Another assassination attempt at Trump

But dbm insists he had help. That is, help sticking a rifle through a fence making it visible, hanging a backpack on the fence instead of concealing it in nearby bushes and driving away in his own car with his own traceable license plates.
He was arrested with WMDs and then released. Nothing suspicious there. Then appeared in a propaganda video just like the Butler shooter.

Sure looks like it.

The whole thing is scary. This particular golfing round, if reports are accurate, was very last minute. So if he did get tipped off, man... someone pretty close to Trump, or with very immediate access did the tipping.

I despise Trump. I think he's unfit for office. I think he's a huge threat to our country's long term prosperity. But he doesn't deserve to be killed.

If there is any inside info coming...I hope to God they flush that out, that people are charged, and that the secret service is completely overhauled.
Putin right now

Plotting The Simpsons GIF
The whole thing is scary. This particular golfing round, if reports are accurate, was very last minute. So if he did get tipped off, man... someone pretty close to Trump, or with very immediate access did the tipping.

I despise Trump. I think he's unfit for office. I think he's a huge threat to our country's long term prosperity. But he doesn't deserve to be killed.

If there is any inside info coming...I hope to God they flush that out, that people are charged, and that the secret service is completely overhauled.
How many demented self-moralizing Superiors are out there willing to dump their Deplorable friends and family and take a shot at setting things right by going after the Head Deplorable? Shoot up a softball game? Surround them in public and “Maxine” them - let everyone see he/they are no longer welcome in the Public Marketplace?

This shit started with Hillary. Deplorables are lesser. Call them names. Belittle them. Shoot them on sight. Great sport.
Sure looks like it.

Who would provide this insider info? Are you allowing that someone within his camp and/or a group of people don't like that he's their candidate might've been behind this? I personally just think he's probably an insane person who got it in his head that he wanted to do something like this, but if you're going to be a whack-a-doodle conspiracy theorist, you might as well be an equal opportunity one and consider all sides of possibilities.
How many demented self-moralizing Superiors are out there willing to dump their Deplorable friends and family and take a shot at setting things right by going after the Head Deplorable? Shoot up a softball game? Surround them in public and “Maxine” them - let everyone see he/they are no longer welcome in the Public Marketplace?

This shit started with Hillary. Deplorables are lesser. Call them names. Belittle them. Shoot them on sight. Great sport.
Yeah...not sure the answers here... We're in full on, everything is political, each side is going to spin literally everything...season.

Logically, his political opponents aren't behind the assassination attempts. If for no other reason than Trump is the best thing that's happened to mediocre Democratic candidates (most of them nowadays), up and down most ballots, in a long, long time. He's one of the few humans on the planet that Biden could have beaten in 20, and that Harris could beat in 24, and he's single handedly giving Dems down ballot a chance in a year they should be hemorrhaging seats due to the state of the country..."they", and their saavy supporters don't want him dead...obviously.

I'm not one for conspiracy theories normally...but I have to admit, the "inside job" thoughts could be in the ballpark.

Trump, and GOPers will frame the "inside job" as Democrats inside government, the secret service, etc... I think its probably much more likely to be people that have worked closely with him in the past, and are now as well, that know how unfit he is. He's fired A LOT of people. He's shit on a lot of people. The list of previously very well thought of people that worked in his admin, that have come out against him is long and distinguished.

No matter what, it isn't good. I hope it stops. Whether he wins or not in November.
The whole thing is scary. This particular golfing round, if reports are accurate, was very last minute. So if he did get tipped off, man... someone pretty close to Trump, or with very immediate access did the tipping.

I despise Trump. I think he's unfit for office. I think he's a huge threat to our country's long term prosperity. But he doesn't deserve to be killed.

If there is any inside info coming...I hope to God they flush that out, that people are charged, and that the secret service is completely overhauled.

Who would provide this insider info? Are you allowing that someone within his camp and/or a group of people don't like that he's their candidate might've been behind this? I personally just think he's probably an insane person who got it in his head that he wanted to do something like this, but if you're going to be a whack-a-doodle conspiracy theorist, you might as well be an equal opportunity one and consider all sides of possibilities.
How many demented self-moralizing Superiors are out there willing to dump their Deplorable friends and family and take a shot at setting things right by going after the Head Deplorable? Shoot up a softball game? Surround them in public and “Maxine” them - let everyone see he/they are no longer welcome in the Public Marketplace?

