Bob Woodward says Trump & Putin have talked 7 times on the phone since 2021

Actually, there are high-value targets all over the midwest. Lima would probably be targeted, for example, because destroying the General Dynamics plant there (and killing the small handful of experts) would make maintaining our tanks very difficult. Pretty sure there's some important Air Force stuff going on in the middle of nowhere north central Indiana, too.
If it went to a full nuclear exchange, most of us are dead and those of us who aren't, would probably wish we were.
If it went to a full nuclear exchange, most of us are dead and those of us who aren't, would probably wish we were.
Read Nuclear War: A Scenario, by Annie Jacobsen. It will knock you on your ass. It details, second by second, minute by minute, the actions after the detection of a nuclear launch from North Korea. We have scant minutes after the immediate launch to do anything, to decide whether to launch in retaliation.

It is the most chilling book I have ever read. The detail Jacobsen brings to our detection and response procedures is amazing.

But the essential conclusion is that the world is fvcked beyond all comprehension - all is decided within the first few minutes.
Actually, there are high-value targets all over the midwest. Lima would probably be targeted, for example, because destroying the General Dynamics plant there (and killing the small handful of experts) would make maintaining our tanks very difficult. Pretty sure there's some important Air Force stuff going on in the middle of nowhere north central Indiana, too.

lol at tanks. That’s so last century
Read Nuclear War: A Scenario, by Annie Jacobsen. It will knock you on your ass. It details, second by second, minute by minute, the actions after the detection of a nuclear launch from North Korea. We have scant minutes after the immediate launch to do anything, to decide whether to launch in retaliation.

It is the most chilling book I have ever read. The detail Jacobsen brings to our detection and response procedures is amazing.

But the essential conclusion is that the world is fvcked beyond all comprehension - all is decided within the first few minutes.
I guess the aggressor country is assuming the country they’re firing at will sacrifice their population to save the rest of the world?
Read Nuclear War: A Scenario, by Annie Jacobsen. It will knock you on your ass. It details, second by second, minute by minute, the actions after the detection of a nuclear launch from North Korea. We have scant minutes after the immediate launch to do anything, to decide whether to launch in retaliation.

It is the most chilling book I have ever read. The detail Jacobsen brings to our detection and response procedures is amazing.

But the essential conclusion is that the world is fvcked beyond all comprehension - all is decided within the first few minutes.
I was scared just listening to her being interviewed. Does she provide any hope/solutions?
I was scared just listening to her being interviewed. Does she provide any hope/solutions?
Not really. More a cry from the heart for sanity to reign, but with such strange actors in North Korea, Iran, Russia and China, she is not optimistic. She makes the point how quickly and almost automatically this can escalate into global Armageddon due to all the automatic systems in place.

In her scenario this all starts with just one ICBM fired from North Korea. We have almost immediate detection capabilities and then capacity to quickly determine the target. We have a launch on detection response program, as opposed to launch on detonation. This is the MAD system. In essence, we don’t wait for detonation near San Diego. You launch, we crush you. Everything proceeds from this.

We launch in retaliation and then the Russians, who are not as adept at target identification, respond as we’ve launched missiles which they initially believe are headed towards them.

The world then ends, except maybe for a few remote pockets, for around 10-40,000 years.
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I think trump knows we’re inching closer to ww3. After July 13 I believe he knows that not just the election but the world is counting on him. He knows in many ways he’s been called to save the world. That’s why he’s willing to be shot. However many times is necessary. He’s fighting for the world at this point.
I think trump knows we’re inching closer to ww3. After July 13 I believe he knows that not just the election but the world is counting on him. He knows in many ways he’s been called to save the world. That’s why he’s willing to be shot. However many times is necessary. He’s fighting for the world at this point.
God made Trump turn his head when he did.

God made Trump turn his head when he did.

@VanPastorMan pastor one of the things we were able to establish yesterday is that this godless left extremist party is really a Hate Group. We don’t know for certain that the devil is working through Harris but can we at least agree that it’s more likely than not that there was divine intervention involved in saving trump? Too much luck otherwise.
@VanPastorMan pastor one of the things we were able to establish yesterday is that this godless left extremist party is really a Hate Group. We don’t know for certain that the devil is working through Harris but can we at least agree that it’s more likely than not that there was divine intervention involved in saving trump? Too much luck otherwise.
It goes well beyond hate.

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Good for Trump and to see someone trying to take a diplomatic approach to ending this situation rather than Imperial expansion that is being pushed by the Dems and their new MIC supporters.
It goes well beyond hate.

I find it interesting that some people say they would vote for Harris because she would be the first woman President. But when I think about why people won't vote for her it has nothing to do with her being a woman. I will go on the record that I voted for John McCain not because Obama was black. I enthusiastically voted for McCain because he had Sarah Palin on the ticket. What the left does is they are projectionists. They vote because of race and gender and then say the other side is doing the same thing. They accuse others of what they are actually doing.
Not really. More a cry from the heart for sanity to reign, but with such strange actors in North Korea, Iran, Russia and China, she is not optimistic. She makes the point how quickly and almost automatically this can escalate into global Armageddon due to all the automatic systems in place.

In her scenario this all starts with just one ICBM fired from North Korea. We have almost immediate detection capabilities and then capacity to quickly determine the target. We have a launch on detection response program, as opposed to launch on detonation. This is the MAD system. In essence, we don’t wait for detonation near San Diego. You launch, we crush you. Everything proceeds from this.

We launch in retaliation and then the Russians, who are not as adept at target identification, respond as we’ve launched missiles which they initially believe are headed towards them.

The world then ends, except maybe for a few remote pockets, for around 10-40,000 years.
And then, Planet of the Apes.

