‘Lection Nuumbas - Questions for The Criminally Insane


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001

So according to the NBC, 74,200,000+ voted for Trump.

Question 1 - how many have been persuaded by the Democrats - all they have said and done to/for/about their neighbors and fellow Deplorable citizens about whom they care deeply since the election - to change their hearts/ minds and stop supporting Trump? 10? Dozen? Millions?

Question 2 - am I reading The NBC chart correct? Are they saying 89,000,000 mail in ballots were requested/sent out and 101,000,000 were sent back in? Or is they confusioning me on the purpose?
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Question 2 - am I reading The NBC chart correct? Are they saying 89,000,000 mail in ballots were requested/sent out and 101,000,000 were sent back in? Or is they confusioning me on the purpose?

It specifically says "requested". So I would think if a state sent out to every registered voter, they were not requested.
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Question 2 - am I reading The NBC chart correct? Are they saying 89,000,000 mail in ballots were requested/sent out and 101,000,000 were sent back in? Or is they confusioning me on the purpose?
There are two kinds of mail balloting systems.

Some states have universal “vote by mail” in which the states mail ballots to all voters, automatically. Any ballot returned would then fall into the "returned but not requested" category.

In most states, however, vote by mail is through absentee balloting (or is set up as an equivalent, parallel process) in which the voter must request an absentee ballot.
Question 3 - who do the Democrats WANT the GOP to nominate for the next Prez election? I say they want Trump.
Independent voter here...

I want the Republicans to nominate someone, other than Trump, that will be a champion for actual conservative values...and be someone most Americans would at least respect.

I want the Democrats to nominate someone, other than Biden, that will be a champion for actual progressive values...and be someone most Americans would at least respect.

My bar is too high, I know.
Independent voter here...

I want the Republicans to nominate someone, other than Trump, that will be a champion for actual conservative values...and be someone most Americans would at least respect.

I want the Democrats to nominate someone, other than Biden, that will be a champion for actual progressive values...and be someone most Americans would at least respect.

My bar is too high, I know.
Another consideration:

I'd like the Republicans to nominate someone who would thoughtfully approach each problem or issue that he or she confronts in a way that makes sense, not as a way to champion any set of values. But I'd expect that person to have a conservative bent as to how he or she views problems or solutions.

I'd like the Dems to do the same, albeit with someone who has a progressive bent as to how he or she views problems or solutions.

I don't really want Presidents championing values--except for obvious, universal, bi-partisan, non-extremist ones (like free speech, kindness, etc.). I'd like them to just do their jobs.

So according to the NBC, 74,200,000+ voted for Trump.

Question 1 - how many have been persuaded by the Democrats - all they have said and done to/for/about their neighbors and fellow Deplorable citizens about whom they care deeply since the election - to change their hearts/ minds and stop supporting Trump? 10? Dozen? Millions?

Question 2 - am I reading The NBC chart correct? Are they saying 89,000,000 mail in ballots were requested/sent out and 101,000,000 were sent back in? Or is they confusioning me on the purpose?

Question 2 - am I reading The NBC chart correct? Are they saying 89,000,000 mail in ballots were requested/sent out and 101,000,000 were sent back in? Or is they confusioning me on the purpose?
They are combining both mail ballots returned AND early vote in person totals in the 101,270,431 figure...

Mail-in and early in-person ballots returned 101,270,431 is a confusing label to use...

Mail in ballots returned represents 61% of the 101,270,431 they are defining as early votes cast, both by mail and in person.. The other 39% of the total comes from in person early voting...

As for #1, I'm guessing Trump and GOP candidates themselves have done a lot to change hearts/minds and cause some to stop supporting Trump. A lot of the folks who testified or cooperated over Jan 6 were actually part of the Admin up until Jan 6. Hutchinson is a prime example, and in the wake of Jan 6 Kinzinger said his biggest regret was not voting to Impeach trump over the Ukraine fiasco...

The main metric I see is the Trump wing hasn't been able to win over converts or broaden their base from 2020. Independents went to Biden overwhelmingly in 2020, and issues like Jan 6, election denial and wacky Trump anointed candidates and their bizarre primary campaigns probably aren't going to persuade a lot of Independents that they were somehow wrong about Trump...

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