
@TheOriginalHappyGoat Since we have established that offensive words are disallowed I've petitioned the young man running this site to ban calling any other member idiot (that's similar to excuse on other word).
Then you clearly do not understand why the term you are referring to is (and should be) banned. Equating it with someone calling you an idiot is idiotic.
Then you clearly do not understand why the term you are referring to is (and should be) banned. Equating it with someone calling you an idiot is idiotic.

Go on using idiot then. That term is used exactly like the other term your referring too.
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There is something to the cognitive dissonance. But I suspect the original poster (and I might be wrong) wanted this argument you are providing him. It is less clear in this thread since MTIOTF didn't start this one. Perhaps my reply would be better in his thread where I am more confident the poster only wanted to tweak the other side.

Excuse me?
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Goat you call people more names on here than almost anyone. Hypocrisy at it finest.
Prove it.

Just about everyone can get out of hand and hurl an insult at some point. Even Bing did it once, I think. So I'm sure I've crossed the line my fair share of times. But I can't recall specifics. Pony up some evidence.
So you don't want to see Nazis...whose goal is the complete elimination of all races, sexual orientations, and religions they deem "subhuman" to be violently resisted?


Doc does not represent any other liberal here, and the arguments he's making are unlike any argument made by the rest of us. Blowing the rest of us off on account of Doc would be similar to us refusing to engage any conservative whatsoever because of Ladoga.
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LOL. Both sides are Nazis bent on the genocide of all other races. Got it! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I asked people to apply the same standards to both sides. It produced some of the most vile and vicious posts ever made on this board. Why should I discuss anything with such despicable people?
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I asked people to apply the same standards to both sides. It produced some of the most vile and vicious posts ever made on this board. Why should I discuss anything with such despicable people?
We do apply the same standards. We expect both sides to condemn horrible ideologies like white nationalism. We expect both sides to condemn politically-motivated violence. None of this needs to be controversial.

What we take issue with is you and others conflating the two. Condemning Nazis isn't the equivalent of condemning violent leftist counterprotesters. Both condemnations should be well-taken, but the failure to condemn Nazism is a far greater sin than the failure to condemn violent Antifa folks. That is the distinction you fail to grasp with your "Trump rule" stuff. Trump wasn't blasted for failing to condemn Nazi violence. He was blasted for failing to condemn Nazi ideology, and for both sides-ing the issue.

If you fail to condemn a murderer, and I fail to condemn a jaywalker, we have both shown a disregard for the rule of law, but your disregard is far more despicable than mine.

Also, "some of the most vile and vicious posts ever?" I just reread that thread. That is, to be kind, something of an overstatement.
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We do apply the same standards. We expect both sides to condemn horrible ideologies like white nationalism. We expect both sides to condemn politically-motivated violence. None of this needs to be controversial.

What we take issue with is you and others conflating the two. Condemning Nazis isn't the equivalent of condemning violent leftist counterprotesters. Both condemnations should be well-taken, but the failure to condemn Nazism is a far greater sin than the failure to condemn violent Antifa folks. That is the distinction you fail to grasp with your "Trump rule" stuff. Trump wasn't blasted for failing to condemn Nazi violence. He was blasted for failing to condemn Nazi ideology, and for both sides-ing the issue.

If you fail to condemn a murderer, and I fail to condemn a jaywalker, we have both shown a disregard for the rule of law, but your disregard is far more despicable than mine.

Also, "some of the most vile and vicious posts ever?" I just reread that thread. That is, to be kind, something of an overstatement.

I don't fail to grasp anything.

I condemned violence. You guys switched the argument to ideology so you could continue praise antifa... and toss around insults.

It's what you guys always do.

Violence by the right and the left is equal.
Stop trying to equivocate.
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I don't fail to grasp anything.

I condemned violence. You guys switched the argument to ideology so you could continue praise antifa... and toss around insults.

It's what you guys always do.

Violence by the right and the left is equal.
Stop trying to equivocate.
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Tell me what I think.
Tell me what I say.
Tell me what I mean.
Whack your gavel.
Ban somebody.
Delete some posts you don't like.

