Trump ignoring the experts again

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I’ve seen multiple cases of this, also including he was told to let the passengers off the cruise ship. Just in case COH wants to continue complimenting Trump on following the advice of his experts. Sorry for another virus thread.
There is a lot to unpack in that story, but the knee jerk reaction of this administration to deny anything they’re asked about and claim anyone saying something to the contrary is lying seems to have become commonplace.

My guess is that the CDC recommendation for seniors not to fly is easily verifiable, but it won’t matter to Trumpbots.

Ironically, it’s largely the Fox News demographic the CDC seems to be looking out for here. How long before a story breaks that someone gets sick for defiantly flying and otherwise exposing themselves to illness because King Trump said everything is OK?
I’ve seen multiple cases of this, also including he was told to let the passengers off the cruise ship. Just in case COH wants to continue complimenting Trump on following the advice of his experts. Sorry for another virus thread.

Several points here.

First, stories based on anonymous sources and other persons not authorized to comment belong in the "Fauchi was muzzled" NYT fake news category.

Second, Trump is barraged with contradicting and conflicting recommendations about what to do with Coronavirus. Those who advocate for something and the policy ends up different don't enhance their credibility by anonymously running to their nearest friendly reporter.

Third, As a member of the affected group, I am perfectly satisfied with the information I have been given about flying. The message is clear and unambiguous. There is an increased risk of infection from ANY enclosed space, including flying, buses, subways etc. The risk is enhanced for seniors with certain identified underlying conditions. If I do chose to board an airplane, I have been given the information I need to minimize risk

Fourth, Trump has been very aggressive with travel bans. His first orders received criticism for overreacting. If he received a recommendation to ban seniors from flying or banning any travel, he'd likely follow it.

Fifth, some people in general, and . . .TRIGGER ALERT . . .younger female reporters in particular, want to be told what to do. The last press conference I watched was loaded with questions like "I have elderly parents, should I tell them not to travel?" The answer appropriately from the adults like Dr. Fauchi, Dr. Birx, and Secretary Azar was always the same; here are the people most at risk and here are the appropriate measures to mitigate risk. But make your own decisions.

Finally, there is no doubt conflict and disagreement exists within not only the response team, but from health professionals in general, about what actions to take and what message to deliver. You need to balance good information with not inducing panic and riots in the streets. In my view, the information has been too much on the alarmist side and not enough on those who are infected with mild symptoms. The media using Coronavirus as yet another way to bash Trump is sick and wrong. Focusing on the internal disagreements for news value is stupid. But I don't think the media is worth a damn these days anyway. The most important information for me comes from watching the public briefings of the response team, not from the reporting based on anonymous sources.
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Just listened to the Surgeon General speak on Face the Nation. He said he would not suggest anyone taking a cruise now or anyone over 60 taking long flights. And that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing Thursday. I’m the last person to panic about these type of things, but I have to say I am thinking twice.

Younger female reporters want to be told what to do. Oh my. Lol.
Younger female reporters want to be told what to do. Oh my. Lol.

Exactly. My stoker and I laughed out loud with those questions. And there wasn't just one question. They all came from female reporters. Ben Rhodes' comment about young, naive and uninformed White House reporters is proven true every day.
Just listened to the Surgeon General speak on Face the Nation. He said he would not suggest anyone taking a cruise now or anyone over 60 taking long flights. And that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing Thursday. I’m the last person to panic about these type of things, but I have to say I am thinking twice.

I've got road trips planned this month and next. I probably will catch it and its highly likely I'll be in the 98%+ with full recovery--hopefully with mild symptoms. I haven't seen any meaningful statistics on severity of symptoms. I hope I don't need to cancel anything important while I have the crud. I am too old to be a paranoid alarmist.
I've got road trips planned this month and next. I probably will catch it and its highly likely I'll be in the 98%+ with full recovery--hopefully with mild symptoms. I haven't seen any meaningful statistics on severity of symptoms. I hope I don't need to cancel anything important while I have the crud. I am too old to be a paranoid alarmist.
You might want to look at this for death rates. For people in their 70’s it’s 8%. If you are in your 80’s it’s 15%.
You might want to look at this for death rates. For people in their 70’s it’s 8%. If you are in your 80’s it’s 15%.

Yep. I an aware of those statistics. I have no active listed comorbidities. That puts me in the 99.1% survival rate camp. Except I am in the high risk age. Do you have any stats for old farts who have no comorbidity?

In the final analysis, those stats don't make much difference. Coronavirus is what it is. While airline travel might affect the timing of exposure, I am assuming that I will be exposed to the virus at some point anyway. While I take all the suggested precautions to miniziae infection risk, I'm not going to hide under a rock.
Yep. I an aware of those statistics. I have no active listed comorbidities. That puts me in the 99.1% survival rate camp. Except I am in the high risk age. Do you have any stats for old farts who have no comorbidity?

