Another person tried to kill Trump

The dude is a convicted felon and broke multiple laws to get to the fence with a rifle. Your logic is that we're just 1 law short of stopping someone like him?
That's not my position, but you and I may actially agree.

The laws related to his status as a convicted felon should have been rigorously enforced but apparently were not. I hope you agree with that.

Meanwhile, the Red Flag Laws appear to be ineffective.
At this point, I think there is a realistic chance Trump gets murdered before the election.

Not a big one, mind you, but a real one.

This is two people in the past 8 weeks who have gotten close to Trump with a long rifle.

In both cases, it was blind dumb luck that he survived.

The secret service seems powerless to stop it. If I’m a potential assassin, I’m thinking “damn, it’s easy to get close to him”.
With all the attention (or lack thereof) on Trump’s safety, “BAM!” and Harris goes down. Nothing would surprise me either way, but yeah, Trump already has two strikes and you know what they say about that one. Both candidates should cloister in their castles these next two months, down in their Doomsday Dungeons.

Now watch the SS get so wrapped up in stopping gunslingers within his target area that they let their guard down on bombs. Maybe that’s in the Iranian’s grand plan, The Trilogy of Terrorists, disguised as otherwise.
At this point, I think there is a realistic chance Trump gets murdered before the election.

Not a big one, mind you, but a real one.

This is two people in the past 8 weeks who have gotten close to Trump with a long rifle.

In both cases, it was blind dumb luck that he survived.

The secret service seems powerless to stop it. If I’m a potential assassin, I’m thinking “damn, it’s easy to get close to him”.

The majority of these so called shooters have certain things in common.

They are white, conspiracy laden nutjobs and likely lonely incel pathetic loser dudes. They can't get or keep any pu$$y (because they are conspiracy laden, angry and frustrated nutjobs) but they can get guns.

A lot of these white dudes say colored people, particularly darker colored people are not human and feral animals. Then state 'when will these communities lead these animals to stop being so socially violent and threatening?'

So when will the white community leaders do the same for these conspiracy laden male feral animals....or should we just conveniently group all white males, particularly those that aren't married or divorced are mentally unstable loser animals that need to be rounded up before they kill someone or blow up a hospital?

Look Dems, at least the ones I know, don't want Trump murdered. That would only martyr him and likely lead to more white, male conspiracy laden mental nutcase animals to growing more violent. We want him to get embarrassingly rejected by losing the election and then have him stand accountable for his actions as discovered in trial.

Because the thing that's great about a trial is you have to have actual facts to support your argument. Which is why he never testifies and why the majority of cases calling out his obvious and dumbass bullshit he can't bullshit more and get out of it. He has to have actual facts. Which is exactly why his Rudy led election fraud, obvious bullshit couldn't work at all in a court. It only works in a forum where the goal is to get people to fall for it and believe it.

Anyway if he's murdered then he can't be rejected by the vote so again, as much as he loves to paint himself as this gigantic victim, Dems don't want him assassinated.

Radicalized, gun loving, conspiracy laden white dude loser incels are a different mindset.
If a would-be assassin fires a shot, the Secret Service is either incompetent or part of a conspiracy.
You can say that if you want, but is there a good reason why (1) the golf course/resort, (2) the local city and state governments, and (3) rich guy Trump himself didn't put up a few traffic cams, trail cams or security cams along the perimeter of a former President's regular stomping grounds? Those cameras are cheap (some are < $100) and can connect wirelessly to cell phones.

We are being told that the way Routh was caught was because a private citizen manually shot a photo of his license plate..

I'd bet 5% of the regulars on this board have received a traffic citation or toll road bill from license plate readers, and I'd bet another 5-10% or so have cameras or Ring doorbells at their homes which might record a passing license plate number. Of course, such cameras might also record a person sneaking into the bushes by IR at night.

I don't think they have yet disclosed where Routh parked, but they did give this account:

"A witness told police the suspect fled the scene in a black Nissan and provided investigators with photos of the suspect’s license plate. Using that photo, authorities say they put out a “very urgent” bulletin for area police to be on the lookout for the suspect’s vehicle."

That's just blind luck -- silly in this day. Security can be cheaply improved around that golf course without some exotic paraphernalia.
Modern day jackboots. Seriously messed up. Happening in our country.