Violence is violence.
You're just to smart to understand it.
Ah yes. Here we go again. The primary reason it's impossible to have a conversation with you. You always resort to "I'm oppressed!" even though no one here is oppressing you.

Tell you what. Gather the strength to condemn neo-Nazis and the KKK without any reference to any leftist bad guy, without any strings, without any both sides-ism. Prove you can do that, and I'll take you seriously.
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That is not correct per the OP article from Politico, among others. I'm not trying to get in the middle of a dog shit slinging contest between Antifa and Neo Nazism, but your statement suggests that Antifa has no roots in anti-establishment, anti-government views, and that isn't accurate from what I have read.
I've watched this thread go on for pages with liberals frustrated that conservatives don't seem to understand the false equivalency between Nazi's, KKK, and the Antifa. They see it. I'm not sure they believe it or not. I think they are just scared of the thought of what Antifa could become. Some on the right are very comfortable with the KKK and white supremacist groups marching in America. Tradition and all. They expect the left to counter protest with flowers in their hair, singing songs. That is the fake tough guy on the right's image of all liberals. It's humerous, actually.

Dr. King made it possible for minorities to enjoy full citizenship through non- violent protest. No one is going to watch jack booted thug wanna be's take that away because we elected one of their own. It's the possibility of liberals and people of color, with their long history of violence( some state sponsored) against them, actually fighting back that scares them.
That is not correct per the OP article from Politico, among others. I'm not trying to get in the middle of a dog shit slinging contest between Antifa and Neo Nazism, but your statement suggests that Antifa has no roots in anti-establishment, anti-government views, and that isn't accurate from what I have read.
This gets into a semantic problem as well as an organizational one.

On Semantics. The people being labeled as "Antifa" are not necessarily the people who identify as "Antifa." Most who identify as "Antifa" are virulently anti-fascist. They are very much a reactionary group. But there are other leftists who are being grouped with Antifa (and who undoubtedly share some views with them) who might not consider themselves part of the movement.

On Organization. Antifa is very decentralized. It is originally an anti-fascist organization, and that's normally what you'll find, but some Antifa groups are decidedly anarchist. The violent Black Bloc folks on the west coast probably fit more into the latter than the former.
Gather the strength to condemn neo-Nazis and the KKK without any reference to any leftist bad guy, without any strings, without any both sides-ism. Prove you can do that, and I'll take you seriously.

Are you claiming I support Nazis or neo-Nazis or Klan?

You saying I have posted that?

Are you saying I have not already condemned them unequivocally?
Are you claiming I support Nazis or neo-Nazis or Klan?

You saying I have posted that?

Are you saying I have not already condemned them unequivocally?
I haven't seen you do it unequivocally. I've only seen it in the context of posting some both sides-ism. That doesn't mean you haven't. I just haven't seen it.
I've watched this thread go on for pages with liberals frustrated that conservatives don't seem to understand the false equivalency between Nazi's, KKK, and the Antifa. They see it. I'm not sure they believe it or not. I think they are just scared of the thought of what Antifa could become. Some on the right are very comfortable with the KKK and white supremacist groups marching in America. Tradition and all. They expect the left to counter protest with flowers in their hair, singing songs. That is the fake tough guy on the right's image of all liberals. It's humerous, actually.

Dr. King made it possible for minorities to enjoy full citizenship through non- violent protest. No one is going to watch jack booted thug wanna be's take that away because we elected one of their own. It's the possibility of liberals and people of color, with their long history of violence( some state sponsored) against them, actually fighting back that scares them.


I'm conservative.

I am willing to allow Nazi assholes to march because of Free Speech principles you clearly do not understand.

That does not mean I support Nazis or want civil rights rolled back.

Burn your straw-man.
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I'm conservative.

I am willing to allow Nazi assholes to march because of Free Speech principles you clearly do not understand.

That does not mean I support Nazis or wants civil rights rolled back.

Burn your straw man.

