Biden's speech...

She probably dislikes him for the same reason I dislike him - he's a despicable, disgusting and idiotic person who was unfit to be our President.
Oh, please. There have been plenty of despicable and disgusting people who have been President.

As far as idiotic, how do you get to be one of the richest people in the world by being an idiot?
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As long as Trump continues to peddle his Big Lie, people of influence need to call him out on it. It's critical for a number of reasons, including the fact that the Lie is being leveraged by several state legislatures to strip local and state election officials of their authority over elections. If this trend continues, there's a growing likelihood that we'll have states, in the aftermath of a presidential election, appointing "alternate" slates of electors, thereby subverting the will of the voters.

We dodged a bullet in 2020. We may not be so lucky in 2024. So, yes, the lie and the liar need to be called out.
We dodged a bullet lol. Things are just great and everyone love Biden. LOL.
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The bogus Mueller investigation
The "bogus" Mueller investigation. Except it was an exceptional investigation when it serves your purposes. You love to reference the "no finding of collusion" portion of the report.

The Mueller investigation was headed by Robert Mueller - - a decorated Marine and Vietnam War vet, a lifelong public servant - - - and a lifelong registered Republican. Although I'm sure, in your warped view, he's just a disgraceful RINO. That's probably also The Gateway Pundit's spin, right?

Pelosi Opened Her Jan. 6 Tribute Show by Having Broadway “Hamilton” Thespians Sing a Ditty — Maybe Next Year Liz Cheney Will Do an Insurrection Tap Dance?​

By Jim Hoft

I think Hickory and the Goat would really enjoy her doing a tap dance. I would not be shocked is Hickory actually showed up in D.C. next yer along with shedding some tears.
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The "bogus" Mueller investigation. Except it was an exceptional investigation when it serves your purposes. You love to reference the "no finding of collusion" portion of the report.

The Mueller investigation was headed by Robert Mueller - - a decorated Marine and Vietnam War vet, a lifelong public servant - - - and a lifelong registered Republican. Although I'm sure, in your warped view, he's just a disgraceful RINO. That's probably also The Gateway Pundit's spin, right?
No, I didn't particularly 'love' it. I agree with it. but it was the only conclusion they could come to - they found nothing to they could charge Trump with after over $40 million and 2 1/2 years of crawling up Trump's ass and threatening members of his administration and family with prosecution if they didn't tell them what they wanted.

Mueller may have been distinguished at one time, but he was a blithering idiot when he testified before Congress about the Report. It was embarrassing.
Not as bad as the far right labeling people RINOs for not being trumpian enough and then trying to get them primaried.
They are RINOs because they are guilty of the same crimes as the rest of politics. Had Trump won again there would be major game changing hires in the DOJ, FBI, and CIA which would have resulted in tons of lawsuits against all these guilty f*cking swamp rats. Remember the promise...Drain the Swamp. He never realized how horrifically deep it actually is. These a$$holes run for office, get elected, get put on some elites payroll, get rich, follow the agenda, and laugh at us. We all buy in and just go about our ways while there is deep seeded corruption at every level. I'm sure as Trump ran his businesses before he got elected they all had their hands out and he saw it from the other side. So he runs promising to Drain the joint and they went ape sh!t trying to remove him and had gunshot after gunshot to try and get rid of him. Then when sh!t starts failing in 2017 ole Fauci comes up with there is going to be plandemic. When everything else fails launch the virus. Does anyone remember when he showed up at the world economic forum and pitched his America First agenda? They ALL melted. Like deep hatred melted. Sorries call it what you will but if you think these a$$hats that get elected election after election are good guys your blind as F*ck! There may be a few newbies but it doesn't last long. They will not get sh!t passed unless they come on board. /endrant
The elementary school level: Biden said we must work together make sure that a failed attempt to stop a peaceful tradition of power must never happen again. In other words: Failure is not an option!

So you're nitpick here is sentence structure.

The High School level: Assuming Biden meant that we must work together to stop a defeated candidate from even trying to disrupt the transition, then what? Stop the rally? I don’t want to live in a place where people could not rally about any subject they want.

