Trump acceptance speech thread.

In my view many of those who think of themselves as conservative put almost everything on a left/right scale with elites such as college educators, scientists, government bureaucrats, etc. being prime suspects of being leftists.

It isn't as much as they know more than these leftists. It is more along the lines of them using common sense as having lived in the real world. The elites in contrast just think they are smarter because they learned something in a book written by other elitists.
I agree and think a lot of that is because those elites, academics, scientists, and bureaucrats look down on blue collar and rural people as uneducated rubes. I think everyone has something or the potential to have something they can be very good at and sometimes never find it. For example, I don't see Outside Shooter replacing his ball joints and hub assembly.

As for me, us rednecks get degrees too. Mine is in Biology, with 3 years in a chemistry lab and 14 years as a microbiologist in food and pharmaceuticals.

So when I make a post @IU_Hickory. laughs at because the point and subject matter is beyond his understanding its not coming from a place of ignorance. I'm not an SME but I understand the material.
Wow, the Convention fired some of the sheep up!!
Happy Donald Trump GIF by Team Trump
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Oh **** the hell off. It took months for real world doctors to move it up the chain that that Ventilators were killing Covid patients.

Real world doctors have financial incentives to prescribe more pharmaceutical drugs, whether they are best for the patient or not.

I went in to see my doctor after I had contracted Covid a few weeks earlier. He advocated I get the next booster. I asked him if the risk of me re-contracting covid and dying as a 27 year old in shape male was higher than the risk of me taking another booster. Idiot had no answer.

He is not my doctor anymore.
It will do no good, but the claim in your first paragraph is misinformation (it’s false).

It will do no good, but the claim in your first paragraph is misinformation (it’s false).

I didn't bother shutting this Chicago fine guy down on this one based on how triggered he already was.

This fake news was started by anti-vaxxers who had lost loved ones from C19 and had been put on resperators to help keep them alive. They needed to blame someone besides their own poor choices.

The hundreds of reports of anti-vaxxers (or their loved ones) begging for the vaccine as they were being intubated is sad but predictable.
It will do no good, but the claim in your first paragraph is misinformation (it’s false).

I didn't bother shutting this Chicago fine guy down on this one based on how triggered he already was.

This fake news was started by anti-vaxxers who had lost loved ones from C19 and had been put on resperators to help keep them alive. They needed to blame someone besides their own poor choices.

The hundreds of reports of anti-vaxxers (or their loved ones) begging for the vaccine as they were being intubated is sad but predictable.
You are both ignorant shills. At best the ventilators provided no support. Much more likely it killed people. 90% placed on ventilators died. Far higher than the rate of covid patients in critical care.

I hate how ****ing stupid, uninformed and arrogant you pieces of shit are.
I think one should be able to assume that the fire dept that hired him would have spelled his name correctly on the jacket but apparently not.

Don't pretend Trump or the GOP actually care for him. It was a political stunt. They got to it right after Trump went golfing.

Don't pretend to be an educated poster when you can't take 30 seconds to Google the truth. Good grief.

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You are both ignorant shills. At best the ventilators provided no support. Much more likely it killed people. 90% placed on ventilators died. Far higher than the rate of covid patients in critical care.

I hate how ****ing stupid, uninformed and arrogant you pieces of shit are.
They were put on ventilators because they were on pathway to death and experiencing severe respiratory issues. Did you bother to read the article I linked?

I was not an asshole in my post, but you replied like an asshole. So, **** you shithead. Wallow in your ignorance. Try a little civility for a change.
what's with the cheeseheads?
The RNC is in Milwaukee, Green Bay is also in Wisconsin…people from Wisconsin love the Packers, cheese is a Wisconsin staple, Packers fans wear a cheesehead hat at games……….
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I don't see Outside Shooter replacing his ball joints and hub assembly.
Maybe not, but i can change the oil, replace the belt on a dryer, replace a keyboard on a laptop, safely cut down trees with wedges and chainsaws, mow the yard, tune-up the John Deere mower, plant a garden, lay sod, milk a cow by hand, deliver a calf, bale hay, stack it in the barn, and quite a few other things.

People have a dumb idea about so-called ivory tower academics, especially in the sciences. It's not like humanities, where everyone is a liberal. As you probably know, lots of chemists and biologists are conservatives or at least middling, and have only recently become annoyed when certain segments of the GOP essentially declared a war on science.

Public funding for basic medical research actually owes a lot to Nixon and Reagan
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You are both ignorant shills. At best the ventilators provided no support. Much more likely it killed people. 90% placed on ventilators died. Far higher than the rate of covid patients in critical care.

I hate how ****ing stupid, uninformed and arrogant you pieces of shit are.
lol you do understand that a respirator is only used when a patient can no longer breathe on their own right?

So 100% of patients that cannot breathe on their own and not intubated die right?

My god you are pure maga sheep material
People on the left seem to think we can eliminate risk. Impossible, that's why we have terms like risk tolerance and risk management. I've never heard of risk elimination.
In my experience it's the people on the right (or more likely just MAGA?) who are not happy unless risk is eliminated 100%,
cases in point,
-Masks aren't 100% effective, so they are worthless! No masks!
-Vaccines aren't 100% effective, so they're worthless! No vaccines!

-Good masks worn right, while not 100% effective, lower your risk of severe infection. Wear them in situations with likely exposure.
-This vaccine isn't 100% effective, but it lowers your risk of severe infection. It's a good idea to get it, especially if you are in a high risk group for severe infection already

Pandemic preparedness is all about minimizing risk, aiming to stop the truly inevitable epidemic from blossoming into a pandemic.

