Trump acceptance speech thread.

Just like all of my salary goes on my W-2.

Maybe wait staff should be paid more by their employers and less by the customers.
Wait staff don’t want what you’re talking about. They make more pay counting tips than they would ever make with hourly pay.

I typically tip 50-100%. Sometimes wait staff asks if I am sure and try to return part of the tip. Usually I add more if they do that. No better feeling than tipping drive up window cashier $100 bill.

My Owning a restaurant caused me to develop soft spot for wait staff. Affected my dad too. Before owning a restaurant he would throw some quarters or couple dollars on the table. He started at least tipping 15%.
Something I don't get about Trump's speech. He has teleprompters. So why does he ramble and repeat himself so much? Are his speeches written that way, or is he doing it impromptu? And if the latter, how hard must that be on the guy whose only job is to scroll the text on the teleprompter?
Yeah, he does that a lot. I think he reads the text then does what I call "peanut buttering" it. He smears it out as his voice trails off.

"As I stood I could see the love in their eyes" (then as the voice softens and trails off..."such love...such beautiful love from so many thousands...I could feel the love...they thought I was dead...but I arose from the dead...the great love has ever been like it...beautiful beautiful lo..............gone.

It added 30 minutes to an already long speech.
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Did you read OS's post, you helped support his point. Nobody wants to experience again what happened to businesses, schools and communities during covid. One of the right things to do to prevent that is to discover and study the hell out of all potential remedies that science can offer. Real shelf-ready safe effective tools can help avoid the shutdowns by protecting whatever group(s) are at risk.

If the next viral pandemic (which will happen) affects omly middle aged white men then let's address that rather than closing the world.

We need to prepare...not mindlessly attack science.
We didn’t have to shut down. That’s on the Government’s and they need to be drastically cut in half.

Also, scientists/organizations need to generate their own capital instead of stealing it from the public. It will get rid of the waste and state propagandist.
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Me: With this 5 year research plan, costing less than one new Carmel roundabout, our team of 40 research professors will identify potential new therapies for Ebola, Marburg, Denge, Lassa, and Machupo viruses, all of which are listed as pandemic potential viruses of concern

ChicagoFineForNow, Snarlcakes, and MTG: You're making it up, you Fauci wannabe, Viruses don't exist!
I don’t care what you do. I just don’t want to fund you riding Big Wheels on sidewalks.
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We didn’t have to shut down. That’s on the Government’s and they need to be drastically cut in half.

Also, scientists/organizations need to generate their own capital instead of stealing it from the public. It will get rid of the waste and state propagandist.
So let's get ahead of this and be ready next time.

As for your second point, I bet you already think pharma prices are too high, your solution only makes that worse. We have budgets for CDC and other health related services, use some of those funds, but don't kill the research for political theater
Me: With this 5 year research plan, costing less than one new Carmel roundabout, our team of 40 research professors will identify potential new therapies for Ebola, Marburg, Denge, Lassa, and Machupo viruses, all of which are listed as pandemic potential viruses of concern

ChicagoFineForNow, Snarlcakes, and MTG: You're making it up, you Fauci wannabe, Viruses don't exist!
So let's get ahead of this and be ready next time.

As for your second point, I bet you already think pharma prices are too high, your solution only makes that worse.
How does socialism lower prices? This is beyond stupid. Governments cannot and do not lower prices.
We have budgets for CDC and other health related services, use some of those funds, but don't kill the research for political theater
No. I want to cut those budgets drastically. The market can figure it out. Centralized buffoons can get bent.
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Doesn't really mean it isn't what should happen.
Tipping culture is way out of whack

That said, I like having a bit of leverage over the service I receive. Ever notice how shitty service gets when the 20% is automatically added for a group of six or more?

Now, I will sspin my ipad around for you to answer a question for this post...20%, 30%, 45%?
I think one should be able to assume that the fire dept that hired him would have spelled his name correctly on the jacket but apparently not.

Don't pretend Trump or the GOP actually care for him. It was a political stunt. They got to it right after Trump went golfing.
I see we're doubling down on being a dumb ass today. There is a 10 character limit on those patches.

And he didn't golf the next day. The only "proof" of that was a reddit post and a copy of an old video.

Step back and consume more sources of info instead of just what confirms your world view.
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Why does the government need to fund this research? Have you seen pharma companies’ profits lately? It’s called R&D , & they should fund it themselves.

There are no profits in a lot of base science research. Pharma companies are only interested in investing in producing proprietary drugs that can be marketed under patent. There are thousands of firms out there that do research that's only possible via govt grants, often in conjunction with research they will never be commercialy viable in the pharma world.
He’s not a sociopath. He’s a man born in 1946 to a stern father.

Somber emotion, tears and feelings in general from men were considered ******y, and life might’ve been better that way tbh.
My Dad was born in 1947 and there has only been one time I saw him cry and that was at my Grandfather's funeral. My Dad is also the guy who worked over 40 years, never been in trouble, would give you the shirt off his back and loves just about everyone.