Part of me thinks. The agents were fairly respectful so the guy didn’t need to be such a dick. But the more rational part thinks “holy shit, FBI agents will show up on your doorstep over online posts” completely dystopian.
What did his posts say?
The majority of these so called shooters have certain things in common.

They are white, conspiracy laden nutjobs and likely lonely incel pathetic loser dudes. They can't get or keep any pu$$y (because they are conspiracy laden, angry and frustrated nutjobs) but they can get guns.

A lot of these white dudes say colored people, particularly darker colored people are not human and feral animals. Then state 'when will these communities lead these animals to stop being so socially violent and threatening?'

So when will the white community leaders do the same for these conspiracy laden male feral animals....or should we just conveniently group all white males, particularly those that aren't married or divorced are mentally unstable loser animals that need to be rounded up before they kill someone or blow up a hospital?

Look Dems, at least the ones I know, don't want Trump murdered. That would only martyr him and likely lead to more white, male conspiracy laden mental nutcase animals to growing more violent. We want him to get embarrassingly rejected by losing the election and then have him stand accountable for his actions as discovered in trial.

Because the thing that's great about a trial is you have to have actual facts to support your argument. Which is why he never testifies and why the majority of cases calling out his obvious and dumbass bullshit he can't bullshit more and get out of it. He has to have actual facts. Which is exactly why his Rudy led election fraud, obvious bullshit couldn't work at all in a court. It only works in a forum where the goal is to get people to fall for it and believe it.

Anyway if he's murdered then he can't be rejected by the vote so again, as much as he loves to paint himself as this gigantic victim, Dems don't want him assassinated.

Radicalized, gun loving, conspiracy laden white dude loser incels are a different mindset.
What the hell are you talking about?

Both the guys who attempted to assassinate Trump were nuts who actually donated money to democrat political causes. Neither were racist that I’m aware of.

Seems like you built up a strawman in your mind and knocked it down with your post.
She's a sitting Vice President. There are special laws about threats made against her, aren't there?
And, as we learned a couple years ago when the Secret Service refused then-President Trump's request to go somewhere and he tried to grab the wheel of his Secret Service limo, the Secret Service has a certain amount of control over a sitting President.

I doubt if the Secret Service has as much control to overrule a former President's decisions about his security. No doubt Trump tries to make his own decisions about security.
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He didn’t apologize until Trump was shot. Fck him and all the other Dems and Republicans with TDR who are responsible for the two assassination attempts.
If you are really going to fck some Republicans, please post some video.
And, as we learned a couple years ago when the Secret Service refused then-President Trump's request to go somewhere and he tried to grab the wheel of his Secret Service limo, the Secret Service has a certain amount of control over a sitting President.

I doubt if the Secret Service has as much control to overrule a former President's decisions about his security. No doubt Trump tries to make his own decisions about security.
Ummm, okay? I don't understand how that's germane to my point, but whatever.
And, as we learned a couple years ago when the Secret Service refused then-President Trump's request to go somewhere and he tried to grab the wheel of his Secret Service limo, the Secret Service has a certain amount of control over a sitting President.

I doubt if the Secret Service has as much control to overrule a former President's decisions about his security. No doubt Trump tries to make his own decisions about security.

One of several things that bothers me about this second attempt, is that it was immediately said no shots were fired and the “alleged” assassin didn’t even have Trump in his sight. I suspect he was going to shoot him either on the tee of hole #6 or as he was setting up his stance for his second shot. It’s been said the SS agent only saw him because his rifle was sticking out of the bushes, a very long hedgerow alongside a busy street. How was this agent able to see this rifle end, fire several shots at it and not hit the guy? Why was Routh shot at without firing a shot of his own and Crooks wasn’t? The dude was able to drop his gun and run to his car in escape. Could not this agent radio to police in squad cars nearby that this man is fleeing, an all-points bulletin sort of thing. It was said if a bystander hadn’t taken a photo of his license plate, he might have gotten away. The only way they found him in a neighboring county is because with the plate number, they were able to check intersection cameras that are capable of letting authorities know the time the particular vehicle went through an intersection (much like tow roads capturing plates for mail-in payments).

