What will you all do if Trump...


Hall of Famer
Dec 21, 2010
Every day of the Trump regime is a complete cluster.

Gets some sort of Gun control passed, because of Florida? We all know that it will just be another law to be walked around like the dozens of current laws that have been, but what will your response be?
Gets some sort of Gun control passed, because of Florida? We all know that it will just be another law to be walked around like the dozens of current laws that have been, but what will your response be?
Wow. What a question. I hope this thread turns out to be as important and well articulated as this shitpost deserves.
Gets some sort of Gun control passed, because of Florida? We all know that it will just be another law to be walked around like the dozens of current laws that have been, but what will your response be?

I’ll look to see how similar it is to things Obama tried to do that a republican congress wouldn’t let him do.

I’ll be surprised more than anything.
Gets some sort of Gun control passed, because of Florida? We all know that it will just be another law to be walked around like the dozens of current laws that have been, but what will your response be?

I'll argue that Trump is doing one of the three things that Trump does best: he'll be front-running the issue just like his endorsement of Romney is front-running a guy who's a shoe-in for getting elected. :p
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I’ll look to see how similar it is to things Obama tried to do that a republican congress wouldn’t let him do.
IIUC, his proposed bump stock regulation would not have been allowed under the law as it was interpreted by the Obama admin.
I'm expecting anything proposed to have a big fat poison pills in the House like "lol concealed carry for all the mentally ill people across state lines as long as they're NRA members also legalize silencers because we need to sell more gun accessories"

But we'll see.
Happy as can be. It would be huge. Nevertheless, I would never vote for the guy, even if he changed from R to D. He's a disgusting human being and an embarrassment to the United States.
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IIUC, his proposed bump stock regulation would not have been allowed under the law as it was interpreted by the Obama admin.
The ATF determined in 2010 based on the letter of the law that bump stocks do not convert a gun into a machine gun. It was the right decision. The law simply does not allow ATF to regulate bump stocks. If people think this is a problem - and I happen to, myself - there is only one available fix: Congress must amend the law.

I get that regulatory agencies sometimes change their minds about how to interpret the law based on changing circumstances, but this wouldn't be a matter of benign reinterpretation. The law lays out in explicit detail exactly what the ATF can regulate. The terms are well-defined. To regulate bump stocks, ATF would have to not only reinterpret the law; they'd have to ignore it completely.
The law lays out in explicit detail exactly what the ATF can regulate. The terms are well-defined. To regulate bump stocks, ATF would have to not only reinterpret the law; they'd have to ignore it completely.
Thank you. I'm certain my understanding came primarily from your postings here.
Thank you. I'm certain my understanding came primarily from your postings here.
Can't really blame Congress of the past for not looking into the future. They gave the ATF the power to regulate the receiver, because they figured that was the part of the gun that really mattered. No one imagined someone would invent a way to dramatically change how a gun behaves by modifying the stock. But we absolutely can blame current Congress for doing nothing now that they know the problem exists. Especially since it's an easy fix. "ATF shall also have the authority to regulate gun parts designed to increase the effective fire rate of a gun." Done.
Gets some sort of Gun control passed, because of Florida? We all know that it will just be another law to be walked around like the dozens of current laws that have been, but what will your response be?

Assuming it's meaningful that would be great.

And i would chalk it up to Trump being an infinite number of monkeys.
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Gets some sort of Gun control passed, because of Florida? We all know that it will just be another law to be walked around like the dozens of current laws that have been, but what will your response be?
That would be fantastic. I mean, it depends on what it is, but even if it’s something small, it’s a start. You see, I’m a fan of kids not being murdered. My entire life isn’t based around Republicans vs Democrats. If he does something worth getting credit for, I’ll give it to him. Up until now, he’s tweeted and acted like a moron with no understanding of policy or diplomacy and eaten cheeseburgers. And golfed.
I'm not confident in the Republican House putting up a bill for a vote that isn't loaded with poison pills. The "Freedom" Caucus already said they're not voting for this unless it has concealed carry reciprocity.

I would support a clean bill to improve background checks/ban bump stocks/raise age to buy a semi-automatic to 21. But I think there's a lot more that can be done that would save a lot of lives.
I'm not confident in the Republican House putting up a bill for a vote that isn't loaded with poison pills. The "Freedom" Caucus already said they're not voting for this unless it has concealed carry reciprocity.

I would support a clean bill to improve background checks/ban bump stocks/raise age to buy a semi-automatic to 21. But I think there's a lot more that can be done that would save a lot of lives.

Since republicans are newly focused on mental health, because guns apparently have nothing to do with shootings, let’s require a certification to buy any semi automatic weapon with high capacity capabilities (an AR-15, for example). This certification will be obtained by successfully completing some sort of gun safety/gun ownership courses and completing a psychological evaluation. No one else will know the results of your courses or evaluations. No one will even know you attempted to obtain the certification. Gun sellers will only be aware of those who have the proper certification to buy these weapons. No after-market modifications will be authorized for these weapons under any circumstances. Liability insurance will also be required regarding these particular weapons. You would also need to implement a buyback, similar to what Australia did, as current owners will not be grandfathered in. Owners will be reimbursed full current market value of the weapon and any modifications, even if they were bought much cheaper. Anyone found in possession of these weapons after the buyback period without the proper certification will be committing a felony. If you start the certification process during the buyback period, you will be allowed to complete the course and evaluation before having to sell to weapon back if your certification is not obtained. The ability to buy most other rifles, handguns, and shotguns will not be effected.

A potential problem for the new republican talking point is if one of these “certified” owners goes and shoots up a restaurant or family cookout. What will the new talking point be? Will shootings become a food issue?

All that aside, the main problem is one party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the NRA while the other party wouldn’t have the backbone to do it.
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Yep, sure he had one when he met for hours with the Sandy Hook survivor families.
LOL! It was just a bit of humor. Obama was known for his use of the TelePrompTer - even in an elementary school classroom. Lighten up.
Yep, sure he had one when he met for hours with the Sandy Hook survivor families.
Since you can’t take a joke. Let’s not joke and you tell me what you think about GWB’s compassion?

Shouldn’t have to be said because I’ve never claimed otherwise, I think Obama was a compassionate man.
Since you can’t take a joke. Let’s not joke and you tell me what you think about GWB’s compassion?

Shouldn’t have to be said because I’ve never claimed otherwise, I think Obama was a compassionate man.
Few would doubt that both Bush and Obama had real compassion, but Trump is a sociopath. And while Trump got grief for his aide's reminder that "I hear you," guess what strikes me about this picture:

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LOL! It was just a bit of humor. Obama was known for his use of the TelePrompTer - even in an elementary school classroom. Lighten up.
Of course I know President OBama was known for his TelePrompTer. Pardon me, but we must have different senses of humor.
Since you can’t take a joke. Let’s not joke and you tell me what you think about GWB’s compassion?

Shouldn’t have to be said because I’ve never claimed otherwise, I think Obama was a compassionate man.
He was a compassionate man also, often meeting with victims of tragedies. Why do you ask? I can't really think of any other president that I felt lacked that trait except for the current.