Trump Trolls the New York Times

The contents of the email has zero to do with the discussion and the problem. The issue is the Donald appealing to Putin and his thugs to put information out that the Donald believes might hurt the Clinton campaign. What is actually in the emails is immaterial to this discussion.

Clinton made this mess. No one else.
Thanks everyone. This is my favorite thread ever. There was a narrative brewing about Trump and Russia. He destroyed it today with just a couple sentences, and trolled the media in the process.

Listen to the presser with context.


Hey, no suprise that people with an agenda will fight for it no matter what. That's admirable I suppose.
You have become quite silly.
That's only my second prediction here. The first was on Trump, long before anyone else here (as far as I can remember, even before Lucy, I think), when I bet with Aloha. I'm pretty good at reading things. Trump was already on thin ice with respect to Putin. This sent him plunging through into the freezing ice water beneath. Mark my words.

There will be ads made about this and all the context in the world isn't going to help Trump.
Thanks everyone. This is my favorite thread ever. There was a narrative brewing about Trump and Russia. He destroyed it today with just a couple sentences, and trolled the media in the process.

Listen to the presser with context.


Hey, no suprise that people with an agenda will fight for it no matter what. That's admirable I suppose.
Please don't vote...or breed. In that order.
Listen to the presser with context.
You see, that's just the thing. In fact, that's how Trump got to this position -- assuming the madding crowd won't pay attention to context, and they don't. This time, the only people paying attention to any context are his supporters, the rest of the world, not.

This might help Trump get some press today and tomorrow, but in the long run, it's counter to his game plan, his strategy. He done screwed up. Mark my words.
That's only my second prediction here. The first was on Trump, long before anyone else here (as far as I can remember, even before Lucy, I think), when I bet with Aloha. I'm pretty good at reading things. Trump was already on thin ice with respect to Putin. This sent him plunging through into the freezing ice water beneath. Mark my words.

There will be ads made about this and all the context in the world isn't going to help Trump.
There is nothing to this. He brought up Jon Lovitz' Liar character in rhythm with the Russia comment. Everyone of his detractors is screaming "how dare you" and "harumph harumph" (what else is new) and tears of laughter drip into his beverage as he takes his jumbo jet to his next stop.

Plenty not to like about Trump, but today was fun.
Trump's deals around the world are funded by Russian oligarchs. American banks and investors have long since shied away from doing business with him, going back years.

Add to that his refusal to release any tax returns.

It's likely you Trumpkins, whatever sad lot of you that are left, are voting for someone literally owned by Russia. How this hasn't been a bigger story is strange. The Trump folks being adamant about removing pro-Ukraine language from the platform is even more telling.
There is nothing to this. He brought up Jon Lovitz' Liar character in rhythm with the Russia comment. Everyone of his detractors is screaming "how dare you" and "harumph harumph" (what else is new) and tears of laughter drip into his beverage as he takes his jumbo jet to his next stop.

Plenty not to like about Trump, but today was fun.
I'm fully prepared to make a wager with you. #Landslide
Trump's deals around the world are funded by Russian oligarchs. American banks and investors have long since shied away from doing business with him, going back years.

Add to that his refusal to release any tax returns.

It's likely you Trumpkins, whatever sad lot of you that are left, are voting for someone literally owned by Russia. How this hasn't been a bigger story is strange. The Trump folks being adamant about removing pro-Ukraine language from the platform is even more telling.
Oooooh.. Booga booga... Trump gon' sell us out to the Russkies..

What he shoulda did was say, "Hey, tell Vlad that once the elction is over, I can be more flexible."

That would have been just fine with the media, I am sure.
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Oooooh.. Booga booga... Trump gon' sell us out to the Russkies..

What he shoulda did was say, "Hey, tell Vlad that once the elction is over, I can be more flexible."

That would have been just fine with the media, I am sure.

Hillz, it sounds like they are doing a little fearmongoring of their own! Pathetic really.
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Right. Keep telling yourself that as your candidates keeps working with his buddy Putin. It's all Hillary's fault!!