Going back to the first assassination attempt, the SS director said in Senate hearing testimony that the SS snipers had no prior knowledge of where this guy was, prior to 8 (?) shots being fired by Crooks. How was the agent who shot him in the head able to pick him off so quickly, almost instantaneously, without knowing where the sound was coming from? There was no coordinated communication between the various protection agencies.

The Dem media was quick to say what a wonderful job the SS did this time. Reps. beg to differ. Not a single agent was perusing those bushes from the street side, a frequent place known for paparazzi to hang out with long camera lenses. It has been proposed by Bongino that a government mole may be at play here, that is, inside information is being leaked. It’s a scary thought. It could even be one infiltrated with Iranian ties.

Our government is just as crooked as all the other world governments, their people in power. That’s not what I grew up thinking was ever possible.
Possible "moles" in addition to Secret Service and city/state police normally would include employees of the golf course/resort (including private security), Trump's business and campaign staff, and Trump's family.

All of them would have an interest in knowing Trump's schedule.
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Yep, it’s what Cassidy heard second hand, but the driver corroborated what she heard about Trump’s insistence about going to the Capitol. The driver said, “The president was insistent on going to the Capitol.” He’s on the witness list for the election interference trial.

Only partially debunked but that is the incident I was referring to.

Your link seems to support my other point that the Secret Service had some control over Trump when was President:

"At another point Trump also made clear he viewed the crowd as his supporters and therefore not a danger to himself.

“I don’t remember exactly what prompted it or how that portion of the conversation kind of grew organically, but he was pushing pretty hard to go,” the agent testified.

“The thing that sticks out most was he kept asking why we couldn’t go, why we couldn’t go, and that he wasn’t concerned about the people that were there or referenced them being Trump people or Trump supporters,” they added."

I doubt that the Secret Service has as much control over Trump as just a former President.
Yep, it’s what Cassidy heard second hand, but the driver corroborated what she heard about Trump’s insistence about going to the Capitol. The driver said, “The president was insistent on going to the Capitol.” He’s on the witness list for the election interference trial.
I’m sure his testimony will be riveting.

“President Trump said he wanted to go to the Capitol, the SS said we couldn’t because it was dangerous. President Trump said they’re my supporters I’m not worried”

Heavy shit.
Only partially debunked but that is the incident I was referring to.

Your link seems to support my other point that the Secret Service had some control over Trump when was President:

"At another point Trump also made clear he viewed the crowd as his supporters and therefore not a danger to himself.

“I don’t remember exactly what prompted it or how that portion of the conversation kind of grew organically, but he was pushing pretty hard to go,” the agent testified.

“The thing that sticks out most was he kept asking why we couldn’t go, why we couldn’t go, and that he wasn’t concerned about the people that were there or referenced them being Trump people or Trump supporters,” they added."

I doubt that the Secret Service has as much control over Trump as just a former President.
When the driver says “no he didn’t lunge for the wheel” it is debunked.

The rest is just your theorizing about how Trump disregards the SS. I’m not interested in such unfalsifiable inanity.
Ummm, okay? I don't understand how that's germane to my point, but whatever.
Perhaps not.

But, even as President, Trump seems to have been somewhat lackadaisical about his own security in the past, like making spontaneous decisions to travel somewhere on short notice, giving the Secret Service little time to do its normal advance work.

He's not the only President like that. I remember when Reagan popped up out of nowhere at a shopping mall and walked about 30 feet from me, far from the line of children waving flags where he was expected to arrive. I was standing by an off duty cop I knew but neither of us had been screened, and Reagan was not surrounded by the human wall of agents we are used to seeing.

Presidents can make the Secret Service's job much harder.
When the driver says “no he didn’t lunge for the wheel” it is debunked.

The rest is just your theorizing about how Trump disregards the SS. I’m not interested in such unfalsifiable inanity.
Not theorizing. The article you posted includes actual testimony by agents who were in the car with him, listening to him,
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What the hell are you talking about?

Both the guys who attempted to assassinate Trump were nuts who actually donated money to democrat political causes. Neither were racist that I’m aware of.

Seems like you built up a strawman in your mind and knocked it down with your post.

The discussed shooters seem to be frustrated white male, conspiracy laden angry, reactive and easily influenced by their social network that they are addicted to that validates then and their f#$ked up loony beliefs. That seems to be a thread between this nutjob, the Butler shooter, the Buffalo grocery store shooter, the Colorado gay bar shooter, the last Vegas shooter and the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter.

