Trump 2024!

Yeah it would perfectly logical to endorse the guy who is 35 points behind, may not even run, and has zero chance whatsoever.

Respectfully, what about Trump do you think is better right now?

I encourage you to take a read:

Trump isn't the winning hand. I really don't want another 4 years of what we currently have and Trump as the nominee is likely to do that.
Rumor is DeSanctus is leaning towards not running. Either way Trump is POTUS come January 2025. Suck it.

He'd be wise to step away this year. Put in a few more years, step down and go full bore for the Presidency in 2028. His kids will be older then, too.

He's got a good thing going in Florida. Going against Trump wouldn't be good for anyone except geriatric Democrats.
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Fl-11 Rep Waltz endorsed Trump.

I’m convinced that half the Republican Party has become a cult subservient to Trump and is seemingly content to follow him into electoral oblivion. The lack of logic on these endorsements is really something that I can’t comprehend
Because they want to be re-elected
Because they want to be re-elected
Given that Trump has been doing nothing but nuking himself since the election, Biden running from his basement is a strategy that would work again if Trump is the nominee. If it’s DeSantis, it probably wouldn’t work since he doesn’t produce nearly as much vitriol as Trump. With Trump, he turbo-charges the left and pushes the middle away.

The difference in the DeSantis/mainstream approach vs. the Trump MAGA Populist approach can be summed up by two races in my opinion; NY-17 and CO-3. In New York, Mike Lawler was a solid issues-based candidate who cobbled together a coalition of Republicans and centrists (many of whom voted for Biden) to put him over the top against a high ranking Democrat incumbent.

In Colorado, Lauren Boebert (our AOC)
ran on essentially an “I love Trump”/all emotion with no substance campaign in a medium red district. She ended up having the closest race in midterms against a guy who got caught hooking up in a storage unit. She pushed away traditionally Republican voters who are sick of her and Trumps approach so much that they almost elected the Storage Shagger.

The coalition builder approach that Lawler took in New York and DeSantis took in FL. is the path to victory. The Trump-Boebert populist bombastic insanity repels the swing voters and will cost us dearly; especially since people in that camp insist that “you only need the base” to win
Given that Trump has been doing nothing but nuking himself since the election, Biden running from his basement is a strategy that would work again if Trump is the nominee. If it’s DeSantis, it probably wouldn’t work since he doesn’t produce nearly as much vitriol as Trump. With Trump, he turbo-charges the left and pushes the middle away.

The difference in the DeSantis/mainstream approach vs. the Trump MAGA Populist approach can be summed up by two races in my opinion; NY-17 and CO-3. In New York, Mike Lawler was a solid issues-based candidate who cobbled together a coalition of Republicans and centrists (many of whom voted for Biden) to put him over the top against a high ranking Democrat incumbent.

In Colorado, Lauren Boebert (our AOC)
ran on essentially an “I love Trump”/all emotion with no substance campaign in a medium red district. She ended up having the closest race in midterms against a guy who got caught hooking up in a storage unit. She pushed away traditionally Republican voters who are sick of her and Trumps approach so much that they almost elected the Storage Shagger.

The coalition builder approach that Lawler took in New York and DeSantis took in FL. is the path to victory. The Trump-Boebert populist bombastic insanity repels the swing voters and will cost us dearly; especially since people in that camp insist that “you only need the base” to win
You're talking about local elections - national elections aren't run like that.

Do you honestly think the media will portray any Republican candidate as anything other than evil? Look at McCain and Romney. Romney, in particular, was a coalition builder and still lost.

Trump-backed candidates won much more than they lost in 2022.
That’s true he did decide to front run on a bunch of candidates at the 11th hour. His high profile nominations got smoked! Good job!
It's easy to say after the fact that he backed candidates at the 11th hour.

He also backed high-profile candidates like Ron Johnson, JD Vance, and Ted Budd, who come from behind to win, based on his support.

I get you don't like him, but don't let your dislike lead you to believe what the media tells you.
Trumpers hate fiscal conservatives.

