Democrats edging out Republicans

Forget the Senate.... look at the clown show Trumpkin candidates that have taken over the GOP at the state level in a place like Arizona. They are going to get wiped out.
We better hope that’s the case. I’m not so sure.
Oh no.

| 08/14-18 2022 Generic Congressional Ballot Republicans 46% (+5) Democrats 41% Independents Republicans 41% (+11) Democrats 30% GOP lead up 2 points from last week N=2,500 LV | Sample:D35/R33/I32
Oh no.

| 08/14-18 2022 Generic Congressional Ballot Republicans 46% (+5) Democrats 41% Independents Republicans 41% (+11) Democrats 30% GOP lead up 2 points from last week N=2,500 LV | Sample:D35/R33/I32
Any idiot who thinks Trump is the problem needs to listen to Baris today. He saved the Senate in 2018. The Republican party would be dead without Trump. He's the sole reason Hispanics are flocking to the Republicans. The RINOs are holding back Republicans.

I think the change in the last 4-6 weeks or so represents the maximum amount you're going to see abortion affect the results. A couple of points here and there. Might make a difference in a small handful of really close races.
The republicans f’d up.
You should tell me that the raid backfired bigly and the American people are done with this deep state bs.
I'd tell you that citing a LV vs a RV model 2 yrs out for unannounced candidates is a fool's errand. And anyone relying on it is a fool...
Emerson is one of the few legit pollsters. You gov is beyond awful and always way off to make the dems look much stronger than they are.
When sites like 538 and RCP rate polls, they do it based on how well they perform consistently, based on the amount of sample size they have to examine. Most polls that are "media" like for example WAPO and NYT HIRE actual polling companies to conduct the poll, and usually the polling companies are made up of Dem, GOP and Independent consultants. So while you might consider the WAPO and NYT as "biased media" they merely hire the pollsters and pay them. They don't conduct the polls themselves...

Same with Fox. And believe it or not the one thing all these polling companies have in common is their desire to be ACCURATE and the reputation they seek to establish for that accuracy. In that context trying to "cook the books" would not be a viable strategy, since the competition among polling firms is to be the most accurate.
Any idiot who thinks Trump is the problem needs to listen to Baris today. He saved the Senate in 2018. The Republican party would be dead without Trump. He's the sole reason Hispanics are flocking to the Republicans. The RINOs are holding back Republicans.

How did Trump "save" the Senate in 2018? The battlefield (which seats were up) saved the Senate for the GOP in 2018, since the Dems had 26 seats up vs the 9 the GOP had and the Dems had to try and defend Seats in Red states (like IN and MO) that Trump won in 2016. However in purple states like PA,MI,WI and even Ohio the Dems won resounding victories, just 2 yrs after Trump won those states in 2016.

This is pretty much the same issue confronting the GOP in 2022, most of the seriously contested seats are in states Biden won AZ,PA,OH, WI,GA and the Pubs have pretty poor candidates running. Only GA and AZ are currently held by Dems, so the Pubs find themselves with lousy candidates in races like PA,OH and WI which are states they currently hold and can't afford to lose.
Let's face it... Trump is the best weapon the Democrats have and they know it. Too bad some the Trump cult crowd doesn't realize it.
Wait till Trump picks his running mate.

You think Trump's having trouble getting lawyers to represent him? Wait until he tries to find a running mate? Oh, wait -- here's one:

Wait till Trump picks his running mate.

You think Trump's having trouble getting lawyers to represent him? Wait until he tries to find a running mate? Oh, wait -- here's one:

Nah. Lake, Boebert, and MTG are the main contenders.
Any idiot who thinks Trump is the problem needs to listen to Baris today. He saved the Senate in 2018. The Republican party would be dead without Trump. He's the sole reason Hispanics are flocking to the Republicans. The RINOs are holding back Republicans.

Since Trump came into play..... the GOP electoral prospects have gone down the shitter. Including throwing away the Senate majority in 2020... and now likely 2022. There is no greater festering cancer in the Republican party larger than the Trump tumor.

