Another person tried to kill Trump

Sep 18, 2023

We hear a lot about how words open people up to violence.

“You’re denying trans existence” they say

“This makes the Haitans vulnerable”

People have attempted to kill
Trump now twice in the same summer. Will Democrats moderate their words?

Or are they completely and utterly FOS?

We hear a lot about how words open people up to violence.

“You’re denying trans existence” they say

“This makes the Haitans vulnerable”

People have attempted to kill
Trump now twice in the same summer. Will Democrats moderate their words?

Or are they completely and utterly FOS?
We see their hatred on here daily. Look how they treat people of the cloth
Democrats didn't do this or anything of the like.
Two nutbags who needed better access to mental health care and less access to guns did this.

I do think the secret service needs overhauled though. This is f-cking crazy. The leadership their all needs to help accountable.
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Democrats didn't do this or anything of the like.
Two nutbags who needed better access to mental health care and less access to guns did this.

I do think the secret service needs overhauled though. This is f-cking crazy. The leadership their all needs to help accountable.
Actually funny you say that. There’s a mental health, rehab ctr on every corner. Some are just Medicare/caid fraud fronts but …. Delray is like the walking dead there’s so many rehab spots
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Actually funny you say that. There’s a mental health, rehab ctr on every corner. Some are just Medicare/caid fraud fronts but …. Delray is like the walking dead there’s so many rehab spots
That's great! Between these nutbags and the nutbags calling in bomb threats to schools and hospitals in Ohio we need more mental health centers. Good on Governor Desantis if he got that done. You guys should have nominate him.
That's great! Between these nutbags and the nutbags calling in bomb threats to schools and hospitals in Ohio we need more mental health centers. Good on Governor Desantis if he got that done. You guys should have nominate him.
It’s been like that for a while
I'm sane!

Democrats didn't do this or anything of the like.
Two nutbags who needed better access to mental health care and less access to guns did this.

I do think the secret service needs overhauled though. This is f-cking crazy. The leadership their all needs to help accountable.
Just curious---You dont think the words/actions of Dems, especially those from Biden, could cause people to come "unhinged", and act as these two have?

If not---then why blame Trump, and his words, for the actions of others?
I am not a fan of Trump the man, the human being, the TV personality, the real estate developer or even how he handled being the POTUS. I was and am still on board with most of his policies, especially contrasted with those of his opponent(s) - Clinton/Biden/Harris. I also realize he is not a sympathetic figure, largely because he brings much of the criticism upon himself through his own words and actions. By 2016 I was already resigned to the fact that the stranglehold the Red/Blue duopoly and the corporate interests they are beholden to had on a federal level wasn't going to change in my lifetime. I didn't even vote for the man, but his winning gave me a glimmer of hope that hey, maybe change was possible. Maybe people finally woke up to the possibility that a choice between a shit sandwich and a vomit milkshake is no choice at all. Boy was I wrong.

Once the shock wore off from 11-8-2016, TPTB were ready to fight. For nearly a decade now the majority of the left, a large portion of the right, and both their party factions and media/corporate surrogates have been in a collective state of apoplexy and disbelief at the prospect of a Trump presidency. He has faced a level of scrutiny and platform obstruction heretofore unseen. Twice impeached. Multiple investigations of political, civil and criminal kinds. 2 attempts made on his life in the past 2 months. Branded daily as the largest threat to Democracy in our times. If this is how they treat someone who for decades rubbed elbows with both sides of the aisle, what chance does a true independent/third party candidate have?

So I am left with the only logical takeaway, it's that I will never see a real change in the status quo. I am left with the inscrutable fact that while the status quo may lose a battle here and there, that it always wins the war. As such, after 40 years of voting I have officially run out of fecks to give and 2024 will be my last ballot cast in federal elections.
VPM is such a sweet, simple man. I wouldn’t go to his service. I’m a Catholic and he’s a snake charming evangelical.

But people are so rude to him for no reason.
People say I am a kind hearted loving man. Why wouldn't you come to my service? I've never charmed a snake in my life. What in the world are you talking about?
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I am not a fan of Trump the man, the human being, the TV personality, the real estate developer or even how he handled being the POTUS. I was and am still on board with most of his policies, especially contrasted with those of his opponent(s) - Clinton/Biden/Harris. I also realize he is not a sympathetic figure, largely because he brings much of the criticism upon himself through his own words and actions. By 2016 I was already resigned to the fact that the stranglehold the Red/Blue duopoly and the corporate interests they are beholden to had on a federal level wasn't going to change in my lifetime. I didn't even vote for the man, but his winning gave me a glimmer of hope that hey, maybe change was possible. Maybe people finally woke up to the possibility that a choice between a shit sandwich and a vomit milkshake is no choice at all. Boy was I wrong.