Trump sent them over to the Capitol then left to watch it on TV. At that point, it needed to be stopped. When in your eyes did it stop being just rally?

It's cool you were supportive of the BLM rallies.

What about the rally Guiliani at the Four Seasons? Should you stop those? LOL What a moron he has become.

The college level: If Biden meant to work together to have elections more acceptable, calling January 6 an insurrection, an attack on democracy, like Pearl Harbor, or like September 11, is a bad stupid joke. Maybe he should have thought about peaceful elections before the Democrats brought coordinated lawsuits in 15 states to relax voting security including banning poll watchers from close observation of signature verification on hastily enacted mass mailed ballots procedures.

Any attack on our systems is an attack on Democracy. Just because it was less deadly in terms of lives, just because it came from within, doesn't make any less of a threat.

The graduate level: Biden’s attack on his predecessor is unprecedented in modern American history. If Biden’s purpose was to ensure ongoing peaceful transfer of power and to bring the nation together, he was a spectacular and stupid failure. Just like his entire presidency.

This isn't graduate level. This is utterly stupid at this point. His attack on his predecessor? Calling someone out for what they did isn't an attack.
Oh, please. There have been plenty of despicable and disgusting people who have been President.

As far as idiotic, how do you get to be one of the richest people in the world by being an idiot?

Getting in excess of $400,000,000 from Daddy probably helped just a bit.
You serious, Clark? By having a rich daddy and getting lucky.
There are plenty of people who inherit money and then promptly lose it.

Trump took what was given him and built on it.

That should count for more than coming to Washington DC as a lawyer and proceding to get rich on a $170,000 salary for over 40 years.
That is laughably absurd. Were you living under a rock during the Trump presidency?

And when BIden's predecessor continues to insist that Biden stole the election from him and that our election system, the cornerstone of American democracy, is rigged and tainted by widespread fraud - - with tens of millions of Americans believing that destructive lie - - Biden's just supposed to shut up about it?

I'll grant you that Biden's presidency has, to date, been mostly a mess, but his comments yesterday were appropriate and necessary. And with almost every post, you prove that you're just a partisan hack.
Biden is one of the most evil human beings ever in politics. Trump in 4 years cannot come close to the amount evil doings of Biden over the last 50 years including all his Republocrat criminal sidekicks that have been slowly running this country into the ground.
Biden is one of the most evil human beings ever in politics. Trump in 4 years cannot come close to the amount evil doings of Biden over the last 50 years including all his Republocrat criminal sidekicks have been slowly running this country into the ground.
The media and sycophants on this board completely ignore his sniffy/feely fetish.

It's downright creepy.
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Getting in excess of $400,000,000 from Daddy probably helped just a bit.
Trump lost $1.17 billion from 1985-1994, more than any other American taxpayer during that 10 year period. Fortunately, for his sake, Daddy died just a few years later.
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Biden is one of the most evil human beings ever in politics. Trump in 4 years cannot come close to the amount evil doings of Biden over the last 50 years including all his Republocrat criminal sidekicks that have been slowly running this country into the ground.
Sure Trump was somewhat petty but the guy was attacked 24/7 by a vicous hateful media along with all the dems and even plenty of rino's. How could you not fight back. The libs just want him to sit back and take it. Biden is beloved by the media and is given glowing new coverage and yet he is angry, spiteful, evil, vindictive, and just flat out nasty. Not to mention a compulsive liar who never had any interest in unity at all. The man hates anyone who did not vote for him you can hear it in his voice.

I mean the media and big tech buried the Hunter Biden story for him and gives him 24/7 love why in the world is he so angry. I think it is who he is and always has been.
The bogus Mueller investigation - made up entirely of Democrat lawyers - didn't bother you, so don't be talking about anyone singing a different tune.

