Empire.
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I think you are naive. The GOP will never again be a positive in the eyes of the system. It doesn’t matter what people like you think. Trump was a warm up act where they developed their means and methods. The force is with the Empire.
Well, I don’t know what you mean by “the system.” Trump is not our champion. He can’t be because he’s too polarizing. The sooner we rid ourselves of him the better.
He provokes and brings out the absolute worst in the madia, the government, and big tech. If he is so bad, why do they need lies coverups and ridiculous litigation to deal with him? It’s never a fair fight with him.
It's as if these two sentences don't belong on the same page
Woah now, Aloha. You’re coming dangerously close dishonesty now. That’s not at all what the Durham report found.

Durham found that, while the FBI was obligated to look into the intel they received, they should NOT have launched a full investigation.

They also found clear evidence of bias among some of those charged with investigating Trump.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the (Justice) Department and FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” Durham wrote.

The report also concludes that “at least on the part of certain personnel intimately involved in the matter” there was “a predisposition to open an investigation into Trump.”

Remember, you’re asking for reasons why anyone should not trust the FBI, or where they went wrong.

I’m giving you actual examples and you’re pooh poohing them.
Have you ever aspired to coach a dream team?
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Well, I don’t know what you mean by “the system.” Trump is not our champion. He can’t be because he’s too polarizing. The sooner we rid ourselves of him the better.
I started a thread about it.

Aloha. You’re coming dangerously close dishonesty now
Ray Epps had a handler with history attached to Hawaii. I'm not sayin, but just sayin. Dishonesty?? muahahahaha... Trolls with training in Syopps... Even a redneck can identify that level of bullshit ! "I'm a republican!!!"

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