Could you date someone with opposing political views?

Vance was born and raised in Middletown Ohio. I have lived in Middletown OH (Liberty Township, specifically). Far from a poor backwater, far from Appalachia, just your typical semi-rural suburb with Cincy to the south and Dayton to the North.

Sure, his grandparents liked in rural KY. He visited them some summers. Still, the whole persona of a dirt poor hillbilly boy is made-up crap, which fits him, being #2 to the king of made-up crap.
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Not going back to find jet’s silly post. I imagine those of us who detest Trump will be just fine. We at least, know that we have some values and morals and know better than to EVER vote for a person as repulsive as Trump. We won’t be having to explain to future generations how a man like that was allowed to lead our country, even though we were repeatedly warned by those closest to him that he is unfit for office. We won’t be embarrassed when asked how so many people got conned by the biggest conman in the world. We won’t have to answer as to why we would want to be in a cult like that. We will have clean consciences.
Hopefully future generations don’t ask you what a woman is….love watching your meltdown in real time on here though.😍
  • Haha
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He's not Trump.
Ok.....Time will tell with Biden. And when that time comes, there will be a lot of faces, covered with egg. I truly do not understand how people think this guy is so squeaky clean. Hes absolutely not. Theres so much smoke---but its been covered because the media, dems and people that hate Trump so much, simply brush it off.There will be a day when his closet is emptied....and it wont be very pretty.

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking. Hes not "presidential" enough. He doesn't kiss ass. He says what he thinks. And that simply runs many people wrong. And I get that. But at the end of the day----past all the BS, the dumb shit hes said, done, etc...Were you really that unhappy with is 4 years----Or was it simply that you don't like the guy, and therefore, there lies your judgement on him as POTUS.

Explain to me what he done as POTUS, policy wise, that has been as crippling than that of Biden? Why some 4 years later is everything through the roof, so to speak. Why is gas so high? Inflation? Housing? Grcceries? Why is there unsettlement everyehere? SO much tension. None of this existed under Trump. ANd if so, very little. THis country wasn't viewed as weak, unsecured, labored leadership, while he was in office. The border was secure....Its certainly not that now.

What has Biden done that has been so much better? He talks of unity---yet this country is more divided now, than it was when Trump was elected. He talks of unity----yet calls Trump a dictator, a threat to democracy...Has compared him to Hitler. A threat to national security...And even said it was time to place a bullseye on him. How does this portray wanting unity? Yet its all overlooked. People wanna blame Turmps actions, words, behavior for the Jan 6th fiasco...OK. But if so, then shouldn't there be some blame at the feet of Biden, in connection with the shooting of DJT, due to his words; calling DJT a threat to democracy...threat to national security---saying he waould be a dictator if elected---comparing him to Hitler? If you say no, then you are noting more than a hypocrite.
Ok.....Time will tell with Biden. And when that time comes, there will be a lot of faces, covered with egg. I truly do not understand how people think this guy is so squeaky clean. Hes absolutely not. Theres so much smoke---but its been covered because the media, dems and people that hate Trump so much, simply brush it off.There will be a day when his closet is emptied....and it wont be very pretty.

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking. Hes not "presidential" enough. He doesn't kiss ass. He says what he thinks. And that simply runs many people wrong. And I get that. But at the end of the day----past all the BS, the dumb shit hes said, done, etc...Were you really that unhappy with is 4 years----Or was it simply that you don't like the guy, and therefore, there lies your judgement on him as POTUS.

Explain to me what he done as POTUS, policy wise, that has been as crippling than that of Biden? Why some 4 years later is everything through the roof, so to speak. Why is gas so high? Inflation? Housing? Grcceries? Why is there unsettlement everyehere? SO much tension. None of this existed under Trump. ANd if so, very little. THis country wasn't viewed as weak, unsecured, labored leadership, while he was in office. The border was secure....Its certainly not that now.

