Another mass shooting (probably several)

I was asked to provide a practical application.

Calling people nutters doesn't help your side.

They aren't weapons of war.

Boars are an invasive species and bad for the environment. I'm not using it as an argument. I'm just giving you the info because you seem to think I'm just making it up.

The environment is only important to libs until it encroaches on their anti-gun crusade.
I'm tired of the wild bores that hang around here, but I've never felt like shooting any of them.
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There are feral pigs in 40 different states and over 4 million in Texas. They are a biological hazard to livestock populations and decimate crops.
I’m sure there are. Again, I doubt there’s a huge population of people with AR15 for that particular reason.
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Feral pigs must outnumber trans teens like 100:1, so the Trumpers must be sleepless over the feral pig crisis! :)
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Those look nothing like gun owners I know, and most of these mass shooters are either leftists or apolitical weirdos. The Orlando night club shooter was a Muslim.
Uh no. They aren’t. But nice try.
Its people who are failing. From a whole host of conditions. Selfishness, neglect, nihilism, purposeful ignorance, hatred, pure meaness, ect.

We have never had so much freely available information yet people are dumber and more misinformed than ever.
I’ll agree with that. My guess is you and I disagree on who those ill informed people are.
An average of 1700 people a year are murdered with a knife or sharp object.

About 340 a year by all rifles. Not just AR15s.

So 4 or more people getting murderd at once is worse than the same number 1 at a time? OK.

The point is the object gun control advocates want to ban wouldn't put a dent in total homicides. Why is so much time, money, and energy spent on something that won't have any tangible results? Wouldn't it be better used elsewhere?
No. Because those murdered with a knife are likely domestic disputes, which is a whole different issue. The fact that we can’t go to school, go to the mall, go to church , go to the grocery store in our country without fearing for our lives is a shameful situation. All because of our country’s gun culture. The rest of the world wonders what is wrong with us.
Freedom with laws requires a people that are mostly capable of exercising that freedom without trampling on others in the worst of ways. I would very much argue that people are not inherently good. What is generally needed is some system in place that holds people accountable. In the past I think we had a mixture of a mostly Judeo-Christian ethics that was interwoven into out popular culture and when applied with our secular laws that allowed for a mostly free society. You could leave your door unlocked at night type of stuff and not have break ins.

The greater amount of people you have in society who are just kind of hedonistically doing what is good for them, the more control you end up needing because people left to their own devices end up turning into Chicago and San Francisco. No God, no higher moral authority, just whatever the I can get away with without the government catching me or caring.

Communism demands authoritarianism because people aren't built to equally share just in their nature.
You always bring up the big cities, like they are a living hell. Yet you never criticize rural AlAna a, Mississippi, etc. and yet they have extreme gun violence too. Wonder why that is?
Freedom with laws requires a people that are mostly capable of exercising that freedom without trampling on others in the worst of ways. I would very much argue that people are not inherently good. What is generally needed is some system in place that holds people accountable. In the past I think we had a mixture of a mostly Judeo-Christian ethics that was interwoven into out popular culture and when applied with our secular laws that allowed for a mostly free society. You could leave your door unlocked at night type of stuff and not have break ins.

The greater amount of people you have in society who are just kind of hedonistically doing what is good for them, the more control you end up needing because people left to their own devices end up turning into Chicago and San Francisco. No God, no higher moral authority, just whatever the I can get away with without the government catching me or caring.

Communism demands authoritarianism because people aren't built to equally share just in their nature. No God, no higher moral authority, etc. Right?
If you want to save lives then ban abortion with the notable exceptions along with guns.

Contradictions like this exist and people wonder why nothing gets done.
That along with statistical data showing the outcome wouldn't be measurably different by banning the class of gun used in the 2nd least amount of murders.
Ban abortions? Lol that’s your answer? Why am I not surprised. You don’t care about children being killed in their classrooms but you want to force a woman to give birth to another unwanted child? That makes a lot of sense.
You always bring up the big cities, like they are a living hell. Yet you never criticize rural AlAna a, Mississippi, etc. and yet they have extreme gun violence too. Wonder why that is?
No they don’t. Not remotely the same. The difference between urban Missouri and rural Missouri is night and day. Nothing compares to Dem run cities. Nothing.
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No they don’t. Not remotely the same. The difference between urban Missouri and rural Missouri is night and day. Nothing compares to Dem run cities. Nothing.
I don’t know about Missouri. I just posted a link about rural and suburban gun violence.
And stoll acts like a teen girl out to get revenge on his buddy. Very mature.
Zeke you say anything you please on here. You insult with the best. You don’t need a protector. You can go at it with Cray or put him on ignore. My guess is you enjoy the back n forth.
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If you want to save lives then ban abortion with the notable exceptions along with guns.

Contradictions like this exist and people wonder why nothing gets done.
That along with statistical data showing the outcome wouldn't be measurably different by banning the class of gun used in the 2nd least amount of murders. Why did it make a difference when we actually had some sensible laws ?

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