Trump going after DeSantis for threatening to cut social security, for example.
What about Paul Ryan? Didn't he retire? The Congress didn't get the border reinforced and didn't back Trump's policies enough.

If he's not going to support a Republican President - with a majority - what good is he?

All this pining about Paul Ryan now is hilarious. What balanced budget did he work to get?
You're talking about local elections - national elections aren't run like that.

Do you honestly think the media will portray any Republican candidate as anything other than evil? Look at McCain and Romney. Romney, in particular, was a coalition builder and still lost.

Trump-backed candidates won much more than they lost in 2022.
The converts (see Shooter) are going to strongly dislike DeSantis. The converts tend to be the most zealous. It’s the “I’ve seen the light and now I’m gonna make my whole life about my new beliefs” type line of thinking.

On the flip side, we wound up with Kari Lake the former Dem who has quickly become Trump 2.0 with her conspiracies.

Democrat Donald is at it again. And the bad part is his followers are just going to eat it up
I don't eat it up. I wish he'd stop.

But with Trump, you take the good with the bad. He pettiness is not attractive.

I don't blame him for being a little bitter - it was his support that put Desantis in his first term and I don't hear Desantis gushing about it. That probably eats at Trump, and rightfully so, imo.

Democrat Donald is at it again. And the bad part is his followers are just going to eat it up

DJT has a thousand fold advantage over all other politicians.

he tells his audience whatever they want to hear and nothing else, all the time.

he represents only himself, and no party or constituency or Wall St.

he gets his message out no matter what it is, controls the media rather than vice versa, and is the only one with the power to do so.

he could have been one of the great presidents of all time.

but the representing only himself with no moral or ethical constraints ever thing, blew that up quick.

It's easy to say after the fact that he backed candidates at the 11th hour.

He also backed high-profile candidates like Ron Johnson, JD Vance, and Ted Budd, who come from behind to win, based on his support.

I get you don't like him, but don't let your dislike lead you to believe what the media tells you.
The NRSC has to recruit good candidates for the open or D held seats
AZ: Juan Ciscomani or Kimberly Yee
IN: Banks
MI: random state rep. MIGOP is a dumpster fire
MT: Tim Sheehy just to keep Zinke and Rosendale away
NV: Stavros Anthony
NM: some sheriff or something
OH: David Joyce or Frank LaRose
PA: tough to pick a congressman against Casey
WV: Jim Justice
WI: Bryan Steil

Use the Greitens approach to get them thru the primaries. Carpet bomb the morons like Kari Lake early.

There’s the formula
Given that Trump has been doing nothing but nuking himself since the election, Biden running from his basement is a strategy that would work again if Trump is the nominee. If it’s DeSantis, it probably wouldn’t work since he doesn’t produce nearly as much vitriol as Trump. With Trump, he turbo-charges the left and pushes the middle away.

The difference in the DeSantis/mainstream approach vs. the Trump MAGA Populist approach can be summed up by two races in my opinion; NY-17 and CO-3. In New York, Mike Lawler was a solid issues-based candidate who cobbled together a coalition of Republicans and centrists (many of whom voted for Biden) to put him over the top against a high ranking Democrat incumbent.

In Colorado, Lauren Boebert (our AOC)
ran on essentially an “I love Trump”/all emotion with no substance campaign in a medium red district. She ended up having the closest race in midterms against a guy who got caught hooking up in a storage unit. She pushed away traditionally Republican voters who are sick of her and Trumps approach so much that they almost elected the Storage Shagger.

