Democrats edging out Republicans

If that is the best a very liberal poller can do for the dem it is going to be a slaughter in all the down ballot races in NY. I think she will still probably win but not by alot. Only the liberal elites in NYC will save her. At this point I would not be shocked if the repubs got between 240-250 in the house and 53 in the senate.
I hope so, because I'm going to go all "stoll" on this board and start bitching 24/7 on 11/09/22 if things don't change immediately. Inflation? GOP fault. Recession? GOP fault. Supply-chain issues? GOP fault. Employee shortages? GOP fault. Gas prices not plummeting to $2.00 by that weekend? GOP fault. Righty politician fails to cross a "t" or dot an "i"? What an incompetent, senile fool. Same if one trips on a crack in the sidewalk or even walks too slowly for my liking.
I fully expect that this great nation, which has been described endlessly for 2 years as a dumpster fire/train wreck by the conservatives on this board, to be set right within a week. No excuses.

It's on like Donkey Kong.
I hope so, because I'm going to go all "stoll" on this board and start bitching 24/7 on 11/09/22 if things don't change immediately. Inflation? GOP fault. Recession? GOP fault. Supply-chain issues? GOP fault. Employee shortages? GOP fault. Gas prices not plummeting to $2.00 by that weekend? GOP fault. Righty politician fails to cross a "t" or dot an "i"? What an incompetent, senile fool. Same if one trips on a crack in the sidewalk or even walks too slowly for my liking.
I fully expect that this great nation, which has been described endlessly for 2 years as a dumpster fire/train wreck by the conservatives on this board, to be set right within a week. No excuses.

It's on like Donkey Kong.
The Dems have controlled literally everything for 2 years. Republicans won't have the power to change anything once they take over in January. The goal will be to slow the Biden/Harris reign of terror and hold the deep state accountable and expose the corruption.
The Dems have controlled literally everything for 2 years. Republicans won't have the power to change anything once they take over in January. The goal will be to slow the Biden/Harris reign of terror and hold the deep state accountable and expose the corruption.
Looks like you have your excuses rehearsed and ready to go.
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Please help me understand why Dems are losing 🤣

Oh, I forgot crime. After the Red Wave you keep talking about, I expect all crime to cease immediately. I plan on linking articles to every crime that happens in the country after the election. Every. Single. One. There will be no acceptable reason for GOP not bringing crime to a crashing halt.
I look forward to your utopia.
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Oh, I forgot crime. After the Red Wave you keep talking about, I expect all crime to cease immediately. I plan on linking articles to every crime that happens in the country after the election. Every. Single. One. There will be no acceptable reason for GOP not bringing crime to a crashing halt.
I look forward to your utopia.
We'll see if Republicans control the Mayors and Governors in the states with the high crime.

As voters shift their attention to the economy and crime, polls begin to hint at a major GOP advantage.​

By Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein

Doug Schoen even though he is a liberal is usually right on. He does not lie to dems to give them false hope.

As voters shift their attention to the economy and crime, polls begin to hint at a major GOP advantage.​

By Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein

Doug Schoen even though he is a liberal is usually right on. He does not lie to dems to give them false hope.
An oldie but a goody a less than a month before the election. LOL they only missed by 17 points.

  • Updated: Oct. 12, 2016, 11:00 a.m.|
  • Published: Oct. 12, 2016, 10:00 a.m.

Clinton and Trump

Hillary Clinton has opened up a big lead over Donald Trump in Ohio, according to the most thorough statewide poll to date, conducted by the Baldwin Wallace University Community Research Institute.

(Left: Andrew Harnik, AP Photo; Right: Evan Vucci, AP Photo)

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Democrat Hillary Clinton has a 9-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in Ohio following the news of Trump's vulgar talk about women and after the second debate between the candidates, according to a statewide poll released today by Baldwin Wallace University in Berea.

Clinton leads Trump, 48 percent to 38 percent, with 14 percent unsure, in a direct match-up, the poll found. When the two minority party candidates are added to the mix - as they are
The Dems have controlled literally everything for 2 years. Republicans won't have the power to change anything once they take over in January. The goal will be to slow the Biden/Harris reign of terror and hold the deep state accountable and expose the corruption.
So the GOP MAGA had a bigger majority and controlled everything for the first two years when Trump was in office. After the 2016 election the GOP held a 47 seat advantage (241-194) in the House, and had 52 Senatorial seats to the Dems 46 (48 with the 2 Indies)...

