
Trump did condemn them. It is the new issue of bothsidesology that is the root of the most recent libmob outrage, is it not?
He completely backed off his condemnation using terms that are obvious to any but the most ardent cognitive dissonant.

Look, I think this is really simple. The liberal slanted media started this with their attempts to paint the alt-right as an all-bad movement. It's got some well-intentioned apples and some real rotten ones.

The right wing media is now doing the same thing with antifa. Both sides fell for it and are still falling for it. Antifa is the counterpart of the alt-right.

Nazis, Black Panthers, ecoterrorists, and KKK are not counterparts of antifa or alt right. They're the real bad guys, with zero redeeming value whatsoever.

The liberal pols are just as dangerous to act on condemning all antifa as conservative pols are to denounce all alt right.
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It's true. It doesn't matter what Trump says and you know it. I wish his statement was unequivocal the first day. It wasn't but that still doesn't matter to you or anyone else.
So now you're getting butthurt over what you read in people's minds. No wonder you're angry all the time.
Goat could write the statement for Trump. Trump could read it with perfect facial expressions and it wouldn't suffice.
While there is a sizeable contingent of folks who do and will always hate everything Trump, I think his ham-handed methods and unorthodox, brash style have earned him that. Those same qualities have also created a counter group so loyal that they would support him no matter what.

The next few elections will be a battle for the minds in the middle. I feel like that's also a sizeable group. We are not all racists and we are not all part of the libmob, but we are finding it very difficult to make progress because emotions are driving the discourse these days. I think folks on the left prefer things that way, and therein lies the crux of the problem, IMO.
It's true. It doesn't matter what Trump says and you know it. I wish his statement was unequivocal the first day. It wasn't but that still doesn't matter to you or anyone else.
Because, o dissonant one, the man says nothing of substance and vomits whatever misinformed thought is in his mind at the time or what he thinks the audience wants to hear.

He has removed any and all credibility for the time being and until he can string together a few months of honesty, he is NOT to be believed by anybody other than the most cognitively dissonant - which I presume includes you? Or does it not?

Stop making this a left/right thing. If you want to include yourself in the Big Boys and Girls Club, stop acting like a hack and come meet in the reality based community.
While there is a sizeable contingent of folks who do and will always hate everything Trump, I think his ham-handed methods and unorthodox, brash style have earned him that. Those same qualities have also created a counter group so loyal that they would support him no matter what.

Precisely. And recently, it seems like @stollcpa is a card carrying member of that latter group.
So now you're getting butthurt over what you read in people's minds. No wonder you're angry all the time.

I am at my desk smiling this morning. Are you over being fired?

Edit I smile every time I think of your Butthurt over Goat being a better moderator.
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See my like of Hills post. I don't agree with everything Trump. He's made many of his own problems. He screwed up with statements after Charlottesville. BUT for the other side his statements wouldn't matter.
I am at my desk smiling this morning. Are you over being fired?

Edit I smile every time I think of your Butthurt over Goat being a better moderator.
Your "fired moderator" theme mystifies me. But you actually are butthurt. You wear your resentments on your sleeve, and you routinely lash out emotionally as though you'd been spanked. Indeed, apart from such angry butthurt posts, you've had little to say here.
Your "fired moderator" theme mystifies me. But you actually are butthurt. You wear your resentments on your sleeve, and you routinely lash out emotionally as though you'd been spanked. Indeed, apart from such angry butthurt posts, you've had little to say here.

