Could you date someone with opposing political views?

No, it's really not. It's a situation that exists now in south Texas. Drive all day to try to save your life by getting to civilization. If you can't afford the trip, tough.

I want abortion to be exceptionally rare and unnecessary.
i think mcm was just sharing his IQ level
No, it's really not. It's a situation that exists now in south Texas. Drive all day to try to save your life by getting to civilization. If you can't afford the trip, tough.

I want abortion to be exceptionally rare and unnecessary. Though we would all be much better off if you had been aborted.
Mhmmm. Your paranoia must be hell to live with
i think mcm was just sharing his IQ level
Hick how many have told you that you bring nothing to this board? Not interesting. Not funny. Not clever. If you had even a modicum of knowledge on topics it would be somewhat redeeming. But worse you know nothing yet still post. Just worthless
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It’s never too late to get brainwashed by Fox News and all the other right wing propaganda. Fortunately, my family all turned the other way when we grew up, traveled extensively, met and spoke with people out of our comfort zone, and cared about others who were different than we are.
So you were brainwashed by liberal new outlets and Europeans im guessing?
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Without tipping my hand, I have skin in this game. Actually, I know where I stand. I'm curious to know what all of you think.

I was going to make this a poll, but I think it'd be more fun to just have you all weigh in.
I'm 53 now and have been married since 2001. First, I wouldn't have the foggiest notion of how to date anymore. I'm guessing "Hey do you want to come over and watch the new season of Endeavor" will not rock anyone's world. Second, the thought of me having to relearn another woman to accept: (1) Men fart and like to fart a lot; and (2) The fake poop to get some alone time, seems daunting. Third, I would likely say something along the lines of "hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill and some caulk for the master bedroom." I would gather that politics will never come into equation because I would have already been expunged from this woman's life.

Assuming that I could make it through these serious litmus tests, which no doubt already jaded this new woman, I would suggest that even the slightest deviation from her politics would engender a quick dismissal. I'm neither republican (but have voted republican), nor democrat (but have voted democrat. Very much issue specific for me. In today's world, I doubt very many people would find that position to be anything other than a cop out.
Between wives I dated a Bloomington gal while she was campaigning to be judge on the Democrat ticket. She bragged to me that on a liberal scale of 0-10, she was a 13, which I interrupted as the beginning of the end. The final blow, figuratively speaking, came on New Year’s Eve, 2007. Instead of going out to celebrate the annual changing of the calendar, I insisted we stay home to watch the Insight Bowl, IU vs Oklahoma State. She got pissed off because of this, emphatically stating, “Frankly, I couldn’t care any less about IU football!” I was in a particularly bad mood afterwards, IU having lost 49-33. By sunrise of the New Year, it dawned on me… it being over and it was. I never took her out again.
Yeah...but a "13" level leftist in 2007 is about a 5 these days, adjusted for modern shitlibbery. She probably could define a woman, liked Trump, and called the Indianapolis baseball team the Indians. That said, your instincts were correct.

Shoulda gone to AZ. Insight Bowl (sucked, yes) followed by Barenaked Ladies street concert in Mesa. Golf. Saw the Rev (Horton Heat) at some cool venue. Took some clients from OK to the Fiesta Bowl on Jan 2 (v WVU). Good times, other than the IU performance.
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I'm 53 now and have been married since 2001. First, I wouldn't have the foggiest notion of how to date anymore. I'm guessing "Hey do you want to come over and watch the new season of Endeavor" will not rock anyone's world. Second, the thought of me having to relearn another woman to accept: (1) Men fart and like to fart a lot; and (2) The fake poop to get some alone time, seems daunting. Third, I would likely say something along the lines of "hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill and some caulk for the master bedroom." I would gather that politics will never come into equation because I would have already been expunged from this woman's life.

Assuming that I could make it through these serious litmus tests, which no doubt already jaded this new woman, I would suggest that even the slightest deviation from her politics would engender a quick dismissal. I'm neither republican (but have voted republican), nor democrat (but have voted democrat. Very much issue specific for me. In today's world, I doubt very many people would find that position to be anything other than a cop out.
As someone who will be 49 next month, I can relate to a lot of this post. It is daunting to date and learn a new woman and if I’m being honest, most times it becomes pretty apparent early on that for whatever reason another date isn’t worth either person’s time.
As someone who will be 49 next month, I can relate to a lot of this post. It is daunting to date and learn a new woman and if I’m being honest, most times it becomes pretty apparent early on that for whatever reason another date isn’t worth either person’s time.
For me, the ability to fake poop without being questioned is an ENORMOUS boon.
As someone who will be 49 next month, I can relate to a lot of this post. It is daunting to date and learn a new woman and if I’m being honest, most times it becomes pretty apparent early on that for whatever reason another date isn’t worth either person’s time.
Also, I would offer the following--my patience level for stupidity is zero. I can't be bothered by the nonreaders of the world, the social media junkies or the Monday through Thursday women's brunch club.
Without tipping my hand, I have skin in this game. Actually, I know where I stand. I'm curious to know what all of you think.

I was going to make this a poll, but I think it'd be more fun to just have you all weigh in.
Probably not but mainly because that person wouldn’t be able to stand me.
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I'm 53 now and have been married since 2001. First, I wouldn't have the foggiest notion of how to date anymore. I'm guessing "Hey do you want to come over and watch the new season of Endeavor" will not rock anyone's world. Second, the thought of me having to relearn another woman to accept: (1) Men fart and like to fart a lot; and (2) The fake poop to get some alone time, seems daunting. Third, I would likely say something along the lines of "hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill and some caulk for the master bedroom." I would gather that politics will never come into equation because I would have already been expunged from this woman's life.

