
How do wives like Buttigieg breast feed their babies? Just wondering. 🤔

That's an altered image and only a complete POS would re-post it.

To the idiot liberals the picture on our right is weird.

Give Kamala time and she will deny she’s in this picture. She running quickly away from her nutty liberal policies.
Maybe Trump can talk about it at the debate he’s afraid to attend.
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To the idiot liberals the picture on our right is weird.

Give Kamala time and she will deny she’s in this picture. She running quickly away from her nutty liberal policies.
Very quietly has reversed herself on most major positions the last couple days. Would love to see her do an interview, presser anything where she is subject to some sort of confrontation or questioning. She's the shadow president at this point, I feel it is only fair. But I don't believe we will get as much before the debate. This is a very clever move to keep her in VP slot while she campaigns.
Maybe Trump can talk about it at the debate he’s afraid to attend.
No need for more debates. The purpose of the prior was to see if the Dems were truly concealing Biden’s condition. Not substance. This will be between two say anything lying politicians who are terrible public speakers. Pass.
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No need for more debates. The purpose of the prior was to see if the Dems were truly concealing Biden’s condition. Not substance. This will be between two say anything lying politicians who are terrible public speakers. Pass.
I believe Trump should debate her, but there's absolutely no reason he should be subject to debate terms that were hammered out when Biden was the presumptive nominee. This is a completely different ballgame that demands different rules. They should do at least two. The ABC one and maybe a Fox news one so both get a home field advantage. No muted mics, studio audience, the whole nine yards.

This "Trump is scared" stuff is silly. The bait and switch is better evidence of fear to me.
Maybe Trump can talk about it at the debate he’s afraid to attend.
Hopefully Trump debates her. This time he’s in charge. He should debate on Fox with Hannity and Waters as the Moderators. The debate should be in Cowboys Stadium in Texas with half the seating designated for Harris and half for Trump.

I like this so well I am going to email the idea to Trump’s campaign. 😂
Not sure I’ve ever seen such a clear case of projection.

Isn't this the epitome of a strawman? People are saying Trump and Vance are weird and they are. Both candidates have weird supporters, I can show you a montage of Trump rally goers full of folks just as weird as the folks you posted about...

But the difference is neither the Trump fans at the rally or the folks you decided to highlight are CANDIDATES. The label sticks to Trump and Vance because it provides confirmation bias to people who even though they might even support MAGA candidates are still willing to acknowledge some of them are weird. Need I remind you that Kristi Noem was pilloried nearly as much from the right as the left?

You are personally on record as being in favor of Project 2025. You don't find it weird, but as usual on most issues you're a distinct minority. If Project 2025 was popular with any voters outside of MAGA, the Trump campaign would be tripping over themselves to hug it as much as Trump hugs flags. Instead Trump put out a statement enthusisastically cheering the demise of his own former staffer...

Trump claims he's unaware of Project 2025, which is a weird lie to tell. He must have slept thru this discussion of Project 2025 which of course was part of the schedule at his own RNC. I like when Kevin says something to the effect of "we welcome a discussion on the merits of P2025", because the truth is they've ben running from having any discussion of it...

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Lmao. It is the Republican party that supports a guy that cheated on every wife he has had.

Pubs support the idea of sex outside of marriage, even with prostitutes.
I may have posted this before, but the only thing every single one of Trump's kids has in common is that he cheated on their respective mothers. And IIRC, some of the folks Trump cheated with are actually step mothes to some of his brood...
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That’s a really stupid thing to say. My vote for Trump isn’t an affirmation of his sexual behavior, I don’t know why you would assume as much.

Do you affirm every single thing about every person you’ve ever voted for? Of course you don’t. Which is why what you said is so ****ing stupid.
"That’s a really stupid thing to say. My vote for Trump isn’t an affirmation of his sexual behavior, I don’t know why you would assume as much."

Isn't "sexual behavior" the driving force behind your negative ridicule of all the people you've posted pictures of in this thread? We get it... You see LGBTQ+ people as "weird", but a rapist who slept with an adult actress in the same time frame as one of his kids (or more) were born is "normal"?
My mistake, given the deviant behavior of this administration (many examples in this thread) you could see how someone could easily believe Buttigieg would do such a thing.

Meh, there have been weirdos in every society for eternity. It's how they are treated which differentiates in my mind the confidence and quality of a person.

