BREAKING: THE DREAM TEAM OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT: Administration - Trump, Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard

The GAO reports to Congress not to the President. And it has existed for over 100 years.

What he is talking about already exists in many different iterations.
Yes but the igs are appointed by presidents and agency heads. I think what he’s talking about something more independent - how that looks I don’t know
Yes but the igs are appointed by presidents and agency heads. I think what he’s talking about something more independent - how that looks I don’t know

Lol...and who is going to create this entity and who are they going to report to... if not to the President or to Congress?

We have IGs that report up the executive branch chain.

We have the GAO which reports to Congress.
Yes what's your point? I didn't say anything about IRS auditors.
You talked about inspector generals. Irs has them as well to inspect the operations of the irs. My point is that is still Q closer relationship than the arm’s length you would see with the irs and a private entity the irs is auditing

Doesn’t have to be irs. Can be the IG attached to homeland security. Whatever agency. I don’t think it is as arm’s length as univee comtemplates/prefers. Are they independent. Well independent on the same team with the same employer
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Lol...and who is going to create this entity and who are they going to report to... if not to the President or to Congress?

We have IGs that report up the executive branch chain.

We have the GAO which reports to Congress.
That’s the problem in a sense, of course.. But there are ways with a reimagining of gov. Sope advocated a restructuring with less fed gov and the creation of regional govs etc.
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Every cabinet level department has an Inspector General office. The biggest departments are DoD and HHS.... They each have 1500+ internal auditors on staff and release boring ass reports probably weekly. Feel free to go read them.

The GAO does the same thing, govt wide.

How would you rate their performance? Think we’re getting bang for our buck? I’d rate their performance as abysmal and just a TAD compromised. And I’m sure these are all the best accountants and efficiency experts money can buy.
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Lol...and who is going to create this entity and who are they going to report to... if not to the President or to Congress?

We have IGs that report up the executive branch chain.

We have the GAO which reports to Congress.
HHS IG office probably has 2,000 employees. The cdc was a total disaster. Gross negligence involving the state of their labs. I mean wtf. Is the relationship too close? How was so much that went wrong missed?
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Lol...and who is going to create this entity and who are they going to report to... if not to the President or to Congress?

We have IGs that report up the executive branch chain.

We have the GAO which reports to Congress.
Maybe it’s a quasi public entity with private experts, accountants, lawyers, etc.
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How would you rate their performance? Think we’re getting bang for our buck? I’d rate their performance as abysmal and just a TAD compromised. And I’m sure these are all the best accountants and efficiency experts money can buy.

I don't know....Do you spend much time reading their reports and findings? I don't. But here's some light reading from HHS, as an example.

Or GAO if you want to look govt wide. GAO has like 3k people working in that organization alone.

Any Federal employee that brings forward identified cost savings/ fraud/ waste, you get a bonus equal to 1% of the savings.
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Maybe it’s a quasi public entity with private experts, accountants, lawyers, etc.
Reagan did this 40 years ago. The Grace commission’s work went nowhere.

I’m all for trying this again. The inefficiency problem goes way beyond the job description of the GAO. Do we really need all the departments and agencies we have now? I’m sure some can be eliminated, others combined and maybe some ones. Between Musk and Trump, maybe we can get something done this time.
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Reagan did this 40 years ago. The Grace commission’s work went nowhere.

I’m all for trying this again. The inefficiency problem goes way beyond the job description of the GAO. Do we really need all the departments and agencies we have now? I’m sure some can be eliminated, others combined and maybe some ones. Between Musk and Trump, maybe we can get something done this time.
I’m in
Reagan did this 40 years ago. The Grace commission’s work went nowhere.

I’m all for trying this again. The inefficiency problem goes way beyond the job description of the GAO. Do we really need all the departments and agencies we have now? I’m sure some can be eliminated, others combined and maybe some ones. Between Musk and Trump, maybe we can get something done this time.

I'd bet every dollar I own that absolutely nothing would come from such an endeavor. Trump doesn't give a flying shit about this issue, so he'll lose interest and attention before it even got off the ground. Media would give it some attention just because of Musk... But it's a bunch of hot air. They'll be a report that will go into the dust bin along with all that came before it.
I'd bet every dollar I own that absolutely nothing would come from such an endeavor. Trump doesn't give a flying shit about this issue, so he'll lose interest and attention before it even got off the ground. Media would give it some attention just because of Musk... But it's a bunch of hot air. They'll be a report that will go into the dust bin along with all that came before it.
For sure. Trump is too old. Incapable otherwise. Musk will get bored with mundane gov. It won’t have legs. But but someone could and should. Someone young. Smart. Smart in the ways necessary
The GAO reports to Congress not to the President. And it has existed for over 100 years.