And like I said, the drugs won't be approved and sitting in a bottle, since you can't run a required phase 3 trial on infected humans when there are no infected humans. But they can have gone through phase 1 human dose finding pharmacokinetic studies. So the timeline to effective use doesn't have to wait on the slowest part, the discovery and preclinical development.
They were put on ventilators because they were on pathway to death and experiencing severe respiratory issues. Did you bother to read the article I linked?

I was not an asshole in my post, but you replied like an asshole. So, **** you shithead. Wallow in your ignorance. Try a little civility for a change.
Plus it was a novel virus which they had no experience with. Science isn't magic, they can not and could not just wave a wand and come up with full proof solutions. For that you need a drunk uncle on facebook.

When it first came out it took months just to realize it was airborne and not fluid borne. With a public that demanded answers and solutions, they gave the best ones they could at the time with the knowledge they had, which was very little. That the public ignored the statements by them explaining how little they knew.. was on the public for their lack of understanding and comprehension.. not on the medical field.

Yes mistakes were made but for safety and caution. Doing nothing and not using stop gap measures even if they were eventually proven wrong would have been far worse.
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In my experience it's the people on the right (or more likely just MAGA?) who are not happy unless risk is eliminated 100%,
cases in point,
-Masks aren't 100% effective, so they are worthless! No masks!
-Vaccines aren't 100% effective, so they're worthless! No vaccines!

-Good masks worn right, while not 100% effective, lower your risk of severe infection. Wear them in situations with likely exposure.
-This vaccine isn't 100% effective, but it lowers your risk of severe infection. It's a good idea to get it, especially if you are in a high risk group for severe infection already

Pandemic preparedness is all about minimizing risk, aiming to stop the truly inevitable epidemic from blossoming into a pandemic.

And like I said, the drugs won't be approved and sitting in a bottle, since you can't run a required phase 3 trial on infected humans when there are no infected humans. But they can have gone through phase 1 human dose finding pharmacokinetic studies. So the timeline to effective use doesn't have to wait on the slowest part, the discovery and preclinical development.

I think most had issue with this:


No mask. Shut your business down. Except big box stores.

No mask. No entry to any place.

No mask. Get fined or arrested.

No vax. Get out of the military.

No vax. Fired from nursing.

No vax. Just die already.

No vax. You're killing people.

Eat healthy, exercise? Crickets.
He’s so horrible. Hulkster. Dana white. Rotten no good trump. These are my people. I don’t relate to the rapinoes and kaepernicks and AOC’s and biden/Harris/Newsom.

We have two Americas. Almost evenly divided. Not sure how we go forward
It’s not evenly divided. Not even close.

It’s just that one side had the mega horn. Now they don’t.
Can he stay awake when HE’s speaking? Saw he fell asleep when JR was talking again last night. And will Melania break down and finally deal with the stench to stand beside him? Enquiring minds want to know.
Give the man a break. He’s just had half his ear vaporized and is on pain meds. Be thankful he’s not lying in state, confined to a silk-lined casket in the Capital Building’s rotunda, eyes closed for eternity.
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Give the man a break. He’s just had half his ear vaporized and is on pain meds. Be thankful he’s not lying in state, confined to a silk-lined casket in the Capital Building’s rotunda, eyes closed for eternity.
They are the party of Empathy. Forgiveness and finding the best in people because their skin is black and they have purple hair.

Er'body else can go to hell.
Something I don't get about Trump's speech. He has teleprompters. So why does he ramble and repeat himself so much? Are his speeches written that way, or is he doing it impromptu? And if the latter, how hard must that be on the guy whose only job is to scroll the text on the teleprompter?
Speech spewers often repeat phrases as a point of emphasis. Trump does a nice job of concealing his reading material with occasional off-scripted “ramblings”. That said, Trump has his own unique style of delivery, as does Biden (cough, cough).

Joe Biden appears to me to be the weakest presidential leader in my lifetime and I remember them all the way back to “Ike” Eisenhower.
They are the party of Empathy. Forgiveness and finding the best in people because their skin is black and they have purple hair.

Er'body else can go to hell.
They only do that in an illusionary manner for the votes. Tell us just how the Democrats have actually helped the quality of life for poor Blacks with this purported “empathy”.

BTW, just where are all those new, shiny Black Lives Matter busses we used to see so prominently displayed outside the makeshift Portland compound? Do you think they’ve been converted into transportable clinics as free dental service to the poor Black communities? I don’t think so, but maybe that’s just my twisted logic doing the talking.
They only do that in an illusionary manner for the votes. Tell us just how the Democrats have actually helped the quality of life for poor Blacks with this purported “empathy”.

BTW, just where are all those new, shiny Black Lives Matter busses we used to see so prominently displayed outside the makeshift Portland compound? Do you think they’ve been converted into transportable clinics as free dental service to the poor Black communities? I don’t think so, but maybe that’s just my twisted logic doing the talking.
I'm gonna take a swing and say, that the top of the top BLM middle managers, have them for their own personal use right now. BUT ONLY to further help the black community to show how to game the system, burn shit down, cause divide for personal gain, and push further towards civil war, of course.
Biden gave the worse debate performance in Presidential debate history, while Trump gave the worst speech in Presidential nomination acceptance speech history.

You’d think the general public would not want either man to be the next President. Oh, wait.

I'm confident the majority of the country would happily vote none of the above.