I'm not referring to you, and conservatives was a poor choice of words on my part. The Trump wing of the political spectrum is who I mean, because I don't think Trump is a conservative, moderate, liberal, et al. He's just a hugely destructive force of nature that tears down anything and everyone in his path. I describe myself as a radical moderate, if that makes sense. I'm for all that makes America and the world a better place, against all that seeks to destroy or roll it back.
Excellent post.

I'm not referring to you, and conservatives was a poor choice of words on my part. The Trump wing of the political spectrum is who I mean, because I don't think Trump is a conservative, moderate, liberal, et al. He's just a hugely destructive force of nature that tears down anything and everyone in his path. I describe myself as a radical moderate, if that makes sense. I'm for all that makes America and the world a better place, against all that seeks to destroy or roll it back.
This entire narrative is fiction.
What?? Did you miss the statements of their leadership explaining how they won because Trump didn't condemn them? You're entering charlatan territory. Proceed carefully.
There is something to the cognitive dissonance. But I suspect the original poster (and I might be wrong) wanted this argument you are providing him. It is less clear in this thread since MTIOTF didn't start this one. Perhaps my reply would be better in his thread where I am more confident the poster only wanted to tweak the other side.

Tweak? Yes, to a degree. Quite frankly I am sick and tired of a bunch of arm chair psychologist wannabes who do not even know me or really almost anyone they "talk" to on these threads feeling free to lob some of the bull shit they do at people.

And when Rock and Goat talk about equivocating, well likewise. We are past the point of civil discourse in most cases on this board because half the ass holes on here are incapable of having a conversation without accusing people of one of the worst things you can accuse someone of in our current society. Then when we get bent out of shape about it the pile on doubles up. "Thou protesteth too much". It gets ****ing old.

I have noticed you guys talking about how we got Trump. You make enemies out of potential allies with your entire approach to race. And by "you" I mean the left at large. I honestly have been beat over the head with race so much over the past decade that it does not even register anymore. And there may be real injustice going on but I no longer find it worthwhile to sift through the mountains of bull shit to find it. And quite frankly, I get lumped in with the racists no matter what. In some instances you are asking me to vote against my pocketbook all while saying "**** you" to my face. You guys want to know how you got Trump. Look in a mirror. The way you guys act towards anyone who does not say things the way you like and the absolute glee you take in labeling them as a Nazi or a racist plays out everyday in the real world. And often the people catching the brunt of that are the white working class people who are leaving the Democrats in droves. And this is where Rock and Goat jump in and say, "So you are blaming us for making the racists racist." And I shake my head and say no, I blame you for assuming all of these people are racist in the first place. Most people on the right have figured out that despite the little "but" that most of you throw at the end of your "white conservatives are mostly motivated by race" the most true part of the statement is not the add on "but not all of them" it is the original racist accusation.

Morrison, your support of leftist violence is noted. Hope you realize that all those Nazi and White Power morons are praying that the left shows just how much they are not pussies. Your Antifa buddies can have a bloodbath with the White Nationalists and they will all have a grand time. The country will be completely ****ed by then and the soft stance of..."well they are just as violent and violence is bad but at least they are not doing it for racial reasons" will have helped pave the way.

Which comes back to my original point. You guys keep saying the Nazi guys are worse because their ideology is worse and their historical ideological leaders were terrible people. We are saying that is true, the ideology is terrible and they are violent and evil people. We are also saying that the most dangerous part of those groups is their increasing desire for violence and the fact that they are becoming more violent. Likewise for Antifa. You may think they have altruistic reasons to commit their violence, but they are still being violent. They are an anti American, anti free speech, anti social group that seeks anarchy. And who gives a shit if they are loosely grouped or some apples are more rotten than others. They all float under the same banner. You guys are more bent out of shape about the thought behind the violence and I am more concerned about the violence, i.e. the groups are the same.

That is a conversation that we used to be able to have in this country and on this board. It cannot be had anymore because you guys are to concerned with playing pin the racist tail on the conservative.

