Trump Trolls the New York Times

Well, I guess he gets credit for spending two weeks a year with Tiffany? I get offended by Trump getting credit for the kids when he obviously had very little to do with Tiffany. And there is this... As I've said, I followed Trump for decades and it's annoying that he's getting the credit for raising his kids. He wasn't absentee with most of them, but I'd say the mother had much more to do with it than he did. They obviously now choose to spend time with him now that they are older, but my mind isn't changed about who deserves the major part of the credit.
There is a lot to hate about Trump like him playing to racists, bigots, misogynists, fools, and saying retarded things but I think this line of attack is offensive. We have a lot of divorced parent families and single parent families in this country and it's a very big issue in my community and that's why I don't like the line of attack. Parents do the best they can and if the kids turn out pretty good and both parents were involved with raising them to some extent than we should say good job or nothing instead of bashing one parent or the other. We don't know how they did it but we know if the kids turn out good. It's up to the kids to bash one parent or the other if they want to. They know what happened and we don't. We're on the same page with Trump and we're both voting for Hillary but I'm not going to bash Trump for how he raised his kids. From what I've heard they turned out pretty good.
I'm not upset, Antwaan. I'm trying to see if there's any way to get through Crazed's thick skull. I don't think so. I'm still trying to find the right words to describe him. He's like an ideological puppet where he's pulling his own strings.

In any case, his posts are perpetually examples of how when you mix some relative truths with some relative falsehoods you always get a falsehood. You can't mix them and get a truth.

Denial is just another unfortunate sign of an inability to cope with your personal reality.
This is amazing. Truly amazing. So in your mind he trolled the former director of the CIA that stood watch over Operation Neptune Spear?

I'm not sure I can take much more of this. For realz.
lol..Trump is just too smart for everybody and if you don't see it you are an idiot!

Trump supporters have reached a level of pathetic I never thought I would see from a major party.

If you can't see Trump is trolling then you are an idiot! Don't listen to what he said, he's trolling, it's obvious!
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lol..Trump is just too smart for everybody and if you don't see it you are an idiot!

Trump supporters have reached a level of pathetic I never thought I would see from a major party.

If you can't see Trump is trolling then you are an idiot! Don't listen to what he said, he's trolling, it's obvious!

I do not think he is Trolling at all. I think that he believes the Russians (and any other country with a halfway competent intelligence service) already has all of Hillary's emails. Furthermore, I think he believes that many of the 30,000 emails that were deleted would detail all of the crap that Hillary was doing through her office in conjunction with her and Bill's "charity". The release of this information would further prove Hillary to be the person that the majority of the country already believes her to be. She then has to spend even more time rolling people out to defend and humanize her which is less time they can spend on attacking Trump.

It was not a Trolling job. It was a pretty deft political move. Go ahead Russia..uh..Wiki Leaks. Go ahead and release those 30000 emails and let's see what other crap this lady was up to while working on our dime. Trump is boorish. Trump says stupid things. He is embarrassing. He is everything you guys say he is. In addition, he is someone who is capable of beating the Clinton's at their own games.
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I do not think he is Trolling at all. I think that he believes the Russians (and any other country with a halfway competent intelligence service) already has all of Hillary's emails. Furthermore, I think he believes that many of the 30,000 emails that were deleted would detail all of the crap that Hillary was doing through her office in conjunction with her and Bill's "charity". The release of this information would further prove Hillary to be the person that the majority of the country already believes her to be. She then has to spend even more time rolling people out to defend and humanize her which is less time they can spend on attacking Trump.

It was not a Trolling job. It was a pretty deft political move. Go ahead Russia..uh..Wiki Leaks. Go ahead and release those 30000 emails and let's see what other crap this lady was up to while working on our dime. Trump is boorish. Trump says stupid things. He is embarrassing. He is everything you guys say he is. In addition, he is someone who is capable of beating the Clinton's at their own games.
Republicans don't just prefer Trump to Clinton, they prefer Putin to Clinton.
I do not think he is Trolling at all. I think that he believes the Russians (and any other country with a halfway competent intelligence service) already has all of Hillary's emails. Furthermore, I think he believes that many of the 30,000 emails that were deleted would detail all of the crap that Hillary was doing through her office in conjunction with her and Bill's "charity". The release of this information would further prove Hillary to be the person that the majority of the country already believes her to be. She then has to spend even more time rolling people out to defend and humanize her which is less time they can spend on attacking Trump.

