Afghanistan - what a mess by Biden and Trump...


how the eff old are you guys?

I remember when Reagan broke US law to sell missiles to Iran.

I remember when Trump let 5,000 Taliban fighters -- some who had killed US troops -- out of jail just to see some of those same dudes kill our guys as we left.

Not that I blame either one of them. statecraft is hard.

but be honest with yourself, you can't really miss what you never comprehended in the first place.
Old enough to remember when LHO offed JFK and LBJ attacked the Tonkin Gulf
Was that a specific ceremony or the daily wreath laying? Also Trump skipped several of these ceremonies. I'm not a fan of any of our leaders skipping these things. Honestly that's the least our leaders could do. But for the right to feign outrage?... C'mon.
It was a ceremony honoring the 13 killed at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan.

If Trump was President and wasn't there, it would be the main story in the mainstream media.
I won't deny that. He notably skipped the 2018 veterans day ceremony and the media was all over it.

Biden and/or Harris should have been there today.
I will add that this is all over Fox News. They are the #1 news outlet. Main stream of the main stream. And it looks like the other outlets are starting to pick it up. Good.
Relaxing Joe Biden GIF by GIPHY News
Where's Joe and Kamala?

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The info in the thread which followed included a Memo to Blinken from the I.G. which said that two govt bureaus "could not demonstrate their compliance with partner vetting requirements on awards that disbursed at least $293M...." Also said they didn't maintain the records they are required to retain. Long and short is they don't know where the $ went......
The info in the thread which followed included a Memo to Blinken from the I.G. which said that two govt bureaus "could not demonstrate their compliance with partner vetting requirements on awards that disbursed at least $293M...." Also said they didn't maintain the records they are required to retain. Long and short is they don't know where the $ went......
Is that possibly accurate?
Sure. It's just not as ridiculous as that tweet posted above.
It's even more ridiculous. We've given $17.9 since we withdrew in 2021? That's more than ridiculous.

"Ever since the its withdrawal back in August 2021, the country has provided more than $17.9 billion in assistance to Afghanistan."
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It's even more ridiculous. We've given $17.9 since we withdrew in 2021? That's more than ridiculous.

"Ever since the its withdrawal back in August 2021, the country has provided more than $17.9 billion in assistance to Afghanistan."
For the life of me I don’t understand it. I’m sure the people of Afghanistan are hurting and could use the aid, but it seems more efficient to just take and old oil drum out back, throw the money in and set it on fire.

That’s about the same effect of funneling in Billions to areas controlled by Hamas and the Taliban.

I would make a bet that in my lifetime we have U.S. personnel dying in Afghanistan again. Actions like this and leaving billions in equipment behind make you wonder if that’s actually the plan.
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For the life of me I don’t understand it. I’m sure the people of Afghanistan are hurting and could use the aid, but it seems more efficient to just take and old oil drum out back, throw the money in and set it on fire.

That’s about the same effect of funneling in Billions to areas controlled by Hamas and the Taliban.

I would make a bet that in my lifetime we have U.S. personnel dying in Afghanistan again. Actions like this and leaving billions in equipment behind make you wonder if that’s actually the plan.
We have moron bureaucrats in the government who never question things like this. Or blow the whistle.

No one in the news media even raises this aid as a question? Is anyone investigating if the aid is actually getting to the people? FFS......
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