(And I use "you" in the general sense Marvin, those comments are not really directed so much at you as they are the collective "you" of the left.)
Tweak? Yes, to a degree. Quite frankly I am sick and tired of a bunch of arm chair psychologist wannabes who do not even know me or really almost anyone they "talk" to on these threads feeling free to lob some of the bull shit they do at people.

And when Rock and Goat talk about equivocating, well likewise. We are past the point of civil discourse in most cases on this board because half the ass holes on here are incapable of having a conversation without accusing people of one of the worst things you can accuse someone of in our current society. Then when we get bent out of shape about it the pile on doubles up. "Thou protesteth too much". It gets ****ing old.

I have noticed you guys talking about how we got Trump. You make enemies out of potential allies with your entire approach to race. And by "you" I mean the left at large. I honestly have been beat over the head with race so much over the past decade that it does not even register anymore. And there may be real injustice going on but I no longer find it worthwhile to sift through the mountains of bull shit to find it. And quite frankly, I get lumped in with the racists no matter what. In some instances you are asking me to vote against my pocketbook all while saying "**** you" to my face. You guys want to know how you got Trump. Look in a mirror. The way you guys act towards anyone who does not say things the way you like and the absolute glee you take in labeling them as a Nazi or a racist plays out everyday in the real world. And often the people catching the brunt of that are the white working class people who are leaving the Democrats in droves. And this is where Rock and Goat jump in and say, "So you are blaming us for making the racists racist." And I shake my head and say no, I blame you for assuming all of these people are racist in the first place. Most people on the right have figured out that despite the little "but" that most of you throw at the end of your "white conservatives are mostly motivated by race" the most true part of the statement is not the add on "but not all of them" it is the original racist accusation.

Morrison, your support of leftist violence is noted. Hope you realize that all those Nazi and White Power morons are praying that the left shows just how much they are not pussies. Your Antifa buddies can have a bloodbath with the White Nationalists and they will all have a grand time. The country will be completely ****ed by then and the soft stance of..."well they are just as violent and violence is bad but at least they are not doing it for racial reasons" will have helped pave the way.

Which comes back to my original point. You guys keep saying the Nazi guys are worse because their ideology is worse and their historical ideological leaders were terrible people. We are saying that is true, the ideology is terrible and they are violent and evil people. We are also saying that the most dangerous part of those groups is their increasing desire for violence and the fact that they are becoming more violent. Likewise for Antifa. You may think they have altruistic reasons to commit their violence, but they are still being violent. They are an anti American, anti free speech, anti social group that seeks anarchy. And who gives a shit if they are loosely grouped or some apples are more rotten than others. They all float under the same banner. You guys are more bent out of shape about the thought behind the violence and I am more concerned about the violence, i.e. the groups are the same.

That is a conversation that we used to be able to have in this country and on this board. It cannot be had anymore because you guys are to concerned with playing pin the racist tail on the conservative.

(And I use "you" in the general sense Marvin, those comments are not really directed so much at you as they are the collective "you" of the left.)
I haven't accused you of being a racist, and I don't think Rock has, either. So why do you think we have?
Tweak? Yes, to a degree. Quite frankly I am sick and tired of a bunch of arm chair psychologist wannabes who do not even know me or really almost anyone they "talk" to on these threads feeling free to lob some of the bull shit they do at people.

And when Rock and Goat talk about equivocating, well likewise. We are past the point of civil discourse in most cases on this board because half the ass holes on here are incapable of having a conversation without accusing people of one of the worst things you can accuse someone of in our current society. Then when we get bent out of shape about it the pile on doubles up. "Thou protesteth too much". It gets ****ing old.