It was not a Trolling job. It was a pretty deft political move. Go ahead Russia..uh..Wiki Leaks. Go ahead and release those 30000 emails and let's see what other crap this lady was up to while working on our dime. Trump is boorish. Trump says stupid things. He is embarrassing. He is everything you guys say he is. In addition, he is someone who is capable of beating the Clinton's at their own games.
I think you give him too much credit. I think it was a clever political move, but that is has less to do with whether or not he thinks Russia actually has any emails, and more to do with mocking the media for their narrative that he and Russia are entangled in some spooky way.

Plus, he gets to bring up the fact that Hillary "lost" 30,000 "personal" emails from her private server.

Its a total dig at the media. I still can't believe so many smart people are staking their credibility on a throw-away line from a press conference, but I'm getting more enjoyment than I probably should be from watching it unfold in this thread.

Carry on...
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Denial is just another unfortunate sign of an inability to cope with your personal reality.
As I recall, you're the one who's been targeted here in the past as having made both racist and sexist posts. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if Trump is right in your wheelhouse, vince.
I think you give him too much credit. I think it was a clever political move, but that is has less to do with whether or not he thinks Russia actually has any emails, and more to do with mocking the media for their narrative that he and Russia are entangled in some spooky way.

Plus, he gets to bring up the fact that Hillary "lost" 30,000 "personal" emails from her private server.

Its a total dig at the media. I still can't believe so many smart people are staking their credibility on a throw-away line from a press conference, but I'm getting more enjoyment than I probably should be from watching it unfold in this thread.

Carry on...

He is an idiot savant.
Again, Putin is not in this conversation if your dumb ass candidate thought rules applied to her.

I know I am voting for a turd sandwich in November and readily admit it. Eventually some of you will come around to the realization that your giant douche is no better...and she actually has the shoddy record to prove it.
Again, Putin is not in this conversation if your dumb ass candidate thought rules applied to her.
Wake up, guy. Putin was in the conversation long before Trump improved Hillary's chances of a #Landslide. See this thread.

Incidentally, here's a thought I haven't seen anywhere yet. All of Trump's incendiary rhetoric up to the point was against people not really in his #OldWhiteDuped base. This time is different. Tell me just how many white American males center or right on the political spectrum love Russia?

The notion that people will see the nuance in Trump's comments is silly. If you take a nuanced look at what Trump said about Mexicans, there's no real reason for Hispanics to be up in arms about it because Trump was actually nuanced, but they are. That's how things work these days. Most people form opinions based on short sound bites.
Republicans don't just prefer Trump to Clinton, they prefer Putin to Clinton.

I can't "like" this post. I'm not laughing . . .

. . . and not because it isn't accurate. I am deeply saddened because I think the post might just be spot on.
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Wake up, guy. Putin was in the conversation long before Trump improved Hillary's chances of a #Landslide. See this thread.

Incidentally, here's a thought I haven't seen anywhere yet. All of Trump's incendiary rhetoric up to the point was against people not really in his #OldWhiteDuped base. This time is different. Tell me just how many white American males center or right on the political spectrum love Russia?

The notion that people will see the nuance in Trump's comments is silly. If you take a nuanced look at what Trump said about Mexicans, there's no real reason for Hispanics to be up in arms about it because Trump was actually nuanced, but they are. That's how things work these days. Most people form opinions based on short sound bites.

Keep side stepping the point. Putin gets jammed into this discussion because Hillary Clinton played fast and loose with our regulations on handling classified material. She did this because she was afraid that the VRWC was going to FOIA her dealings. She did not want them doing this because she is over her head in corruption at every level. So she sets up her crappie server and then flags to every intelligence service under the sun that she lives on her blackberry. (she constantly had her nose buried in that thing.) Any intelligence agency worth their salt was going to be all over that device and the fact that she had an unsecured server that she was running everything through basically threw the National Security door open.

