Trump Trolls the New York Times


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Gold Member
Mar 16, 2005
I am not happy that voting for Donald Trump is my best option to keep the Clintons out of the White House. I have to admit I am enjoying his mastery over the lib media today.

He has managed to turn the focus back on himself, and nobody cares what happened at the DNC last night. He is making the political pros look like newbies, which is satisfying.
I am not happy that voting for Donald Trump is my best option to keep the Clintons out of the White House. I have to admit I am enjoying his mastery over the lib media today.

He has managed to turn the focus back on himself, and nobody cares what happened at the DNC last night. He is making the political pros look like newbies, which is satisfying.

Did you see how the media and Clinton campaign took his bait on Russia and Hillary's emails?

Hillary said that the emails she deleted -- and the ones Trump implored Russia to release -- were about wedding planning, pictures of the grandkids, etc.

Yet, with 5 minutes of Trump making that comment, they were flipping out about a presidential candidate encouraging a hostile state to engage in espionage.

About wedding plans? Isn't Trump the one who's supposed to be the amateur here?
Did you see how the media and Clinton campaign took his bait on Russia and Hillary's emails?

Hillary said that the emails she deleted -- and the ones Trump implored Russia to release -- were about wedding planning, pictures of the grandkids, etc.

Yet, with 5 minutes of Trump making that comment, they were flipping out about a presidential candidate encouraging a hostile state to engage in espionage.

About wedding plans? Isn't Trump supposed to be the amateur here?
Exactly. The entire political machine on both sides of the aisle has been pwned! Impressive.
Did you see how the media and Clinton campaign took his bait on Russia and Hillary's emails?

Hillary said that the emails she deleted -- and the ones Trump implored Russia to release -- were about wedding planning, pictures of the grandkids, etc.

Yet, with 5 minutes of Trump making that comment, they were flipping out about a presidential candidate encouraging a hostile state to engage in espionage.

About wedding plans? Isn't Trump the one who's supposed to be the amateur here?
You take the viewpoints of the JV intelligence chief to heart...will you take that of the varsity intelligence chief to heart?
You take the viewpoints of the JV intelligence chief to heart...will you take that of the varsity intelligence chief to heart?
Trump is the most obviously unfit presidential candidate any major political party has ever nominated in the entire history of the United States. But they've decided to vote for him, so they have to dismiss every disqualifying thing he says and does, however absurd that makes them look.
Trump is the most obviously unfit presidential candidate any major political party has ever nominated in the entire history of the United States. But they've decided to vote for him, so they have to dismiss every disqualifying thing he says and does, however absurd that makes them look.
I call Stupid or Liar!

If you're telling me you actually think Trump was seriously calling for Russian espionage, you are either stupid or a liar. And I know you aren't stupid.
I am not happy that voting for Donald Trump is my best option to keep the Clintons out of the White House. I have to admit I am enjoying his mastery over the lib media today.

He has managed to turn the focus back on himself, and nobody cares what happened at the DNC last night. He is making the political pros look like newbies, which is satisfying.

That's what the United States is missing, a president who can properly troll. If I find out he can Whip/Nae Nae, I'm voting for him. I'll be sold. America will truly be great with a Nae Naeing troll in the White House.
I call Stupid or Liar!

If you're telling me you actually think Trump was seriously calling for Russian espionage, you are either stupid or a liar. And I know you aren't stupid.
He called for it. Period. He didn't laugh. He didn't do it on Late Night. It's reprehensible. He's the biggest, most slippery pile of dung this country ever produced.

You're just trying to cover up for him because you're a lemming and one of the
He was pwned too. Besides, Panetta's a Clinton hack. What else would he say?
He might say you're a world class idiot...and he'd probably be right. But you're right, Trump pwned the media. Trump pwned your brain. Trump has pwned all of you non-thinkers.
You take the viewpoints of the JV intelligence chief to heart...will you take that of the varsity intelligence chief to heart?

You aren't getting it -- not about this, anyway.

Trump is the most obviously unfit presidential candidate any major political party has ever nominated in the entire history of the United States. But they've decided to vote for him, so they have to dismiss every disqualifying thing he says and does, however absurd that makes them look.

He's trolling them, Rock. Isn't that patently obvious?

If there's truly nothing of importance in the emails she deleted, then what is the harm of Russia possessing (or releasing) them? I can't believe they bit on that. They even used the term "espionage."

FTR, I most certainly do not dismiss every outrageous thing he says. Actually, I've been quite critical of some of them.

But this is actually some very high-level political jujitsu.
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I call Stupid or Liar!

