Afghanistan - what a mess by Biden and Trump...

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Probably not true he was checking his watch - he probably was checking to make sure he'd washed the blood off his hands.
20 years ago 9/11 happened and 20 years later we gave the terrorists their country back.

What did we expect was going to happen?

We have intel on their leaders. We need to start targeting their loved ones so they can get a taste of their own medicine.

We know where the leaders who are on the most wanted list are - what's holding us back from taking them out?

America used to be a helluva country.
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Even career Democrats can see where this train wreck is ultimately headed:

The rats are abandoning the ship.

No wonder Goat didn't want any political posts about 9/11. Reminds everyone how we gave these terrorists their country back without firing a shot.
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The rats are abandoning the ship.

No wonder Goat didn't want any political posts about 9/11. Reminds everyone how we gave these terrorists their country back without firing a shot.

This is what they don't want anyone to read and recall:

The trade for the traitor Bergdahl kick started this whole mess (and the DNC faithful know it)...

The Obama/Biden team where thrilled to release these monsters... In their alternate universe it was a Win/Win... They could claim to be drawing down Gitmo and have a ready made group of Taliban to negotiate with...
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And here's another great reason we shouldn't have just left all that equipment with the Tailban... :

We'll probably never know how completely the Biden team fvcked this up until it eventually comes back to bite us...
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And here's another great reason we shouldn't have just left all that equipment with the Tailban... :

We'll probably never know how completely the Biden team fvcked this up until it eventually comes back to bite us...
I mentioned this several pages ago and was quickly told that they don't have the knowledge or ability to glean any information from having the actual technology RIGH IN THEIR HAND. Besides we all know that would be dishonest to do that and through diplomacy efforts, this is all a nothing burger.
I mentioned this several pages ago and was quickly told that they don't have the knowledge or ability to glean any information from having the actual technology RIGH IN THEIR HAND. Besides we all know that would be dishonest to do that and through diplomacy efforts, this is all a nothing burger.
The DNC faithful hope they can continue to baffle the general electorate with BS and they'll continue to buy it...

This one is too big to simply fade away..., and it will come back to bite us... You can't create and equip a Terrorist Super State without having to eventually reap the whirlwind... It doesn't take a Nostradamus level seer to predict that...
"Did I do that?" - Joe Biden

one terrible decision after another.

Notice they finally release this info on Friday afternoon...typical DC tactic. Gets the least attention and hopefully something else happens over the weekend to pull it out of the news cycle by Monday evening. Meanwhile this was first reported by BBC almost 2 weeks ago.

Rand Paul told Blinken this bungled drone strike probably created another thousand terrorists who now hate the USA...(because they view us as the terrorists...and this event sure adds credence to their claim).

Anyone want to bet a dozen donuts Racheal doesn't touch this topic tonight??
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But I thought the Tally were the sworn enemies of ISIS K? Why free the bomber when you take over Bagram?
My question as well, as you can see above. Maybe a double agent? Maybe the Taliban was complicit in the bombing? If they know who he is, they know whether he's on the loose or has been caught. I wonder why the Congressman didn't say one way or the other?

Is this the way citizens are to informed of news? Isn't this a matter of public interest that the executive branch should be announcing? Did the Congressman act unethically or illegally in revealing this? If not, why hasn't it come from the chief executive?
I have no idea if Trump's exit plan would have better but I am pretty sure it could not have been worse than the mess Biden has us in. But Trump put him in this position, so he bears blame as well.

I am no expert AT ALL in Afghan foreign policy but giving back the country to the Taliban cannot be a good thing.

Good opinion article here.

If I remember correctly, under President Trump (& that 2019? congress), we were supposed to get totally out by the end of 2021? Biden upped the withdrawal date a few months. Problem is both had US leaving zero troops there, to cover our retreat/withdrawal, by year's end, even though our top military commanders recommended we leave a force of 2, 500 troops to help in the withdrawal/cover our retreat.

If we had left those 2, 500 troops our top military commanders recommended, we might have 13 more lively Americans, saved millions of dollars & not been totally caught with our tail between our legs.

Both sides screwed up

But Biden & (D)s more
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The Taliban are sending fighters to the Nanghar region to fight ISIS. When they capture ISIS troops, they string them up in public view to dissuade others. There is much to hate about the Taliban, but if they want to fight a brutal war against ISIS, that is ok by me. A political blog I read compared it to Hitler and Stalin, both murderous dictators that hated each other more than anyone else.

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Of all the Biden f ups, this was #1

Without a doubt the pullout was poorly executed.

Let us not forget, however, the Afghanistan war cost us the lives of 2,300 troops and one source estimates over 2 trillion dollars.

Furthermore, for the most part a majority of Americans sat by since 2001 without questioning why we were there and what the cost was. On this score, there is plenty of blame to go around.

Should we feel better or worse when looking back at the history of Afghanistan since 1800 and realize neither outside forces or the Afghans themselves have managed to rule this country.
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Obama and Biden gave the worst people on earth billion$ to use in attacking us and our allies. And millions of people defend it - like it was an OK thing.

I miss the United States. It was a hell of a country.


how the eff old are you guys?

I remember when Reagan broke US law to sell missiles to Iran.

I remember when Trump let 5,000 Taliban fighters -- some who had killed US troops -- out of jail just to see some of those same dudes kill our guys as we left.

Not that I blame either one of them. statecraft is hard.

but be honest with yourself, you can't really miss what you never comprehended in the first place.

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