The emails are her fault. That shouldn't be hard to understand. She's the one who was stupid with her emails. Oh, I forgot. Comey said poor Hillary just wasn't tech savy and didn't understand. Couldn't be her fault if she was too dumb to understand.
I would probably put a $50 on the table that if this was about RNC emails , some of you would have a skirt on waving pomp pomps.

Will we ever have the chance to find out?

Were people on here doing that during the Bush Admin email scandal? I ask because I wasn't here.But I did notice that when I posted a story about it a few weeks back,several people indicated they weren't even aware of it.It goes without saying the ones who have been carrying water for the
"lock her up" crowd weren't the least bit concerned,which speaks to their utter hypocrisy...

But a lot of folks who I consider pretty liberal didn't really know about it either.Probably because the same MSM (main stream media) the Trumpets and their ilk attack as corrupt,didn't really make much to do about it at the time.I'm pretty sure you'd lose your $50,since the heart of that story was the Bush admin using a server at the RNC itself...
Hillz, it sounds like they are doing a little fearmongoring of their own! Pathetic really.
Well if I had to characterize the libs in this thread, I'd say they were afraid of losing this election to the world's worst human being. The funny thing is none of them stop to think what that says about their pick.
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The emails are her fault. That shouldn't be hard to understand. She's the one who was stupid with her emails. Oh, I forgot. Comey said poor Hillary just wasn't tech savy and didn't understand. Couldn't be her fault if she was too dumb to understand.
I agree the emails were her fault . The discussion is about what Trump said today .
Oh I disagree. I don't think this moved very many voters at all. As you can see by the people spinning here, it's not going to move many of his supporters.

I do think once we get to the debates,and Trump reverts back to "being Trump" that a lot of folks are going to remember why they found him so revolting in the first place.It's not going to dent his brain dead supporters,but there is a reason his negatives are as high as they are...

I think the election will be closer than I'd like,but I think the ultimate decider could be the DNC's organization and superior ground game.BO's speech tonight is crucial to wake up his coalition and make them understand how much we all lose if Trump gets elected.I imagine he'll talk A LOT about how singularly unqualified Trump is for the office of POTUS...
Were people on here doing that during the Bush Admin email scandal? I ask because I wasn't here.But I did notice that when I posted a story about it a few weeks back,several people indicated they weren't even aware of it.It goes without saying the ones who have been carrying water for the
"lock her up" crowd weren't the least bit concerned,which speaks to their utter hypocrisy...

But a lot of folks who I consider pretty liberal didn't really know about it either.Probably because the same MSM (main stream media) the Trumpets and their ilk attack as corrupt,didn't really make much to do about it at the time.I'm pretty sure you'd lose your $50,since the heart of that story was the Bush admin using a server at the RNC itself...

I honestly don't recall that, I wish I did. But ( and not saying that it was right by no stretch)
Did he run .gov emails through it ( or what ever we call them)
Did he have the standard official email addy?
Did he delete 30,000 AFTER they had been requested by officials?
Did he lie in front of congress?
Did he stall and play games to not turn over info?
Was he under investigation?
We're the procedures not changed to be more stringent AFTER he did this?

Now I'm not totally up on what he or any of those before Hillary, but even the most diehard has to have some little bit of question to what she and the DNC have been doing. No one can be that blind, no one..... Well except Zeke, Zeke can be that blind..
Trump's deals around the world are funded by Russian oligarchs. American banks and investors have long since shied away from doing business with him, going back years.

Add to that his refusal to release any tax returns.

It's likely you Trumpkins, whatever sad lot of you that are left, are voting for someone literally owned by Russia. How this hasn't been a bigger story is strange. The Trump folks being adamant about removing pro-Ukraine language from the platform is even more telling.

I wonder if the folks defending Trump in this thread are even aware of the relationship between Manafort and pro-Russian interests in the Ukraine?
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[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
That's what the United States is missing, a president who can properly troll. If I find out he can Whip/Nae Nae, I'm voting for him. I'll be sold. America will truly be great with a Nae Naeing troll in the White House.

