
So, then stop acting like they are. This shouldn't be difficult. It shouldn't be like pulling f***ing teeth to get you people to admit that Nazis and Klansmen are awful people. Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing.

One day in the future, those of you on the wrong side of this fight are going to look back and feel ashamed that you allowed partisanship to trick you into taking this stand.

Stop acting like folks have not agreed that the Klan and Nazis are awful people.

EVERY rightie on this board has ALREADY SAID IT and YOU are being intentionally obtuse.

You clearly want to believe we are all racists and your brain isn't processing anything else.

Stop with the bullshit.

Stop with the implied claims of racism through feaux questions.
Stop acting like folks have not agreed that the Klan and Nazis are awful people.

EVERY rightie on this board has ALREADY SAID IT and YOU are being intentionally obtuse.

You clearly want to believe we are all racists and your brain isn't processing anything else.

Stop with the bullshit.

Stop with the implied claims of racism through feaux questions.
No, every rightie hasn't said it, and many who have only were able to do so in the context of also condemning the Lefty Bogeyman Du Jour.

I asked you to unequivocally condemn white nationalism. You went silent.
So, then stop acting like they are. This shouldn't be difficult. It shouldn't be like pulling f***ing teeth to get you people to admit that Nazis and Klansmen are awful people. Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing.

One day in the future, those of you on the wrong side of this fight are going to look back and feel ashamed that you allowed partisanship to trick you into taking this stand.
I never acted like they were goat.... you read into other people's post what you want to read into them.
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And you read into that that I think they are the same??? Figures.
I never said you think they are the same. I said you're acting (i.e., posting) like that's what you think. Why do you feel the need to do this? Why not just say, "Yeah, Nazis suck, and they suck so hard, I can say that without feeling any need whatsoever to compare them to any leftist group at all. End of story."

That's what reasonable people would say. That's, essentially, what several of our fellow conservatives on this very forum have said. But many of you can't bring themselves to do it. Why? It makes no sense.
If that's not what you meant, what did you mean?
I explained that in a previous post where I said I was talking in general terms.... not about Antifa verse KKK or Nazi's. At least Antifa probably has some redeeming qualities whereas the other two don't but like I said earlier if both sides are doing violence then they are morally equivalent in that situation. I sure as hell wouldn't want the KKK or Nazi's marching thru my neighborhood but I sure wouldn't resort to violence unless I was defending myself or my property. No matter how despicable I think they are they still have a constitutional right to march. They get exactly what they want with all the media coverage.
I never said you think they are the same. I said you're acting (i.e., posting) like that's what you think. Why do you feel the need to do this? Why not just say, "Yeah, Nazis suck, and they suck so hard, I can say that without feeling any need whatsoever to compare them to any leftist group at all. End of story."

That's what reasonable people would say. That's, essentially, what several of our fellow conservatives on this very forum have said. But many of you can't bring themselves to do it. Why? It makes no sense.
And why can't you just say Antifa sucks when they are violent without even mentioning the Nazis or KKK.
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And why can't you just say Antifa sucks when they are violent without even mentioning the Nazis or KKK.
Because I don't think Antifa sucks. I think anti-fascism is a good movement to belong to. I do condemn those individual Antifa members and groups who conspired to and/or did actually commit political violence. I have already condemned that activity several times, without any reference to Nazis or other groups. So has Rock. Many, many times.

But I don't condemn Antifa as a movement, as an ideology. Because there is nothing wrong with their ideology. White supremacy, however, is evil to the core. It is on an entirely different plane of wrong than violence at protests. The violence is a side show. You should be willing to condemn Nazis and Kansmen simply for what they believe.

So, why won't you?
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Because I don't think Antifa sucks. I think anti-fascism is a good movement to belong to. I do condemn those individual Antifa members and groups who conspired to and/or did actually commit political violence. I have already condemned that activity several times, without any reference to Nazis or other groups. So has Rock. Many, many times.

But I don't condemn Antifa as a movement, as an ideology. Because there is nothing wrong with their ideology. White supremacy, however, is evil to the core. It is on an entirely different plane of wrong than violence at protests. The violence is a side show. You should be willing to condemn Nazis and Kansmen simply for what they believe.

So, why won't you?
I have... you just aren't listening.
Based on our exchange last night, you know that is not true.

I'm gonna take up your continued slurs and attempts to imply I support Nazism and the Klan with Jordan and with Rivals.

Under Section 559 of the Restatement of Torts, I believe what you have said (and worse, intentionally implied) about me (and several others) here the last 2 evenings constitutes defamation per se.

I have blocked you here so I can avoid the stress and anger your intentional claims that I support Nazis and Klan cause me.

I'll include you on my private e-mails to Jordan. You can respond there.
I explicitly said I don't think you support Nazis or the Klan. You're just being dishonest, now.
Based on our exchange last night, you know that is not true.

I'm gonna take up your continued slurs and attempts to imply I support Nazism and the Klan with Jordan and with Rivals.

Under Section 559 of the Restatement of Torts, I believe what you have said (and worse, intentionally implied) about me (and several others) here the last 2 evenings constitutes defamation per se.

I have blocked you here so I can avoid the stress and anger your intentional claims that I support Nazis and Klan cause me.

I'll include you on my private e-mails to Jordan. You can respond there.

Lol ............

The answer to that question would be another question... Why does your side always try to make the other side worse when both sides are despicable?