I cannot stand Putin. I think Trump is just as naive as Bush if he thinks he can trust that guy. That said, I have to laugh at the party who told Medvedev to give us some time after the election so we can cave on missile defense. Those who had their "reset" with Russia. Those who scoffed at Romney for claiming that the Russians were again becoming a geopolitical adversary. These same people now want to claim that Trump being an alleged Russophile is their reason to dismiss him.

If Trump thinks Putin is someone he can work with he is wrong. However, Trump just talks about it and your guys actually did it.


Keep side stepping the point. Putin gets jammed into this discussion because Hillary Clinton played fast and loose with our regulations on handling classified material. She did this because she was afraid that the VRWC was going to FOIA her dealings. She did not want them doing this because she is over her head in corruption at every level. So she sets up her crappie server and then flags to every intelligence service under the sun that she lives on her blackberry. (she constantly had her nose buried in that thing.) Any intelligence agency worth their salt was going to be all over that device and the fact that she had an unsecured server that she was running everything through basically threw the National Security door open.

I cannot stand Putin. I think Trump is just as naive as Bush if he thinks he can trust that guy. That said, I have to laugh at the party who told Medvedev to give us some time after the election so we can cave on missile defense. Those who had their "reset" with Russia. Those who scoffed at Romney for claiming that the Russians were again becoming a geopolitical adversary. These same people now want to claim that Trump being an alleged Russophile is their reason to dismiss him.

If Trump thinks Putin is someone he can work with he is wrong. However, Trump just talks about it and your guys actually did it.
No one's sidestepping that point. If Hillary hadn't set up her own private server, which has to go down in history as one of the stupidest debacles in American political strategizing, this election would be a #LANDSLIDE. As it is, it's merely going to be a #Landslide, or maybe a #landslide. You see, Crazy, your hatred for all things Hillary completely infects your mind. I see her as someone who first and foremost always fought for people. She only became a politician as a means to achieve her noble ends. She's lousy at campaign strategizing. That's her achilles heel. That's what gets her into trouble. Her intentions are right but she's weak at campaigning and the like. I can have that, because once she's in office, I get what I want, someone who cares about Americans. Trump's the absolute opposite. He's the greatest demagogue this nation has ever seen, but once he gets into office, his history dictates that he won't give a rat's ass about anyone else but himself.
. Tell me just how many white American males center or right on the political spectrum love Russia? .[/QUOTE said:
This shows how out of touch all the Smart people are. Love, NO. Respect that they are a world player and have some Swag, yes.

I would say that those whom many of you elite make fun of and slur against know, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
Putin gets jammed into this discussion because Hillary Clinton played fast and loose with our regulations on handling classified material.

Hogwash and horsehockey.

Putin jumped front and center into this discussion by sending his spies to hack the Democratic National Committee's servers. Trump has jumped front and center in to this discussion by providing YUGE amounts of fodder indicating that he's in Putin's back pocket and that he'd at least like Putin to interfere with US domestic politics on Trump's electoral behalf.

That you'd accept the whitewash that attempts to divert this discussion all the way over to Clinton's emails tells me just how unserious you've become . . . .
No one's sidestepping that point. If Hillary hadn't set up her own private server, which has to go down in history as one of the stupidest debacles in American political strategizing, this election would be a #LANDSLIDE. As it is, it's merely going to be a #Landslide, or maybe a #landslide. You see, Crazy, your hatred for all things Hillary completely infects your mind. I see her as someone who first and foremost always fought for people. She only became a politician as a means to achieve her noble ends. She's lousy at campaign strategizing. That's her achilles heel. That's what gets her into trouble. Her intentions are right but she's weak at campaigning and the like. I can have that, because once she's in office, I get what I want, someone who cares about Americans. Trump's the absolute opposite. He's the greatest demagogue this nation has ever seen, but once he gets into office, his history dictates that he won't give a rat's ass about anyone else but himself.

I see very clearly on Hillary and I see very clearly on Trump. I believe it is you having issues with clarity. You want to whitewash everything bad about Hillary because you think she meant well...she was just trying to help people out. I call bovine excrement. Hillary has always been about Hillary. The helping the little people routine has been a means to an end for her. Now she might have started out with some altruistic notions but those have long since been stomped out. Hillary had been about acquiring wealth and power for herself ever since Bill got her into the governor's mansion in Arkansas. Altruistic Hillary, if she ever existed, is long since gone.