If you're telling me you actually think Trump was seriously calling for Russian espionage, you are either stupid or a liar. And I know you aren't stupid.
All I know is what he said. You're apparently suggesting that he must have been joking -- because when does Trump ever mean to make obviously disqualifying statements? Oh, wait. He does that every day.

Look, I have no idea what is in Trump's mind (except plenty of empty space). For all I know the whole thing is a schtick, from beginning to end -- maybe this is just the latest outrageous way he's trying to monetize the Trump brand. But it's outrageous that he'd even be joking about encouraging Russia to hack American computers and subvert an American election. That's nuts, and you guys look like mouth-breathing morons when you revel in it.
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He called for it. Period. He didn't laugh. He didn't do it on Late Night. It's reprehensible. He's the biggest, most slippery pile of dung this country ever produced.

You're just trying to cover up for him because you're a lemming and one of the

He called for Russia to release emails....about Chelea's wedding.

Quelle horreur!!

Even you guys are taking the bait, after you've been told that it's bait.
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He's trolling them, Rock. Isn't that patently obvious?

If there's truly nothing of importance in the emails she deleted, then what is the harm of Russia possessing them? I can't believe they bit on that. They even used the term "espionage."

FTR, I most certainly do not dismiss every outrageous thing he says. Actually, I've been quite critical of some of them.

But this is actually some very high-level political jujitsu.
See my response to HilzHoozier. I'm boggled that ostensibly intelligent people make absurd excuses for the most obviously unqualified presidential candidate any major political party has ever nominated in the entire history of the United States. Guano loco.
I am not happy that voting for Donald Trump is my best option to keep the Clintons out of the White House. I have to admit I am enjoying his mastery over the lib media today.

He has managed to turn the focus back on himself, and nobody cares what happened at the DNC last night. He is making the political pros look like newbies, which is satisfying.
I prefer my Presidents not pwning/trolling/acting like 13 year olds on Twitter, but that's just me.
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He called for Russia to release emails....about Chelea's wedding.

Quelle horreur!!

Even you guys are taking the bait, after you've been told that it's bait.
You want Don the Con to be your president. Be proud. Own it. You're a lemming. You'll grasp at any straws to cover his ass. Stop acting like a victim. Be strong. Evansville Strong!
He called for it. Period. He didn't laugh. He didn't do it on Late Night. It's reprehensible. He's the biggest, most slippery pile of dung this country ever produced.

You're just trying to cover up for him because you're a lemming and one of the

I would probably put a $50 on the table that if this was about RNC emails , some of you would have a skirt on waving pomp pomps.

Will we ever have the chance to find out?
I prefer my Presidents not pwning/trolling/acting like 13 year olds on Twitter, but that's just me.
It was a tongue-and-cheek moment in a press conference (which his opponent doesn't do, btw) and he suckered all of 'em, and quite a few here apparently.

He called for Russia to release emails....about Chelea's wedding.

Quelle horreur!!

Even you guys are taking the bait, after you've been told that it's bait.
This is amazing. Truly amazing. So in your mind he trolled the former director of the CIA that stood watch over Operation Neptune Spear?

I'm not sure I can take much more of this. For realz.
This is amazing. Truly amazing. So in your mind he trolled the former director of the CIA that stood watch over Operation Neptune Spear?

I'm not sure I can take much more of this. For realz.
Cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch.
I call Stupid or Liar!

If you're telling me you actually think Trump was seriously calling for Russian espionage, you are either stupid or a liar. And I know you aren't stupid.

Anyone watching the news conference knows he was trying to joke about the deleted emails.
You aren't getting it -- not about this, anyway.

He's trolling them, Rock. Isn't that patently obvious?

If there's truly nothing of importance in the emails she deleted, then what is the harm of Russia possessing (or releasing) them? I can't believe they bit on that. They even used the term "espionage."

FTR, I most certainly do not dismiss every outrageous thing he says. Actually, I've been quite critical of some of them.

But this is actually some very high-level political jujitsu.
Every time one of you Trump people dismiss something he does with a laugh, I just think what it would be like if the shoe was on the other foot. I'm sure if Hillary asked Russia to get the Donald's tax returns that would go over well on Fox News and CO. He didn't ask them to do it, but he asked them to release them. How can you excuse that?
Literally ever Trump voter in this thread right now.

Did you see how the media and Clinton campaign took his bait on Russia and Hillary's emails?

Hillary said that the emails she deleted -- and the ones Trump implored Russia to release -- were about wedding planning, pictures of the grandkids, etc.

