Another mass shooting (probably several)

I wasn't talking about his police experience and neither was the poster I responded to.

Wake up.
He also talked about his experience as an officer. But wait….I thought I was too woke. Make up your mind.
Different location, different circumstances, different law enforcement, different prosecutors... different levels of disclosure. I doubt it's some coordinated effort to advance some kind of "narrative." Not everything is a diabolical plot.
Well of course they don't all get in a room and coordinate what they're going to say.

But they all the the same political leanings and world view. They don't have to coordinate to advance a narrative.

You should know that.
What percentage of gang members do you think were raised by single mothers?
What percentage of single mothers receive welfare?
And yes…the war on drugs is a big issue.
The amount of government assistance used to “help” people raise kids is out of bounds. And probably is a net negative in the long run.
Both in rural and urban environments
If their is data that backs that up I would love to see it.
Biden is polling lower than Satan now.
Higher than Congress tho

Gangbangers are the product of democrats, liberals and progressives. And then democrats, liberals and progressivists coddle them.
What led to the rise of organized crime from 1900-1930. Tolerance movements which led to the outlawing or overregulation of not just alcohol, but gambling, protitution, horse racing, etc. Were those liberal movements?

So you're telling me the War on Drugs was a smaller contributor to the rise of gangs, specifically drug gangs, than Great Society programs? I repsect your thoughts, but come on. I believe in economics and the moment we made alcohol and drugs into high dollar ventures, well.....look what happened. It's just science.

Explain organized crime int he early 20th century. No welfare there. And it wasn't even black people.

What percentage of gang members do you think were raised by single mothers?
What percentage of single mothers receive welfare?
And yes…the war on drugs is a big issue.
The amount of government assistance used to “help” people raise kids is out of bounds. And probably is a net negative in the long run.
Both in rural and urban environments
See above. I don't disagree that these played a part but the white elephant for both organized crime and the gangs today was the banning of an intoxicating substance. Period.
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What percentage of gang members do you think were raised by single mothers?
What percentage of single mothers receive welfare?
And yes…the war on drugs is a big issue.
The amount of government assistance used to “help” people raise kids is out of bounds. And probably is a net negative in the long run.
Both in rural and urban environments
Humans respond to incentives. If you incentivize single parent households, you’re going to get more single parent households.
Well of course they don't all get in a room and coordinate what they're going to say.

But they all the the same political leanings and world view. They don't have to coordinate to advance a narrative.

So both these sets of LE and prosecutors and Sheriffs are all on the same woke train?
Higher than Congress tho

What led to the rise of organized crime from 1900-1930. Tolerance movements which led to the outlawing or overregulation of not just alcohol, but gambling, protitution, horse racing, etc. Were those liberal movements?

So you're telling me the War on Drugs was a smaller contributor to the rise of gangs, specifically drug gangs, than Great Society programs? I repsect your thoughts, but come on. I believe in economics and the moment we made alcohol and drugs into high dollar ventures, well.....look what happened. It's just science.

Explain organized crime int he early 20th century. No welfare there. And it wasn't even black people.

See above. I don't disagree that these played a part but the white elephant for both organized crime and the gangs today was the banning of an intoxicating substance. Period.
The war on drugs is the major factor…the Great Society is a close second.
Maybe we eliminate both elements?
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Legalize it all but eliminate the social programs that allow people to sit at home and do drugs without having a job.

I see it every day
I don't doubt it. Some % of the population are worthless. 10,000 years ago they would have died young or been left on the side of the trail.

10,000 years later and we drag people down the trail. To be sure, I'm not sure there is any real solve other than staright up darwinism.
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I don't doubt it. Some % of the population are worthless. 10,000 years ago they would have died young or been left on the side of the trail.

10,000 years later and we drag people down the trail. To be sure, I'm not sure there is any real solve other than staright up darwinism.
A percentage would get their act together and be functioning members of society.
As you said, some would die young.

We have an obligation as a country to take care of mentally disabled (that’s a very narrow definition). I would also put the extreme physically disabled in there as well. Once again….very narrowly defined.
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A percentage would get their act together and be functioning members of society.
As you said, some would die young.

