Trump's bizarrely consistent views

Wut? He's been a known hustler and cheat for decades. He didn't run as a democrat because he knew he wouldn't get any votes plus he loves the gullible and stupid... like most conmen do..
Hate. Runs as a pub. Hate

I said that one problem contributing to lower vacine rates among Hispanics was "fear of deportation". I then pointed to the study which specifically says the same thing.

"It isn’t possible to tell a single story about how this vaccination gap came to be. A history of medical exploitation and discrimination may play one role [4][5]. Data shows that language barriers, as well as concerns about immigration status, childcare and work schedules may also impede access to care [6][7]."

Would you be happier if Biden had said "immigration status" rather than "fear of deportation"? I kind of think they are the same thing...
That’s the same thing, genius. It’s racist either way. There are 63 million Latinos here who immigrated legally. It’s offensive to those people. Keep on gaslighting.
"Yes, telling black people they aren’t really black people unless they think a certain way isn’t offensive or racist. No way. Not at all."

I think Biden was semi joking. He also didn't say "think a certain way" (your words), but rather voting for Trump vs him...

I assume he based that on some of the comments Trump has made, like denigrating immigration from countries largely inhabited by people of color as "shithole countries". Or whining about the removal of statues, while seemingly not knowing most,if not all of the most objectionable were financed/erected by the KKK as a tangible example of white supremacy.

I'm with Biden. I have no idea why Blacks would vote for Trump. Not saying Blacks shouldn't be GOP. People like Larry Hogan,Michael Steele, and Charlie Baker were all GOP office holders who are Black. But they are not Trumpers...
Telling them they aren’t black if they don’t vote for him IS telling them they aren’t black unless they think a certain way. Lol.

You’re trying REALLY REALLY hard to gaslight but it’s not working. Sorry.

If Trumps history makes him a racist, Biden’s history makes him one as well. You cannot have it both ways.

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