As if trolling is something new in presidential campaigns. You're probably just pissed Hillary fell for it.

I'm sure you had a similar reaction to Harry Reid saying that he was told by a friend from Bain Capital that Mitt Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years.

Look, I have my share of problems with Trump and have discussed them on here multiple times -- and almost certainly will again in the future.

But this, however, was pretty damn clever of him (or whoever thought it up).[/COLOR]
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I honestly don't recall that, I wish I did. But ( and not saying that it was right by no stretch)
Did he run .gov emails through it ( or what ever we call them)
Did he have the standard official email addy?
Did he delete 30,000 AFTER they had been requested by officials?
Did he lie in front of congress?
Did he stall and play games to not turn over info?
Was he under investigation?
We're the procedures not changed to be more stringent AFTER he did this?

Now I'm not totally up on what he or any of those before Hillary, but even the most diehard has to have some little bit of question to what she and the DNC have been doing. No one can be that blind, no one..... Well except Zeke, Zeke can be that blind..

They deleted millions,rather than turn them over to a Congressional committee.I'll post the link later...
They deleted millions,rather than turn them over to a Congressional committee.I'll post the link later...

I should add this. I'm not a GW supporter, I'm not an RNC supporter and I'm not a DNC basher. Thinking back, I believe in my life I've voted almost 50/50.
I vote the person not the party. Always have always will.
I'm not going to apologize that I wouldn't leave my grand kids alone with Hillary. And that's not a politically directed sentiment.
Thanks everyone. This is my favorite thread ever. There was a narrative brewing about Trump and Russia. He destroyed it today with just a couple sentences, and trolled the media in the process.

Listen to the presser with context.


Hey, no suprise that people with an agenda will fight for it no matter what. That's admirable I suppose.
All this does is make the Russian narrative even more prominent.
Please don't vote...or breed. In that order.
Perfect. More of that world famous liberal tolerance.

Anyway, I have daughter so I guess that cancels one of your offspring out, and we cancel each other out, so let's be best friends.
I do think once we get to the debates,and Trump reverts back to "being Trump" that a lot of folks are going to remember why they found him so revolting in the first place.It's not going to dent his brain dead supporters,but there is a reason his negatives are as high as they are...

I think the election will be closer than I'd like,but I think the ultimate decider could be the DNC's organization and superior ground game.BO's speech tonight is crucial to wake up his coalition and make them understand how much we all lose if Trump gets elected.I imagine he'll talk A LOT about how singularly unqualified Trump is for the office of POTUS...
This is a race between two candidates with the highest negative numbers in history. People will be voting for the one they think sucks a little less than the other. If it weren't for the fact that Trump polls even more negatively than HRC, she'd have the highest unfavorable numbers in history. Those "supporting" her here mainly point out how horrible Trump is and Trump supporters do the same when they point to HRC's horribleness. Almost no one talks about how great either of them is here or anywhere. I may have missed it from others, but I recall only one poster here say that he thinks HRC is an excellent nominee. Has anyone said the same about Trump, other than our fake poster who doesn't need naming? The truth is both candidates actually do suck. If there was ever a time to send a message that both parties screwed up, this is it. I'm voting for Johnson.
This is a race between two candidates with the highest negative numbers in history. People will be voting for the one they think sucks a little less than the other. If it weren't for the fact that Trump polls even more negatively than HRC, she'd have the highest unfavorable numbers in history. Those "supporting" her here mainly point out how horrible Trump is and Trump supporters do the same when they point to HRC's horribleness. Almost no one talks about how great either of them is here or anywhere. I may have missed it from others, but I recall only one poster here say that he thinks HRC is an excellent nominee. Has anyone said the same about Trump, other than our fake poster who doesn't need naming? The truth is both candidates actually do suck. If there was ever a time to send a message that both parties screwed up, this is it. I'm voting for Johnson.
I can only assume you're not watching the Democratic speeches. Mostly about Hillary and how qualified she is. I would argue the only reason Hillary's numbers are so low is her private email server, in other words, those numbers have nothing to do with her quality as a POTUS. Trump by contrast really has no clue about being president, about national security, about international relations, about the economy, and he brags that he doesn't read (other than Twitter), so how's he going to find anything out?