So why in two short years and after all that wonderful MAGA legislation did the Dems flip the House completely in 2018, winning an additional 41 seats including several in states Trump won in 2016? Trump controlled everything for two years, and by 2018 people were tired of Trump and MAGA. Not you of course, but the Dems won the House by over 9 Million votes. So where were all those MAGA voters who were thrilled by what happened in the 2 yrs from 2016-2018, and why didn't they turn out to vote?

Why do you think it will be any different assuming Pubs win the House in 3 weeks? What is this new crew of election deniers and Q crazies going to do differently than the (by comparison) sane crew of Trump sycophants that won in 2016? And speaking of crazies, I'm still waiting on one of you Big Lie proponents explain to me how all of this "cheating" occurred against Trump, but plenty of down ballot Pubs on the same ballots were not affected?

I'm especially curious to hear your theory on how not only did Biden manage to get more votes than Trump in some of these races, but at the same time many of those down ballot GOP candidates were elected while getting more votes than Trump also. How come all those "mule stacked" votes for Biden had all of those votes for down ballot GOP candidates marked on them as well?
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I hope so, because I'm going to go all "stoll" on this board and start bitching 24/7 on 11/09/22 if things don't change immediately. Inflation? GOP fault. Recession? GOP fault. Supply-chain issues? GOP fault. Employee shortages? GOP fault. Gas prices not plummeting to $2.00 by that weekend? GOP fault. Righty politician fails to cross a "t" or dot an "i"? What an incompetent, senile fool. Same if one trips on a crack in the sidewalk or even walks too slowly for my liking.
I fully expect that this great nation, which has been described endlessly for 2 years as a dumpster fire/train wreck by the conservatives on this board, to be set right within a week. No excuses.

It's on like Donkey Kong.
Republicans can’t do anything except slow Biden down. Maybe not even that if Biden circumvents the congress and senate.
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Republicans can’t do anything except slow Biden down. Maybe not even that if Biden circumvents the congress and senate.
Pre-emptive excuses will not be allowed. When the Red Tsunami hits, I will demand that everything be fixed immediately. Don't give me that "it'll take years to right the ship" bullshit. You guys whined non-stop for two years. Put up or shut up.
Pre-emptive excuses will not be allowed. When the Red Tsunami hits, I will demand that everything be fixed immediately. Don't give me that "it'll take years to right the ship" bullshit. You guys whined non-stop for two years. Put up or shut up.
Stopping Biden from passing anything he and his progressive followers want for two years is a win.
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Stopping Biden from passing anything he and his progressive followers want for two years is a win.
Not enough.
Sounds like you already trotting in your built-in excuses. Heck, you guys couldn't get shit done for the two years you had the WH, and both Houses. But, you and yours have cried for the last two years about how terrible this country is, so I can only assume that the Red Tsunami will cure all the ills. Anything less will be treated like an abject failure.
I hope so, because I'm going to go all "stoll" on this board and start bitching 24/7 on 11/09/22 if things don't change immediately. Inflation? GOP fault. Recession? GOP fault. Supply-chain issues? GOP fault. Employee shortages? GOP fault. Gas prices not plummeting to $2.00 by that weekend? GOP fault. Righty politician fails to cross a "t" or dot an "i"? What an incompetent, senile fool. Same if one trips on a crack in the sidewalk or even walks too slowly for my liking.
I fully expect that this great nation, which has been described endlessly for 2 years as a dumpster fire/train wreck by the conservatives on this board, to be set right within a week. No excuses.

It's on like Donkey Kong.
It’s already been on with what you did with Trump. Your side has shown in two years that they are incompetent! So go lick your ice cream cone..
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𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐋: Kari Lake holds 𝟯 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧 lead Katie Hobbs in Arizona Governor Race (R) Kari Lake 49% (+3) (D) Katie Hobbs 46% 57% of Undecideds disapprove of Joe Biden ⦿ Trafalgar Group /
⦿ 1,078 LV | R40/D36/I24 | 10/10-16
Landslide coming. Going all in on abortion was a big mistake for dems maybe they should of cared about inflation and crime. But what do I know.




RCP: 2022 Generic Congressional Ballot Average Polling Trends

Sept 13 Democrats 45.3% (D+1.3) Republicans 44%

TODAY Republicans 47.8% (𝐑+𝟐.𝟖) Democrats 45%

𝟰.𝟭 𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗢𝗣
It's amazing how you guys will look at two polls from the same polling outfit, conducted at the same time, with the same voter base and decide that one is accurate and one isn't. DeWine's numbers are much higher than Vance because he's a moderate who is not a Trump lackey, and similar to Holcomb in IN he appeals to Independents and some Dems. It's the reason "Blue" states like MD, Vermont, New Hampshire and Mass all currently have GOP Governors, although Hogan is about to be replaced by a Dem.