What has Biden done that has been so much better? He talks of unity---yet this country is more divided now, than it was when Trump was elected. He talks of unity----yet calls Trump a dictator, a threat to democracy...Has compared him to Hitler. A threat to national security...And even said it was time to place a bullseye on him. How does this portray wanting unity? Yet its all overlooked. People wanna blame Turmps actions, words, behavior for the Jan 6th fiasco...OK. But if so, then shouldn't there be some blame at the feet of Biden, in connection with the shooting of DJT, due to his words; calling DJT a threat to democracy...threat to national security---saying he waould be a dictator if elected---comparing him to Hitler? If you say no, then you are noting more than a hypocrite.
And the worms ate into his brain ...
Ok.....Time will tell with Biden. And when that time comes, there will be a lot of faces, covered with egg. I truly do not understand how people think this guy is so squeaky clean. Hes absolutely not. Theres so much smoke---but its been covered because the media, dems and people that hate Trump so much, simply brush it off.There will be a day when his closet is emptied....and it wont be very pretty.

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking. Hes not "presidential" enough. He doesn't kiss ass. He says what he thinks. And that simply runs many people wrong. And I get that. But at the end of the day----past all the BS, the dumb shit hes said, done, etc...Were you really that unhappy with is 4 years----Or was it simply that you don't like the guy, and therefore, there lies your judgement on him as POTUS.

Explain to me what he done as POTUS, policy wise, that has been as crippling than that of Biden? Why some 4 years later is everything through the roof, so to speak. Why is gas so high? Inflation? Housing? Grcceries? Why is there unsettlement everyehere? SO much tension. None of this existed under Trump. ANd if so, very little. THis country wasn't viewed as weak, unsecured, labored leadership, while he was in office. The border was secure....Its certainly not that now.

What has Biden done that has been so much better? He talks of unity---yet this country is more divided now, than it was when Trump was elected. He talks of unity----yet calls Trump a dictator, a threat to democracy...Has compared him to Hitler. A threat to national security...And even said it was time to place a bullseye on him. How does this portray wanting unity? Yet its all overlooked. People wanna blame Turmps actions, words, behavior for the Jan 6th fiasco...OK. But if so, then shouldn't there be some blame at the feet of Biden, in connection with the shooting of DJT, due to his words; calling DJT a threat to democracy...threat to national security---saying he waould be a dictator if elected---comparing him to Hitler? If you say no, then you are noting more than a hypocrite.
Welp you nailed that, but good luck convincing these programmed bots. There's many things you said that are true, but the 2nd paragraph? You're either a GD pussy in life or you're not. Trump doesn't sugar coat it and thats a problem for these past few generations. They are used to sugar coated, poltically correct, BS from churches to politicians. If you go outside that box it's offensive. They all bought Obama's silver tongued nonsense. It's only offensive to people who can't handle the truth.

And yes policy wise, what about all the world leaders he met with. TONS. So what if he put us first thats the way it should be. It's not isolationism and protectionism like some have said, it's doing business and calling out the weak when they don't anti up as agreed upon. Jesus if you are in business and someone welches wtf are you supposed to do you do kiss their ass? Screw NATO participants if they aren't willing to honor an agreement.

Sorry if most you dipsh!t libs can't handle a real leader. Go pound sand you whiny b!tches! AND stop allowing these elected officials that are supposed to represent you slap you around like a scared servant. You all support paying taxes for this crap. Then hold them accountable for what you pay for! THEY SERVE US! Get a leader that works for you not against you! What did Trump do that was against you?
And the worms ate into his brain ...
And there you have it the mentally ill check in.

Ok.....Time will tell with Biden. And when that time comes, there will be a lot of faces, covered with egg. I truly do not understand how people think this guy is so squeaky clean. Hes absolutely not. Theres so much smoke---but its been covered because the media, dems and people that hate Trump so much, simply brush it off.There will be a day when his closet is emptied....and it wont be very pretty.

