
Maybe charity is a stripper. Did you ever think of that?
touche GIF
I get it. I get irritated with guys like Cuban whining about not paying enough taxes when they could be doing a hell of a lot more on their own.

Think what would happen if the 100 richest Americans formed a 501(c)(3) to help only the homeless and poor. Each contribute 5-10% of their annual income to the charity. They could do much more than giving Kamala another 5-10% of their income.
I do think he's talking in the general sense and not about him specifically. You're right that Cuban could just pay more in taxes if he wanted, but I think he's suggesting that everyone in his tax bracket should pay more to live in the U.S. Freedom isn't free.
How do they cheat? Why haven’t they been charged if they cheated?
I do think he's talking in the general sense and not about him specifically. You're right that Cuban could just pay more in taxes if he wanted, but I think he's suggesting that everyone in his tax bracket should pay more to live in the U.S. Freedom isn't free.

My analogy again is a coach saying there shouldn’t be a 3 point line and then people screaming that he should have his team’s 3 pointers count 2 points. That wasn’t really his point.
I do think he's talking in the general sense and not about him specifically. You're right that Cuban could just pay more in taxes if he wanted, but I think he's suggesting that everyone in his tax bracket should pay more to live in the U.S. Freedom isn't free.
I understand what he’s saying. What I am saying is he’s a hypocrite. He could donate more and he could quit using the Trump tax cuts.
Why don’t you ask him on X if he forgoes using the Trump Tax Cuts. I’ll bet you everything I have he uses every one of them he’s eligible for.

If I was a billionaire I would use every legal cut and then give to the causes I cared about most. That wouldn’t be invonsistent with me saying myself and ALL billionaires should pay more taxes.
If I was a billionaire I would use every legal cut and then give to the causes I cared about most. That wouldn’t be invonsistent with me saying myself and ALL billionaires should pay more taxes.
And that’s what Cuban should be doing and more. He’s a hypocrite. I guarantee tee his tax people go into the gray area to get every tax break available.
And that’s what Cuban should be doing and more. He’s a hypocrite. I guarantee tee his tax people go into the gray area to get every tax break available.

As long as he’s giving I back that’s ok. He’s saying most don’t give back so a better solution is to take it in taxes from all.
Actually, yours is stupider. The point isn't they want to pay more. The point is they think all rich people should pay more as a matter of policy. Voluntarily paying more doesn't cut it.

That's the dumbest argument you can make. This is virtue signaling at its finest.

People like Cuban, Buffett spend millions of dollars per year to pay the lowest amount of tax possible. Why don't they just pay their stated rate? Why don't they donate some of their net worth to the US Treasury?

People are in agreement that rich people should pay more, but rich people refuse to do so.
I think hes more talking about the Trumps and Kochs of the world that cheat on taxes and don’t give anything back. You can’t make them give to charities but you can make them pay taxes.

Why do you complain about Trump lying and then spew these fabrications? Any search done will show that they have both gifted millions to charitable causes - some of which even you wouldn't get bent out of shape about.
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That's the dumbest argument you can make. This is virtue signaling at its finest.

People like Cuban, Buffett spend millions of dollars per year to pay the lowest amount of tax possible. Why don't they just pay their stated rate? Why don't they donate some of their net worth to the US Treasury?

People are in agreement that rich people should pay more, but rich people refuse to do so.

Agree. But it makes zero sense to go that. Judt pay it your way. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be all in on 200,000 super rich people, including themselves, being required to pay it into the treasury.

As a side note, a lot of the super wealthy don’t try to limit their taxes the way others do but this really isn’t relevant.
WTF is going on here?

The linked article/interview didn't have anything to do with raising taxes. He basically just said he's fine with paying the taxes that he owes.
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The wealthy already pay a majority of the taxes. The Federal government needs to be cut by 50%. The end.
if there's anything democrats (politicians) believe in it's that for every problem there needs to be a new federal "program" to solve it

the extra bureaucracy solves nothing and often things get worse

and the added bloat never goes away
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if there's anything democrats (politicians) believe in it's that for every problem there needs to be a new federal "program" to solve it

the extra bureaucracy solves nothing and often things get worse

and the added bloat never goes away

Tax codes are new programs?
I don’t know any billionaires but I know a few multi-multi millionaires and this is how they feel. They don’t believe they are required to pay enough taxes. Meanwhile the ultra-rich republicans around here are always ending up
In some gray-area-threatened-with-federal-indictment scam.

Just a reminder about all the good to American consumers and workers which result from the investments of billionaires such as Cuban.

This morning as with every morning did the morning dishes with the help of products from Shrub Daddy.

Not only does Shrub Daddy provide me with products which make dish washing easier there are over 270 employees making a good living and paying taxes thanks to a Shark Tank investor who made it all happen with a $200,000 investment.

So while we complain about billionaires not paying enough in taxes we should remind ourselves the good which comes from their investing and how lucky we are living in a country with a capitalist economy.
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This morning as with every morning did the morning dishes with the help of products from Shrub Daddy.

Not only does Shrub Daddy provide me with products which make dish washing easier there are over 270 employees making a good living and paying taxes thanks to a Shark Tank investor who made it all happen with a $200,000 investment.

So while we complain about billionaires not paying enough in taxes we should remind ourselves the good which comes from their investing and how lucky we are living in a country with a capitalist economy.
Just a reminder about all the good to American consumers and workers which result from the investments of billionaires such as Cuban.

This morning as with every morning did the morning dishes with the help of products from Shrub Daddy.

Not only does Shrub Daddy provide me with products which make dish washing easier there are over 270 employees making a good living and paying taxes thanks to a Shark Tank investor who made it all happen with a $200,000 investment.

So while we complain about billionaires not paying enough in taxes we should remind ourselves the good which comes from their investing and how lucky we are living in a country with a capitalist economy.
For sure. How many does Bezos’ employ. Pride of plantation high.
I am all good with him making money. His bullshit wanting to pay more tax is just that, Bullshit.
Tho it sounds like Cuban does pay what he’s required without complaint. He’s not working the system. If he wanted to pay more. If he doesn’t think that’s enough nothing is preventing him