In the final analysis, those stats don't make much difference. Coronavirus is what it is. While airline travel might affect the timing of exposure, I am assuming that I will be exposed to the virus at some point anyway. While I take all the suggested precautions to miniziae infection risk, I'm not going to hide under a rock.
So what about the person who loses a son or daughter because you got it and gave it to them?
So what about the person who loses a son or daughter because you got it and gave it to them?

If I get sick, I will self-quarantine as the task force suggests. That would be the time to wear a mask when I go out.

The virus is spread mostly by those infected with no symptoms. I haven’t seen a task force answer to that issue except for the universal precautions.
If I get sick, I will self-quarantine as the task force suggests. That would be the time to wear a mask when I go out.

The virus is spread mostly by those infected with no symptoms. I haven’t seen a task force answer to that issue except for the universal precautions.
Exactly. So what’s to stop YOU from being asymptomatic and infectious before you self quarantine?
Exactly. So what’s to stop YOU from being asymptomatic and infectious before you self quarantine?

Nothing. Back at ya. What’s to stop some kid from giving it to me? Any parent knows kids are walking Petri dishes of all kinds of stuff. Are you going to lock up your kid?
Nothing. Back at ya. What’s to stop some kid from giving it to me? Any parent knows kids are walking Petri dishes of all kinds of stuff. Are you going to lock up your kid?
I wish you and yours the very best sir. I posted to you so people on the fence (who read this) would be less like you. You are who you are.
Nothing. Back at ya. What’s to stop some kid from giving it to me? Any parent knows kids are walking Petri dishes of all kinds of stuff. Are you going to lock up your kid?
Oh and yes. I already have. 3 and a five year old. We didn’t go to church today and they’re done with school this year. I’m scared as hell.
I wish you and yours the very best sir. I posted to you so people on the fence (who read this) would be less like you. You are who you are.

What does “less like me” even mean in the context of Coronavirus?
Oh and yes. I already have. 3 and a five year old. We didn’t go to church today and they’re done with school this year. I’m scared as hell.

Sorry for you being scared. Really I am. Everybody reacts to this. I don’t know how old you are, but I’m guessing with young kids you are even younger than my kids. I learned decades ago that being scared doesn’t solve problems. All we can do is to do what the experts advise and carry on.
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What does “less like me” even mean in the context of Coronavirus?
I don’t want to beat this around. I disagree with the way you see this. I wrote why. I believe you know exactly what I mean.
Again, I wish the best for you and yours. I’m a high school teacher. I’m as susceptible as anyone.
Good luck to us all.
So what about the person who loses a son or daughter because you got it and gave it to them?

More important to not visit a nursing home. This happened here in Maryland with an asymptomatic person who was infected. Not good if there's an outbreak there.

This is where the focus really needs to be, and I suspect we're soon going to see more stringent screening of facility visitors. It should already be happening.
If I get sick, I will self-quarantine as the task force suggests. That would be the time to wear a mask when I go out.

The virus is spread mostly by those infected with no symptoms. I haven’t seen a task force answer to that issue except for the universal precautions.

Again why put yourself at risk vs minimize the risk? Makes no sense.

And thank you for spreading it faster to those that you care about due to silly recklessness.

And the numbers are 80% fight through it, 15% have to have serious hospitalization and probably go on a respirator which I'm guessing is around 30k a day and 5% die.

Obviously the older you are the percentages drop.

Dumb. You're like a swinger in the 80's not wearing a condom because it's inconvenient.
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Again why put yourself at risk vs minimize the risk? Makes no sense.

And thank you for spreading it faster to those that you care about due to silly recklessness.

And the numbers are 80% fight through it, 15% have to have serious hospitalization and probably go on a respirator which I'm guessing is around 30k a day and 5% die.

Obviously the older you are the percentages drop.

Dumb. You're like a swinger in the 80's not wearing a condom because it's inconvenient.

Silly recklessness? You are one sick puppy. I’m doing pretty much exactly what the experts said, including the message I got from my health providers at the University of Colorado Medical Center—which I posted here. I have coffee often with a retried physician from Yale Med school and he said exactly the same thing. Except he said physical activity strengthens one’s immune system, so I’ve upped that too. What are you doing that’s different?
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As much as it pains me to admit, I'm in agreement with COH's view that we need to keep this in perspective and not become paralyzed by the hype. Yes, this is a bad deal, and yes, prudent, common sense precautions are called for. That said, I went to my coffee club meeting this morning, went to Kroger and stocked up on my lunches and junk food, and just got back from getting a haircut. There were lots of people doing the same. Perhaps we're all stoopid or selfish or care nothing about anyone else; or perhaps we know life has its risks and there are no guarantees. I'm not going to be getting up close and personal with people who are coughing or look feverish; neither will I venture out if I start feeling puny myself. Otherwise, I'll just have to take what comes.
As much as it pains me to admit, I'm in agreement with COH's view that we need to keep this in perspective and not become paralyzed by the hype. Yes, this is a bad deal, and yes, prudent, common sense precautions are called for. That said, I went to my coffee club meeting this morning, went to Kroger and stocked up on my lunches and junk food, and just got back from getting a haircut. There were lots of people doing the same. Perhaps we're all stoopid or selfish or care nothing about anyone else; or perhaps we know life has its risks and there are no guarantees. I'm not going to be getting up close and personal with people who are coughing or look feverish; neither will I venture out if I start feeling puny myself. Otherwise, I'll just have to take what comes.
The virus is spread asymptomatically.
Oh and yes. I already have. 3 and a five year old. We didn’t go to church today and they’re done with school this year. I’m scared as hell.