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking. Hes not "presidential" enough. He doesn't kiss ass. He says what he thinks. And that simply runs many people wrong. And I get that. But at the end of the day----past all the BS, the dumb shit hes said, done, etc...Were you really that unhappy with is 4 years----Or was it simply that you don't like the guy, and therefore, there lies your judgement on him as POTUS.

Explain to me what he done as POTUS, policy wise, that has been as crippling than that of Biden? Why some 4 years later is everything through the roof, so to speak. Why is gas so high? Inflation? Housing? Grcceries? Why is there unsettlement everyehere? SO much tension. None of this existed under Trump. ANd if so, very little. THis country wasn't viewed as weak, unsecured, labored leadership, while he was in office. The border was secure....Its certainly not that now.

What has Biden done that has been so much better? He talks of unity---yet this country is more divided now, than it was when Trump was elected. He talks of unity----yet calls Trump a dictator, a threat to democracy...Has compared him to Hitler. A threat to national security...And even said it was time to place a bullseye on him. How does this portray wanting unity? Yet its all overlooked. People wanna blame Turmps actions, words, behavior for the Jan 6th fiasco...OK. But if so, then shouldn't there be some blame at the feet of Biden, in connection with the shooting of DJT, due to his words; calling DJT a threat to democracy...threat to national security---saying he waould be a dictator if elected---comparing him to Hitler? If you say no, then you are noting more than a hypocrite.

Me personally, you've never heard me compare Trump to Hitler. But if words matter, and people are going with Trump for Jan 6, and Biden with this bullseye stuff, Trump some months ago posted a campaign video on Truth Social with a video about if he's elected, he used the term unified Reich or something to that extent. If it was him, he's not aware enough to know how that looks. If it was a staffer, he's surrounding himself with idiots. Either one does him no favors and leads the left to where they got. That's his and his teams fault for using that language and letting people connect the dots.

For me, the final straw was him going to have the Taliban come to Camp David and was only called off, and who couldn't see this coming, when they killed an American soldier in a car bombing.

Planning to have terrorists in our country just days before the anniversary of 9-11 was a immediate no go for me personally and showed he has no awareness. Then to go on Twitter and tweet about the situation just made things worse.

That was it. He showed he's all about himself. He's his own worst enemy. If it's not about him, he wants nothing to do with it, or he'll make it about himself.

Split government is what I'm hoping for so neither one if these idiots can do serious damage to our country. I don't think it will matter much because they're both horrible, so I think we're screwed either way.

Of all the people in the US, these are the two best options? We as a country can't get out of our own way, even with something that should be so easy like not having two guys as our candidates who could be on a life alert commercial.

We deserve everything that happens to us and have nobody to blame but ourselves.
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The fact that this question was even asked, shines the light on how politics has created utter division in this country.

I'm 49 years old and only in the last 5+ years have people taken this approach. It goes against the vein of human nature to tell you the truth. People date on laws of attraction first and foremost, not political beliefs.

It's unreal that this is even a question.
Ok.....Time will tell with Biden. And when that time comes, there will be a lot of faces, covered with egg. I truly do not understand how people think this guy is so squeaky clean. Hes absolutely not. Theres so much smoke---but its been covered because the media, dems and people that hate Trump so much, simply brush it off.There will be a day when his closet is emptied....and it wont be very pretty.

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking. Hes not "presidential" enough. He doesn't kiss ass. He says what he thinks. And that simply runs many people wrong. And I get that. But at the end of the day----past all the BS, the dumb shit hes said, done, etc...Were you really that unhappy with is 4 years----Or was it simply that you don't like the guy, and therefore, there lies your judgement on him as POTUS.

Explain to me what he done as POTUS, policy wise, that has been as crippling than that of Biden? Why some 4 years later is everything through the roof, so to speak. Why is gas so high? Inflation? Housing? Grcceries? Why is there unsettlement everyehere? SO much tension. None of this existed under Trump. ANd if so, very little. THis country wasn't viewed as weak, unsecured, labored leadership, while he was in office. The border was secure....Its certainly not that now.