Do we know they were all Democrats, because Mueller wasn't, or do you just assume that's how your DANC brain works?
They are RINOs because they are guilty of the same crimes as the rest of politics. Had Trump won again there would be major game changing hires in the DOJ, FBI, and CIA which would have resulted in tons of lawsuits against all these guilty f*cking swamp rats. Remember the promise...Drain the Swamp. He never realized how horrifically deep it actually is. These a$$holes run for office, get elected, get put on some elites payroll, get rich, follow the agenda, and laugh at us. We all buy in and just go about our ways while there is deep seeded corruption at every level. I'm sure as Trump ran his businesses before he got elected they all had their hands out and he saw it from the other side. So he runs promising to Drain the joint and they went ape sh!t trying to remove him and had gunshot after gunshot to try and get rid of him. Then when sh!t starts failing in 2017 ole Fauci comes up with there is going to be plandemic. When everything else fails launch the virus. Does anyone remember when he showed up at the world economic forum and pitched his America First agenda? They ALL melted. Like deep hatred melted. Sorries call it what you will but if you think these a$$hats that get elected election after election are good guys your blind as F*ck! There may be a few newbies but it doesn't last long. They will not get sh!t passed unless they come on board. /endrant

The swamp is in mar-a-lago now. But your post is some funny shit. you high?
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Biden is one of the most evil human beings ever in politics. Trump in 4 years cannot come close to the amount evil doings of Biden over the last 50 years including all his Republocrat criminal sidekicks that have been slowly running this country into the ground.
Then there's this, not from a Dem but from someone on the other side of the aisle.

Do you, too, get your "information" from The Gateway Pundit?

I don't know why don't you pony up some money? You may talk a good game but put your money where your mouth is. Send the feds extra tax payments at the end of the year.

I more than provide my fair share. I have 99 y/o grandmother and a 77 y/o mother who get my attention.

I'm ok if the government helps out people truly in need. You'll be OK too.
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Biden is one of the most evil human beings ever in politics. Trump in 4 years cannot come close to the amount evil doings of Biden over the last 50 years including all his Republocrat criminal sidekicks that have been slowly running this country into the ground.

Lol, so biden grabbed women by the pussy and bragged about it? biden is best buds with the late jeffrey epstein? Biden cheated on multiple wives with prostitutes and then paid them off to keep quiet before the election? Biden hit on his daughter? Biden bullied people on twitter, including kids? biden catered to white supremacy groups (fine people on both sides of course)? Biden downplayed covid for fear of hurting re-election? Biden had protestors physically removed so he could have a picture of himself with a bible in front of a church? biden colluded with russia to assist with election campaign?

oh wait, no that was all trump. Trumpsters don't get to complain about evil humans being in politics.
Which doesn't address any of the points.
"The points" are conjecture, just coincidences strung together (aka, a conspiracy theory) without considering explanations already out there.

Here's an example of explanations for the bellwether counties.

No, he's undoubtedly a RINO. That doesn't mean I disagree with everything he did, but he was never a Republican in any way. He pretended to be a Republican to get votes from . . . people like you. ;)
Ever since the days ended when party bosses picked presidential candidates at national conventions a populist candidate such as a Trump or Carter was bound to surface as a party's candidate.

Thus the door is now open to a RINO or DINO. Cannot say this is good or bad, just another reality we will have to live with.
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Biden really flipped the script

Obama 2012Biden 2020
60 million votes81 million
873 counties509 counties
18/19 Bellweather Counties1/19 Bellweather Counties
Won FL, OH, IALost FL, OH, IA
Won House SeatsLost House Seats

Are you saying that Biden crushing Obama in the results shown above can be explained by VA and NV, which Clinton won in 2016 only to lose the race?

Or in other words, if you had to place a bet now, would you expect the 2024 winner to look like Obama's 2012 results, even losing NV and VA (results aligned to 2016), or would you expect the winner's results to look like Biden's in the table above if the candidate wins NV and VA?

The comment on the black vote is maybe referring to Obama taking 97% of the black vote, while Biden got 90%. However, Biden gleaned more total black votes than Obama. The reason here is straightforward, turnout.

Reputable main stream media fact-checkers have affirmed that more black voters turned out to vote for Biden in 2020 than Obama in 2012, and more importantly, exactly in the places he needed the votes the most Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee, and the votes were by mail, leading to one of the greatest comebacks of all time. Why would anyone expect Obama to be a bigger ballot box attraction than Biden?

Any insights on what the 2020 census shows in growth/decline vs 2010 in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee? Wouldn't be something if the populations in those places declined and yet the total voter turnout massively increased?

