Trump 2024!

That’s today. This is yesterday. Shakes Schumer’s hand and forgets he shook his hand three seconds later.

And not to make it seem like I’m picking on Biden, Trump attempts to kiss young girl who is baffled by the attempt.

My grandma always wanted to do that awkward cheek touch, kiss on the cheek thing. Very affluent type behavior of a certain generation. Weird to do with an apparent Zoomer/ younger millennial.

These two are just past their prime.
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And not to make it seem like I’m picking on Biden, Trump attempts to kiss young girl who is baffled by the attempt.

My grandma always wanted to do that cheek touch, kiss on the cheek thing. Very affluent type behavior of a certain generation. Weird to do with an apparent Zoomer/ younger millennial.

These two are just past their prime.
hahahahahaha that's awful
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And not to make it seem like I’m picking on Biden, Trump attempts to kiss young girl who is baffled by the attempt.

My grandma always wanted to do that awkward cheek touch, kiss on the cheek thing. Very affluent type behavior of a certain generation. Weird to do with an apparent Zoomer/ younger millennial.

These two are just past their prime.
Looks like to me that she didn't know it was coming as she had already started to head off stage right. Then the gesture came and she went in willingly for the full kiss move.
And not to make it seem like I’m picking on Biden, Trump attempts to kiss young girl who is baffled by the attempt.

My grandma always wanted to do that awkward cheek touch, kiss on the cheek thing. Very affluent type behavior of a certain generation. Weird to do with an apparent Zoomer/ younger millennial.

These two are just past their prime.
Air kiss

He was just trying to sneak another peak at her rack.
Fill him full of adderall and hope for the best

You think that's it? I'm not much of a druggie so I don't know what they're doing, but it has to be some damn strong stuff. They're going to do whatever it takes, and hope that it doesn't kill him. If it does, I'm sure there's a plan for that as well.
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Naming Kamala as his VP was just another dirty trick by Biden. Confirms that power is everything to him and he doesn't give a flying f*** about this country.
It was actually pretty brilliant if we're being honest. Elect a corrupt, senile cadaver and make his replacement even worse so the powers at be don't even try pulling the 25th Amendment. Genius!
You think that's it? I'm not much of a druggie so I don't know what they're doing, but it has to be some damn strong stuff. They're going to do whatever it takes, and hope that it doesn't kill him. If it does, I'm sure there's a plan for that as well.
There’s been a plan for more than 220 years. If the President dies or is incapacitated, the Vice President becomes President. Are you alluding to some other plan?
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I'm not much of a druggie so I don't know what they're doing,
This from a guy named "mushroomgod".


(a quick nod to the real Farva)
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Hopefully he’s in office for the big 8-0. He will surely throw quite the party, maybe a new Federal holiday.
Oh no. I predict that if he is elected he will announce that the treasury department will be issuing 7 dollar bills, with his face on it. Those beautiful blonde locks of hair flowing in the breeze, and his gorgeous spray on tan, and charming smile of his that has charmed the panties off of porn stars.

He deserves that honor.
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Ironic, since you can't spell 'Trumpster' correctly.
Dumb. I think I invented the word. LOL!

I’m a one thumb typist on my phone so I often miss letters. I can live with an occasional mistake, but I do edit posts often to fix those mistakes too.