I have noticed you guys talking about how we got Trump. You make enemies out of potential allies with your entire approach to race. And by "you" I mean the left at large. I honestly have been beat over the head with race so much over the past decade that it does not even register anymore. And there may be real injustice going on but I no longer find it worthwhile to sift through the mountains of bull shit to find it. And quite frankly, I get lumped in with the racists no matter what. In some instances you are asking me to vote against my pocketbook all while saying "**** you" to my face. You guys want to know how you got Trump. Look in a mirror. The way you guys act towards anyone who does not say things the way you like and the absolute glee you take in labeling them as a Nazi or a racist plays out everyday in the real world. And often the people catching the brunt of that are the white working class people who are leaving the Democrats in droves. And this is where Rock and Goat jump in and say, "So you are blaming us for making the racists racist." And I shake my head and say no, I blame you for assuming all of these people are racist in the first place. Most people on the right have figured out that despite the little "but" that most of you throw at the end of your "white conservatives are mostly motivated by race" the most true part of the statement is not the add on "but not all of them" it is the original racist accusation.

Morrison, your support of leftist violence is noted. Hope you realize that all those Nazi and White Power morons are praying that the left shows just how much they are not pussies. Your Antifa buddies can have a bloodbath with the White Nationalists and they will all have a grand time. The country will be completely ****ed by then and the soft stance of..."well they are just as violent and violence is bad but at least they are not doing it for racial reasons" will have helped pave the way.

Which comes back to my original point. You guys keep saying the Nazi guys are worse because their ideology is worse and their historical ideological leaders were terrible people. We are saying that is true, the ideology is terrible and they are violent and evil people. We are also saying that the most dangerous part of those groups is their increasing desire for violence and the fact that they are becoming more violent. Likewise for Antifa. You may think they have altruistic reasons to commit their violence, but they are still being violent. They are an anti American, anti free speech, anti social group that seeks anarchy. And who gives a shit if they are loosely grouped or some apples are more rotten than others. They all float under the same banner. You guys are more bent out of shape about the thought behind the violence and I am more concerned about the violence, i.e. the groups are the same.

That is a conversation that we used to be able to have in this country and on this board. It cannot be had anymore because you guys are to concerned with playing pin the racist tail on the conservative.

(And I use "you" in the general sense Marvin, those comments are not really directed so much at you as they are the collective "you" of the left.)

I do not condone preemptive political violence, and denounce the wing of the Antifa affiliated with anarchists and preemptive violence. I also very much support freedom of assembly and free speech.
Tweak? Yes, to a degree. Quite frankly I am sick and tired of a bunch of arm chair psychologist wannabes who do not even know me or really almost anyone they "talk" to on these threads feeling free to lob some of the bull shit they do at people.

And when Rock and Goat talk about equivocating, well likewise. We are past the point of civil discourse in most cases on this board because half the ass holes on here are incapable of having a conversation without accusing people of one of the worst things you can accuse someone of in our current society. Then when we get bent out of shape about it the pile on doubles up. "Thou protesteth too much". It gets ****ing old.

I have noticed you guys talking about how we got Trump. You make enemies out of potential allies with your entire approach to race. And by "you" I mean the left at large. I honestly have been beat over the head with race so much over the past decade that it does not even register anymore. And there may be real injustice going on but I no longer find it worthwhile to sift through the mountains of bull shit to find it. And quite frankly, I get lumped in with the racists no matter what. In some instances you are asking me to vote against my pocketbook all while saying "**** you" to my face. You guys want to know how you got Trump. Look in a mirror. The way you guys act towards anyone who does not say things the way you like and the absolute glee you take in labeling them as a Nazi or a racist plays out everyday in the real world. And often the people catching the brunt of that are the white working class people who are leaving the Democrats in droves. And this is where Rock and Goat jump in and say, "So you are blaming us for making the racists racist." And I shake my head and say no, I blame you for assuming all of these people are racist in the first place. Most people on the right have figured out that despite the little "but" that most of you throw at the end of your "white conservatives are mostly motivated by race" the most true part of the statement is not the add on "but not all of them" it is the original racist accusation.

Morrison, your support of leftist violence is noted. Hope you realize that all those Nazi and White Power morons are praying that the left shows just how much they are not pussies. Your Antifa buddies can have a bloodbath with the White Nationalists and they will all have a grand time. The country will be completely ****ed by then and the soft stance of..."well they are just as violent and violence is bad but at least they are not doing it for racial reasons" will have helped pave the way.

