Trump acceptance speech thread.

Why is Trump so keen on trying to win the Waitress vote? Why is this a thing?
It’s part of the effort for the working class. People who rely on tips. You worked in the service industry I thought, must have been back of the house.

Bussbous, bellmen, Caddies (not sure he ever had to worry about caddies)
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It’s part of the effort for the working class. People who rely on tips. You worked in the service industry I thought, must have been back of the house.

Bussbous, bellmen, Caddies (not sure he ever had to worry about caddies)
I worked in both, and I can tell you in great detail how a no tax on tips law would affect people, but it's not what he's claiming. Most waitresses aren't harrassed by the government. Most of them are lying about how much they earn, and the IRS is ignoring them.
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great band

I think they played over at Sweetwater in FW a couple summers ago
Actually, they have released 2 albums. I think they did record with Greenwood and Dolly. I don’t listen to country but they have a variety. I did hear them playing Mellencamp tonight and he is probably having a coronary right now.
Of course Mellencamp hasn’t done squat in music since the early 90s. The best musician in his band was Aranoff by a mile.
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I think he just might. Why not? F*ck it. Keep going and force the networks to make the tough call whether or not to cut you off. If this were thirty years ago, I'd say go until you get replaced by the national anthem.
I think a sharp, gracious, speech (even if it was on the long end) would’ve played well.

This ramble fest, where he jump from one non related point to another. It just reminds people of the parts they don’t like.

It feels like he is losing the discipline he had for many weeks tonight.
I think a sharp, gracious, speech (even if it was on the long end) would’ve played well.

This ramble fest, where he jump from one non related point to another. It just reminds people of the parts they don’t like.

It feels like he is losing the discipline he had for many weeks tonight.
Oh, I agree, but I also don't care anymore. This election is absurd. This nation is absurd. This historical timeline is absurd. Let's just turn it up to 11. F*ck it.
One of the worst political speeches I’ve ever seen or heard…

It’s incredible that the Dems might still have a chance if any sort of decent candidate emerges.

That’s how bad Trump is.
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Encore Encore!
Maybe we could get Sean Spicer to give a press conference tomorrow? He could convince us this was the shortest speech in history. He could be surrounded by clocks labeled London, New York City, Hong Kong. Relive those glory days circa 2017.
Biden will be lip synching his speech if he even gets to that point, which he won’t. He cannot possibly hold up for more than 5 mins without a pre-recorded monologue kicking in.

This tonight was rambling and long. Donald has never been a good speaker.
There is absolutely no way the DNC can allow Biden to stay in. If he actually is pushed forward when so many in the party want the guy to step down, it’s probably “game over.”
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