What has Biden done that has been so much better? He talks of unity---yet this country is more divided now, than it was when Trump was elected. He talks of unity----yet calls Trump a dictator, a threat to democracy...Has compared him to Hitler. A threat to national security...And even said it was time to place a bullseye on him. How does this portray wanting unity? Yet its all overlooked. People wanna blame Turmps actions, words, behavior for the Jan 6th fiasco...OK. But if so, then shouldn't there be some blame at the feet of Biden, in connection with the shooting of DJT, due to his words; calling DJT a threat to democracy...threat to national security---saying he waould be a dictator if elected---comparing him to Hitler? If you say no, then you are noting more than a hypocrite.

While I agree with little of it, I appreciate the civil, reasoned response. We need more of that around here.

I will take issue with one thing though:

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking.

It's a lot more than that. A whole lot. Minimizing Trumps pathological behavior down to "mean tweets" and similar throwaway lines is unserious. Please give us never-Trumpers more credit than that.
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With respect to George Conway pivoting from being a well-known GOP pundit to being essentially a spokeperson for never-Trumper Republicans, there would seem to be 2 possibilities.
1) He recognized a substantial financial opportunity; or
2) He was quick to recognize sleaze and not deranged enough to think that Trump becoming President would make him suddenly abandon his instincts and become "presidential".

Either possibility suggests high intelligence. Ditching Kellyanne is also a high IQ move.
While I agree with little of it, I appreciate the civil, reasoned response. We need more of that around here.

I will take issue with one thing though:

Trump has many, many faults. There is no hiding, nor debating this. But here is THE issue with DJT---People opposite of him, simply do not like him. And that disallows any type of reasonable thinking.

It's a lot more than that. A whole lot. Minimizing Trumps pathological behavior down to "mean tweets" and similar throwaway lines is unserious. Please give us never-Trumpers more credit than that.
As POTUS, what is it that you did not like(about him)? And I don't mean the "mean tweets", the 4th grade name calling, etc....But policy that he put into place. What did he do as POTUS, not as DJT, that hurt this country? What did he do that put our economy in danger? Our borders? Our foreign relations? Our security? Jobs? Military?

Do you feel we are better as a nation , stronger under the guidance of Joe Biden? Has he improved our countries economy? Is our military stronger? Has he strengthen this country , globaly? Do you feel our borders are safer----better secured? How about the levels of inflation? What about jobs? Do you truly feel Biden has created more jobs---Or is it just people returning?

I'd honestly like to know what Biden has done, that in your opinion, has made this a better place to live some 4 years later?

And look, I don't give two shits about being mean, non-Presidential, had an affair, etc....My goodness that paints a picture of many of many past Presidents.

And no, I'm not a "trumper", or roght wing this or a left wing that. I just look at the stat sheets, man. And my stat sheet shows a better America under Turmp. Stronger borders, stronger economy, stronger military, and a stronger stance on a global stage.

This country seems more divided now than it was when Trump won the presidency...Agree? Yet the Biden administration has hung its on , "unity" for 4 years----And well...…………… I find it hard to trust a person who makes claims for unity, then turns around and calls his political opponent "Hitler"---a threat to our security---and a threat to democracy...But that's just me.

So, here were are---almost 4 years into Joe Bidens presidency...Are we a better country NOW, than we were under Trump? And if so----how? In what area(s)? Economy? Military? Border? Foreign relations? Are we a more united country? TBH, I think if people answered these questions HONESTLY, leaving their hate for DJT at the doorstep----well, I don't think most Biden supporters would like the asnwers they come to.

