Are you a climate alarmist?

You are so stuck in 1950's....And its sad. You'll never change. You will live a lfe of hate, and racism----and that too, is sad. I honestly tink if you could let go of what this world was like 200 years ago----or even 50-60 years ago, you'd find that you could actually smile, and enjoy life.

I've never 'met' someone as racist, as you----Not ever. Not have I met someone so filled of hate, as you are.

Look, what this country was 100+ years ago----Or in the 50's, 60's, etc.....has not a thing to do with me. Nor anyone my age----Or even a tad older; I am 52. I have not a racist bone in my body. But to you, and because I am white, all my bones carrying racism.

You judge me and others, becasue we are white, so............

So really my friend, who here is truly the racist?
You do know how to read? . .This did not happen in the 50s or 60s. White folk like you would have me too believe there is no racism. You are the one racist, you and all of your fellow trumpers.