It’s troublesome that many people in their 30s don’t even understand all this very well. I had a law clerk 10 years ago who laughed when I talked about nuclear war ending mankind. She had no idea what a nuclear winter was, and was visibly shaken when I told her to pull up YouTube clips of The Day After. She seriously had no clue and no one else in the office of her age group did either.
@VanPastorMan pastor one of the things we were able to establish yesterday is that this godless left extremist party is really a Hate Group. We don’t know for certain that the devil is working through Harris but can we at least agree that it’s more likely than not that there was divine intervention involved in saving trump? Too much luck otherwise.
It seems that 1 hour podcasts have to much useful information for many but back to my new favorite Candy-O who addressed the hate coming the Woke side with their anti freedom of speech stance.

Good for Trump and to see someone trying to take a diplomatic approach to ending this situation rather than Imperial expansion that is being pushed by the Dems and their new MIC supporters.
The Imperial expansion is being done by the Russians. Don't get it twisted, they are the bad guys. I just think you have to do some calculus as to how far you want this to go. Particularly when some of our "allies" are pushing for full use of the weapons systems being provided to attack Russia.

This is a dangerous game....
I find it interesting that some people say they would vote for Harris because she would be the first woman President. But when I think about why people won't vote for her it has nothing to do with her being a woman. I will go on the record that I voted for John McCain not because Obama was black. I enthusiastically voted for McCain because he had Sarah Palin on the ticket. What the left does is they are projectionists. They vote because of race and gender and then say the other side is doing the same thing. They accuse others of what they are actually doing.
You just contradicted yourself.
The Imperial expansion is being done by the Russians. Don't get it twisted, they are the bad guys. I just think you have to do some calculus as to how far you want this to go. Particularly when some of our "allies" are pushing for full use of the weapons systems being provided to attack Russia.

This is a dangerous game....
Propaganda consumers living in their own ignorance bubble...
No actually I think Missouri is bad. There’s something here. The military guys would know
Growing up, we were always told that Wright Patterson Air Force Base was a top target for a nuclear strike. I have no idea where it might actually rank in terms of targets, but it used to scare the crap out of me as a kid.

There was a brief stretch where I thought I'd end up in some sort of Red Dawn type scenario. Nevermind the fact that I should have been thinking much, much worse apocalyptical stuff.
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The Imperial expansion is being done by the Russians. Don't get it twisted, they are the bad guys. I just think you have to do some calculus as to how far you want this to go. Particularly when some of our "allies" are pushing for full use of the weapons systems being provided to attack Russia.

This is a dangerous game....
NATO has undoubtedly expanded. Right up to Russia's borders. That's a military alliance and not classic imperialism, but weapons on your border are weapons on your border.
NATO has undoubtedly expanded. Right up to Russia's borders. That's a military alliance and not classic imperialism, but weapons on your border are weapons on your border.
That expansion had not happened in Ukraine. The Russians are dicks. On top of being dicks, they offer nothing of real value to those other countries to overlook the fact that they have a centuries old history of being dicks to their neighbors. I get their POV of feeling a little hemmed in, but that is all because of how they act. Attacking Ukraine does nothing but affirm the feelings of their neighbors that it is a necessity to have a big power on their side because their neighbors are dicks. Attacking the one country on their border they haven't dominated (Belarus) or isn't in NATO is a demonstration to everyone else that all the countries in the former Warsaw Pact or Soviet Union who turned West were 100% correct in that decision.

In short, **** Russia.

That being said, we also have a duty to decide how far we want to stretch our umbrella and do a cost/benefit analysis on where we are willing to existentially threaten our homeland in an effort to provide comfort and protection to others. I think that is a reasonable question to ask about Ukraine.
It was Palin's beliefs that got me to be enthusiastic not her gender so where is the contradiction? What I am saying is the Left does what they accuse the right of.
correct. through their bigotry and hatred they don't see their own sleight of hand. power corrupts pastor. you know this. you see it amongst your community. amongst your parishioners. youve fought it. harris did untoward things to become a member of the political machine in san francisco. she's driven by the acquisition of power. she'll say and do anything to try to win an election, after which, based upon credible sources, she'll hide in her office and play solitaire.

conversely trump doesn't need any of this stuff. he has wealth. he has power. but he believes he can help....US! and when you provide that sort of context there's only one rational vote. DONALD JOHN TRUMP
Growing up, we were always told that Wright Patterson Air Force Base was a top target for a nuclear strike. I have no idea where it might actually rank in terms of targets, but it used to scare the crap out of me as a kid.

There was a brief stretch where I thought I'd end up in some sort of Red Dawn type scenario. Nevermind the fact that I should have been thinking much, much worse apocalyptical stuff.
It is funny how people see things. When I was stationed at Grissom AFB Wright Patterson was where I would go if I had to have a serious surgery. So it was see to me as a place where my life would be saved. Now I had not heard this about the nuclear strike. In my home town of Washington IN we would hear a lot about possible nuclear strikes at Crane Naval Station.
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I find it interesting that some people say they would vote for Harris because she would be the first woman President. But when I think about why people won't vote for her it has nothing to do with her being a woman. I will go on the record that I voted for John McCain not because Obama was black. I enthusiastically voted for McCain because he had Sarah Palin on the ticket. What the left does is they are projectionists. They vote because of race and gender and then say the other side is doing the same thing. They accuse others of what they are actually doing.
You are lost.
God made Trump turn his head when he did.

Is this the Old Testament God you're talking about? Did he require a sacrifice that day? Is that why Corey Comperatore was killed that day?

What if Harris wins? Any guesses on why God spared Trump and let Comperatore die?

I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing the whole Trump is a vessel of God thing. As a life long, practicing Catholic who sees Trump for who and what he actually is, I find it insulting.
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