What he is talking about already exists in many different iterations.
Well, they seem to be doing a bang-up job, don't they?
You talked about inspector generals. Irs has them as well to inspect the operations of the irs. My point is that is still Q closer relationship than the arm’s length you would see with the irs and a private entity the irs is auditing

Doesn’t have to be irs. Can be the IG attached to homeland security. Whatever agency. I don’t think it is as arm’s length as univee comtemplates/prefers. Are they independent. Well independent on the same team with the same employer
Trump and Elon are talking about streamlining government - not looking at financial ledgers.

Totally different concept. I see someone like Elon recommending eliminating some agencies, possibly merging some responsibilities, recommending implementing IT systems that cross functions, better data management, etc.
Trump and Elon are talking about streamlining government - not looking at financial ledgers.

Totally different concept. I see someone like Elon recommending eliminating some agencies, possibly merging some responsibilities, recommending implementing IT systems that cross functions, better data management, etc.
Unfortunately I don’t think they’ll get a chance
For sure. Trump is too old. Incapable otherwise. Musk will get bored with mundane gov. It won’t have legs. But but someone could and should. Someone young. Smart. Smart in the ways necessary
Like Vance
I'd bet every dollar I own that absolutely nothing would come from such an endeavor. Trump doesn't give a flying shit about this issue, so he'll lose interest and attention before it even got off the ground. Media would give it some attention just because of Musk... But it's a bunch of hot air. They'll be a report that will go into the dust bin along with all that came before it.
I dunno. Trump has focused on taking a wrecking ball to the administrative state. Musk muddled around in the murkiness of governmental messaging through social media. Musk has seen the financial grift from the inside. I think they are outsiders and perfectly suited for this. If it doesn’t work out, it will because of opposing forces, not because of Trump and Musk. Legal corruption, grift, and rent seeking has produced some very powerful interests. There are reasons why the areas around D.C. are among the wealthiest in the nation and they produce nothing but more government.
Lol that guy has zero ability to relate. Absolutely awful choice. He’d get destroyed in a national election
I don't know about that. Have you watched him?

I hope he and Walz debate - I think Vance would come across very well.

He's not my cup of tea, but he is smart as hell.
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I don't know about that. Have you watched him?

I hope he and Walz debate - I think Vance would come across very well.

He's not my cup of tea, but he is smart as hell.
People can’t stand him. He’s awkward as hell. He looks like a serial killer. Imagine how ridiculous it is to pick a vp and it’s a drain on your ticket. You get to pick literally anyone and the guy has a negative favorability rating. IT’s unfathomable. Typical trump
People can’t stand him. He’s awkward as hell. He looks like a serial killer. Imagine how ridiculous it is to pick a vp and it’s a drain on your ticket. You get to pick literally anyone and the guy has a negative favorability rating. IT’s unfathomable. Typical trump
Not my first choice, for sure. Neither was Pence, who I always thought was an empty suit.

He does have a Nixon-esque look about him. But, as I said, I've listened to him a lot and he's much more palatable to me now than he was originally.

And he's young, which everyone seems to want. Hell, Harris and Walz are Boomers.
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Not my first choice, for sure. Neither was Pence, who I always thought was an empty suit.

He does have a Nixon-esque look about him. But, as I said, I've listened to him a lot and he's much more palatable to me now than he was originally.

And he's young, which everyone seems to want. Hell, Harris and Walz are Boomers.
very few want him. absolutely disastrous pick. of all the potential candidates trump picked the worst. typical.

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i can see with my own eyes. that jsut confirms what most people see. his videos with the donut workers. his entire persona is off. guy was a dog shit selection.
VP’s don’t matter and he will dog walk funnel cake dad in the debate. He’s kind of the opposite of Walz in that he makes awkward first impressions and then becomes more likable. He also has the headwind of a wave of dishonest and adversarial media coverage.

Walz comes off as a good guy and then you dig through the layers of bat shit.

What Vance has said previously about single women, childless and families is all inherently correct. It’s not great politics though. Similar to restructuring Social Security.
Only if you want run out of town.
Ha that's rich. This will basically become the new sturgis. Auburn Indiana. Do you even know how hte dream team was born? danc used to post extensively on the football board. from time to time fball board posters would make snide political remarks and danc would at first politely correct them, show how they were mistaken, and move on. but some of the usual worthless lefty posters here started getting angry with being taken out to the woodshed on the fball board by danc and they told him if he posted that shit on the watercooler he'd get eaten alive. absurd. like telling messi he couldn't go play in another league. joke.

so danc came over here and started collecting watercooler scalps. in time it became pretty obvious that there was a certain group of posters who just saw things more clearly, and of course they also had a stronger knowledge base and intellectual horse power, but they also could relate better and see what the doctor sees, see what the mechanic sees, see what the man driving the combine sees, etc. naturally they began to coalesce around each other - and collect stars. handles like crayfish and ftwindiana - posters who could wipe out an entire thread single-handedly. just the handle and their gatling gun. stars beget stars....

and here we are today. when we get to auburn. we won't be going anywhere....