Trump is a boor. He is a poor candidate. He says stupid stuff. He has an unhealthy interest in the improper use of power. He is an egomaniac, is probably driven by greed and self interest. He is all those things right now...and his opponent is pretty much all of that and a little more. And the worst part about her is that if in office all her little sycophants that have been kissing her ass for the past 25 years will continue to let her go about her corrupt ways with nary a protest. Now if Trump is elected I can guarantee that our press will finally remember their job and will be on him like flies on poo.

In this case, I choose to vote for the narcissistic jerk wad who I know is going to be held accountable as opposed to the self centered, greedy jerk who already knows she won't be held accountable because she has 25 years of running the biggest con on this country without having to answer for it to back that up.
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I can't "like" this post. I'm not laughing . . .

. . . and not because it isn't accurate. I am deeply saddened because I think the post might just be spot on.

Hey Lucy, you "liked" this post . . . are you saying that you'd prefer to have Putin as a leader to Clinton?

Just curious where that was coming from . . . .
Hogwash and horsehockey.

Putin jumped front and center into this discussion by sending his spies to hack the Democratic National Committee's servers. Trump has jumped front and center in to this discussion by providing YUGE amounts of fodder indicating that he's in Putin's back pocket and that he'd at least like Putin to interfere with US domestic politics on Trump's electoral behalf.

That you'd accept the whitewash that attempts to divert this discussion all the way over to Clinton's emails tells me just how unserious you've become . . . .

I like you Sope but right back at you.

There is no diversion needed here. Hillary's emails opened the door to Putin. Trump was discussing Hillary's emails in his presser. You are now trying to divert to the DNC dump which appears to be more aimed at weakening the Democrats. Putin could very well be hoping to put a wedge between the Bernie bots and the mainline Democrats with that leak. As someone opposed to the aims of the current version of the Democratic Party, I do not care if Debbie screwed Bernie. I doubt most of the GOP cares either. Put in probably sees it as advantageous to have both of our major political parties at each other's throat.

Putin is sewing discord much like our NGOs do to him. (And we should sew discord against him and we should recognize when he is doing it back...but the DNC hack is more of an internal issue than a national security issue IMO.)
There is a lot to hate about Trump like him playing to racists, bigots, misogynists, fools, and saying retarded things but I think this line of attack is offensive. We have a lot of divorced parent families and single parent families in this country and it's a very big issue in my community and that's why I don't like the line of attack. Parents do the best they can and if the kids turn out pretty good and both parents were involved with raising them to some extent than we should say good job or nothing instead of bashing one parent or the other. We don't know how they did it but we know if the kids turn out good. It's up to the kids to bash one parent or the other if they want to. They know what happened and we don't. We're on the same page with Trump and we're both voting for Hillary but I'm not going to bash Trump for how he raised his kids. From what I've heard they turned out pretty good.
Neither one of you are getting what I'm offended about. I'm offended that the mothers are not even mentioned when the kids are discussed and Trump is getting all the credit when he did little of the work. It's not so much that I'm putting down Trump. He became very active with the kids once they became adults.
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Hey Lucy, you "liked" this post . . . are you saying that you'd prefer to have Putin as a leader to Clinton?

Just curious where that was coming from . . . .

Lucy is a troll. That account could probably be traced to an OTFer having a little fun.
Again, Putin is not in this conversation if your dumb ass candidate thought rules applied to her.

I know I am voting for a turd sandwich in November and readily admit it. Eventually some of you will come around to the realization that your giant douche is no better...and she actually has the shoddy record to prove it.
Our giant douche will not daily make us look like idiots to the rest of the world.
I like you Sope but right back at you.

There is no diversion needed here. Hillary's emails opened the door to Putin. Trump was discussing Hillary's emails in his presser. You are now trying to divert to the DNC dump which appears to be more aimed at weakening the Democrats. Putin could very well be hoping to put a wedge between the Bernie bots and the mainline Democrats with that leak. As someone opposed to the aims of the current version of the Democratic Party, I do not care if Debbie screwed Bernie. I doubt most of the GOP cares either. Put in probably sees it as advantageous to have both of our major political parties at each other's throat.

Putin is sewing discord much like our NGOs do to him. (And we should sew discord against him and we should recognize when he is doing it back...but the DNC hack is more of an internal issue than a national security issue IMO.)