The weak, beta person is scared of the weird and believes they pose a threat to them and should be eliminated, eradicated as that threat. That public weakness in itself is weird AF.

Itst also understood that scapegoating weirdos is such an easy low bar to take advantage of either in inciting attention and anger passion and more recently with the social media platforms the amount of money that can be made from clicks. The easiest way to generate clicks and get that cash is to fire up and monetize the targeted base.

Yes, both sides go down this path. One tends to focus on the so called social misfits which is again a tried and true method to create social anxiety.

I thought we were better than that but as social media has exploded and Maga has grown in my mind curated by Trump and other extreme outlets who have found and created an audience from it....I'm not so sure that we aren't much different than every other historical society that has built violent movements on the fear mongering of social weirdos.

Anyway, I do wish Maga would spend more effort on complex problem solving for issues that are much more impactful and legit for our communities vs selling themselves by picking on and demonizing social weirdo, misfits that are of no threat or barriers to anyone's desire of life.

But that's the core Maga game of rhetoric. Which is weird AF.

As Walz said, no one is scared of Maga. We're just creeped out at how weird Maga in their grievances and of their so called solutions. For example there's this push to eliminate the dept of education and for schools to be privately funded without the understanding or concern that most schools, particularly in small rural communities are not capitalistic treasure troves and therefore will not be funded much at all from private investments, leaving kids of small, rural communities vulnerable to garbage underfunded education and having to carry that reputation with them as they compete in whatever market they desire to compete in.

But capitalism solves everything so f#$k those kids and the idea that everyone should have access to an agreed to and respected core education.

Anyway Walz is where this weird attack on Maga originated from, and I love it as a strategy and agree because insecurity is the Achilles heel of the Maga movement in my opinion.

It's basically what TMP has been saying to Maga from the start which is stop feeding weird and fake grievances and start communicating how you're going to make our country better for everyone who makes it up, including the so called weirdos and marginalized communities.

That's all I ask from either side but I mainly only get complex effective solutions from the left which is mainly why I lean that way. The right tends to try to give me why I should be scared of marginalized people who are of no actual threat to me or to me achieving anything I desire in this country. The left makes me more aware of the issues that greatly effect us all, even if it doesn't effect me personally but does impact our citizens, including marginalized citizens. Which is what I believe is the true purpose of government. Effectively communicating the threats to our citizens and regulating effectively so threats are minimal for everyone, including the so called weirdos, so they can prosper as best as they can.
I may have posted this before, but the only thing every single one of Trump's kids has in common is that he cheated on their respective mothers. And IIRC, some of the folks Trump cheated with are actually step mothers to some of his brood...
Can you imagine the uproar if Kamala had 5 kids with 3 husbands, and was known to have cheated on all 3 husbands?
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Hopefully Trump debates her. This time he’s in charge. He should debate on Fox with Hannity and Waters as the Moderators. The debate should be in Cowboys Stadium in Texas with half the seating designated for Harris and half for Trump.

I like this so well I am going to email the idea to Trump’s campaign. 😂
He should have taken to Twitter or Truth or wherever he's ranting and raving now to say he was challenging her to a series of debates with each one being a different topic. Then he'd have control of the high ground. Instead, Harris owns the high ground and is making it costly for him to come at her.

It was a classic blunder, second only to getting involved in a land war in Asia.

the princess bride GIF
"That’s a really stupid thing to say. My vote for Trump isn’t an affirmation of his sexual behavior, I don’t know why you would assume as much."

Isn't "sexual behavior" the driving force behind your negative ridicule of all the people you've posted pictures of in this thread? We get it... You see LGBTQ+ people as "weird", but a rapist who slept with an adult actress in the same time frame as one of his kids (or more) were born is "normal"?

May not be normal but obviously approved by many people who pretend to be religious.
Meh, there have been weirdos in every society for eternity. It's how they are treated which differentiates in my mind the confidence and quality of a person.

The weak, beta person is scared of the weird and believes they pose a threat to them and should be eliminated, eradicated as that threat. That public weakness in itself is weird AF.

Itst also understood that scapegoating weirdos is such an easy low bar to take advantage of either in inciting attention and anger passion and more recently with the social media platforms the amount of money that can be made from clicks. The easiest way to generate clicks and get that cash is to fire up and monetize the targeted base.

Yes, both sides go down this path. One tends to focus on the so called social misfits which is again a tried and true method to create social anxiety.