Angry white male violent losers.

Framing this as a purposefully politically driven assassination is laughable horseshit, but it's an opportunity by the silo to feed it to it's radical loony followers to fit their beliefs.

Isn't this latest dude a Trump 2016 voter than a Tulsi follower in 19 then recently a Vivek and Haley supporter? Yeah really sounds like a radical progressive woke, snowflake lib that was empowered by Biden's violent rhetoric.

Anyone turning and believing this as a Democratic political deep state directive or reactions to dem political rhetoric are easily influenced conspiracy loons in an attempt to fuel made up fearbased crisis.

You think Dem rhetoric is what motivated these two losers? Then maybe you'll start to better recognize the over the top, scary fear mongering rhetoric when you hear your silo/Trump tell you immigrants are aggressively raping and sodomizing girls, or to beat up protesters, laugh about and call another violent, angry white male who bludgeoned a guy like Paul Pelosi a hero, who call for military tribunals for people like Liz Cheney, call for a general like Mark Milley to be executed, post a baseball bat photo of an opposing prosecutor Bragg or laughed at a photo of a Trump truck that had Biden and then Harris hogtied up like they were kidnapped like Trump and the right wing, red pilled reactive ecosystem has.

So you pick. Are those examples of free speech or rhetoric designed to incite violence that needs to tone down? Only thing we do know is this is the new culture in this cyber market world especially with a legendary narcissistic and bullshit artist leading the narrative.

Again Dems don't want Trump assassinated. That goes against our ideological beliefs, would be terrible for the country and likely lead to more violence from the shooter types that were referencing. We want him to be delivered an embarrassing defeat which then hopefully confirms his political ideology is a losing belief and might actually motivate the Republican party into figuring out a much, much more inspirational ideological platform away from Trumpism which has only really resonated with a small sliver of people.

That and we'd love to eradicate the dumb, social media driven violence and get back to being able to discuss and disagree without literally hating the other person. Get back to schools not receiving bomb threats because of obvious accounts like Libs of Tic Tok making scary accusations on a specific school whose reactionaries then issue bomb threats, but that doesn't generate monetized clicks for professional and now profitable liars.
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The discussed shooters seem to be frustrated white male, conspiracy laden angry, reactive and easily influenced by their social network that they are addicted to that validates then and their f#$ked up loony beliefs. That seems to be a thread between this nutjob, the Butler shooter, the Buffalo grocery store shooter, the Colorado gay bar shooter, the last Vegas shooter and the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter.

Angry white male violent losers.

Framing this as a purposefully politically driven assassination is laughable horseshit, but it's an opportunity by the silo to feed it to it's radical loony followers to fit their beliefs.

Isn't this latest dude a Trump 2016 voter than a Tulsi follower in 19 then recently a Vivek and Haley supporter? Yeah really sounds like a radical progressive woke, snowflake lib that was empowered by Biden's violent rhetoric.

Anyone turning and believing this as a Democratic political deep state directive or reactions to dem political rhetoric are easily influenced conspiracy loons in an attempt to fuel made up fearbased crisis.

You think Dem rhetoric is what motivated these two losers? Then maybe you'll start to better recognize the over the top, scary fear mongering rhetoric when you hear your silo/Trump tell you immigrants are aggressively raping and sodomizing girls, or to beat up protesters, laugh about and call another violent, angry white male who bludgeoned a guy like Paul Pelosi a hero, who call for military tribunals for people like Liz Cheney, call for a general like Mark Milley to be executed, post a baseball bat photo of an opposing prosecutor Bragg or laughed at a photo of a Trump truck that had Biden and then Harris hogtied up like they were kidnapped like Trump and the right wing, red pilled reactive ecosystem has.

So you pick. Are those examples of free speech or rhetoric designed to incite violence that needs to tone down? Only thing we do know is this is the new culture in this cyber market world especially with a legendary narcissistic and bullshit artist leading the narrative.

Again Dems don't want Trump assassinated. That goes against our ideological beliefs, would be terrible for the country and likely lead to more violence from the shooter types that were referencing. We want him to be delivered an embarrassing defeat which then hopefully confirms his political ideology is a losing belief and might actually motivate the Republican party into figuring out a much, much more inspirational ideological platform away from Trumpism which has only really resonated with a small sliver of people.