He is also the guy who is a registered Democrat and has been his entire life, he is also the guy who is voting Trump 2024.
My Dad was born in 1947 and there has only been one time I saw him cry and that was at my Grandfather's funeral. My Dad is also the guy who worked over 40 years, never been in trouble, would give you the shirt off his back and loves just about everyone.

He is also the guy who is a registered Democrat and has been his entire life, he is also the guy who is voting Trump 2024.
Thank you for sharing TD. Somewhere along the line we convinced men it was good to be emotional and expressive.

Stoicism has always been the key. Let the women be women. You be a man.
Just like all of my salary goes on my W-2.

Maybe wait staff should be paid more by their employers and less by the customers.
Tips promote good service and those who give good/great service get bigger tips. I know many poker dealers who work off tips, the good ones make 70-80k a year (their hourly wage from the casino is about $4.00) they wouldn't change a thing.

Hard workers want the opportunity to impress and make more.
There are no profits in a lot of base science research. Pharma companies are only interested in investing in producing proprietary drugs that can be marketed under patent. There are thousands of firms out there that do research that's only possible via govt grants, often in conjunction with research they will never be commercialy viable in the pharma world.
Yep, big Pharma is terrific at R&D for drugs that people will either get addicted to or have to take for life…
So let's get ahead of this and be ready next time.

As for your second point, I bet you already think pharma prices are too high, your solution only makes that worse. We have budgets for CDC and other health related services, use some of those funds, but don't kill the research for political theater
Get ahead of what exactly? You can't predict a pandemic.

The viruses that OS posted in his really ghey post for example are currently transmissible through bodily fluids, contact with animals. Sure, go ahead and develop a vaccine for them. Maybe you get an outcome like measles or polio. Or maybe inadvertently drive a virus to mutate into a different mode of transmission, like respiratory. Edit: in addition, the vaccine developed for a current strain likely wouldn't be effective against a strain with a different DNA profile and completely different mode of transmission.

People on the left seem to think we can eliminate risk. Impossible, that's why we have terms like risk tolerance and risk management. I've never heard of risk elimination.
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Get ahead of what exactly? You can't predict a pandemic.

The viruses that OS posted in his really ghey post for example are currently transmissible through bodily fluids, contact with animals. Sure, go ahead and develop a vaccine for them. Maybe you get an outcome like measles or polio. Or maybe inadvertently drive a virus to mutate into a different mode of transmission, like respiratory.

People on the left seem to think we can eliminate risk. Impossible, that's why we have terms like risk tolerance and risk management. I've never heard of risk elimination.
Who are you? I love you.
Get ahead of what exactly? You can't predict a pandemic.

The viruses that OS posted in his really ghey post for example are currently transmissible through bodily fluids, contact with animals. Sure, go ahead and develop a vaccine for them. Maybe you get an outcome like measles or polio. Or maybe inadvertently drive a virus to mutate into a different mode of transmission, like respiratory.

People on the left seem to think we can eliminate risk. Impossible, that's why we have terms like risk tolerance and risk management. I've never heard of risk elimination.

No, it's called trying to mitigate risk...which is made more difficult when you have idiots on the right refuse masks, social distancing, vaccines, etc because they think they know more than medical professionals.
No, it's called trying to mitigate risk...which is made more difficult when you have idiots on the right refuse masks, social distancing, vaccines, etc because they think they know more than medical professionals.
Turns out…. They did know more than the medical professionals.

Sweden had the lowest excess deaths in all of Europe. Finland 2nd.

And they barely took any precautions. Maybe don’t be a fat immobile, piece of short, and bad colds won’t kill you?
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For people that hate Trump, libs seem to spend an inordinate amount of time giving him their attention.

All I've known the last 4 years is biden is somebody's (p)resident. He sure as hell ain't mine.
The President is always our President whether you like him or not.
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7,010,681 people worldwide have died from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of April 13, 2024. An estimated 25-30M people didn't die, due to treatments than emerged.

fact: you are the f*ckin' pussy.

Another fact is that another pandemic will happen. Maybe the next one affects the young more than the old, as was the case with H1N1 in 1918. Maybe the recent transmission of H5N1 from birds to cattle to people in Texas and Colorado is a warning.

You're not going to have an approved drug on the shelf for a human infection that doesn't exist yet, since there is no way to run a clinical trial. But you can have half a dozen experimental drugs that work well in cell culture and that are stable, non-toxic, and reach high blood levels when administered to mammals. Then when a local outbreak happens, you can run a small clinical trial and see what works. It's better to thwart the pandemic before it becomes a pandemic, even before it becomes a epidemic, even before it becomes a regional outbreak, and while it is a local curiosity.

But you do you. Spread the ignorance. I'll sign off and try to design improved Machupo entry inhibitors, targeting its envelope protein. Test compound M8 works well but is unstable in plasma. Gotta fix that....
If you’re not lying and telling the truth (I doubt you are). I hope we cut off all government funding. You’re literally the dumbest person on this board. Only government fiat currencies could suck enough to provide you with capital.
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What did you think about Haley fully endorsing Trump?
She did what politicians usually do and I didn’t like it.