I thought we were better than that but as social media has exploded and Maga has grown in my mind curated by Trump and other extreme outlets who have found and created an audience from it....I'm not so sure that we aren't much different than every other historical society that has built violent movements on the fear mongering of social weirdos.

Anyway, I do wish Maga would spend more effort on complex problem solving for issues that are much more impactful and legit for our communities vs selling themselves by picking on and demonizing social weirdo, misfits that are of no threat or barriers to anyone's desire of life.

But that's the core Maga game of rhetoric. Which is weird AF.

As Walz said, no one is scared of Maga. We're just creeped out at how weird Maga in their grievances and of their so called solutions. For example there's this push to eliminate the dept of education and for schools to be privately funded without the understanding or concern that most schools, particularly in small rural communities are not capitalistic treasure troves and therefore will not be funded much at all from private investments, leaving kids of small, rural communities vulnerable to garbage underfunded education and having to carry that reputation with them as they compete in whatever market they desire to compete in.

But capitalism solves everything so f#$k those kids and the idea that everyone should have access to an agreed to and respected core education.

Anyway Walz is where this weird attack on Maga originated from, and I love it as a strategy and agree because insecurity is the Achilles heel of the Maga movement in my opinion.

It's basically what TMP has been saying to Maga from the start which is stop feeding weird and fake grievances and start communicating how you're going to make our country better for everyone who makes it up, including the so called weirdos and marginalized communities.

That's all I ask from either side but I mainly only get complex effective solutions from the left which is mainly why I lean that way. The right tends to try to give me why I should be scared of marginalized people who are of no actual threat to me or to me achieving anything I desire in this country. The left makes me more aware of the issues that greatly effect us all, even if it doesn't effect me personally but does impact our citizens, including marginalized citizens. Which is what I believe is the true purpose of government. Effectively communicating the threats to our citizens and regulating effectively so threats are minimal for everyone, including the so called weirdos, so they can prosper as best as they can.
Yeah. We just have a completely different view of government. Government is there to secure rights bestowed by god, not to lift up the marginalized and protect from non-physical threats. Or "raise awareness of issues" because what is considered an issue is often subjective. As an example, the U.S. has/ had the best infrastructure in the world for a country of our geographical size and population, that didn't stop many (including some Republicans) from offering the uninformed opinion that we needed a massive infrastructure bill from the Federal Government. It was a fake issue jumped on by uninformed.

The fact that you can't differentiate personal behavior from lewd sex acts at the White House and Capitol is evidence of you either being disingenuous or a severe moral rot within you and others in this thread who have tried to equate Trump's sex life with the freak parade that has gone through the West Wing the last few years. Especially since that freak parade is manifesting in policy that actually puts people in danger (ie removing due process for males on campus accused of sexual assault and forcing down gender self-identification as the only thing necessary to decide which locker room and restroom facilities you'd like to use).
I believe Trump should debate her, but there's absolutely no reason he should be subject to debate terms that were hammered out when Biden was the presumptive nominee. This is a completely different ballgame that demands different rules. They should do at least two. The ABC one and maybe a Fox news one so both get a home field advantage. No muted mics, studio audience, the whole nine yards.

This "Trump is scared" stuff is silly. The bait and switch is better evidence of fear to me.
Here is the problem Trump has., or at least one of them. He knows he can't just get up on stage and continuously lie, because Kamala as a former prosecutor will call him out and do a live fact check. Biden wasn't able to do that, so even though lots of others called out his lies (post debate) Biden never got to expose them in real time...

Biden should have blindsided Trump with P2025. What's Trump going to do alienate all of the P2025 connections he ha, as well as his MAGA base by lying and saying he's never heard of it? Just bringing it up would have inspired google searches and led to Twitter Trends, and the RNC wouldn't have dared to even mention it during their convention...

KH will debate an empty chair on Sept 10, and those optics will be horrible for Trump's tough guy image. Potentially lots of bad news coming for Trump around that time, as he gets sentenced in the NY case, and SCOTUS will send the "immunity case" back to Judge Chutkan in the next 2 weeks or so.

They're instructing her that she needs to determine what constitutes official vs public acts, so she'll likely convene an evidentiary hearing in order to do so. Team Trump may be successful in trying to delay that in appeal, but Smith will ensure some of the evidence will be made public. Attempts by Trump to hide the extent of the evidence against him will not sit well with Independent voters who may not have realized the case is still percolating.