Once the shock wore off from 11-8-2016, TPTB were ready to fight. For nearly a decade now the majority of the left, a large portion of the right, and both their party factions and media/corporate surrogates have been in a collective state of apoplexy and disbelief at the prospect of a Trump presidency. He has faced a level of scrutiny and platform obstruction heretofore unseen. Twice impeached. Multiple investigations of political, civil and criminal kinds. 2 attempts made on his life in the past 2 months. Branded daily as the largest threat to Democracy in our times. If this is how they treat someone who for decades rubbed elbows with both sides of the aisle, what chance does a true independent/third party candidate have?

So I am left with the only logical takeaway, it's that I will never see a real change in the status quo. I am left with the inscrutable fact that while the status quo may lose a battle here and there, that it always wins the war. As such, after 40 years of voting I have officially run out of fecks to give and 2024 will be my last ballot cast in federal elections.
Vote for Trump. Save America. The reason is not because Harris is black/indian or whatever. She can choose who and what she is. It is her policies which she has stated. They will destroy the country which is not doing well because she and Biden have been at the wheel.
VPM is a Trump shill based on his posts. Pastors are human and certainly have opinions that they’re allowed express, but he’s one step behind DBM when it comes to his Trump boot licking
If I like what Trump did for the country when he was President why is that boot licking? I seriously want to know what exactly has turned 81 million Biden/Harris voters on politically over the last 4 yrs?
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If I like what Trump did for the country when he was President why is that boot licking? I seriously want to know what exactly has turned 81 million Biden/Harris voters on politically over the last 4 yrs?
Maybe because you have to overlook every sin in the book (other than murder) in your support of him. shocking that a pastor has no issue with that.
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I am not a fan of Trump the man, the human being, the TV personality, the real estate developer or even how he handled being the POTUS. I was and am still on board with most of his policies, especially contrasted with those of his opponent(s) - Clinton/Biden/Harris. I also realize he is not a sympathetic figure, largely because he brings much of the criticism upon himself through his own words and actions. By 2016 I was already resigned to the fact that the stranglehold the Red/Blue duopoly and the corporate interests they are beholden to had on a federal level wasn't going to change in my lifetime. I didn't even vote for the man, but his winning gave me a glimmer of hope that hey, maybe change was possible. Maybe people finally woke up to the possibility that a choice between a shit sandwich and a vomit milkshake is no choice at all. Boy was I wrong.

Once the shock wore off from 11-8-2016, TPTB were ready to fight. For nearly a decade now the majority of the left, a large portion of the right, and both their party factions and media/corporate surrogates have been in a collective state of apoplexy and disbelief at the prospect of a Trump presidency. He has faced a level of scrutiny and platform obstruction heretofore unseen. Twice impeached. Multiple investigations of political, civil and criminal kinds. 2 attempts made on his life in the past 2 months. Branded daily as the largest threat to Democracy in our times. If this is how they treat someone who for decades rubbed elbows with both sides of the aisle, what chance does a true independent/third party candidate have?

So I am left with the only logical takeaway, it's that I will never see a real change in the status quo. I am left with the inscrutable fact that while the status quo may lose a battle here and there, that it always wins the war. As such, after 40 years of voting I have officially run out of fecks to give and 2024 will be my last ballot cast in federal elections.
I don't totally disagree with some of the sentiment of your first paragraph. I do think legitimate presidential candidates outside the traditional right and left options would be a net positive for the country. I also agree that Trump isn't a sympathetic character and he largely brings all the criticism lobbed at him on himself.

Where we differ is when you get into your second paragraph. Do you think that at least some of the investigations and scrutiny he has faced are also brought on by himself? Meaning, could you allow for the possibility that he has actually broken the law and actually deserves to face justice. I can't subscribe to the idea that Trump is just being attacked by his political opponents for the sake of attacking a political opponent, mostly because I read, see and hear what he has done over the last decade or so.
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Just curious---You dont think the words/actions of Dems, especially those from Biden, could cause people to come "unhinged", and act as these two have?

If not---then why blame Trump, and his words, for the actions of others?
Absolutely I do. The same sort of nutbags are are threatening schools and hospitals in Ohio right now. Words matter.
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Just curious---You dont think the words/actions of Dems, especially those from Biden, could cause people to come "unhinged", and act as these two have?

If not---then why blame Trump, and his words, for the actions of others?
If you've read anything about this guy, he's been unhinged for a long time!
Vote for Trump. Save America. The reason is not because Harris is black/indian or whatever. She can choose who and what she is. It is her policies which she has stated. They will destroy the country which is not doing well because she and Biden have been at the wheel.
lol. Country is doing much better now than how Trump left it in 2020 mid-pandemic. Maybe you need to stop believing the BS being fed to you by conservative propaganda that constantly pretends the sky is falling whenever a dem is president.
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I don't totally disagree with some of the sentiment of your first paragraph. I do think legitimate presidential candidates outside the traditional right and left options would be a net positive for the country. I also agree that Trump isn't a sympathetic character and he largely brings all the criticism lobbed at him on himself.

Where we differ is when you get into your second paragraph. Do you think that at least some of the investigations and scrutiny he has faced are also brought on by himself? Meaning, could you allow for the possibility that he has actually broken the law and actually deserves to face justice. I can't subscribe to the idea that Trump is just being attacked by his political opponents for the sake of attacking a political opponent, mostly because I read, see and hear what he has done over the last decade or so.