The most recent Senate race in Ohio went to the Dems (2018) so the idea that Portman's seat is predetermined to go to a horrible candidate like Vance is ludicrous. Ryan is exactly the kind of Dem who can win in Ohio- he's popular, has excellent name recognition and is a very sharp campaigner. He's a more centrist Sherrod Brown and his political base is in the heart of blue collar Trump country in Youngstown. And with Ohio's extremely restrictive abortion law which was imposed by the Legislature, not voted on by the citizenry there is an undercurrent of anger over the Dobbs decision that probably isn't showing up in polls because it's people who registered post-Dobbs...

It's amazing how you guys will look at two polls from the same polling outfit, conducted at the same time, with the same voter base and decide that one is accurate and one isn't. DeWine's numbers are much higher than Vance because he's a moderate who is not a Trump lackey, and similar to Holcomb in IN he appeals to Independents and some Dems. It's the reason "Blue" states like MD, Vermont, New Hampshire and Mass all currently have GOP Governors, although Hogan is about to be replaced by a Dem.

The most recent Senate race in Ohio went to the Dems (2018) so the idea that Portman's seat is predetermined to go to a horrible candidate like Vance is ludicrous. Ryan is exactly the kind of Dem who can win in Ohio- he's popular, has excellent name recognition and is a very sharp campaigner. He's a more centrist Sherrod Brown and his political base is in the heart of blue collar Trump country in Youngstown. And with Ohio's extremely restrictive abortion law which was imposed by the Legislature, not voted on by the citizenry there is an undercurrent of anger over the Dobbs decision that probably isn't showing up in polls because it's people who registered post-Dobbs...

Did you see Vance put Ryan in a clown suit when he started in on the Great Replacement Theory nonsense?
Did you see Vance put Ryan in a clown suit when he started in on the Great Replacement Theory nonsense?
Is that some reference to some sort of iphone filter that allows you to put people into different outfits? Because you can't really clown somebody for exposing the truth, and Ryan exposed Vance's extremist views as far back as June. There's even a blurb included of local news pointing out Vance and Portman's disagreement over the Great Replacement, which of course Vance went on Tucker's show and cozied up to him over it.

Are we supposed to believe that having an Indian heritage wife and bi-racial kids means Vance can't be a proponents of Q Tip lunacy? Kash Patel is Indian American himself, and he's as Q steeped as any of the other loons connected to Trump. And Stephen Miller was disowned by his whole Jewish family for his blatant xenophobia bordering on racism...

JD Vance lies, a lot. Are you going to tell us he never characterized Trump as Hitler, and never praised Alex Jones either? Proof of everything Ryan hit him with that JD whined wasn't true was up in the media within half hour of the debate. Some of it has been common knowledge for a while, so Vance must think people are stupid...

By the way, you know who is another primary proponent of "Great Replacement" Good Old sleazebag Alex Jones, who JD characterized as merely "unconventional"... :rolleyes:

And we all watched Trump cut off JD's balls and then Vance slithered up on stage to kiss Trump's ass.

So which of the charges are you saying isn't true?
Is that some reference to some sort of iphone filter that allows you to put people into different outfits? Because you can't really clown somebody for exposing the truth, and Ryan exposed Vance's extremist views as far back as June. There's even a blurb included of local news pointing out Vance and Portman's disagreement over the Great Replacement, which of course Vance went on Tucker's show and cozied up to him over it.

Are we supposed to believe that having an Indian heritage wife and bi-racial kids means Vance can't be a proponents of Q Tip lunacy? Kash Patel is Indian American himself, and he's as Q steeped as any of the other loons connected to Trump. And Stephen Miller was disowned by his whole Jewish family for his blatant xenophobia bordering on racism...

JD Vance lies, a lot. Are you going to tell us he never characterized Trump as Hitler, and never praised Alex Jones either? Proof of everything Ryan hit him with that JD whined wasn't true was up in the media within half hour of the debate. Some of it has been common knowledge for a while, so Vance must think people are stupid...

By the way, you know who is another primary proponent of "Great Replacement" Good Old sleazebag Alex Jones, who JD characterized as merely "unconventional"... :rolleyes:

And we all watched Trump cut off JD's balls and then Vance slithered up on stage to kiss Trump's ass.

