Walz’s for Trump

OK - it got lost in translation.

I have no idea what the Walz brothers are like.
Check this out (below).

Walz has positive favorability ratings while Vance is badly underwater. This is part of MAGA's attempt to level the playing field with lies and false equivalences. They're losing and they're desperate.

Check this out (below).

Walz has positive favorability ratings while Vance is badly underwater. This is part of MAGA's attempt to level the playing field with lies and false equivalences. They're losing and they're desperate.

You're all about favorability ratings. The left is shallow as hell.
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President Trump brought this up in Harrisburg. I couldn't get away to attend this town hall which is in my backyard. The town hall was in place of a debate because Vice President Harris refused to debate him there.
There was no debate scheduled and no discussion between the campaigns about scheduling one.
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Check this out (below).

Walz has positive favorability ratings while Vance is badly underwater. This is part of MAGA's attempt to level the playing field with lies and false equivalences. They're losing and they're desperate.

Yeah - Vance can't seem to get out of his own way. Even on favorable networks and softball interviews he can't come across favorably.

And for what it's worth, I'm glad that the Forbes pointed out the misuse of the apostrophe on those shirts. Or maybe it wasn't misused. Maybe his family is trolling everyone and they actually do think Walz is owning Trump.
RFK's 'family' legacy is somewhat embarrassing in it's own right.
From the old man to the brothers, loyalty and spousal fidelity were minor obstacles....never an obstacle where MMonroe got passed along, or Kopechne accidentally drowned...
The younger spawn are equally challenged , unless you are accepting of a young woman beaten to death with a golf club.
RFKjr is likely the most accomplished, selfless advocate for people in the entire Kennedy family.
I live for the day he is appointed AG....
Maybe I'm wrong about this, but 100 years from now I think the Kennedy family legacy will be viewed very favorably in American history. I feel like for the most part, it already is. I'm not saying they don't have their warts, but for the most part the Kennedys are American royalty and they're pretty much celebrated as such on any grade school class trip to DC.

For all his work on environmental protection, RFK Jr is going to be a footnote to that monumental family legacy. Vaccine denier, batshit crazy stories about him (that he himself told) and hitching his wagon to Trump, our countries only former president who was also a convicted felon.
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Look up the definition of excuses. I made none.
“The debate hadn’t been previously scheduled” is an excuse. Kamala also wasn’t previously the nominee. Didn’t stop them from keeping the Trump/ Biden date and format.

It’s incumbent on her and her campaign to agree to and schedule three debates, not one.
“The debate hadn’t been previously scheduled” is an excuse. Kamala also wasn’t previously the nominee. Didn’t stop them from keeping the Trump/ Biden date and format.

It’s incumbent on her and her campaign to agree to and schedule three debates, not one.
Nope. That’s what is called a fact. Look that up too.
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Check this out (below).

Walz has positive favorability ratings while Vance is badly underwater. This is part of MAGA's attempt to level the playing field with lies and false equivalences. They're losing and they're desperate.

Interestingly, Harris has lost five points in Minnesota since selecting Walz. Now, she’ll still win Minnesota.

But that should tell you, the more people get to know Tampon Tim, the less they like him.
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Why? Because you demand it?
There are two scheduled. It’s enough. Hell, the elderly Biden won both 2020 debates according to 60+ percent of Americans. Trump may not want to do the second after the first.
There are two scheduled. It’s enough. Hell, the elderly Biden won both 2020 debates according to 60+ percent of Americans. Trump may not want to do the second after the first.
She didn’t have a primary. She needs to do multiple debates. The voters deserve it. And this early voting is absurd
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Maybe I'm wrong about this, but 100 years from now I think the Kennedy family legacy will be viewed very favorably in American history. I feel like for the most part, it already is. I'm not saying they don't have their warts, but for the most part the Kennedys are American royalty and they're pretty much celebrated as such on any grade school class trip to DC.

For all his work on environmental protection, RFK Jr is going to be a footnote to that monumental family legacy. Vaccine denier, batshit crazy stories about him (that he himself told) and hitching his wagon to Trump, our countries only former president who was also a convicted felon.
Nonsense. RFK Jr is a Bitcoiner and will be known as the greatest Kennedy for embracing it. He's a champion of the people. Also, you better hope Trump doesn't win, he'll be known as the 1st Bitcoin President. History is written by the winners, which will be Bitcoiners. Trump has an opportunity to go down as one of the greatest President's if he leans into Bitcoin.

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Why? Because you demand it?
Because that is what expected of someone who would like to be President. Those are our political “norms” that Democrats claim to care so much about. That you open yourself up to inquiry and questioning.

This “hide the candidate” routine Democrats have played the last two cycles is really shameful and deleterious to the country.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s cynical if not smart. If you feel your candidate isn’t up to snuff and the person they’re running against is also unpopular, they’re wagering many/ most will vote for the absence of a candidate rather than Donald Trump.

A cipher that people can wishcast their own beliefs onto since she’s on both sides of every issue.
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Woke. The word invented by the right-wing oligarchy so the uneducated subjects could express themselves without a discernible vocabulary.
No, it was originally a call for black people to be politically active and aware. Then the right took it and used it as a catch all phrase for their racism, misogyny, and homophobia.
No, it was originally a call for black people to be politically active and aware. Then the right took it and used it as a catch all phrase for their racism, misogyny, and homophobia.
The right’s commandeering of the word “woke” was so successful because at least initially they used it for purposes of mockery.

It wouldn’t have worked if those who were purveying “stay woke” weren’t so deserving of said mockery.
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The right’s commandeering of the word “woke” was so successful because at least initially they used it for purposes of mockery.

It wouldn’t have worked if those who were purveying “stay woke” weren’t so deserving of said mockery.
I think you have me/my brother confused with someone else.

My brother was a great guy, but passed away from ALS last summer.

This was him during his IU days
So sorry for your loss Ohio. Really glad you posted this because it connected some dots for me. There was a thread previously discussing your brother's situation on the Peegs Premie board on 247. They discussed a former IU student manager suffering from ALS, but I never made the connection to you.

The thread came from someone who knew or knew of your brother, but I think it was more of a friend than a relative. Anyway I had no idea that it involved a close relative of someone I interract with on nearly a daily basis. ALS is a horrible disease- **** ALS...
The right’s commandeering of the word “woke” was so successful because at least initially they used it for purposes of mockery.

It wouldn’t have worked if those who were purveying “stay woke” weren’t so deserving of said mockery.
You're all about favorability ratings. The left is shallow as hell.
Your attack on Bowl seems misplaced in the context of this particular forum. DBM and Bailey post far more "polls" than anyone else- most of them nonsense...
President Trump brought this up in Harrisburg. I couldn't get away to attend this town hall which is in my backyard. The town hall was in place of a debate because Vice President Harris refused to debate him there.
The people who claim to be "distant cousins" of Walz freely admit that they have never even met Tim Walz. Interesting that you would somehow give credence to unknown relatives, but seemingly are willing to ignore the relatives of Trump who basically characterize him as a creep. Like Mary, and of course her brother (Fred Trump Jr) who is Donald's nephew...

And by the way, Trump's sister has been speaking out and attacking him for far longer than Jeff Walz has been attacking Tim...