Also, Trump will be our President if elected. I hope he acts like he’s President for all of us and not just his base.
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Get ahead of what exactly? You can't predict a pandemic.

The viruses that OS posted in his really ghey post for example are currently transmissible through bodily fluids, contact with animals. Sure, go ahead and develop a vaccine for them. Maybe you get an outcome like measles or polio. Or maybe inadvertently drive a virus to mutate into a different mode of transmission, like respiratory. Edit: in addition, the vaccine developed for a current strain likely wouldn't be effective against a strain with a different DNA profile and completely different mode of transmission.

People on the left seem to think we can eliminate risk. Impossible, that's why we have terms like risk tolerance and risk management. I've never heard of risk elimination.
This is why we research. The more we identify the more we can react to. Putting your head in the sand is not the answer.

ESPECIALLY when it is for political reasons.
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Why does the government need to fund this research? Have you seen pharma companies’ profits lately? It’s called R&D , & they should fund it themselves.
Tell us you know nothing about busines without....
Potential being the operative word asshole. Is that what you do? Test potential cures on the average American?

You’re a sick f_ck. I don’t believe you could solve anything other than helping Dahmer know where to bury the body.
wow...stay classy
You’re going to get shittier service. I was waiter and bartender throughout college. It was a great job. Be personable and give good service. People appreciate it and almost always tipped me well. Taking away the biggest incentive for doing a great job, is dumb in my opinion.
Could be true. Tipping doesn't exist much I'm Europe. I'm admittedly ignorant to service levels in European countries as I haven't spent a ton of time over there. I have been a couple times though and don't recall any negative experiences.
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No, it's called trying to mitigate risk...which is made more difficult when you have idiots on the right refuse masks, social distancing, vaccines, etc because they think they know more than medical professionals.

In my view many of those who think of themselves as conservative put almost everything on a left/right scale with elites such as college educators, scientists, government bureaucrats, etc. being prime suspects of being leftists.

It isn't as much as they know more than these leftists. It is more along the lines of them using common sense as having lived in the real world. The elites in contrast just think they are smarter because they learned something in a book written by other elitists.
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Tell us you know nothing about busines without....
Also I thought we weren't supposed to trust big pharma but now in this conversation we are?

Big pharma wants to make money. Cures don't make money. Treatments do. That's where the gobmint steps in and funds for cures. Now when the two are in cahoots we are all facked.
In my view many of those who think of themselves as conservative put almost everything on a left/right scale with elites such as college educators, scientists, government bureaucrats, etc. being prime suspects of being leftists.

It isn't as much as they know more than these leftists. It is more along the lines of them using common sense as having lived in the real world. The elites in contrast just think they are smarter because they learned something in a book written by other elitists.
In the case of the medical world, it's not just what they have read in books (unless they just started) but also years of experience in the real world treating or assisting patients with medical issues. Real world experience as opposed to people that only see a dr office or hospital when they themselves are sick or when they see it on tv.

The vast majority of people didn't witness firsthand the overcrowded hospitals and people dying at a rate much higher than normal. It was out of sight/out of mind and thus easy for the conservative media and politicians to convince them it was just fake news meant to steal their freedom.
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Also I thought we weren't supposed to trust big pharma but now in this conversation we are?

Big pharma wants to make money. Cures don't make money. Treatments do. That's where the gobmint steps in and funds for cures. Now when the two are in cahoots we are all facked.

hard to trust they aren't in cahoots when we catch wind of bribes and large campaign contributions.
In the case of the medical world, it's not just what they have read in books (unless they just started) but also years of experience in the real world treating or assisting patients with medical issues. Real world experience as opposed to people that only see a dr office or hospital when they themselves are sick or when they see it on tv.
Oh **** the hell off. It took months for real world doctors to move it up the chain that that Ventilators were killing Covid patients.

Real world doctors have financial incentives to prescribe more pharmaceutical drugs, whether they are best for the patient or not.

I went in to see my doctor after I had contracted Covid a few weeks earlier. He advocated I get the next booster. I asked him if the risk of me re-contracting covid and dying as a 27 year old in shape male was higher than the risk of me taking another booster. Idiot had no answer.

He is not my doctor anymore.
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In the case of the medical world, it's not just what they have read in books (unless they just started) but also years of experience in the real world treating or assisting patients with medical issues. Real world experience as opposed to people that only see a dr office or hospital when they themselves are sick or when they see it on tv.

The vast majority of people didn't witness firsthand the overcrowded hospitals and people dying at a rate much higher than normal. It was out of sight/out of mind and thus easy for the conservative media and politicians to convince them it is just fake news meant to steal their freedom.
It was the way information was presented that was disingenuous. Easy to dupe a dupe like yourself but for those of us who are more discerning we saw right through it. Gov prayed on the stupid; I.e. you