So which of the charges are you saying isn't true?
No I was talking about when Ryan tried playing the race card and Vance made him look like a fool for it.
This is no surprise OZ has been on a path to take the lead for awhile now. I expect in the next week other polls will start showing him in lead. Oh remember the Juyly OZ down 10 polls!!! I sue do cause I said they were nonsense push polls but some believed them as they always do!

The below quote was made by a poster many may know this summer. Lets see how this ages it is looking like it will age very badly for him. I am guessing he may disappear after 11/08. His Kelly plus 8 is totally gone!


ARIZONA POLL By Trafalgar GOVERNOR (R) Kari Lake 49% (+3) (D) Katie Hobbs 46% SENATE
(D) Mark Kelly 47% (+1) (R) Blake Masters 46%
1,078 LV | 10/10-16 | R40/D36/I24

The GOP hasn't helped itself by nominating guys like Walker, Masters and Oz. Walker is arguably among the worst major party senatorial candidates ever, Masters (trailing Mark Kelly by 8 points in yesterday's Fox New poll) is a conspiracy theorist and election denier, and Oz is a carpetbagger with Turkish citizenship and many homes around the globe. Even Mitch McConnell has gone on the record (link below) questioning "candidate quality."

What's the common thread? All of these candidates have been enthusiastically promoted and endorsed by the former POTUS.

As someone pointed out in another thread, Trump may - - once again - - cost the GOP the Senat
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Shooter is not going to like this in the least. Not only is his boy Crist losing it is going to be a wipeout by double digits most likely.



FLORIDA POLL By FAU GOVERNOR (R) Ron DeSantis 51% (+11) (D) Charlie Crist 40% SENATE (R)
Marco Rubio 48% (+6) (D) Val Demings 42%
PRESIDENT (R) Ron DeSantis 48% (+6) (D) Joe Biden 42% (R)
Donald Trump 45% (+4)
(D) Joe Biden 41% 719 LV | 10/12-16
Here we go repubs could get 54 senate seats at this rate.



(R) NH SENATE (D) Maggie Hassan 49% (+2) (R) Don Bolduc 47% NH GOVERNOR (R) Chris Sununu 57% (+17) (D) Tom Sherman 40% NH Generic Ballot Democrats 48% (+1) Republicans 47%
I wonder how much of an impact the CDC mandating jabs for kids will have on the Governors races in MI, PA, NY, etc. Could be just enough to move some of those white suburban Karens into the R camp.

Don't f*** with other people's kids as Dems obviously didn't learn from VA last year.
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I wonder how much of an impact the CDC mandating jabs for kids will have on the Governors races in MI, PA, NY, etc. Could be just enough to move some of those white suburban Karens into the R camp.

Don't f*** with other people's kids as Dems obviously didn't learn from VA last year.


JUST IN: Tudor Dixon is Projected to Win Over Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan Governor Race: Real Clear Politics…
I wonder how much of an impact the CDC mandating jabs for kids will have on the Governors races in MI, PA, NY, etc. Could be just enough to move some of those white suburban Karens into the R camp.

Don't f*** with other people's kids as Dems obviously didn't learn from VA last year.
Yep one way to get a suburban karen to vote republican is to mess with their kids. That is what happened in Virginia.
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Yep one way to get a suburban karen to vote republican is to mess with their kids. That is what happened in Virginia.
I'm listening to Baris right now. He thinks a decent chance Pubs will tie with women which equals a complete and total wipeout of the Democratic Party.
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I'm listening to Baris right now. He thinks a decent chance Pubs will tie with women which equals a complete and total wipeout of the Democratic Party.
Not surprised in the least Trafalgar now has Minnesota tied and Dixon is closing fast in Michigan. Most all undecideds are breaking for the republicans. Nevadsa should most certainly be a pickup and Oz will likely also win so that is 51 seats even without Arizona or Georgia.

NEVADA POLL By Rasmussen SENATE (R) Adam Laxalt 48% (+5) (D) Catherine Cortez Masto 43%
GOVERNOR (R) Joe Lombardo 47% (+5) (D) Steve Sisolak 42%
GEN BALLOT Republicans 49% (+9) Democrats 40%
707 LV | 10/13-17 | MoE ±4%
I'm listening to Baris right now. He thinks a decent chance Pubs will tie with women which equals a complete and total wipeout of the Democratic Party.
The abortion play was big fail by dems the decision was too long ago. It happened in June so for it to still be fresh on peoples minds in needed to have happened in the last month. People had alot of time now to step back and looke at the real issues we are facing like crime and inflation. And alot also realized despite the dem talking points abortion is not banned they can always find a state to get one if they so desire.