Which comes back to my original point. You guys keep saying the Nazi guys are worse because their ideology is worse and their historical ideological leaders were terrible people. We are saying that is true, the ideology is terrible and they are violent and evil people. We are also saying that the most dangerous part of those groups is their increasing desire for violence and the fact that they are becoming more violent. Likewise for Antifa. You may think they have altruistic reasons to commit their violence, but they are still being violent. They are an anti American, anti free speech, anti social group that seeks anarchy. And who gives a shit if they are loosely grouped or some apples are more rotten than others. They all float under the same banner. You guys are more bent out of shape about the thought behind the violence and I am more concerned about the violence, i.e. the groups are the same.

That is a conversation that we used to be able to have in this country and on this board. It cannot be had anymore because you guys are to concerned with playing pin the racist tail on the conservative.

(And I use "you" in the general sense Marvin, those comments are not really directed so much at you as they are the collective "you" of the left.)

This post will get ripped by the left but is dead nuts on why they are still unhinged and still don't get it. I for one hope they keep on doing exactly what they are doing until 2020. DT will get 4 more years. The middle class has had enough and not one single person i have talked to is remotely close to backing away from supporting DT. The media and the left telling me how racist i am is nothing new. Been their mo for years. Just screaming it louder and more often shows how out of touch the left still is.
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Ah yes. Here we go again. The primary reason it's impossible to have a conversation with you. You always resort to "I'm oppressed!" even though no one here is oppressing you.

Tell you what. Gather the strength to condemn neo-Nazis and the KKK without any reference to any leftist bad guy, without any strings, without any both sides-ism. Prove you can do that, and I'll take you seriously.

Nazis, KKK, White Nationalists and any other White hate groups are the scum of the earth. They are evil. I don't want their support in my party. There are no good people that are members of any of those groups.
This post will get ripped by the left but is dead nuts on why they are still unhinged and still don't get it. I for one hope they keep on doing exactly what they are doing until 2020. DT will get 4 more years. The middle class has had enough and not one single person i have talked to is remotely close to backing away from supporting DT. The media and the left telling me how racist i am is nothing new. Been their mo for years. Just screaming it louder and more often shows how out of touch the left still is.

Besides screaming now they've turned to being political terrorist. They destroy property and beat the hell out of people who voted for the opposite party.
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I haven't accused you of being a racist, and I don't think Rock has, either. So why do you think we have?
There have been plenty on this board, that have said things along the lines of "if you voted for Trump, you are a *****ists (I will let you fill in the blanks, for there are several). It get really old.

IUCrazy hit a bullseye with his posts. I have just tuned all you guys out. I have worked my ass off for most of my adult life, have tried to treat others with respect and compassion, tried to be charitable with my time and money, and all the left wants to do is tell me what a miserable human being I am. I am over it. It gets to a point where I just don't care.
I asked people to apply the same standards to both sides. It produced some of the most vile and vicious posts ever made on this board. Why should I discuss anything with such despicable people?

Where were you when Ben Smith needed you? Did Bloomington United scare you too much?
There have been plenty on this board, that have said things along the lines of "if you voted for Trump, you are a *****ists (I will let you fill in the blanks, for there are several). It get really old.

IUCrazy hit a bullseye with his posts. I have just tuned all you guys out. I have worked my ass off for most of my adult life, have tried to treat others with respect and compassion, tried to be charitable with my time and money, and all the left wants to do is tell me what a miserable human being I am. I am over it. It gets to a point where I just don't care.

That sums it up for many people. Unfortunately, I can't keep my temper in check and fight with them. It's like beating your head against the wall. I've never give up on anything in my life but arguing with these lefties should be the first.
That sums it up for many people. Unfortunately, I can't keep my temper in check and fight with them. It's like beating your head against the wall. I've never give up on anything in my life but arguing with these lefties should be the first.
Glad to see you can still post :D
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What?? Did you miss the statements of their leadership explaining how they won because Trump didn't condemn them? You're entering charlatan territory. Proceed carefully.
Trump did condemn them. It is the new issue of bothsidesology that is the root of the most recent libmob outrage, is it not?

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