Try That In a Small Town

No, it's not.

Feel free to go through this list of 100 "greatest" country songs Rolling Stone thinks exemplify country music and tell me how many are about "we wear boots, drive trucks[,] and we're tougher'n you, city boy."

Damn that’s a terrible list.

San Francisco hippies suck at country music.

This thread needs some though:

That only applies if you think the criminals he was talking about were black people as opposed to just anyone acting up. Based on the videos it appears to be the latter.

I get not liking the video from your POV, but trying to shoehorn everything into this racism/not-racism paradigm really dilutes the reaction to true incidences of racism.
I get you wanting to protect your guys, but not owning the simple and straightforward f-ups just underlines that you don't really care about the subject.
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I started to watch the first one on mute and I was going to thank you (I find both incredibly sexy). Then a bunch of snakes appeared in the video, I screamed out loud, and so, I take back my thanks and now from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee! (Name that movie).

Seriously, though, please don't post crap with snakes. Mods, can we get that crap taken down?
May the Wrath of Brad live long and prosper. ;)
Why was it reasonable? The majority of the people in the riot footage he showed were white. It wasn't racial at all, Aldean's wife is pretty right wing, I don't think black people were the target of the criticism it was these types of people:


They were among the 120 arrested in Portland for rioting in 2016 in response to Trump being elected. They are a racial hodge podge but mostly white. The types you see in those videos Aldean used in his music video. The Aldean thing was political, not racial.

The whole racial angle is just a way to turn criticism of leftists into an attack on the right for leveling the criticism. "How dare you attack me as a blue haired white girl for standing up for racial justice you racist." Nah lady, I am criticizing you for helping to vandalize a city while trying to make your point.
Photos from the Comickid family reunion?
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I get you wanting to protect your guys, but not owning the simple and straightforward f-ups just underlines that you don't really care about the subject.
Country music aren't "my guys". They f'd up by throwing a punch and not doing their homework on a site and left themselves open to the one silver bullet their opponents fire in EVERY fight. They could have performed that in front of a green backdrop and it still would have been labeled racist because all rioters are BLM rioters now apparently. And if not that, he would have been someone who supported killing kids because of the gun line.

The "mistake" really comes down to the left owns most of the major popular culture avenues in this country and you CANNOT express anything that runs counter to those opinions without facing their wrath. The only way he would not be criticized was to not perform the song and make a video at all and/or pray he doesn't get enough publicity to draw the attention of the outrage machine.

He should have sung about banging his hoes, selling/doing drugs, robbing, and killing and then he would have been alright.
Country music aren't "my guys". They f'd up by throwing a punch and not doing their homework on a site and left themselves open to the one silver bullet their opponents fire in EVERY fight. They could have performed that in front of a green backdrop and it still would have been labeled racist because all rioters are BLM rioters now apparently. And if not that, he would have been someone who supported killing kids because of the gun line.

The "mistake" really comes down to the left owns most of the major popular culture avenues in this country and you CANNOT express anything that runs counter to those opinions without facing their wrath. The only way he would not be criticized was to not perform the song and make a video at all and/or pray he doesn't get enough publicity to draw the attention of the outrage machine.

He should have sung about banging his hoes, selling/doing drugs, robbing, and killing and then he would have been alright.
So many excuses full of such victimhood. To be an artist is to be criticized.

It would've been a lot quicker and more honest to just admit that you don't care.
Country music aren't "my guys". They f'd up by throwing a punch and not doing their homework on a site and left themselves open to the one silver bullet their opponents fire in EVERY fight.
There was nothing wrong with where they shot the video. It’s disingenuous ignorant douchebags whining like b#tches. They don’t actually care, it just allows them to express their bigotry towards “others” who they find scary. That’s it. The only complaint should be the song sucks, because it actually is a really bad song.
So many excuses full of such victimhood. To be an artist is to be criticized.

It would've been a lot quicker and more honest to just admit that you don't care.
About the line of argument, I don't care. It wasn't racist. That is looking for a valid excuse to criticize something you (not necessarily you, but the people complaining) simply don't like. In this case, how dare that guy criticize things viewed as "the left".

That is all this is.
There was nothing wrong with where they shot the video.
I agree. There isn't. If they did some research they probably would have guessed the number one line of attack though.
It’s disingenuous ignorant douchebags whining like b#tches. They don’t actually care, it just allows them to express their bigotry towards “others” who they find scary. That’s it. The only complaint should be the song sucks, because it actually is a really bad song.
Basically. It is just more of the idea that most of us can be civil with each other face to face but behind closed doors when the surface is scratched a little, we really don't like the concept of the others.

It came late, but finally we have our song of the summer.
The video with its constant depiction of fire and destruction along with the theme it couldn't happen in a small town is a complete misrepresentation of the summer demonstrations in my opinion.

My opinion is based upon reports such as this link which tells us demonstrations occurred in towns both big and small with the great majority being peaceful. The link in part states the following..