You have a lot to say that's a lot of nothing. When you start posting charts and writing essays everyone is supposed to straighten up in their seats and pay close attention. You've bragged many times about your great moderating ability in the past. You could ban me if you still had the title, but you don't have it. I tried to get along when I first joined but you were an ass, so screw you.
You have a lot to say that's a lot of nothing. When you start posting charts and writing essays everyone is supposed to straighten up in their seats and pay close attention. You've bragged many times about your great moderating ability in the past. You could ban me if you still had the title, but you don't have it. I tried to get along when I first joined but you were an ass, so screw you.
That's pretty petulant for a guy who isn't butthurt.
You have a lot to say that's a lot of nothing. When you start posting charts and writing essays everyone is supposed to straighten up in their seats and pay close attention. You've bragged many times about your great moderating ability in the past. You could ban me if you still had the title, but you don't have it. I tried to get along when I first joined but you were an ass, so screw you.
But if you misrepresent what Rockfish (and others) say and you scoff at "charts" and "essays" and you can't (or won't) re-state accurately what others are saying to you, folks are left with two options: You are unable to comprehend or you are unwilling to put even a little effort to understand and engage. That's deeply unimpressive and that's what folks here are telling you. Your lashing out instead of proving you know what you're talking about just confirms what they suspect about your abilities.

That's pretty rough, but that's where we are. You've had an opportunity here to let folks think otherwise and haven't used it.

Now you can say you don't care what others think, but that'd be pretty much the last nail in the coffin.
But if you misrepresent what Rockfish (and others) say and you scoff at "charts" and "essays" and you can't (or won't) re-state accurately what others are saying to you, folks are left with two options: You are unable to comprehend or you are unwilling to put even a little effort to understand and engage. That's deeply unimpressive and that's what folks here are telling you. Your lashing out instead of proving you know what you're talking about just confirms what they suspect about your abilities.

That's pretty rough, but that's where we are. You've had an opportunity here to let folks think otherwise and haven't used it.

Now you can say you don't care what others think, but that'd be pretty much the last nail in the coffin.

I just went back through thread. I can't find Rock's post you want me to interpret.
I just went back through thread. I can't find Rock's post you want me to interpret.
You're not doing my bidding. It's not a chore I'm giving you. I'm telling you that it's something you ought to do unless you want folks to conclude you're unable.

It's not a single post. It's the entire discussion. It's really pretty straightforward.
I am at my desk smiling this morning. Are you over being fired?

Edit I smile every time I think of your Butthurt over Goat being a better moderator.
Stoll, time to stop this. You've had your say with mods and site management. Get over it. This is not appropriate for public discourse. I know Rock can handle it, but it's still childish and inappropriate. Stop now.
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It's true. It doesn't matter what Trump says and you know it. I wish his statement was unequivocal the first day. It wasn't but that still doesn't matter to you or anyone else.
We never went through that with Obama. I sure don't recall popular conservative media ripping him for his suit color. Trump does deserve some, the rest he is reaping what Bannon et al have sown.
You're not doing my bidding. It's not a chore I'm giving you. I'm telling you that it's something you ought to do unless you want folks to conclude you're unable.

It's not a single post. It's the entire discussion. It's really pretty straightforward.

I just made an honest attempt to respond about racism and what I thought Rock was espousing. It was deleted for attacking Rock. I believe Rock asked me to do the same thing. I in no way meant it to be an attack. I tried to respond and what I disagreed with. If I still had the post I would PM it to you. There's was no name calling or petulance and bam it's gone. It does appear there's no fairness on this board. I would love for the Mod who deleted my post PM it to you. If you tell me it was inappropriate fine.
We never went through that with Obama. I sure don't recall popular conservative media ripping him for his suit color. Trump does deserve some, the rest he is reaping what Bannon et al have sown.

You're right on all accounts.
Stoll, time to stop this. You've had your say with mods and site management. Get over it. This is not appropriate for public discourse. I know Rock can handle it, but it's still childish and inappropriate. Stop now.

I get it but you were wrong to delete my last post. I made honest attempt to answer Thyrsis and Rock as they requested. I believe if that post is put back up no one would believe I was attacking anyone. But of course that's all up to you.
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That's horrible.
I'm most surprised it happened in a town as liberal as Bloomington.

I encountered anti-Semitism for the first time when I got to college.
Couldn't understand that bigotry any better than slavery.