Assuming that I could make it through these serious litmus tests, which no doubt already jaded this new woman, I would suggest that even the slightest deviation from her politics would engender a quick dismissal. I'm neither republican (but have voted republican), nor democrat (but have voted democrat. Very much issue specific for me. In today's world, I doubt very many people would find that position to be anything other than a cop out.
Just the other day she came to bed about an hour after I did. I vaguely remember letting loose a long fart and her getting back up a moment later.

I was to far asleep to realize the significance of what had just happened at the time, but I sure as hell heard about it the next day.

The fact that she didn’t wake me up to yell at me…… 😍
hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill

I'm 53 now and have been married since 2001. First, I wouldn't have the foggiest notion of how to date anymore. I'm guessing "Hey do you want to come over and watch the new season of Endeavor" will not rock anyone's world. Second, the thought of me having to relearn another woman to accept: (1) Men fart and like to fart a lot; and (2) The fake poop to get some alone time, seems daunting. Third, I would likely say something along the lines of "hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill and some caulk for the master bedroom." I would gather that politics will never come into equation because I would have already been expunged from this woman's life.

Assuming that I could make it through these serious litmus tests, which no doubt already jaded this new woman, I would suggest that even the slightest deviation from her politics would engender a quick dismissal. I'm neither republican (but have voted republican), nor democrat (but have voted democrat. Very much issue specific for me. In today's world, I doubt very many people would find that position to be anything other than a cop out.
I've only recently reached a state where she understands I must have time alone.

It's not that I don't love you honey. I do. It's that I don't want to be around you ALL THE TIME. We've been togethter 15 years.
I'm 53 now and have been married since 2001. First, I wouldn't have the foggiest notion of how to date anymore. I'm guessing "Hey do you want to come over and watch the new season of Endeavor" will not rock anyone's world. Second, the thought of me having to relearn another woman to accept: (1) Men fart and like to fart a lot; and (2) The fake poop to get some alone time, seems daunting. Third, I would likely say something along the lines of "hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill and some caulk for the master bedroom." I would gather that politics will never come into equation because I would have already been expunged from this woman's life.

Assuming that I could make it through these serious litmus tests, which no doubt already jaded this new woman, I would suggest that even the slightest deviation from her politics would engender a quick dismissal. I'm neither republican (but have voted republican), nor democrat (but have voted democrat. Very much issue specific for me. In today's world, I doubt very many people would find that position to be anything other than a cop out.
Friend, I have been married over 30 yrs. We started dating when we were 16. I would have no idea how to treat another woman. Therefore, I hope I die first or am too old to even think about getting married again.
I'm 53 now and have been married since 2001. First, I wouldn't have the foggiest notion of how to date anymore. I'm guessing "Hey do you want to come over and watch the new season of Endeavor" will not rock anyone's world. Second, the thought of me having to relearn another woman to accept: (1) Men fart and like to fart a lot; and (2) The fake poop to get some alone time, seems daunting. Third, I would likely say something along the lines of "hey, can we stop off of at Home Depot first, I need to pick up a bag of pellets for the grill and some caulk for the master bedroom." I would gather that politics will never come into equation because I would have already been expunged from this woman's life.

Assuming that I could make it through these serious litmus tests, which no doubt already jaded this new woman, I would suggest that even the slightest deviation from her politics would engender a quick dismissal. I'm neither republican (but have voted republican), nor democrat (but have voted democrat. Very much issue specific for me. In today's world, I doubt very many people would find that position to be anything other than a cop out.
We have been married over 30 yrs and started dating at 16. I would be lost to date again.
This is pretty much where I stand. I'm coming up on date 5 with someone I think is pretty great. She was up front about being conservative on our first date. I think I said something about that being no big deal, but I also thought Trump was abhorrent and she agreed. She definitely isn't a fan of Biden.
Did you meet her in Church?
I feel for any man of any age dating today. I had a hard enough time the first time. I'm one and done. Im 39 and dont think id even attempt it, but who knows if I ended up single again. Been married 16 and have her for 18 years.

As far as the op question, in the real world experience I've never really ran into anyone outspoken enough to turn me off. I doubt it would a problem, my biggest concerns are sanity, hygiene and grooming.
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I've only recently reached a state where she understands I must have time alone.

It's not that I don't love you honey. I do. It's that I don't want to be around you ALL THE TIME. We've been togethter 15 years.
I missed a graduation party while I was on a solo backpacking trip. Mrs. hooky was there with a few of my family members. When people found out why I wasn't there, a few asked my wife how she could let me be in the middle of nowhere by myself. Her reply was something to the effect of "He becomes a giant asshole if he doesn't get time alone to recharge." My mom was nearby and backed her up with "He's been doing it since he was 9 or 10 and she's right".
Also, I would offer the following--my patience level for stupidity is zero. I can't be bothered by the nonreaders of the world, the social media junkies or the Monday through Thursday women's brunch club.
I think I'm right there with you. At this point in my life, I'm very honest with people and I expect the same in return. And if someone has an opinion or thought, I'd hope it can be backed up with how they arrived there. I'm not interested in just a pretty face.
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I missed a graduation party while I was on a solo backpacking trip. Mrs. hooky was there with a few of my family members. When people found out why I wasn't there, a few asked my wife how she could let me be in the middle of nowhere by myself. Her reply was something to the effect of "He becomes a giant asshole if he doesn't get time alone to recharge." My mom was nearby and backed her up with "He's been doing it since he was 9 or 10 and she's right".
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