Trump 2024!

DeSantis has an event today with a fairly ideologically diverse group of people. This might be something though I imagine he announces next month. But these representatives (and a senator) seem to have taken their sides. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of tirade trump will go off on about these “Disloyal” people
Ken Buck (CO-3)
Randy Feenstra (IA-4)
Mike Gallagher (WI-8)
Bob Good (VA-5)
Darin LaHood (IL-16)
Laurel Lee (FL-15)
Thomas Massie (KY-4)
Chip Roy (TX-21)
Mike Lee (UT-Sen)
I like Scott, as far as Republicans go, but McM has a point about his resume being heavy on government and light on private enterprise experience. If a Democrat were running with that resume, you guys would all be screaming that he was a Swamp Creature who spent his career suckling at the public teat.
Except that's not the case. He still has has business, which he built (see my past from Wiki). He's a decent man with no hint of scandal or political IOUs. He's the type of candidate everyone claims they want - someone who is decent, honest, and will work to get things done.

He worked his way up in local politics, state, and then national. He's not like a Joe Biden, who started on 3rd base and thinks he's scored a home run by being President.

There's a difference between being a swamp creature and one who's spent his life in politics. The two aren't synonymous.
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Apparently trump is releasing a second series of his NFTs. Get your AI created images for only $99 a pop.

This time he depicts himself as a soldier, Elvis, and George Washington among other things
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Apparently trump is releasing a second series of his NFTs. Get your AI created images for only $99 a pop.

This time he depicts himself as a soldier, Elvis, and George Washington among other things
Those will look good in my IU room.
Apparently trump is releasing a second series of his NFTs. Get your AI created images for only $99 a pop.

This time he depicts himself as a soldier, Elvis, and George Washington among other things
I have to admit I don't get the idea of NFTs at all.

That said, if the buyer knows they're not really anything but still wants to throw money at them, I can't really fault anyone for making/selling them. It does seem shady, and bordering on taking advantage of stupid people, but somewhere I'm sure PT Barnum is smiling.

I'm going to work this weekend on photoshopping my head onto historical figures later this week. I'm going to do an early release for them exclusively for the Cooler for the crazy low price of $25/a piece. I'll do a random drawing of everyone who buys one and I'll write a gushing, 5 paragraph post about the winner and post it here.
Those will look good in my IU room.
I’m going to assume you are joking. I don’t get why anyone would spend money on that crap. What’s stopping anyone from just screenshotting it and printing it out (if they’re that obsessed with trump) to save the $100? Unless they’ll think it’s wrong to steal from the Great MAGA King.
I’m going to assume you are joking. I don’t get why anyone would spend money on that crap. What’s stopping anyone from just screenshotting it and printing it out (if they’re that obsessed with trump) to save the $100? Unless they’ll think it’s wrong to steal from the Great MAGA King.
You need to relax.
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Don't forget this completely unconstitutional and illegal nugget. The signatures don't match either but I'm sure you're fine counting ballots that weren't filled out by the voter.

A I’m not sure I believe that and b what would it be illegal or unconstitutional and c since when do you care about illegal things?

Trump has no shot of winning and will destroy what little standing the Republicans have left in the suburbs. There is no path to 270.

Mast I’m surprised by. I never imagined him stupid.
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Even Time admitted that the fortification was real.

i don't think that article says what you think it says.

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Rumor is DeSanctus is leaning towards not running. Either way Trump is POTUS come January 2025. Suck it.

Fl-11 Rep Waltz endorsed Trump.

I’m convinced that half the Republican Party has become a cult subservient to Trump and is seemingly content to follow him into electoral oblivion. The lack of logic on these endorsements is really something that I can’t comprehend
Yeah it would perfectly logical to endorse the guy who is 35 points behind, may not even run, and has zero chance whatsoever.

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Fl-11 Rep Waltz endorsed Trump.

I’m convinced that half the Republican Party has become a cult subservient to Trump and is seemingly content to follow him into electoral oblivion. The lack of logic on these endorsements is really something that I can’t comprehend

Is there anything more irrelevant than political endorsements?

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