Thanks on this Memorial Holiday Weekend

Once again, you make zero sense. Are you implying I support those shit? If so, I don’t, and if you actually paid attention and understand what I routinely post here you’d know that. Stop speaking in gibberish. It’s Memorial Day. Can you stop nonsense posting for one day?
Ok you've taken the training to heart. Just stop being so sensitive, warrior. I swear, my contrarian nature of posting to you, is not out of disrespect. It's intended to be like to strong, friends jabbing one another. They have slightly differing views on a few things, that the other just doesn't quite understand, so they poke fun with the differences.
I assumed a steam boat (almost) capt could poke back. In good fun, with the understanding that I am not attacking you.
Still can't believe youd vote for for biden (fvck, write in dan jockitch). I need to send you a pink sailor cap. :)