That and we'd love to eradicate the dumb, social media driven violence and get back to being able to discuss and disagree without literally hating the other person. Get back to schools not receiving bomb threats because of obvious accounts like Libs of Tic Tok making scary accusations on a specific school whose reactionaries then issue bomb threats, but that doesn't generate monetized clicks for professional and now profitable liars.
Let’s not be normalizing the second assassination attempt with “isn’t this latest dude a Trump 2016 supporter”. Routh has radicalized ties to Iran and Ukraine. Our government had received warning of an Iranian plot to kill Trump weeks before the first attempt. Crooks wasn’t it (we don’t think) but Routh’s more likely was.
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Perhaps not.

But, even as President, Trump seems to have been somewhat lackadaisical about his own security in the past, like making spontaneous decisions to travel somewhere on short notice, giving the Secret Service little time to do its normal advance work.

He's not the only President like that. I remember when Reagan popped up out of nowhere at a shopping mall and walked about 30 feet from me, far from the line of children waving flags where he was expected to arrive. I was standing by an off duty cop I knew but neither of us had been screened, and Reagan was not surrounded by the human wall of agents we are used to seeing.

Presidents can make the Secret Service's job much harder.
Was this before or after Hinkley?
At this point, I think there is a realistic chance Trump gets murdered before the election.

Not a big one, mind you, but a real one.

This is two people in the past 8 weeks who have gotten close to Trump with a long rifle.

In both cases, it was blind dumb luck that he survived.

The secret service seems powerless to stop it. If I’m a potential assassin, I’m thinking “damn, it’s easy to get close to him”.
He needs to just bunker down at Maralago until he's sworn back in. He's got the election.

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He’s toast. Blew it with stupid sensational shit. Even mahomes’ wife is like wtf over his Taylor swift attack. Beyond stupid
Dude you must be more gullible than grandma at the home opening up an envelope from Publisher's Clearing House. Stop listening to these gaslight polls that are completely fake. Focus on the ones that have a track record of being accurate. Like Gallup, who was always the gold standard of polling before Obama forced them out of the industry. Or Atlas who nailed 2020 and 2022.

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Dude you must be more gullible than grandma at the home opening up an envelope from Publisher's Clearing House. Stop listening to these gaslight polls that are completely fake. Focus on the ones that have a track record of being accurate. Like Gallup, who was always the gold standard of polling before Obama forced them out of the industry. Or Atlas who nailed 2020 and 2022.

You don't know that you and your Trumpster Twitter Twits have zero credibility? You should. You're the WC's least credible poster. That award goes along with the Dumbest Poster on the WC award.
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Dude you must be more gullible than grandma at the home opening up an envelope from Publisher's Clearing House. Stop listening to these gaslight polls that are completely fake. Focus on the ones that have a track record of being accurate. Like Gallup, who was always the gold standard of polling before Obama forced them out of the industry. Or Atlas who nailed 2020 and 2022.

I remember 2020. I remember the red wave bust. What’s more if you apply even a modicum of logic his actions correspond with movement in the polls. He’s pandering to voters he already has and losing those on the fence
Dude you must be more gullible than grandma at the home opening up an envelope from Publisher's Clearing House. Stop listening to these gaslight polls that are completely fake. Focus on the ones that have a track record of being accurate. Like Gallup, who was always the gold standard of polling before Obama forced them out of the industry. Or Atlas who nailed 2020 and 2022.

I remember 2020. I remember the red wave bust. What’s more if you apply even a modicum of logic his actions correspond with movement in the polls. He’s pandering to voters he already has and losing those on the fence
He has a higher favorable rating than Harris and has double digits leads on the 3 most important issues to voters. But keep saying he will lose.

I remember 2020. I remember the red wave bust. What’s more if you apply even a modicum of logic his actions correspond with movement in the polls. He’s pandering to voters he already has and losing those on the fence
My modicum of logic leads me to believe the Dem’s more radical progressive patronage has their other voters sliding downward in support. With this latest assassination attempt with its Iranian ties, more sympathetic support is headed his way. Trump will win. The only thing that can stop him now is a third attempt.
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