This shit started with Hillary. Deplorables are lesser. Call them names. Belittle them. Shoot them on sight. Great sport.
Sounds like this was Deplorable on Deplorable 'crime'.
How many demented self-moralizing Superiors are out there willing to dump their Deplorable friends and family and take a shot at setting things right by going after the Head Deplorable? Shoot up a softball game? Surround them in public and “Maxine” them - let everyone see he/they are no longer welcome in the Public Marketplace?

This shit started with Hillary. Deplorables are lesser. Call them names. Belittle them. Shoot them on sight. Great sport.
If you continuously call someone a “threat to democracy”, eventually someone like this nut is going to act.
OK - so that probably would suggest an 'inside' job then, no? Again, I'm not totally prescribed to any conspiracy theories at this point, but if they're saying this person had insider info and this golf outing was almost a last minute decision, there are only so many people who could be the insider here.
If you continuously call someone a “threat to democracy”, eventually someone like this nut is going to act.
Kind of like when you accuse legal immigrants of raping and killing people and stealing their dogs and cats to eat them, people start threatening to blow up schools said legal immigrants send their kids to.
Unmedicated is not the problem. Most of these school mass shooters we see are heavily medicated. I know that’s a bit of a diversion from the Trump situation.

Just pointing out that you’re wrong.
You don’t have a clue if they are taking medications as prescribed or going into psychosis from stopping them abruptly.
I despise Trump. I think he's unfit for office. I think he's a huge threat to our country's long term prosperity. But he doesn't deserve to be killed.
For what it's worth, I think this is where most people stand. I would never vote for him and definitely think another 4 years of a Trump presidency would be bad for the country, but I'd never cheer on an assassination attempt on him.

I do want him to lose in November and see him face legal justice for everything he's been accused/convicted of though.
For what it's worth, I think this is where most people stand. I would never vote for him and definitely think another 4 years of a Trump presidency would be bad for the country, but I'd never cheer on an assassination attempt on him.

I do want him to lose in November and see him face legal justice for everything he's been accused/convicted of though.
I would bet many of his worshipers on this forum wouldn’t say the same if Harris was the target. Guarantee they will feign false outrage at my comment. Haven’t seen one post from them condemning the closing of schools, hospitals, and government offices because of bomb threats resulting from Trump and Vance’s statements.
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For everyone's sake, I hope Trump takes your advice to hide away in Mar a lago until after the election.
No he needs to stay out there talking about pet eating, cancer causing windmills, electric boats, immigrants poisoning the blood(Nazi speak), I don’t ask God for forgiveness because I don’t do anything wrong, I won the election, and on and on and on.
OK - so that probably would suggest an 'inside' job then, no? Again, I'm not totally prescribed to any conspiracy theories at this point, but if they're saying this person had insider info and this golf outing was almost a last minute decision, there are only so many people who could be the insider here.
Unless this guy just got really lucky then yes. I doubt we ever learn the truth. If it was an inside job everything will be buried. If he was just a lone wolf no one will be able to prove it.
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Unless this guy just got really lucky then yes. I doubt we ever learn the truth. If it was an inside job everything will be buried. If he was just a lone wolf no one will be able to prove it.
There’s an awful lot of just plain dumb luck every second of every day. And everyone has some. Or, the earth is flat, and the moon landing was staged.
You did quote post me. You drunk?
Huh? Where in this post did I even mention YOU?

"So what we know right now...

Routh was arrested and charged with having a "weapon of mass destruction" (fully automatic machine gun) in Greensboro NC in 2002. He barricaded himself inside a building/business. Didn't seem to stop him from getting his hands on an AK47...

According to tweets from his social media, he voted for Trump in 2016, but later referred to him as a "disappointment".

He also was a Tulsi fan in 2020, tweeting that when Covid killed Biden,Trump,Bernie and even Pence he wanted to help Tulsi win. According to Dave Aronberg, Routh may have been living in Hawaii, which might explain his affinity for Tulsi... (tweet from 11/03/20)

Then just this past Jan he tweeted to Nikki that she should join with Vivek to "create a winning ticket that we can all get behind"... (1-8-24)

So dbm exactly who is the "they" you are referring to?"
Huh? Where in this post did I even mention YOU?

"So what we know right now...

Routh was arrested and charged with having a "weapon of mass destruction" (fully automatic machine gun) in Greensboro NC in 2002. He barricaded himself inside a building/business. Didn't seem to stop him from getting his hands on an AK47...

According to tweets from his social media, he voted for Trump in 2016, but later referred to him as a "disappointment".