The dislike for Trump is much more personal that it is political. Anyone who says different, is lying.
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What do you mean?
I think you know exactly what I mean....Look, Trumps an ass. Probably committed multiple felonies---just now its a problem since, well, no one likes him. So on and so on. But lets not pretend JB's hands are clean. If you truly believe this guy wasn't involved with unethical activities with China, among other avenues of shit, then ok----Sure. A day will come when the Bidens are exposed.

And now onto his presidency....Exactly what has he, or his administration accomplished? What have they done in the past 4 years, that has made this country better?
Hopefully future generations don’t ask you what a woman is….love watching your meltdown in real time on here though.😍
Meltdown? Lol. Future generations won’t be stupid enough to worry about it one single bit.
I think you know exactly what I mean....Look, Trumps an ass. Probably committed multiple felonies---just now its a problem since, well, no one likes him. So on and so on. But lets not pretend JB's hands are clean. If you truly believe this guy wasn't involved with unethical activities with China, among other avenues of shit, then ok----Sure. A day will come when the Bidens are exposed.

And now onto his presidency....Exactly what has he, or his administration accomplished? What have they done in the past 4 years, that has made this country better?
I had no clue what you meant. My conscience is clean voting for Biden. He didn’t sexually harass/rape numerous women. He doesn’t have multiple felonies. He doesn’t attack people and call them names like an 8 year old. He hasn’t had multiple counts of fraud, having to close his charity, Trump college etc. Keep holding on to his crimes, which Republicans keep investigating and coming up with nada. But sure they will…
As for his presidency, he kept us out of the recession everyone predicted. He got an infrastructure bill passed, recession act, some medical bills, the airline bill. All while up against a House that refused to do anything because they were afraid of Trump. So yeah I have no problem voting for Biden. And will gladly vote for Kamala
I had no clue what you meant. My conscience is clean voting for Biden. He didn’t sexually harass/rape numerous women. He doesn’t have multiple felonies. He doesn’t attack people and call them names like an 8 year old. He hasn’t had multiple counts of fraud, having to close his charity, Trump college etc. Keep holding on to his crimes, which Republicans keep investigating and coming up with nada. But sure they will…
As for his presidency, he kept us out of the recession everyone predicted. He got an infrastructure bill passed, recession act, some medical bills, the airline bill. All while up against a House that refused to do anything because they were afraid of Trump. So yeah I have no problem voting for Biden. And will gladly vote for Kamala
Again, what did Trump do as POTUS, that hurt this country?

Sexual abuse vs rape is not the same. Doesn't make it a good thing---but its not rape; not according to NY law.

Trump calls people names----Oh, my. Have to agree, that's probably a huge threat to the security of this country, the economy, etc.. My goodness...Dems are guilty of the same shit, bro. Remember your girl Hilary calling Trump supporters, "deplorables"? And Bidens hands aren't clean of this either....Hes called Trump a "jerk", "hitler", a dictator, a sucker, a loser, etc, etc....But let me guess, that's ok since you don't like DJT?

Has Biden led us out of a recession? Most experts feel we are in one now, at least a semi-recession. And there's no sign of it getting better. JB says the economy is just fine---but even a non-educated dude like myself knows that's a bunch of shit. Inflation is at 40 year record high....but Biden well tell you, "its ok----wages are up."----And people actually buy that shit. Inflation is up about 8-9%, while wages are only up 4-5%. Ummmmmm, that's a problem.

Great he passed a few bills.....Good for him. Meanwhile, his policy has made our borders look like Disney Land on a Saturday morning. The conomy is a is divided as ever...gas and grovery prices through the roof----inflation at record highs. But hey, he passed an airline bill.

He cherry picks.....As has every President. But he and his administration have told flat out lies; as does every administration. THing is, no one will admit to this. The hyprocisy is very , very thick---And this goes for both sides.

As for Biden and his crimes----You think what you wanna think. I aint changing your mind. But if you think his hands are clean, especially with his sons overseas dealings, you are extremely naïve----Or you simply hate Trump that much.

Again----How is this country better today----right now?
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