I have young children as well. You are being unnecessarily frightened by a sensationalist media that needs disaster after disaster to keep people watching in a 24 hour news cycle. If you did not pull your children out of school for flu season and avoid church for the same, you were statistically putting them in more danger than they face now from COVID 19.

And before someone goes all "Trump-bot" on me, I am not saying to ignore this, but the best way to avoid getting sick is to do all of the things you should be doing anyway. Wash hands regularly, particularly when out and about. Cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough, avoid using your hands to do that.
The virus is spread asymptomatically.
I know that.

So, what do you propose? Everyone stays in lockdown until this is all over with? At what point do you go from prudent precautions to hysteria?

Are you asymptomatic? Are you going to work? Didn't you say you were a teacher? Couldn't you infect the children, who in turn could infect their grandparents?

Point being, you gotta draw the line somewhere. I'm drawing it in the same general place as is COH.
Yep. I an aware of those statistics. I have no active listed comorbidities. That puts me in the 99.1% survival rate camp. Except I am in the high risk age. Do you have any stats for old farts who have no comorbidity?

In the final analysis, those stats don't make much difference. Coronavirus is what it is. While airline travel might affect the timing of exposure, I am assuming that I will be exposed to the virus at some point anyway. While I take all the suggested precautions to miniziae infection risk, I'm not going to hide under a rock.
Good luck with your travels. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of those stats. My mother always likes to talk about her superior genetics because she was German (but not as much as she thought based upon my DNA results) however in looking at the tables Germany has had close to 1000 reported cases of Coronavirus but no deaths yet.
I have young children as well. You are being unnecessarily frightened by a sensationalist media that needs disaster after disaster to keep people watching in a 24 hour news cycle. If you did not pull your children out of school for flu season and avoid church for the same, you were statistically putting them in more danger than they face now from COVID 19.

And before someone goes all "Trump-bot" on me, I am not saying to ignore this, but the best way to avoid getting sick is to do all of the things you should be doing anyway. Wash hands regularly, particularly when out and about. Cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough, avoid using your hands to do that.
I don’t agree. I don’t remember anyone burning money due to the flu. I may be wrong about that and I welcome any information I’m unaware of.
I know that.

So, what do you propose? Everyone stays in lockdown until this is all over with? At what point do you go from prudent precautions to hysteria?

Are you asymptomatic? Are you going to work? Didn't you say you were a teacher? Couldn't you infect the children, who in turn could infect their grandparents?

Point being, you gotta draw the line somewhere. I'm drawing it in the same general place as is COH.
I couldn’t agree more. I am going to work. I’m not going to Florida over SB.
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I don’t agree. I don’t remember anyone burning money due to the flu. I may be wrong about that and I welcome any information I’m unaware of.
Do you normally gauge the severity of an infectious disease on the stock market?
Good luck with your travels. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of those stats. My mother always likes to talk about her superior genetics because she was German (but not as much as she thought based upon my DNA results) however in looking at the tables Germany has had close to 1000 reported cases of Coronavirus but no deaths yet.

Thanks. One thing I have done since this became an issue is read statistics. Unfortunately, the lack of experience is leading to skewed statistics. The risk I’m exposed to bears on the precautions I take. I may cancel one trip. I have good friends who have long-planned trips the Israel over Easter and also to Europe. I feel sorry for what they must be going through now.
Do you normally gauge the severity of an infectious disease on the stock market?

In some parts of Asia they were burning cash that had come from some of the most highly impacted areas for the infection, I believe that is what he/she is speaking about.


However, the biggest impact of the illness is to the elderly and those with other underlying conditions. Additionally, these figures are based on those who actually get sick enough to be tested. There are believed to be many who will mistake this for a severe cold or the flu and never get checked on.

So I am with you and all means we should be cautious, but some of this seems to be over-exaggerated hype that is unnecessarily scaring the crap out of people.

I am taking additional steps to be cautious, so I am not saying to ignore this by any means. But we also do not need to overinflate this virus into Captain Trips territory either.

Edit to add: there is also the potential that warmer weather will help to stall the spread of the virus as well. It appears its transmission is similar to that of seasonal colds, whose transmission is exacerbated in the winter due to the droplets that transmit the virus staying in the air longer. It is 60 degrees today in Central Indiana, hopefully the warming temperatures that should be coming with Spring help to slow the virus down.
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