By June 2020, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. A report from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project estimated that between May 26 and August 22, 93% of individual protests were "peaceful and nondestructive"[40][41] and research from the Nonviolent Action Lab and Crowd Counting Consortium estimated that by the end of June, 96.3% of 7,305 demonstrations involved no injuries and no property damage.[42] However, arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[6][43]
The video with its constant depiction of fire and destruction along with the theme it couldn't happen in a small town is a complete misrepresentation of the summer demonstrations in my opinion.

My opinion is based upon reports such as this link which tells us demonstrations occurred in towns both big and small with the great majority being peaceful. The link in part states the following..

By June 2020, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. A report from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project estimated that between May 26 and August 22, 93% of individual protests were "peaceful and nondestructive"[40][41] and research from the Nonviolent Action Lab and Crowd Counting Consortium estimated that by the end of June, 96.3% of 7,305 demonstrations involved no injuries and no property damage.[42] However, arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[6][43]
"arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots."

I guess we can just skip over the 'more than 19' - by June, not counting the rest of the summer - who died.

How do they come up with the 93% level when there was so much death and destruction. That sounds like a totally made up number and definitely not the percentage we saw on TV with our own lying eyes.
"arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots."

I guess we can just skip over the 'more than 19' - by June, not counting the rest of the summer - who died.

How do they come up with the 93% level when there was so much death and destruction. That sounds like a totally made up number and definitely not the percentage we saw on TV with our own lying eyes.
Why would television networks decide to air boring peaceful protests? “If it bleeds it leads” is still relevant.
"arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots."

I guess we can just skip over the 'more than 19' - by June, not counting the rest of the summer - who died.

How do they come up with the 93% level when there was so much death and destruction. That sounds like a totally made up number and definitely not the percentage we saw on TV with our own lying eyes.
Yep, peaceful demonstrations don't make the breaking news television hype which feature crime and violence.

I am a big fan of Lester Holt who ends his news with an upbeat news clip and signs off by saying, "Take care of yourself and others".
Yep, peaceful demonstrations don't make the breaking news television hype which feature crime and violence.

I am a big fan of Lester Holt who ends his news with an upbeat news clip and signs off by saying, "Take care of yourself and others".
It’s actually, “take care of yourself and each other” and it was what Jerry Springer used to say at the end of his show back in the 90’s. NBC Nightly News did a piece on Springer after he died recently and they showed a clip of Jerry saying this. I thought it a bit odd that Lester chose an old Jerry Springer quote to end his broadcast.
About the line of argument, I don't care. It wasn't racist. That is looking for a valid excuse to criticize something you (not necessarily you, but the people complaining) simply don't like. In this case, how dare that guy criticize things viewed as "the left".

That is all this is.
Sorry but you aren’t the arbitrator of what’s racist and what is not.
"arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots."

I guess we can just skip over the 'more than 19' - by June, not counting the rest of the summer - who died.

How do they come up with the 93% level when there was so much death and destruction. That sounds like a totally made up number and definitely not the percentage we saw on TV with our own lying eyes.
99% of the time Lincoln spent in Ford's theater was a good time.
Sorry but you aren’t the arbitrator of what’s racist and what is not.
What a boatload of hypocrisy!

The left has called everybody who voted for Trump a racist (and even anybody who didn’t - like me - but just wouldn’t kiss your political ass on every issue) since the night Hillary lost! And now you have the gall to tell others THEY don’t get to judge racism?

Have you NO sense of decency? Haven’t you done enough?
There was nothing wrong with where they shot the video. It’s disingenuous ignorant douchebags whining like b#tches. They don’t actually care, it just allows them to express their bigotry towards “others” who they find scary. That’s it. The only complaint should be the song sucks, because it actually is a really bad song.
The same thing is wrong with the vid location decision as was wrong with the Bud Light can decision.

Ignorant marketing.

And what you say here about the “douche bags” applies perfectly to the folks (I am guessing you) who reacted to the Bud Light move
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The same thing is wrong with the vid location decision as was wrong with the Bud Light can decision.

Ignorant marketing.

And what you say here about the “douche bags” applies perfectly to the folks (I am guessing you) who reacted to the Bud Light move

One "marketing decision" bolstered a largely ignored product to the top of the charts.

The other effectively killed the standing of an American icon.

I think one of the two was marketed correctly.
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One "marketing decision" bolstered a largely ignored product to the top of the charts.

The other effectively killed the standing of an American icon.

I think one of the two was marketed correctly.
Selection of a filming site where black people were lynched by violent hate groups was a “correct” marketing decision?

You twisted the point of my response which was that the “douche bags” who cried about the video reacted the same way the “patriots” did to the Bud Light can.

Both are bad marketing and both were pulled because of it
What a boatload of hypocrisy!

The left has called everybody who voted for Trump a racist (and even anybody who didn’t - like me - but just wouldn’t kiss your political ass on every issue) since the night Hillary lost! And now you have the gall to tell others THEY don’t get to judge racism?

Have you NO sense of decency? Haven’t you done enough?
Bet she doesn't know where that last line came from.

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