Baris is a moron. You posted his bullshit for months going into the last election, and were proven wrong. Yet you double down on losers
Since Trump came into play..... the GOP electoral prospects have gone down the shitter. Including throwing away the Senate majority in 2020... and now likely 2022. There is no greater festering cancer in the Republican party larger than the Trump tumor.

Baris is a moron. You posted his bullshit for months going into the last election, and were proven wrong. Yet you double down on losers
Trump didn’t destroy the party. His worshipping minions have destroyed it
Trump didn’t destroy the party. His worshipping minions have destroyed it
Interesting piece on why McCarthy may end up missing a solid conservative like Cheney, amidst the turmoil of the MTG, Boebert, Jordan crew along with firebrands like Hageman and Palin if he has a small majority to try and work with after the midterms...From long time GOP advisor Susan Del Percio, another conservative anti-Trumper.

Republican turnout has been through the roof. No summer dem push polls will change what's coming. Every cycle they dothese nonsense polls like mark kelly up 17 over mcsally. Lol it's all bs
Kelly has a huge fundraising advantage over Masters already AND Mitch just pulled proposed funding from an AZ ad buy to spend it in a different state.I know you're not the most savvy analyst of political reality, but even you should be able to figure out the implications of pulling funds from a race where the underdog is not only hopelessly behind in both public and (more importantly) internal polls AND is already pathetically behind when it comes to fundraising.

They pulled the funding in AK because Murkowski is skating and doesn't need the help. Masters on the other hand needs more help than they can provide. But you keep on believing that the polls are wrong, and he has a shot...

And the wonder why the midterms are tightening. The GOP better wake the f*** up or it will be the GA runoffs all over again.

And the wonder why the midterms are tightening. The GOP better wake the f*** up or it will be the GA runoffs all over again.

Yep, we can thank Trump for that. He cost us the GA Senate races and he's doing his best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this November. He's a loser and he's dragging the GOP down with him.
And the wonder why the midterms are tightening. The GOP better wake the f*** up or it will be the GA runoffs all over again.

I can see where they "attacked" Trump, although they gave him over a yearto return what he stole... But how is the FBI/DOJ pursuing Trump "attacking Republicans"? Are you guys under the sad delusion that Trump considers you a member of his family. Or gives a damn about what happens to you? :D:D:D:D:D:D
Yep, we can thank Trump for that. He cost us the GA Senate races and he's doing his best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this November. He's a loser and he's dragging the GOP down with him.
He's becoming our secret weapon for the election in November. I will be surprised if we hold the House but not shocked. I'm close to expecting we hold on to the Senate and I didn't expect that in the spring. Trump is helping us BIGLY. But it would be better for the country if he disappeared from politics.
He's becoming our secret weapon for the election in November. I will be surprised if we hold the House but not shocked. I'm close to expecting we hold on to the Senate and I didn't expect that in the spring. Trump is helping us BIGLY. But it would be better for the country if he disappeared from politics.
Bing sighting!!! We need more of these!
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He's becoming our secret weapon for the election in November. I will be surprised if we hold the House but not shocked. I'm close to expecting we hold on to the Senate and I didn't expect that in the spring. Trump is helping us BIGLY. But it would be better for the country if he disappeared from politics.
Who is Chase Oliver?

He could be a decisive factor in getting Warnock to 50%, or in moving Libertarian voters to Walker in a runoff.
Republicans are running out of money for their races. Putting Rick Scott in charge probably wasn't the best move to be in charge of the finances.

Also, love his answer on the race of Ron Johnson.

Republicans are running out of money for their races. Putting Rick Scott in charge probably wasn't the best move to be in charge of the finances.

Also, love his answer on the race of Ron Johnson.

He raised a ton and spent it all internally on IT and polling and database building and whatnot. Not much left for the actual campaigns. Johnson said it was an investment that would pay off in the long run. In the meantime, they're losing the Senate.