But the real problem Trump now has, and the reason he won't be able to dictate his "terms" is that the polling has completely shifted. Initially I was optimistic that Harris would be able to close the gap heading into the Convention, but she's way beond just keeping it close...

Trump isn't going to be dictating terms to anyone...

Here is the problem Trump has., or at least one of them. He knows he can't just get up on stage and continuously lie, because Kamala as a former prosecutor will call him out and do a live fact check. Biden wasn't able to do that, so even though lots of others called out his lies (post debate) Biden never got to expose them in real time...

Biden should have blindsided Trump with P2025. What's Trump going to do alienate all of the P2025 connections he ha, as well as his MAGA base by lying and saying he's never heard of it? Just bringing it up would have inspired google searches and led to Twitter Trends, and the RNC wouldn't have dared to even mention it during their convention...

KH will debate an empty chair on Sept 10, and those optics will be horrible for Trump's tough guy image. Potentially lots of bad news coming for Trump around that time, as he gets sentenced in the NY case, and SCOTUS will send the "immunity case" back to Judge Chutkan in the next 2 weeks or so.

They're instructing her that she needs to determine what constitutes official vs public acts, so she'll likely convene an evidentiary hearing in order to do so. Team Trump may be successful in trying to delay that in appeal, but Smith will ensure some of the evidence will be made public. Attempts by Trump to hide the extent of the evidence against him will not sit well with Independent voters who may not have realized the case is still percolating.

But the real problem Trump now has, and the reason he won't be able to dictate his "terms" is that the polling has completely shifted. Initially I was optimistic that Harris would be able to close the gap heading into the Convention, but she's way beond just keeping it close...

Trump isn't going to be dictating terms to anyone...

Harris when forced to speak extemporaneously is a disaster. Didn’t have to read past your first couple sentences to know this was a trash post.
Very quietly has reversed herself on most major positions the last couple days. Would love to see her do an interview, presser anything where she is subject to some sort of confrontation or questioning. She's the shadow president at this point, I feel it is only fair. But I don't believe we will get as much before the debate. This is a very clever move to keep her in VP slot while she campaigns.
A Trump fan complaining about candidates modifying positions on issues? Are we living in bizarro world?...
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Harris when forced to speak extemporaneously is a disaster. Didn’t have to read past your first couple sentences to know this was a trash post.
You give DBM a good run for his money when it comes to not having any concept of how elections work...

Harris in 2019 in a crowded primary is not Harris on the stump in 2024...
Can you imagine the uproar if Kamala had 5 kids with 3 husbands, and was known to have cheated on all 3 husbands?
They're already going apoleptic over the fact that she dated Willie Brown for a year in the 90s. Which coincidentally is pretty much the time frame when Trump was raping EJC...

You can tell when Fox and the rest of the wingnuts are putting out nonsense, because the minnions are spouting it all over social media the next day. Suddenly WB was the "Mayor of San Francisco, a married man, even though he had been seperated for his wife for a decade, and wasn't elected Mayor until 1996, a year after he and KH split up...
Can you imagine the uproar if Kamala had 5 kids with 3 husbands, and was known to have cheated on all 3 husbands?
Probably be about like what your side already does with Trump.

Our society has a sick obsession with what other people do with their junks. People need to mind their own uglies. Some probably need to give them more attention in the shower. IDRGAF but I'm OCD.
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They're already going apoleptic over the fact that she dated Willie Brown for a year in the 90s. Which coincidentally is pretty much the time frame when Trump was raping EJC...

You can tell when Fox and the rest of the wingnuts are putting out nonsense, because the minnions are spouting it all over social media the next day. Suddenly WB was the "Mayor of San Francisco, a married man, even though he had been seperated for his wife for a decade, and wasn't elected Mayor until 1996, a year after he and KH split up...
Trump didn't use his for career advancement.

Your side can't stop giving him shit for being promiscuous. Why should she be immune? Probably because some of you think she attractive and want to bang her. Typical beta white knight wishful thinking.
Hopefully Trump debates her. This time he’s in charge. He should debate on Fox with Hannity and Waters as the Moderators. The debate should be in Cowboys Stadium in Texas with half the seating designated for Harris and half for Trump.

I like this so well I am going to email the idea to Trump’s campaign. 😂
To be clear, when you say Waters, do you mean this guy?