Another question would be what are the dynamics in party registration, specifically the % of registered democrats in MI, GA, PA, and WI from 2012 to 2020? Wouldn't it be really something if the GOP outpaced the Dems in registration % and total new registrations over that time period, yet somehow Biden managed to connect to that base and pull them into his camp at a greater rate than Obama - a president that had large crossover appeal?

So we are clear on the topic, this Biden vs Obama. I made no mention of the 2020 GOP candidate in my post. Feel free to ignore me (which would probably be a wise move because you can't win this one), but if you take the challenge and actually try to defend your analysis, I expect you will make no mention of him in your response.

As you said, Ohio mattered "decades ago". To go back approximately a single decade, I have to go to either 2012 or 2008, I picked 2012, but we can go with 2008 if it better explains your point. Feel free to post that table in a similar format as above, and please show your math.

On another vector of thought, Obama was really holding Joe Biden back for 8 years. In looking at the numbers, one can only imagine the extent to which they would have crushed it if only they had the ticket the other way around with Obama as the VP.
Most of what you say here is already addressed in my post you quoted. Perhaps I need to explain in more detail. Unfortunately, I don't have time for it now. But I will come back and give you a proper response later.
Most of what you say here is already addressed in my post you quoted. Perhaps I need to explain in more detail. Unfortunately, I don't have time for it now. But I will come back and give you a proper response later.
Are you saying you will ( circle back )
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"The points" are conjecture, just coincidences strung together (aka, a conspiracy theory) without considering explanations already out there.

Here's an example of explanations for the bellwether counties.

But But But it was a fair election... :/. Blind will be blind.
Hey, Blarney, have you received any response to your well constructed, thought-out post?

If so, I haven't seen it.

If you don't receive any kind of response, you might want to repost until you do. Your post is too good to get lost in the cesspool here.
What is "well thought out" about his post. He cites statistics and "facts" without providing any evidence that any of it is remotely accurate. For example he says Biden won 90% of the Black vote, when the pew research analysis I linked to which was based on confirmed voters put the number at 92%. He also relied on showing what he saw as discrepancies between Obama and Biden, yet the pew analysis provided proof that the 2018 and 2020 elections were remarkably similar in shares of votes from various constituent groups...

He implied for example that Pubs out registered Dems in states like PA and MI...

"Another question would be what are the dynamics in party registration, specifically the % of registered democrats in MI, GA, PA, and WI from 2012 to 2020? Wouldn't it be really something if the GOP outpaced the Dems in registration % and total new registrations over that time period, yet somehow Biden managed to connect to that base and pull them into his camp at a greater rate than Obama - a president that had large crossover appeal?"

Wouldn't it be something if he provided an actual link providing evidence of the claim he made? Apparently his bold claims without evidence were enough to earn him likes from you and dbm, but not exactly a glowing review from recognized posters of much intelligence...

I'm not a math/stats guy, but I examined the results of 10 of the reddest counties in PA from 2016 to 2020 and I can tell you why Biden won PA...

There's an interactive map at this link

Now starting in the far west corner and moving East along the NY border from Warren Co to Wayne and then south to Pike and then back west to both Wyoming and Sullivan, Trump won each of these counties by getting at least 59% of the vote. In some his vote share went up from 2016,and in a few it went down. But in every single one of them Biden outperformed HRC by at least 1.5 %. In 5 the results were pretty shocking...

Sullivan went from 72.7/23.8 in 2016 to 72.8/25.6 in 2020
Wyoming from 66.7/28.8 in 2016 to 66.7/31.6 in 2020
Wayne from 67.6/29.2 to 66.2/32.7 in 2020
Tioga from 73.6/21.1 to 74.5/23.5
Pike from 61/35.2 to 59/40

Wyoming, Wayne and Pike all share a border with either Lackawanna or Monroe. Both Lackawanna and Monroe went for Biden by wider margins in 2020 than Clinton in 2016. Conversely Trump's vote share in both also dropped from 2016 to 2020. From 46.3 to 45.2 in Lackawanna and even more drastically from 47.7 to 46.1 in Monroe...

