Chicago politics and events

That first gas station is 5 minutes from my house, at the entrance to the Eisenhower on Harlem in Oak Park/Forest Park.

That's wild, but the part with people getting out of their car and yelling and screaming at each other is unfortunately something I've grown accustomed to. As is reckless, crazy driving (though little like that).

Prior to the summer of 2020, I might witness such things a few times a year. Now, I see such things a few times a week. It sucks.

I've been to that Thornton's many of times going from OPRF to the city and back.
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I've been to that Thornton's many of times going from OPRF to the city and back.
I've gotten to the point that I won't get gas at any station near 290. I've seen too much crazy stuff. There is one at Madison and 1st Ave across from Proviso East that is close to me as well, and I've had two people I know stuck up at gun point there in car jackings.
I've gotten to the point that I won't get gas at any station near 290. I've seen too much crazy stuff. There is one at Madison and 1st Ave across from Proviso East that is close to me as well, and I've had two people I know stuck up at gun point there in car jackings.

Yikes. My inlaws live 5 mins away from there.
I have no idea why anyone would want to live in a major city at this point. Give me nothing but cornfields for miles middle of nowhere Indiana any day of the week, especially if you have kids.
Same reason people have always flocked to cities: more jobs, more options for just about anything else.

If I had it to do over again, I would have moved when my kids were young. I had no idea the world was going to go crazy, though.
I've gotten to the point that I won't get gas at any station near 290. I've seen too much crazy stuff. There is one at Madison and 1st Ave across from Proviso East that is close to me as well, and I've had two people I know stuck up at gun point there in car jackings.
The new normal I guess. Well, now I know why there are so many Illinois plates around. I thought it was overblown but I guess it's real.
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This whole scene was shocking. Let me ask a question here? How many of these young people have a father in the home? I think of my own father and what he would do to me if I had been part of something like that. I'll tell a story. When I was 14 I was just about as tall as my father. He told me to do something and I said no. He said, "Van, just do it". I continued to say no. Then I raised my hand to him. He got this look on his face which was a mixture of anger and a blank stare. He grabs my wrists and I end up on my knees. He leans over me with a scowl on his face,"Now are you gonna do what I say?" I said, "yes sir". Thank God I had a Dad who put me in my place. See, as a stupid teen I didn't understand old man strength. I also didn't understand that if I continued down that road I would probably have ended up in jail.
When I was 14 I was just about as tall as my father. He told me to do something and I said no. He said, "Van, just do it". I continued to say no. Then I raised my hand to him. He got this look on his face which was a mixture of anger and a blank stare. He grabs my wrists and I end up on my knees. He leans over me with a scowl on his face,"Now are you gonna do what I say?" I said, "yes sir". Thank God I had a Dad who put me in my place.
I don't think blowing their dad would have been very helpful in this situation
This whole scene was shocking. Let me ask a question here? How many of these young people have a father in the home? I think of my own father and what he would do to me if I had been part of something like that. I'll tell a story. When I was 14 I was just about as tall as my father. He told me to do something and I said no. He said, "Van, just do it". I continued to say no. Then I raised my hand to him. He got this look on his face which was a mixture of anger and a blank stare. He grabs my wrists and I end up on my knees. He leans over me with a scowl on his face,"Now are you gonna do what I say?" I said, "yes sir". Thank God I had a Dad who put me in my place. See, as a stupid teen I didn't understand old man strength. I also didn't understand that if I continued down that road I would probably have ended up in jail.
C'mon man. Of course they all have father's in the home.

C'mon man. Of course they all have father's in the home.

That looks fake. The woman appears photoshopped into the scene.

If it is, the people who produced it, and then disseminated it as if real, are evil. If it is not, I expect this to be national news very soon and all Chicago stations will cover it tonight.
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That looks fake. The woman appears photoshopped into the scene.

If it is, the people who produced it, and then disseminated it as if real, are evil. If it is not, I expect this to be national news very soon and all Chicago stations will cover it tonight.
That is a T-Mobile location in that clip. Very unlikely a woman is trying to force her way into a T-Mobile store that would likely be closed at the time through a mob like that.
C'mon man. Of course they all have father's in the home.

tweet below it is funny.

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That looks fake. The woman appears photoshopped into the scene.

If it is, the people who produced it, and then disseminated it as if real, are evil. If it is not, I expect this to be national news very soon and all Chicago stations will cover it tonight.
That vid is blowing up all over. I posted in another thread more violence. Cops are like its only April this is going to get a lot worse.

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Same reason people have always flocked to cities: more jobs, more options for just about anything else.

If I had it to do over again, I would have moved when my kids were young. I had no idea the world was going to go crazy, though.
I wouldn't be there with my kids period. Your kids are gonna have an awfully warped view of reality if you can't even go to a nearby gas station to get gas??? That scene this weekend? I can't count the times I've hung out on Michigan with my kids pre covid. What the hell happened?

Did they ever put the SAFE T Act in place? That was warped from the beginning. Man I have friends that sold their property and got the hell out of there last year. Moved to Tennessee. When my buddy told me how much he paid in property tax in Chicago I about crapped myself. Its 10 times what I pay here in Indiana.
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Honestly, we pick on Chicago but where liberals rein supreme, this garbage is becoming more of the norm.

I support shooting looters and rioters. They should get the Ashley Babbit treatment that so many here vocalized as the FAFO method of dealing with an unruly crowd. Additionally, these cities are big on disarming people like the store owner getting robbed or the white lady being beaten and what appeared to be robbed (sounded like someone said to get the bag)--and if that is a fake video, they need to get the person who did it to Hollywood quick. The look and motion of her body getting yanked looked real to me--you are supposed to be defenseless and reliant on the police who were on scene in LA but underpowered to do anything or were nowhere to be found in Chicago.

The country is rotting from the inside out and you got Progressives leading the charge. Progress forward over the cliff.
Honestly, we pick on Chicago but where liberals rein supreme, this garbage is becoming more of the norm.

I support shooting looters and rioters. They should get the Ashley Babbit treatment that so many here vocalized as the FAFO method of dealing with an unruly crowd. Additionally, these cities are big on disarming people like the store owner getting robbed or the white lady being beaten and what appeared to be robbed (sounded like someone said to get the bag)--and if that is a fake video, they need to get the person who did it to Hollywood quick. The look and motion of her body getting yanked looked real to me--you are supposed to be defenseless and reliant on the police who were on scene in LA but underpowered to do anything or were nowhere to be found in Chicago.

The country is rotting from the inside out and you got Progressives leading the charge. Progress forward over the cliff.
Mostly Soros backed prosecutors. How do they allow that to happen without consequences. Every city he is attached to is going to hell. Cops are handcuffed and do not wanna be cops anymore. Criminals get slapped on the wrist, get let back out on the streets and go commit worse crimes. This is not going away and going to get worse before it gets better. I have no idea where this ends, but it ain't good.
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So...Not sure if anyone heard about the 80 year old man that shot the black kid who rang his doorbell....The black kid went to the wrong house...

Heres the response from Shaun King

I guess you'd better not ring the doorbell at night in Kansas City, at least not with the proper skin tone.

But that doesn't mean we have to sic a mob on the guy. That's nuts.
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