My son's best friend from HS is Jewish and currently attends IU.
If my son had picked IU, they were gonna live together.
His dad is also an alum, and he and I go to games a couple of times each year.
(Saw them Thursday night.)
They picked IU in part because of the Jewish community available there.
Hope that crap is gone forever.
That's horrible.
I'm most surprised it happened in a town as liberal as Bloomington.

I encountered anti-Semitism for the first time when I got to college.
Couldn't understand that bigotry any better than slavery.

My son's best friend from HS is Jewish and currently attends IU.
If my son had picked IU, they were gonna live together.
His dad is also an alum, and he and I go to games a couple of times each year.
(Saw them Thursday night.)
They picked IU in part because of the Jewish community available there.
Hope that crap is gone forever.

Don't remember reporting on this but community can be proud of the way the reacted.
Why is there such a strong need on the right to create a false equivalency among Anifa and the "alt-left" (a right wing created concept, BTW) to white nationalists/nazis?
The answer to that question would be another question... Why does your side always try to make the other side worse when both sides are despicable?
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The answer to that question would be another question... Why does your side always try to make the other side worse when both sides are despicable?

We seem to be wasting a lot of time and money with the war on terror if responding to evil aggressors makes us equally culpable.
Et tu, NPT?
I was talking in general when I made that statement. I get tired of the first thing being "Your side is worst than my side" even if it is true and then trying to defend what their side does by saying it's not as bad as what the other side does. What can't we just discuss things like that without having sides? In my opinion, there is no side to be taken because I think what a lot of groups do is despicable even if their cause is just. Why does it seem to be impossible to have demonstrations without violence?
I was talking in general when I made that statement. I get tired of the first thing being "Your side is worst than my side" even if it is true and then trying to defend what their side does by saying it's not as bad as what the other side does. What can't we just discuss things like that without having sides? In my opinion, there is no side to be taken because I think what a lot of groups do is despicable even if their cause is just. Why does it seem to be impossible to have demonstrations without violence?
But this didn't start with liberals pointing out Nazis are worse. It started out with conservatives saying "Antifa is just as bad," and liberals responding, "Huh?"

You'd have a point if the liberals were driving this discussion, but we are not. As I said to CO in another thread, you are doing this to yourselves. When reasonable people called out Trump for his equivocation, some of you instead hunkered down into protection mode and started this false equivalency narrative.
But this didn't start with liberals pointing out Nazis are worse. It started out with conservatives saying "Antifa is just as bad," and liberals responding, "Huh?"

You'd have a point if the liberals were driving this discussion, but we are not. As I said to CO in another thread, you are doing this to yourselves. When reasonable people called out Trump for his equivocation, some of you instead hunkered down into protection mode and started this false equivalency narrative.

So where on the scale of bad do you put a group in black masks beating people based on who they voted for president? And don't tell me some are good. If there were good ones they would aggressively and loudly come out and say we disavow this. Just like republicans come out again and again regarding white racist groups. This same group has decided to filter who's allowed to give speeches on college campuses. Where in the hell does that come from in America? So where is this on the scale of bad? What's different between their violence and the racists? The diffference is smashing the faces of people who voted for Trump isn't all that bad?
What we are complaining about is the insistence by some of you that Antifa and white nationalists are morally equivalent.
When either is doing violence they are morally equivalent because violence on either side is WRONG. However, that doesn't mean the two groups are equivalent when taken as a whole.
When either is doing violence they are morally equivalent because violence on either side is WRONG. However, that doesn't mean the two groups are equivalent when taken as a whole.
So, then stop acting like they are. This shouldn't be difficult. It shouldn't be like pulling f***ing teeth to get you people to admit that Nazis and Klansmen are awful people. Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing.

One day in the future, those of you on the wrong side of this fight are going to look back and feel ashamed that you allowed partisanship to trick you into taking this stand.
It's impossible for the folks making the equivalence argument to stop. To do so would require the condemnation of groups praising trump and by association the right. For some no matter how abhorrent a groups beliefs are they can't be unilaterally condemned because it would reflect badly on their team.