Do you find it unusual that MSM and numerous democrat politicians are all using “weird” when referring to Trump and Vance? You really believe it’s not coordinated?
Of course it’s coordinated. That’s what campaigns do on both sides. I think the “weird” theme should be a short term dig, then move off it. I agree with Friedman. The Dems are only calling Trump and Vance weird, but if the Pubs say they’re calling all of our supporters weird, it could backfire like “deplorables.”
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Is it just me? I find that photo completely disturbing.
After the chdick with a baled head and red lipstick stealing luggage, to wear other people’s cloths. My scale has shifted SOOO far, nude pics of Pelosi on Trumps lap wouldn’t even qualify for odd’ish! Let alone disturbing.
Yeah. We just have a completely different view of government. Government is there to secure rights bestowed by god, not to lift up the marginalized and protect from non-physical threats. Or "raise awareness of issues" because what is considered an issue is often subjective. As an example, the U.S. has/ had the best infrastructure in the world for a country of our geographical size and population, that didn't stop many (including some Republicans) from offering the uninformed opinion that we needed a massive infrastructure bill from the Federal Government. It was a fake issue jumped on by uninformed.

The fact that you can't differentiate personal behavior from lewd sex acts at the White House and Capitol is evidence of you either being disingenuous or a severe moral rot within you and others in this thread who have tried to equate Trump's sex life with the freak parade that has gone through the West Wing the last few years. Especially since that freak parade is manifesting in policy that actually puts people in danger (ie removing due process for males on campus accused of sexual assault and forcing down gender self-identification as the only thing necessary to decide which locker room and restroom facilities you'd like to use).

No one is forcing down gender decisions to anyone. No one is encouraging gender changing. The question is about how to care for those individuals who personally feel that way. Only the insecure believe they are weak victims of that and because of that overall small group. Some of those insecure people seem to like the power they feel they get from trying to control those people instead of minding their damn personal business. You have yet to convince people like me that there is a serious threat from this group, well other than a group of people prefer me to address them in a particular specific way.

That's not an impossible ask request nor is it a devastating ask request that is preventing you from having the success you are capable of achieving.

Now if you can legitimately prove that crimes are being created by this group and hurts innocent people and peers than boom, I'm all ears. Allegations, particularly from those looking for attention to drive monetized clicks, isn't proof other than proof of a simple opportunist.

Also not buying that rapists are marginalized other than perhaps social shame, stigma associated with the sexually assaulter. Who's removing the due process for males accused of sexual assault on campus?

Is there really a community issue that creepy rapists are victims who are being marginalized? Never heard of that but admittedly I'm not in the Maga entertainment silo which I believe is powered and driven by majority middle aged white dudes so, the accusation doesn't surprise me. If not true than it's weird as f#$k to say it is.

As far as God, no one cares what you believe is God or your belief in the concept of God and more importantly no one is preventing you from that belief. For myself that grew up in a very strong religious community in southern never really worked for me logically. It made much more sense as a simple grift or a social power mechanism, which is why I never became obsessed with it in belief. Plus one of my high school buddies got into the priesthood and currently has a decent sized flock. He's also tried to save me multiple times. This guy couldn't pass basic HS algebra and barely graduated HS and I know is a moron, but he now is a profitable expert on our supposed afterlife and connection to God? Can I get a receipt for that...of course not. Can I get real proof, of course not which is the core that the religious game is driven by influence, many times forced, threatening influence. You must have faith and not critique it, which has always rubbed me the wrong way. So anyway your comment on government should secure the rights bestowed by God is mixed in that I agree that government should secure the rights as agreed by our citizens.
I'm not aligned with the God aspect at least until I get provided this actual God's words or proof that they currently are around influencing, not some 2000 some year old document written by dudes in power that not surprisingly over time made dudes in power the core narrative of their religious propaganda leading to making it easier to influence dudes who benefit from that power.

But again, we tend to agree that everyone has the right to their personal religious beliefs. Hell even when Christian Science was growing and families refused to medically treat their children because their Christian Science belief said God will heal your children if they are deserving and belief in the religion which predictably led to many children deaths....we didn't do much from a government standpoint to regulate from this false belief. No, we are pretty much in consensus to not regulate personal religious beliefs much less to participate in the influencing....well Maga is leaning that way as they appeal to the evangelical base.