We have an obligation as a country to take care of mentally disabled (that’s a very narrow definition). I would also put the extreme physically disabled in there as well. Once again….very narrowly defined.
I can't imagine defining "infirm" in any way which wouldn't cause 8 gajillion lawsuits, etc. Especially if it means you get a check.

Good luck and Godspeed.
A percentage would get their act together and be functioning members of society.
As you said, some would die young.

We have an obligation as a country to take care of mentally disabled (that’s a very narrow definition). I would also put the extreme physically disabled in there as well. Once again….very narrowly defined.
There are bad apples that will take advantage of anything they can. We can't punish those who truly need a helping hand. Sometimes people need a lift up.

I know your argument. I hear it a lot. What I don't ever see is data to back the claims of wide spread abuse of welfare. Anecdotes without significant stats. A grand story that when scrutinized is isolated to a small %. I am too lazy to link but I would bet if we went looking we would find more evidence of the opposite of what you claim.
There are bad apples that will take advantage of anything they can. We can't punish those who truly need a helping hand. Sometimes people need a lift up.

I know your argument. I hear it a lot. What I don't ever see is data to back the claims of wide spread abuse of welfare. Anecdotes without significant stats. A grand story that when scrutinized is isolated to a small %. I am too lazy to link but I would bet if we went looking we would find more evidence of the opposite of what you claim.
Come sit in a pharmacy. You will get all the data you need.
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I can't imagine defining "infirm" in any way which wouldn't cause 8 gajillion lawsuits, etc. Especially if it means you get a check.

Good luck and Godspeed.
Oh yeah…we will never fix the problem. The truth is someone wouldn’t get re-elected. A part of that is the way it would be portrayed on social media and traditional media.

I’ve seen this for 25 years. Anyone that thinks it’s an insignificant percentage that is gaming the system….they are living in a fantasy world
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There are bad apples that will take advantage of anything they can. We can't punish those who truly need a helping hand. Sometimes people need a lift up.

I know your argument. I hear it a lot. What I don't ever see is data to back the claims of wide spread abuse of welfare. Anecdotes without significant stats. A grand story that when scrutinized is isolated to a small %. I am too lazy to link but I would bet if we went looking we would find more evidence of the opposite of what you claim.
Where are all your links and statistics that say our welfare programs are helping people?
I’ll agree with that. My guess is you and I disagree on who those ill informed people are.
Anyone who fails to continue their education after graduating from high school, or college is misinformed. It's our responsibility to further educate ourselves.
No. Because those murdered with a knife are likely domestic disputes, which is a whole different issue. The fact that we can’t go to school, go to the mall, go to church , go to the grocery store in our country without fearing for our lives is a shameful situation. All because of our country’s gun culture. The rest of the world wonders what is wrong with us.
If you truly are afraid for your life from a shooting then you should probably just never leave the house and become agoraphobic.
What’s dumb is our country’s fascination with guns. You think that is art? Sorry that’s dumb.
People like me aren't the ones committing these crimes.
There weren’t AR15 when they wrote the constitution and the Founding Fathers probably didn’t think there was a need because they couldn’t imagine people taking away a woman’s right to choose her own healthcare choices, along with her medical doctors.
They didn't have retractable pens, iphones, or internet either. You could make an argument words are more dangerous than weapons. It usually takes words to motivate people.

But they did have the puckle gun and leonardo da vincis drawings of tanks and flying machines. The founders were visionary and they probably imagined more than you would think.
And I’m the insufferable one? You will never give anything up, no matter how many dead children you see. That doesn’t bother you , but abortion does. And you think you’re consistent?
Never said it didn't bother me. But banning guns isn't a solution. Have you ever seen a cut up fetus? Does that not bother you?

Did you know there is a 10% excise tax on handgun sales and an 11% tax on rifle and ammunition sales that raises billions of dollars that goes to the national wildlife refuge fund? Use that money to fund mental health services and raise the money for nwrf through gate fees, park services, and license fees.
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Probably because her manifesto was just rambling bullshit from a bitter depressed person. The TX guy was pretty out front with his hatred. Easier motive to decipher based on the evidence, I presume.

Btw, what are you getting at? Most of these mass shooters have mental problems and there’s never a clear motive, so what makes her situation different?

I certainly hope it’s not this bullshit:
Their motive is ultimately suicide.
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