The coalition builder approach that Lawler took in New York and DeSantis took in FL. is the path to victory. The Trump-Boebert populist bombastic insanity repels the swing voters and will cost us dearly; especially since people in that camp insist that “you only need the base” to win
There is a side of the anti Trump argument that pub's have to embrace. Are you only ok with voting for a repub candidate that the dim's give you permission to vote for? If you are a pub that allows your vote to be subservient to what your dim lords allow... Fetterman type candidates are your leaders and you were never cut from the silk that made this country to start with.
War has already started and only the dim's are shooting so far. I can't believe that the right male is the side wearing tampax and are not organized like the left. totally disgraceful.
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There is a side of the anti Trump argument that pub's have to embrace. Are you only ok with voting for a repub candidate that the dim's give you permission to vote for? If you are a pub that allows your vote to be subservient to what your dim lords allow... Fetterman type candidates are your leaders and you were never cut from the silk that made this country to start with.
War has already started and only the dim's are shooting so far. I can't believe that the right male is the side wearing tampax and are not organized like the left. totally disgraceful.
“Fetterman type candidates are your leaders and you were never cut from the silk that made this country to start with.”

Oh, my, that’s the most hilarious comment from a conservative I’ve ever seen. I’ll be sure to repeat this when around my liberal friends. We can all use a good laugh in these times. Thank you! 😂
There is a side of the anti Trump argument that pub's have to embrace. Are you only ok with voting for a repub candidate that the dim's give you permission to vote for? If you are a pub that allows your vote to be subservient to what your dim lords allow... Fetterman type candidates are your leaders and you were never cut from the silk that made this country to start with.
War has already started and only the dim's are shooting so far. I can't believe that the right male is the side wearing tampax and are not organized like the left. totally disgraceful.
It’s not Dims. It’s more independents than anything. We need people who can win a general and the irony is that a lot of those candidates that can are more classically conservative than Trump candidates. Oz was a complete squish on policy, McCormick was more conservative than him by a mile.
It’s not Dims. It’s more independents than anything. We need people who can win a general and the irony is that a lot of those candidates that can are more classically conservative than Trump candidates. Oz was a complete squish on policy, McCormick was more conservative than him by a mile.
This is the argument of the left. We don’t remember the MTG’s and Boebert’s in the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s. These folks ultimately stem from the Tea Party, which was a reaction to Obama, the first black president.
This is the argument of the left. We don’t remember the MTG’s and Boebert’s in the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s. These folks ultimately stem from the Tea Party, which was a reaction to Obama, the first black president.
The Tea Party were principled fiscal conservatives. And attempts to paint them as some sort of racist backlash to Obama are just ignorant Democratic smears.
It’s not Dims. It’s more independents than anything. We need people who can win a general and the irony is that a lot of those candidates that can are more classically conservative than Trump candidates. Oz was a complete squish on policy, McCormick was more conservative than him by a mile.
It still comes down to, although I will never be able to develop this thought correctly, if any of use hold back from who we think is best, because the other side won't allow our choice to win... we already lost. This is letting the enemy approve or disapprove who we vote for.
If we elect our 2nd choice because the other side doesn't hate him as bad as our 1st choice.. The enemy just elected their choice, not ours, and they make us feel good about it. IT's a reach around in the shower and a knife in the back. Our Normandy soldiers didn't die so we can be pussies waving rainbow flags.
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It’s not Dims. It’s more independents than anything. We need people who can win a general and the irony is that a lot of those candidates that can are more classically conservative than Trump candidates. Oz was a complete squish on policy, McCormick was more conservative than him by a mile.
Jesus Christ could have endorsed Oz and he'd have lost.

PA has a lot of really stupid voters.
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The Tea Party was a reaction to the bailout.

The Tea Party were principled fiscal conservatives. And attempts to paint them as some sort of racist backlash to Obama are just ignorant Democratic smears.

The Tea Party movement was a grassroots, populist rebellion against the bank bailouts and the government takeover of General Motors while hanging the working class out to dry. It was co-opted by the right wing of the Republican Party who reviled Obama. Eight years later these same working class populists threw in for Trump.
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The Tea Party movement was a grassroots, populist rebellion against the bank bailouts and the government takeover of General Motors while hanging the working class out to dry. It was co-opted by the right wing of the Republican Party who reviled Obama. Eight years later these same working class populists threw in for Trump.
Revisionist history - the Tea Party was always made up with a vast majority of Republicans.

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