To me that's all it is.... religious movements understanding that influence is their key to profits, like it always has been for every religious movement. Hell think about the late 1800's early 1900's when religious movements were booming from Mormon/Latter Day Saints to Christian Science to Jehovah's Witness to other beliefs (but just used base religious text to influence) like John Kellogg's health and happiness's a profitable game if you do it correctly and well and are a decent communicator.

Which again is no surprise that religious influence techniques are thriving in the current age of technological communication activity.
No one is forcing down gender decisions to anyone. No one is encouraging gender changing. The question is about how to care for those individuals who personally feel that way. Only the insecure believe they are weak victims of that and because of that overall small group. Some of those insecure people seem to like the power they feel they get from trying to control those people instead of minding their damn personal business. You have yet to convince people like me that there is a serious threat from this group, well other than a group of people prefer me to address them in a particular specific way.

That's not an impossible ask request nor is it a devastating ask request that is preventing you from having the success you are capable of achieving.

Now if you can legitimately prove that crimes are being created by this group and hurts innocent people and peers than boom, I'm all ears. Allegations, particularly from those looking for attention to drive monetized clicks, isn't proof other than proof of a simple opportunist.

Also not buying that rapists are marginalized other than perhaps social shame, stigma associated with the sexually assaulter. Who's removing the due process for males accused of sexual assault on campus?

Is there really a community issue that creepy rapists are victims who are being marginalized? Never heard of that but admittedly I'm not in the Maga entertainment silo which I believe is powered and driven by majority middle aged white dudes so, the accusation doesn't surprise me. If not true than it's weird as f#$k to say it is.

As far as God, no one cares what you believe is God or your belief in the concept of God and more importantly no one is preventing you from that belief. For myself that grew up in a very strong religious community in southern never really worked for me logically. It made much more sense as a simple grift or a social power mechanism, which is why I never became obsessed with it in belief. Plus one of my high school buddies got into the priesthood and currently has a decent sized flock. He's also tried to save me multiple times. This guy couldn't pass basic HS algebra and barely graduated HS and I know is a moron, but he now is a profitable expert on our supposed afterlife and connection to God? Can I get a receipt for that...of course not. Can I get real proof, of course not which is the core that the religious game is driven by influence, many times forced, threatening influence. You must have faith and not critique it, which has always rubbed me the wrong way. So anyway your comment on government should secure the rights bestowed by God is mixed in that I agree that government should secure the rights as agreed by our citizens.
I'm not aligned with the God aspect at least until I get provided this actual God's words or proof that they currently are around influencing, not some 2000 some year old document written by dudes in power that not surprisingly over time made dudes in power the core narrative of their religious propaganda leading to making it easier to influence dudes who benefit from that power.

But again, we tend to agree that everyone has the right to their personal religious beliefs. Hell even when Christian Science was growing and families refused to medically treat their children because their Christian Science belief said God will heal your children if they are deserving and belief in the religion which predictably led to many children deaths....we didn't do much from a government standpoint to regulate from this false belief. No, we are pretty much in consensus to not regulate personal religious beliefs much less to participate in the influencing....well Maga is leaning that way as they appeal to the evangelical base.

To me that's all it is.... religious movements understanding that influence is their key to profits, like it always has been for every religious movement. Hell think about the late 1800's early 1900's when religious movements were booming from Mormon/Latter Day Saints to Christian Science to Jehovah's Witness to other beliefs (but just used base religious text to influence) like John Kellogg's health and happiness's a profitable game if you do it correctly and well and are a decent communicator.

Which again is no surprise that religious influence techniques are thriving in the current age of technological communication activity.
Tommy! King of the straw men I love going back and forth with you.

Yes of course people are being harmed by trans ideology there’s a reason they just banned puberty blockers in the UK. That point isn’t arguable if you care to argue it further let me know so I waste my time with someone dishonest (although I’ve picked up the lack of honesty for most of my exchanges with you already). The U.S. is far behind the rest of the developed world when it comes to dealing with this issue.

Here’s the Title 9 reform that is fundamentally unamerican, I would go as far as to say evil, that strips due process rights from men accused of sexual assault.

The rest of your post? Atheistic tripe that all Christians have heard time and again. We’ll save the board from starting a holy war.
Tommy! King of the straw men I love going back and forth with you.

Yes of course people are being harmed by trans ideology there’s a reason they just banned puberty blockers in the UK. That point isn’t arguable if you care to argue it further let me know so I waste my time with someone dishonest (although I’ve picked up the lack of honesty for most of my exchanges with you already). The U.S. is far behind the rest of the developed world when it comes to dealing with this issue.