I like you too, Crazy (as opposed to crazy, of course :D), but Hillary's emails were not the subject of the presser regarding the Russian hack until Trump brought them up to divert attention from the fact of the hack, and the fallout from the media's continuing deep dive into Trump's relationships with Putin, other Russian political players and Russian financial oligarchs.

BTW, you did read the articles in which Trump's inability to get US financing forced him to turn to Russian sources of cash, didn't you?

This is so much bigger than the emails - which I acknowledge are a big enough, sordid story in its own right, BTW - that it's not even close. We're talking about a guy who as president will be personally beholden to Russian power players, some of whom are likely more akin to characters from international thriller movies than any of us would like to admit.

Are you saying that doesn't matter? Or that it matters less than the email issue?
I see very clearly on Hillary and I see very clearly on Trump. I believe it is you having issues with clarity. You want to whitewash everything bad about Hillary because you think she meant well...she was just trying to help people out. I call bovine excrement. Hillary has always been about Hillary. The helping the little people routine has been a means to an end for her. Now she might have started out with some altruistic notions but those have long since been stomped out. Hillary had been about acquiring wealth and power for herself ever since Bill got her into the governor's mansion in Arkansas. Altruistic Hillary, if she ever existed, is long since gone.

Trump is a boor. He is a poor candidate. He says stupid stuff. He has an unhealthy interest in the improper use of power. He is an egomaniac, is probably driven by greed and self interest. He is all those things right now...and his opponent is pretty much all of that and a little more. And the worst part about her is that if in office all her little sycophants that have been kissing her ass for the past 25 years will continue to let her go about her corrupt ways with nary a protest. Now if Trump is elected I can guarantee that our press will finally remember their job and will be on him like flies on poo.

In this case, I choose to vote for the narcissistic jerk wad who I know is going to be held accountable as opposed to the self centered, greedy jerk who already knows she won't be held accountable because she has 25 years of running the biggest con on this country without having to answer for it to back that up.
All I can respond with is pray for our country. I don't see any other alternative for you and your conscience.
Lucy is a troll. That account could probably be traced to an OTFer having a little fun.

Could be. But I know folks - some relatives of mine - who are so far down the anti-Democratic, anti-Clinton pipe that they're not thinking clearly enough to understand the short-term, much less the long-term, implications of what they're saying in this election cycle. Part of it stems from a palpable disrespect that they've developed for folks with advanced education - and for science and math, generally, as a result - which I have a general feeling results from a degree of resentment that they have resulting from being patronized, taken for granted and generally left out of discussions of policy . . . in part because college-educated folks liked the comraderie of other educated types, and in part because college-educated types could see ways to benefit personally by being at the top of the various food-chains.

So I don't go to "he's a troll" until I'm dead certain that he is one . . . which I have with other posters here. But Lucy might be a real guy who "seems" like a troll because of our own prejudices, not because he isn't genuine. I'm willing to step in it to find out if it stinks, and if so what kind of stink it is. There might be a bit of common ground . . . which would be a small step toward ending the divisiveness
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Neither one of you are getting what I'm offended about. I'm offended that the mothers are not even mentioned when
Could be. But I know folks - some relatives of mine - who are so far down the anti-Democratic, anti-Clinton pipe that they're not thinking clearly enough to understand the short-term, much less the long-term, implications of what they're saying in this election cycle. Part of it stems from a palpable disrespect that they've developed for folks with advanced education - and for science and math, generally, as a result - which I have a general feeling results from a degree of resentment that they have resulting from being patronized, taken for granted and generally left out of discussions of policy . . . in part because college-educated folks liked the comraderie of other educated types, and in part because college-educated types could see ways to benefit personally by being at the top of the various food-chains.

So I don't go to "he's a troll" until I'm dead certain that he is one . . . which I have with other posters here. But Lucy might be a real guy who "seems" like a troll because of our own prejudices, not because he isn't genuine. I'm willing to step in it to find out if it stinks, and if so what kind of stink it is. There might be a bit of common ground . . . which would be a small step toward ending the divisiveness

I am going with Troll. Since he is apparently on my side, that helps me sleep better at night...
Neither one of you are getting what I'm offended about. I'm offended that the mothers are not even mentioned when the kids are discussed and Trump is getting all the credit when he did little of the work. It's not so much that I'm putting down Trump. He became very active with the kids once they became adults.
Fair enough.
I like you too, Crazy (as opposed to crazy, of course :D), but Hillary's emails were not the subject of the presser regarding the Russian hack until Trump brought them up to divert attention from the fact of the hack, and the fallout from the media's continuing deep dive into Trump's relationships with Putin, other Russian political players and Russian financial oligarchs.