Because BOTH sides are NOT despicable,at least in the sense you're using.Both sides may approach each other and utilize questionable tactics on the field of battle with EACH OTHER.That's not necessarily to Antifa or the Left's credit that they employ similar tactics when the 2 sides engage in physical confrontations OVER POLITICS.No one here is failing to admonish Antifa when they use the same sort of force that the Klan and Nazis have used in the past and continue to use in the present.

But Antifa is not based on a philosophy of hate and racial/ethnic superiority.You can get by with a "bosides" characterization when it comes to tactics,but you can't begin to make that claim when it comes to underlying philosophy.The Nazi march in front of the Chalottesville Synaogue on Friday night,which deliberately cut thru the heart of the UVA campus was not an attack on or response to actions from Antifa.It was an INTENTIONAL hearkening back to Nazi rallies in pre-War Germany and was designed to serve the same ends- fear and intimidation.

They weren't demonstrating their "power" and shouting "Jews will not replace us" in an attempt to intimidate Antifa.It wasn't Antifa "militants" who were huddled within Congergation Beth Israel in fear,afraid to venture outside and be confronted by people whose only goal was to frighten them.From The Atlantic...

"The “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville was ostensibly about protecting a statue of Robert E. Lee. It was about asserting the legitimacy of “white culture” and white supremacy, and defending the legacy of the Confederacy.

So why did the demonstrators chant anti-Semitic lines like “Jews will not replace us”?

The demonstration was suffused with anti-black racism, but also with anti-Semitism. Marchers displayed swastikas on banners and shouted slogans like “blood and soil,” a phrase drawn from Nazi ideology. “This city is run by Jewish communists and criminal ******s,” one demonstrator told Vice News’ Elspeth Reeve during their march. As Jews prayed at a local synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, men dressed in fatigues carrying semi-automatic rifles stood across the street, according to the temple’s president. Nazi websites posted a call to burn their building. As a precautionary measure, congregants had removed their Torah scrolls and exited through the back of the building when they were done praying.

Are Jews White?

“This is an agenda about celebrating the enslavement of Africans and their descendants, and celebrating those that then fought to preserve that terrible machine of white supremacy and human enslavement,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL. “And yet, somehow, they’re all wearing shirts that talk about Adolf Hitler.”

This is where the "bosides" argument,and Trump's "good people on both sides" trope are both fundamentally flawed.The condemnation of Neo Nazis and KKK should have been UNEQUIVOCAL.Trump's failure to do so initially,and then his equally regrettable attempt to walk back comments that he feared might alienate elements of his base are the reason people all across the POLITICAL spectrum have condemned his words.

GOOD people do not march WITH people carrying swastikas and shouting unequivocally NAZI slogans (Blood and Soil).They don't wear brown shirts and carry tiki torches to commemorate historical marches by people celebrating Fascism and HATRED for an entire race of people.There were and are NO NICE NAZIS.Nazism is anathema to CIVILIZED people,and I'm not sure Trump has shown himself worthy of that designation.Horst Wessel no doubt had a family that loved him.But if you join in singing a song that praises him and walk down the street saying "Sieg Heil" you are a despicable person,paying homage to and flaunting a despicable philosophy.In that sense,BLM and Antifa are not even remotely on the same planet as Neo-Nazi scum.

Because I don't think Antifa sucks. I think anti-fascism is a good movement to belong to. I do condemn those individual Antifa members and groups who conspired to and/or did actually commit political violence. I have already condemned that activity several times, without any reference to Nazis or other groups. So has Rock. Many, many times.

But I don't condemn Antifa as a movement, as an ideology. Because there is nothing wrong with their ideology. White supremacy, however, is evil to the core. It is on an entirely different plane of wrong than violence at protests. The violence is a side show. You should be willing to condemn Nazis and Kansmen simply for what they believe.

So, why won't you?
Then wen are you guys going to get in the game.You are lame compared to the Weathermen.
No, every rightie hasn't said it, and many who have only were able to do so in the context of also condemning the Lefty Bogeyman Du Jour.

I asked you to unequivocally condemn white nationalism. You went silent.
You calling my brother a racist. That is why you guys are losing elections.
You've still experienced like 10 good seaons for every 1 of ours, so you're ahead.

It's easy to get used to the winning. Fell asleep most summer evenings listening to Cardinals on radio. Listened to Gibson no hitter while fishing on my grandfathers farm pond. Loved Gibson. Always wanted to emulate him. Unfortunately couldn't throw it hard so settled for curve balls and screwed up my arm. Lol.
It's easy to get used to the winning. Fell asleep most summer evenings listening to Cardinals on radio. Listened to Gibson no hitter while fishing on my grandfathers farm pond. Loved Gibson. Always wanted to emulate him. Unfortunately couldn't throw it hard so settled for curve balls and screwed up my arm. Lol.
And I listened to losses and Harry drunk...

But you know what? I watched the Kerry Woods game live. That was awesome. I'll trade that for everything you've experienced. That was one f***ing awesome game to watch. Shut down the best offense in baseball, and in a dominated fashion.
And I listened to losses and Harry drunk...

But you know what? I watched the Kerry Woods game live. That was awesome. I'll trade that for everything you've experienced. That was one f***ing awesome game to watch. Shut down the best offense in baseball, and in a dominated fashion.

My son got to attend a game at Wrigley Field with a friend when he was 12. He came home with a Cubs tee shirt. Dad wasn't so happy. Lol. Wrigley and Fenway are on my bucket list.

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