Here’s the Title 9 reform that is fundamentally unamerican, I would go as far as to say evil, that strips due process rights from men accused of sexual assault.

The rest of your post? Atheistic tripe that all Christians have heard time and again. We’ll save the board from starting a holy war.

Do appreciate the discussion and responses and agree with you that I'm not in to starting a holy war. I strongly believe in the freedom for people to worship how it best suits them regardless of my personal beliefs and experiences with my small town church communities.

They've never caused me harm or stress and I made a ton of my childhood friends through activities that the church provided so issues whatsoever in that. Many will point to the charity or the amount of community healing a church group will accommodate and accomplish and ...that's awesome from my perspective.

As we talked before (I think it was with you but not sure) the liberal belief revolves around a humanitarian belief. We like to believe that we lean strongly into humanitarian concerns. Which is why, at least for me, the extreme liberal public reactions or whining can typically be traced back to that humanitarian belief. Which is why we lost our minds during COVID, why Trump's meanness offends us and the culture war goes against everything we think is a core belief.

So that's the arena to blow up if you really want to trigger a lib or should try to disprove that belief is fake and dangerous for our community to win a lib over away from the left.

Trump isn't that dude, he's actually thrown up as proof of the anastasis of leading with a humanitarian belief, concern.

Admittedly I'm not some great humanitarian contributor, more that my politics tend to lean with that belief which is why I became more left leaning as I got older and decently successful in a corporate career. I worked for two large fortune 500 companies and they had zero concern about building or looking after our communities. It was all about profit revenues. Generating them enabled me to do well but it kicked me off of my original belief that the more efficient private sector better served our communities and govt regulation of the private sector was bad. I can't imagine how much ink, dye or poison would have been dumped into our rivers and lakes from the vendors I forecasted and negotiated with if there wasn't any regulations protecting and outlawing the dumping of polluted waste from these guys which would have saved them more money, probably saved me in regards to cost if there weren't any regulations.

That's how we capitalists are wired. I know, I grew up one and worked for two major retailers whose reaction after Enron, World Com and the crash was what regulations/laws were going to get rammed toward us to hurt us and how important it was for us to vote business friendly to help our bottom line (which was a you better vote for Bush/Republican influence from our executive leaders in 2004).

It turned me off on the whole privatisation and pure capitalistic thinking is most important in our government. It pushed me towards the belief that profitability is not the most important consideration for our best government. Leave that to the private sectors but only effectively regulate that privatisation because it's motivated by cost savings and profit growth which can lead to terrible, humanitarian decisions in the name of profit. But regulate, provide the game rules that makes everyone abide by therefore keeping the arena fair when it comes to opportunity.

Sorry for the long rambling. Appreciate the discussion!
Probably be about like what your side already does with Trump.

Our society has a sick obsession with what other people do with their junks. People need to mind their own uglies. Some probably need to give them more attention in the shower. IDRGAF but I'm OCD.
So people should have left Clinton and Monica alone?
Trump didn't use his for career advancement.

Your side can't stop giving him shit for being promiscuous. Why should she be immune? Probably because some of you think she attractive and want to bang her. Typical beta white knight wishful thinking.
It wasn't about being promiscuous. Trump was married. It was about adultery with a porn star.
I believe Trump should debate her, but there's absolutely no reason he should be subject to debate terms that were hammered out when Biden was the presumptive nominee. This is a completely different ballgame that demands different rules. They should do at least two. The ABC one and maybe a Fox news one so both get a home field advantage. 1) No muted mics, 2) studio audience, the whole nine yards.

This "Trump is scared" stuff is silly. The bait and switch is better evidence of fear to me.
1) No way. They would just be talking over one another and screaming insults.
2) No way. No substance allowed, just play to the crowd.

Hell, just let the two of them throw rocks at each other.
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Welcome to the Democratic Party where the idea that having children within the context of marriage is not only no longer seen as a moral good, but actually weird.

But flashing your fake tits on the White House lawn before heading to the Hill so you can get ass ****ed in a committee room. That’s not weird. Not weird at all.

The truth is that there are value judgements to be made between raising a family and living a selfish lonely life. One is better than the other. Intrinsically Democrats know this which is why what Vance said makes them so angry.
Vance is a fraud, but then again you guys are attracted to frauds.

Trump, the manly man who couldn't change a tire or swap out a battery if his life depended in it.