Sure, he brought some of it on himself. Some was deserved, some not at all. Others partially deserved but proportionally speaking overblown. But make no mistake that all of it, deserved or not, was politically motivated. He was once and is running again for the highest office in the land/ can it not be? Just as every attack on Harris or Biden, deserved or not, were and are.

That is where our political discourse lives now and it's taken up permanent residence in only binary choices...right/left, right/wrong, good/evil, for us/against us...and that is right where they want us.
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lol. Country is doing much better now than how Trump left it in 2020 mid-pandemic. Maybe you need to stop believing the BS being fed to you by conservative propaganda that constantly pretends the sky is falling whenever a dem is president.
It's wild to me that that's an actual real, talking point of Trump supporters.

Some 4-D chess would be for some Democratic PAC to come out with an ad featuring Anthony Fauci saying he thinks the country was much better off at the end of Trump's presidency than it is now. Heads would explode over them trying to prop up the lie about the country being better off then while simultaneously trying to blame Fauci's recommendations and COVID restrictions driving the country to shit.
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Sure, he brought some of it on himself. Some was deserved, some not at all. Others partially deserved but proportionally speaking overblown. But make no mistake that all of it, deserved or not, was politically motivated. He was once and is running again for the highest office in the land/ can it not be? Just as every attack on Harris or Biden, deserved or not, were and are.

That is where our political discourse lives now and it's taken up permanent residence in only binary choices...right/left, right/wrong, good/evil, for us/against us...and that is right where they want us.
I don't know - I don't think people need to be sensitive about being perceived as attacking a political opponent when they're charging him with legitimate crimes he committed. He's trying to hide behind that - and it's working on a lot of people - but they guy needs to be held accountable.

For what it's worth, I think a big part of the reason he's running is to avoid accountability. And he most definitely will avoid accountability if he's reelected.
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If I like what Trump did for the country when he was President why is that boot licking? I seriously want to know what exactly has turned 81 million Biden/Harris voters on politically over the last 4 yrs?
Are you an end times kind of Pastor? Have you given any thought to who might be the Antichrist? I've been reading occasionally that some Christians are considering that Trump might just be the Antichrist. What are your thoughts on that?
I am not a fan of Trump the man, the human being, the TV personality, the real estate developer or even how he handled being the POTUS. I was and am still on board with most of his policies, especially contrasted with those of his opponent(s) - Clinton/Biden/Harris. I also realize he is not a sympathetic figure, largely because he brings much of the criticism upon himself through his own words and actions. By 2016 I was already resigned to the fact that the stranglehold the Red/Blue duopoly and the corporate interests they are beholden to had on a federal level wasn't going to change in my lifetime. I didn't even vote for the man, but his winning gave me a glimmer of hope that hey, maybe change was possible. Maybe people finally woke up to the possibility that a choice between a shit sandwich and a vomit milkshake is no choice at all. Boy was I wrong.

Once the shock wore off from 11-8-2016, TPTB were ready to fight. For nearly a decade now the majority of the left, a large portion of the right, and both their party factions and media/corporate surrogates have been in a collective state of apoplexy and disbelief at the prospect of a Trump presidency. He has faced a level of scrutiny and platform obstruction heretofore unseen. Twice impeached. Multiple investigations of political, civil and criminal kinds. 2 attempts made on his life in the past 2 months. Branded daily as the largest threat to Democracy in our times. If this is how they treat someone who for decades rubbed elbows with both sides of the aisle, what chance does a true independent/third party candidate have?

So I am left with the only logical takeaway, it's that I will never see a real change in the status quo. I am left with the inscrutable fact that while the status quo may lose a battle here and there, that it always wins the war. As such, after 40 years of voting I have officially run out of fecks to give and 2024 will be my last ballot cast in federal elections.
Per your 2nd paragraph...Trump earned quite a lot of the scrutiny you mention. Obviously he hasn't earned being shot at/or killed. But I hope the combination of outrage and genuine concern for the man, doesn't cause too many people to forget that he 100% percent deserved those 2 impeachments...he absolutely deserves the scrutiny and much of the indictment activity he's facing.

It is possible to be worried for his overall safety...but then not worried, at all, about him being held accountable legally, and at the polls, for all the bullshit he's said, done, and put people through.
Per your 2nd paragraph...Trump earned quite a lot of the scrutiny you mention. Obviously he hasn't earned being shot at/or killed. But I hope the combination of outrage and genuine concern for the man, doesn't cause too many people to forget that he 100% percent deserved those 2 impeachments...he absolutely deserves the scrutiny and much of the indictment activity he's facing.

It is possible to be worried for his overall safety...but then not worried, at all, about him being held accountable legally, and at the polls, for all the bullshit he's said, done, and put people through.
This is where I'm at.

It wouldn't be good for the country is there were ever a successful attempt on his life. I hope it never happens.

That said, I think it would be a net negative for the country if he gets re-elected and never has to face justice for his crimes.