This reflects Biden's gains with white voters which I discussed earlier. I chose these deep red counties which Trump swept to illustrate how Biden was able to siphon away votes and chip away in counties where the election apparatus is in the hands of the GOP. I suspect if I analyzed a state like GA the results would be even more dramatic- we saw that in the Senate runoffs. We all saw huge hints of increased Biden support over Clinton in both the MI and WI Primaries, where if I'm not mistaken Biden got more votes in both than the combined total of both HRC/Bernie in the 2016 primaries which Bernie swept...

Now I don't know what Blarney was implying in his "brilliant" post, but he's welcome to return and share some more of what you characterize as "well constructed and thoughtful".

And either of you are welcome to address how local GOP candidates (on the same ballot with Trump/Biden) managed to not only win elections but often got more votes than Trump in their respective districts?
There are plenty of people who inherit money and then promptly lose it.

Trump took what was given him and built on it.

That should count for more than coming to Washington DC as a lawyer and proceding to get rich on a $170,000 salary for over 40 years.
I guess it's that business acumen that kept him from ever having to declare bankruptcy, right? Built on it? Why do you think he had to resort to those Russian Mafia connections over the years? He screwed so many people over that no one else would give him any money. He sure "built on" his reputation and good name, didn't he...

Hell his own tenants despise having his name affiliated with the building they live in, and that sentiment was before he ever entered politics. Trump's only been a politician since 2015, so you can't claim people were suing him for political gain. There are a lot of people far more wealthy than Trump, but somehow it's Trump that incites people to sue him. Why do you think that is?

What was it about Trump's history that made you think of him as a prime Presidential candidate prior to him descending the gold inlaid escalator at Trump Tower and attacking Mexican immigrants and "elites"? Did you really look at the pompous buffoon who hired SAG extras to cheer his announcement and say to yourself- He's a Champion of the working class?
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They are RINOs because they are guilty of the same crimes as the rest of politics. Had Trump won again there would be major game changing hires in the DOJ, FBI, and CIA which would have resulted in tons of lawsuits against all these guilty f*cking swamp rats. Remember the promise...Drain the Swamp. He never realized how horrifically deep it actually is. These a$$holes run for office, get elected, get put on some elites payroll, get rich, follow the agenda, and laugh at us. We all buy in and just go about our ways while there is deep seeded corruption at every level. I'm sure as Trump ran his businesses before he got elected they all had their hands out and he saw it from the other side. So he runs promising to Drain the joint and they went ape sh!t trying to remove him and had gunshot after gunshot to try and get rid of him. Then when sh!t starts failing in 2017 ole Fauci comes up with there is going to be plandemic. When everything else fails launch the virus. Does anyone remember when he showed up at the world economic forum and pitched his America First agenda? They ALL melted. Like deep hatred melted. Sorries call it what you will but if you think these a$$hats that get elected election after election are good guys your blind as F*ck! There may be a few newbies but it doesn't last long. They will not get sh!t passed unless they come on board. /endrant

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Trump lost $1.17 billion from 1985-1994, more than any other American taxpayer during that 10 year period. Fortunately, for his sake, Daddy died just a few years later.
You're only behind 25 years.
I guess it's that business acumen that kept him from ever having to declare bankruptcy, right? Built on it? Why do you think he had to resort to those Russian Mafia connections over the years? He screwed so many people over that no one else would give him any money. He sure "built on" his reputation and good name, didn't he...

Hell his own tenants despise having his name affiliated with the building they live in, and that sentiment was before he ever entered politics. Trump's only been a politician since 2015, so you can't claim people were suing him for political gain. There are a lot of people far more wealthy than Trump, but somehow it's Trump that incites people to sue him. Why do you think that is?

What was it about Trump's history that made you think of him as a prime Presidential candidate prior to him descending the gold inlaid escalator at Trump Tower and attacking Mexican immigrants and "elites"? Did you really look at the pompous buffoon who hired SAG extras to cheer his announcement and say to yourself- He's a Champion of the working class?
To a business illiterate like yourself, I suppose bankruptcy is scary. However, it's used all the time by businesses.

GM is still selling a lot of cars after being bailed about by Obama in 2009 - did you bitch about Obama doing that?
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