Yet, with 5 minutes of Trump making that comment, they were flipping out about a presidential candidate encouraging a hostile state to engage in espionage.

About wedding plans? Isn't Trump the one who's supposed to be the amateur here?

You actually defend this "borderline treasonous" behavior?

It's appalling and example #5,120 as to why he is entirely unsuited for office.
Anyone watching the news conference knows he was trying to joke about the deleted emails.
I watched and he was not joking. That's ridiculous. He was dead serious. You can also tell by all the GOP spinners that immediately had to come to damage control. I almost feel sorry for them. Every time the Donald opens his mouth, he spews something that they have to repair. But then it just makes his fans like him even more.
Even you guys are taking the bait, after you've been told that it's bait.
Let me put it this way, Crazed. You go ahead and justify this all you want and think whatever you will, but I guarantee this just sank Trump's candidacy. Only strident conservatives like you and Trump's base will take this lightly. Most Americans don't like siding with Putin and the Russians. Trump has already leaned in his direction as have two of his closest aids. Trump just sank his ship. You can take it to the bank and quote me on it.

Remember just one thing, Crazed. Most Americans won't come within a million miles of the nuance you're fabricating. They're going to see Trump as cozying up to Putin and that crosses the line for most.

#landslide #TakeBackTheSenate
I watched and he was not joking. That's ridiculous. He was dead serious. You can also tell by all the GOP spinners that immediately had to come to damage control. I almost feel sorry for them. Every time the Donald opens his mouth, he spews something that they have to repair. But then it just makes his fans like him even more.

I guess we just disagree. I thought he was joking. It's not a big deal.
He wasn't asking them to commit espionage. I took it that he was jokingly asking them to release the deleted emails if they had the emails. If they're only emails about weddings and yoga this shouldn't be a big deal.
The contents of the email has zero to do with the discussion and the problem. The issue is the Donald appealing to Putin and his thugs to put information out that the Donald believes might hurt the Clinton campaign. What is actually in the emails is immaterial to this discussion.
More stuff the apologists ignore:

But it’s important to understand that there is more here than one unfortunate remark. Over the course of his candidacy, Donald Trump has revealed a remarkably consistent attitude toward Russia—a subject he seems to have thought about almost more than any other in this campaign.

He has repeatedly and emphatically rejected criticism of Vladimir Putin’s methods of rule, including his murders of journalists.

He has called NATO obsolete because it is too focused on the threat from Russia. At his own convention, he told The New York Times he would not defend small NATO countries like Estonia against a Russian attack.

Trump’s convention team, largely indifferent to the work of the party-platform committee, acted decisively to strike pro-Ukraine language. Trump himself hasurged decreased U.S. support for Ukraine as it resists Russian invasion.

And at this most recent press conference, he indicated openness to recognizing Russia’s conquest and annexation of Crimea—and expressed opposition to maintaining sanctions against Russia. That statement would have topped the news on any day except one in which a candidate for United States president openly invited foreign espionage against his political opponent.

For a candidate with few consistent views on anything, this adds up to a very clear picture. Joined with other evidence of Trump’s deep personal business obligations to people in the Putin ruling circle, and his campaign leadership’slong-standing involvement with the former pro-Putin authoritarian leader of Ukraine, the picture becomes even more troubling—even sinister.
Let me put it this way, Crazed. You go ahead and justify this all you want and think whatever you will, but I guarantee this just sank Trump's candidacy. Only strident conservatives like you and Trump's base will take this lightly. Most Americans don't like siding with Putin and the Russians. Trump has already leaned in his direction as have two of his closest aids. Trump just sank his ship. You can take it to the bank and quote me on it.

Remember just one thing, Crazed. Most Americans won't come within a million miles of the nuance you're fabricating. They're going to see Trump as cozying up to Putin and that crosses the line for most.

#landslide #TakeBackTheSenate
Oh I disagree. I don't think this moved very many voters at all. As you can see by the people spinning here, it's not going to move many of his supporters.
Let me put it this way, Crazed. You go ahead and justify this all you want and think whatever you will, but I guarantee this just sank Trump's candidacy. Only strident conservatives like you and Trump's base will take this lightly. Most Americans don't like siding with Putin and the Russians. Trump has already leaned in his direction as have two of his closest aids. Trump just sank his ship. You can take it to the bank and quote me on it.

Remember just one thing, Crazed. Most Americans won't come within a million miles of the nuance you're fabricating. They're going to see Trump as cozying up to Putin and that crosses the line for most.

#landslide #TakeBackTheSenate
You have become quite silly.