Trump's bizarrely consistent views

Wut? He's been a known hustler and cheat for decades. He didn't run as a democrat because he knew he wouldn't get any votes plus he loves the gullible and stupid... like most conmen do..
Hate. Runs as a pub. Hate

I said that one problem contributing to lower vacine rates among Hispanics was "fear of deportation". I then pointed to the study which specifically says the same thing.

"It isn’t possible to tell a single story about how this vaccination gap came to be. A history of medical exploitation and discrimination may play one role [4][5]. Data shows that language barriers, as well as concerns about immigration status, childcare and work schedules may also impede access to care [6][7]."

Would you be happier if Biden had said "immigration status" rather than "fear of deportation"? I kind of think they are the same thing...
That’s the same thing, genius. It’s racist either way. There are 63 million Latinos here who immigrated legally. It’s offensive to those people. Keep on gaslighting.
"Yes, telling black people they aren’t really black people unless they think a certain way isn’t offensive or racist. No way. Not at all."

I think Biden was semi joking. He also didn't say "think a certain way" (your words), but rather voting for Trump vs him...

I assume he based that on some of the comments Trump has made, like denigrating immigration from countries largely inhabited by people of color as "shithole countries". Or whining about the removal of statues, while seemingly not knowing most,if not all of the most objectionable were financed/erected by the KKK as a tangible example of white supremacy.

I'm with Biden. I have no idea why Blacks would vote for Trump. Not saying Blacks shouldn't be GOP. People like Larry Hogan,Michael Steele, and Charlie Baker were all GOP office holders who are Black. But they are not Trumpers...
Telling them they aren’t black if they don’t vote for him IS telling them they aren’t black unless they think a certain way. Lol.

You’re trying REALLY REALLY hard to gaslight but it’s not working. Sorry.

If Trumps history makes him a racist, Biden’s history makes him one as well. You cannot have it both ways.
Ohhhh damn @zeke4ahs don't watch this. Whatever you do...
@Bowlmania @Aloha Hoosier @IU_Hickory @T.M.P. Don't watch these videos they are horrible. Brought to you by the the lovely, UNSTOPPABLE, All American, Searchers for a better America, DREAM TEAM BABY

Please don't @ me, with stupid shit ... I don't converse with lame witted slack jawed weirdos and will never consider a damn thing you post or say, nor will I argue or interact with you in any manner except for ridiculing you. . I get that you only use my moniker to garner your obvious need for attention from other slack jawed weirdos because you don't have enough self esteem, personality or social imprint to garner attention on your own merit but in reality only makes you appear weak.

Basically, quit swinging on my nutz Cletus. Go play with your other slack jawed imbecilic buddies..

TIA, now FO but have a nice day.
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Please don't @ me, with stupid shit ... I don't converse with lame witted slack jawed weirdos and will never consider a damn thing you post or say, nor will I argue or interact with you in any manner except for ridiculing you. . I get that you only use my moniker to garner your obvious need for attention from other slack jawed weirdos because you don't have enough self esteem, personality or social imprint to garner attention on your own merit but in reality only makes you appear weak.

Basically, quit swinging on my nutz Cletus. Go play with your other slack jawed imbecilic buddies..

TIA, now FO but have a nice day.
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This is why you’re a partisan hack who cannot be taken seriously.

Let’s take a look at Joes problematic history, shall we?

“Biden white-splained that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.”

This statement makes the insane assumption that all Latinos present in this country are illegal aliens subject to expulsion. It never occurred to Biden that more than 60 million Latinos are actually American citizens, according to recent census figures.”

“On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!””

“Then in August 2020, Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.””

“In the same interview, responding to a question on whether he had taken a cognitive test, Biden angrily fired back with the suggestion that the black reporter was a drug addict.

“That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” Biden said. “What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?””

“In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclopsin the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.””

“In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.””

“In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.””

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.”

If what you posted makes Trump a racist, then this sure as hell makes Biden one. You can’t have it both ways.

Unless, of course, you’re a partisan hack who should not be taken seriously.

To be fair to demented Joe, forced busing was one of the worst matters of court overreach ever. That said, the "racial jungle" language is interesting.
Uniparty is real. Republicans and Democrats make a big show out of differing on the 5% of issues they don’t agree on. But they’re mostly the same.

The Uniparty is about 1/2 real. The Republicans have principles but are quick to abandon them in favor of reelection.. Buying votes is an extremely effective policy. Who doesn't like to be Santa Claus?
Wonder why they did that now?
They tell you why:

In spring 2024, social media posts re-surfaced raising questions about an infamous comment from former U.S. President Donald Trump related to violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the removal of a confederate statue.​

That's standard for Snopes. They don't follow the news. They follow what people are saying about the news.
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They tell you why:

In spring 2024, social media posts re-surfaced raising questions about an infamous comment from former U.S. President Donald Trump related to violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the removal of a confederate statue.​

That's standard for Snopes. They don't follow the news. They follow what people are saying about the news.
But haven't people been talking/tweeting/FBing/message boarding about it continuously since then? I mean, we had an election in 2020.
Honestly I don't think they hunt things out. I think the look into things that people actively send them.
They didn’t change a fact check. It’s a new fact check. I don’t get the animus against Snopes, they include all their sources for every one of them for people to check for themselves. They’ve debunked many false claims about Trump. I scrolled the a couple dozen. I think they try hard for accuracy.
I don't know. I don't work for Snopes. I'm just speculating. Most of their articles that I've read make reference to people sending them or asking them about things. So I think that's how they pick their subject matter.
Well, get on it! Use your vast moderator powers to contact the progressive conspirators over there at Snopes and get me a damn answer!

Did they write on it when it happened? This has been debated for 7 years.
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I don't know. Hockey is starting.
Lets Go Money GIF by Ooki
I suspect lots of leftist publications will continue to dig for old nuggets like this to stir up some Dem outrage if the Donald continues to poll well & scare the libs. There is no doubt he has made many comments in poor taste…
Only a complete fool would ever utilize The Rolling Stone as a news source or believe anything written in it...

Anyone who cites them as a valid source is simply making themselves the butt of jokes...
Only a complete fool would ever utilize The Rolling Stone as a news source or believe anything written in it...

Anyone who cites them as a valid source is simply making themselves the butt of jokes...
The butt of the jokes would be the person who doesn't bother to read the article to determine where the story came from. Besides...

The butt of the jokes would be the person who doesn't bother to read the article to determine where the story came from. Besides...

Looks like the same woman trying to sell books... You're old enough to know better than to believe everything you read.

You should have had your BS meter light up when she was quoted as having said it on MSNBC...
But, but, but... Trump hardly knew her! They only worked together for a measly 20 years! And why would he ever interact with the Executive Vice President of his company? A low level staffer! Like Pence!
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But, but, but... Trump hardly knew her! They only worked together for a measly 20 years! And why would he ever interact with the Executive Vice President of his company? A low level staffer! Like Pence!
He may well have actually said it... If you want me to believe it however..., get direct quotes from the two Jewish guys supposedly in the room not some woman's recollection who's attempting to sell a book on a ultra left wing, pseudo-news site like MSNBC, or from a joke of a publication like The Rolling Stone...
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The butt of the jokes would be the person who doesn't bother to read the article to determine where the story came from. Besides...

You'd best look a bit closer... That's the same MSNBC quote and the same article being repeated over and over... 🙄 Without providing some corroboration (which is what Real news sites do) simply repeating her quote as fact doesn't make it true...
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