I think Trump supporters also are (or appear to be) clueless about one key factor: how complicated the job of POTUS is. It's very, very complicated and it's not something to take lightly or do on the spur of the moment.
All this does is make the Russian narrative even more prominent.
Think about what you're saying... Trump plans to align himself with Putin to undermine a US election, so he holds a press conference ti announce it to the entire press corps? Does that make sense at all?
I honestly don't recall that, I wish I did. But ( and not saying that it was right by no stretch)
Did he run .gov emails through it ( or what ever we call them)
Did he have the standard official email addy?
Did he delete 30,000 AFTER they had been requested by officials?
Did he lie in front of congress?
Did he stall and play games to not turn over info?
Was he under investigation?
We're the procedures not changed to be more stringent AFTER he did this?

Now I'm not totally up on what he or any of those before Hillary, but even the most diehard has to have some little bit of question to what she and the DNC have been doing. No one can be that blind, no one..... Well except Zeke, Zeke can be that blind..
How many times do you need me to say she was wrong! Want me to hashtag it in every thread? Still has nothing to do with what Trump did today. #hillarywaswrong
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[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]

As if trolling is something new in presidential campaigns. You're probably just pissed Hillary fell for it.

I'm sure you had a similar reaction to Harry Reid saying that he was told by a friend from Bain Capital that Mitt Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years.

Look, I have my share of problems with Trump and have discussed them on here multiple times -- and almost certainly will again in the future.

But this, however, was pretty damn clever of him (or whoever thought it up).[/COLOR]
You sure give him a lot of credit. It was an ad lib. Off track as usual. And I guarantee the RNC is not amused.
How many times do you need me to say she was wrong! Want me to hashtag it in every thread? Still has nothing to do with what Trump did today. #hillarywaswrong

Ease up beautiful, didn't you see the smiley face?
You actually defend this "borderline treasonous" behavior?

It's appalling and example #5,120 as to why he is entirely unsuited for office.

Wait -- so you don't get what he's doing here, either?

There's nothing for anybody to worry about if the emails in question really did have to do with wedding plans (as Hillary said they did). So if she was telling the truth, then it's of no consequence. And it sure as hell isn't treason -- borderline or otherwise.

Now, if she wasn't telling the truth about that, then he's just multiplied the effect of that if/when they're released.

If that's the case, what becomes the headline -- that Hillary erased thousands of work-related emails that she didn't want anybody to see and lied to everybody about it by saying they were about weddings....or that Trump joked about the speculation that he was in cahoots with the Russians by saying that they should release those emails?

You need to set aside your disdain for Trump and take some appreciation for that kind of cunning...whoever did it.
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I should add this. I'm not a GW supporter, I'm not an RNC supporter and I'm not a DNC basher. Thinking back, I believe in my life I've voted almost 50/50.
I vote the person not the party. Always have always will.
I'm not going to apologize that I wouldn't leave my grand kids alone with Hillary. And that's not a politically directed sentiment.
Not sure what that's got to do with anything. What politician WOULD you leave your grandkids with?
Think about what you're saying... Trump plans to align himself with Putin to undermine a US election, so he holds a press conference ti announce it to the entire press corps? Does that make sense at all?
Very little he says does. It was an ad lib.
Not sure what that's got to do with anything. What politician WOULD you leave your grandkids with?

It's a reference to how much I trust her with important matters. And honestly, just because this is all a political thread. I'd leave them with trump, like him or hate him, his children are articulate, poised, professional.

But the post wasn't about him to be honest.
I can only assume you're not watching the Democratic speeches. Mostly about Hillary and how
I'm not counting political speeches. Of course they said Trump was great at the R convention and they're saying HRC is great at the D convention. Most Americans really think neither is great. This will be the most negative election in history. I doubt either will have positive favorable polling numbers when one of them is elected. This election sucks.