BTW, you did read the articles in which Trump's inability to get US financing forced him to turn to Russian sources of cash, didn't you?

This is so much bigger than the emails - which I acknowledge are a big enough, sordid story in its own right, BTW - that it's not even close. We're talking about a guy who as president will be personally beholden to Russian power players, some of whom are likely more akin to characters from international thriller movies than any of us would like to admit.

Are you saying that doesn't matter? Or that it matters less than the email issue?

They both matter. Hey, I have already admitted that my side is running a turd sandwich. He is only going to get my vote because I do not want Hillary to stock the Supreme Court with more Ginsburgs and I am of the opinion that Trump will not get the kind of free pass that Hillary will get from the press. I think that will be the case for all of the press as well because Trump is a moderate Democrat running a populist campaign with racial undertones as a Republican.
They both matter. Hey, I have already admitted that my side is running a turd sandwich. He is only going to get my vote because I do not want Hillary to stock the Supreme Court with more Ginsburgs and I am of the opinion that Trump will not get the kind of free pass that Hillary will get from the press. I think that will be the case for all of the press as well because Trump is a moderate Democrat running a populist campaign with racial undertones as a Republican.

Well, you're right about one thing; if you're worried about SCOTUS then you need to vote for Trump . . . if he's elected SCOTUS likely won't matter anyways. :(
Neither one of you are getting what I'm offended about. I'm offended that the mothers are not even mentioned when the kids are discussed and Trump is getting all the credit when he did little of the work. It's not so much that I'm putting down Trump. He became very active with the kids once they became adults.
That's probably because the mothers aren't running for President. :D I'm just saying that bashing him over this is offensive to. Maybe it's just us two guys. Anyway there is so much more to bash Trump with and I think we should leave his family life out of it. Bash on!
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I have . . . absolutely no response to that. If Lucy helps you sleep better, I'm staying out of it . . . .:oops:

You forgot to add the rim shot. ;)

On the off chance you were somewhat serious, let me clarify. I think Lucy is a created character to be a caricature of a Republican ( therfore on "my side").

I choose to believe that Lucy is a created character because if he/she is not, that reflects poorly on "my side".
You forgot to add the rim shot. ;)

On the off chance you were somewhat serious, let me clarify. I think Lucy is a created character to be a caricature of a Republican ( therfore on "my side").

I choose to believe that Lucy is a created character because if he/she is not, that reflects poorly on "my side".
She/he's a fraud, but both sides of the WC have more than a couple posters that reflect poorly on the "their side."
I like you too, Crazy (as opposed to crazy, of course :D), but Hillary's emails were not the subject of the presser regarding the Russian hack until Trump brought them up to divert attention from the fact of the hack, and the fallout from the media's continuing deep dive into Trump's relationships with Putin, other Russian political players and Russian financial oligarchs.

BTW, you did read the articles in which Trump's inability to get US financing forced him to turn to Russian sources of cash, didn't you?

This is so much bigger than the emails - which I acknowledge are a big enough, sordid story in its own right, BTW - that it's not even close. We're talking about a guy who as president will be personally beholden to Russian power players, some of whom are likely more akin to characters from international thriller movies than any of us would like to admit.

Are you saying that doesn't matter? Or that it matters less than the email issue?

Funny, wasn't but about 4 years ago that the NYT was stating Russia was not an enemy:

Two decades after the end of the cold war, Mitt Romney still considers Russia to be America’s ‘No. 1 geopolitical foe.’ His comments display either a shocking lack of knowledge about international affairs or just craven politics. Either way, they are reckless and unworthy of a major presidential contender.

If these emails were hacked, they were on a private server, so why should that interest us? "At this point, what difference does it make?"

This thread is hilarious. At least now we see some anger on the left about Clinton's private server. Too funny....
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