He also was a Tulsi fan in 2020, tweeting that when Covid killed Biden,Trump,Bernie and even Pence he wanted to help Tulsi win. According to Dave Aronberg, Routh may have been living in Hawaii, which might explain his affinity for Tulsi... (tweet from 11/03/20)

Then just this past Jan he tweeted to Nikki that she should join with Vivek to "create a winning ticket that we can all get behind"... (1-8-24)

So dbm exactly who is the "they" you are referring to?"
What happened in PA was not an accident or negligence.

Yep the earth is flat and the moon landing was faked and the CIA killed Kennedy. Great life when you live in outside reality. If you got a degree from IU then I know mine is worthless as is everyone else’s. Dang I spent a lot of my own money for that worthless piece of paper.
An AK-47 with a scope. An SS agent who was jumping the hole before Trump could play it spotted a gun barrel sticking through the fence. What if he hadn't been dumb enough to stick the gun out that early? And how did he know Trump was playing golf there today? I had no idea he was back in FL right now. So many questions.

Yes, it sounds like they had ONE guy ahead of Trump on the course. Could that be the case? And nobody outside the fence?
Pretty disingenuous post here. No one has ever said, or imply this. Of course this what people do---add to support.

Where has anyone ever claimed that people with mental health issues, should be allowed to own guns? Or supported such?

"Where has anyone ever claimed that people with mental health issues, should be allowed to own guns? Or supported such?"

I keep telling you guys that when you argue pro-Trump you've got to be prepared to be blindsided by how much of an idiot Trump actually is... Routh ran from a minor traffic stop and then barricaded himself in a business for 3 hours in Greenboro in 2002. Among multiple felonies on that occasion and several other instances in NC, the fact that he was carrying a fully automatic machine gun should be a clue that he should never be allowed to own weapons again...Also that he had a few screws loose...

After Sandy Hook the Obama Admin added a regulation that made it more difficult for people with mental issues to buy a gun...

"The Obama rule added people receiving Social Security checks for MENTAL ILLNESSES and people deemed unfit to handle their financial affairs to the national background check database.

Had that rule taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added 75,000 names to the national background check database."

Notice that the rule did not prohibit people in those categoies from owning a weapon? It merely added them to the National background check database? Obviously intrusive... :rolleyes:

Now presumably a background check on Routh would have revealed his love for illegal machine guns...

So when the MAGA cult swept to power in 2016, how did the NRA react? NBC news reported on the events of the past 2 years prior in an article written after mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton...

"But two years ago, the NRA insisted the Obama rule infringed on Second Amendment rights to buy guns, even though the regulation specifically targeted people who were diagnosed with mental illness."

As a result the GOP controlled House and Senate passed a bill revoking the regulation in 2017, when GUESS WHO was POTUS. And predictably, you know who quietly signed the bill with very little fanfare or publicity at the time...

"In fact, the news that Trump had signed the bill was at the bottom of a White House email that alerted the media to other legislation signed by the president.

And it came after the House and Senate, both of which were Republican-controlled at the time, passed a bill, H.J. Res 40, which revoked the Obama-era regulation. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Sam Johnson, a Texas Republican who retired at the end of 2018."

Pressed by NBC News why Trump nullified the rule, White House spokesman Judd Deere said Tuesday: “This was a wide-ranging regulation promulgated in the 11th hour of the previous administration that included all kinds of people with disabilities who are more than capable of owning a firearm. The rule went too far.”

So does that provide the answer to your question?

Are you surprised that in fact some people do believe that people with mental illness should not only be allowed to own weapons, but also that they should not be encumbered by a background check? At this point no one should be surprised by the lengths the NRA and gun lobby will go to protect their cash cow...

He was arrested with WMDs and then released. Nothing suspicious there. Then appeared in a propaganda video just like the Butler shooter.

"He was arrested with WMDs and then released. Nothing suspicious there. Then appeared in a propaganda video just like the Butler shooter."

Talk about refuting your own point...

You do realzie that the "WMD" charge was because after he ran from cops during a NC traffic stop in 2002, he barricaded himself in a building for 3 hours, right? The WMD, and likely the reason he ran in the first place was because he had a fully automatic machine gun. A weapon gun enthusists salivate over owning and would love to see legalized...
How many demented self-moralizing Superiors are out there willing to dump their Deplorable friends and family and take a shot at setting things right by going after the Head Deplorable? Shoot up a softball game? Surround them in public and “Maxine” them - let everyone see he/they are no longer welcome in the Public Marketplace?

This shit started with Hillary. Deplorables are lesser. Call them names. Belittle them. Shoot them on sight. Great sport.
That's your go to for inviting political violence? Deploables?

You think maybe HRC's "deplorables" was a little less inflamatory than referring to Obama as a "Marxist Muslim" who wasn't born in the US?

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