This is all that really needs to be said about anti-vaxxers....

And here somes the yappy little weasel, weighing in on something he's been bitch-slapped on.

Economic and social mobilities are not the same, as much as you wish they were.

I don't need to wish anything, facts are facts. I don't really care about the topic at all..... just amazed and amused you've gone so far down this rabbit hole insisting you are right. When it's so amazingly obvious to any normal person that you aren't.
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No kidding. That was obvious to anyone not subscribing to the media driven fear mongering

So many people rely on articles by 'experts' or what they read on the interwebz when all you have to do is look at the statistics.

Shooter put the statistics into a soundbite that was factual and easily understood by myself and those I know who may or may not be well versed in probabilities and percentages and the like. The world I live in is not Lake Wobegon. About half the people I know are below average.
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or shut 40 million down again because 7,000 are in hospitals stupid ass. the gov is under recall. new ideas other than masks and shutdowns might be prudent.
Masks are coming back here in Maryland without any mandate. Was just in Home Depot and probably 60% were masked. At least 4 times higher than 2 weeks ago. Almost restores my faith in humanity.
You are aguing with yourself. I never mentioned 'social mobility'.

Now, Fvck off.
I linked an OECD article that used social and economic mobility as the same, and a Cleveland Fed article. You said:
You really don't understand the difference between social mobility and economic mobility?
What do you think, we have a social class where people who are dirt poor hang out with billionaires and then a separate economic class. Below is another link not that there is a chance you know how to open and read it.

"When sociologists talk of social class, they refer to a group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system of production."
Masks are coming back here in Maryland without any mandate. Was just in Home Depot and probably 60% were masked. At least 4 times higher than 2 weeks ago. Almost restores my faith in humanity.
it's such a tiny inconsequential thing for adults to do. i do have issues w/ it in school and frankly haven't read enough about it to have an informed opinion but anecdotally i do believe it impacts kids in school. that said the health value may outweigh that impact. i just don't know.

*premier league is packing em in today w/ no masks. i'm a little surprised
I don't need to wish anything, facts are facts. I don't really care about the topic at all..... just amazed and amused you've gone so far down this rabbit hole insisting you are right. When it's so amazingly obvious to any normal person that you aren't.
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I linked an OECD article that used social and economic mobility as the same, and a Cleveland Fed article. You said:

What do you think, we have a social class where people who are dirt poor hang out with billionaires and then a separate economic class. Below is another link not that there is a chance you know how to open and read it.

"When sociologists talk of social class, they refer to a group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system of production."
I know plenty of people who are economically upper middle class or lower upper class who live very middle class lives or lower middle class lives.

Social classes are groups that have similar social status. Perhaps money is one criteria, but more often it's an interest in arts, profession, sports, entertainment, political power, influence, etc. EDIT: Education is also considered a social class.

You took my statement of economic mobility to mean that it's the same as social mobility, and it's not. You don't argue economics alone because even you know that America has the greatest economic mobility in the world.

You've built a straw man and now you're desperately trying to keep it from being burnt to the ground. You've failed.
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Shooter put the statistics into a soundbite that was factual and easily understood by myself and those I know who may or may not be well versed in probabilities and percentages and the like. The world I live in is not Lake Wobegon. About half the people I know are below average.
I suppose he may appeal to the trailer park crowd.
I suppose he may appeal to the trailer park crowd.
Poor white trash take up hospital beds and die just as dead as anyone else. If Shooter's little nugget can help convince them that vaccines still work then I'm going to use it.
so maybe this delta variant and other variants w/ greater transmission is what will get us to herd immunity? the vaccinated have done their part and we were never going to get full compliance for the reasons we've belabored in the past so getting the unvaccinated infected is an unintended boon to reach herd immunity?
so maybe this delta variant and other variants w/ greater transmission is what will get us to herd immunity? the vaccinated have done their part and we were never going to get full compliance for the reasons we've belabored in the past so getting the unvaccinated infected is an unintended boon to reach herd immunity?
I'm starting to think herd immunity is a myth. Vaccines are the only way to slow the virus and its variants down, but it's not going away.
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What's crazy to me is that anyone with an ounce of self-awareness should realize the likelihood that if you're in the hospital suffering from a virus you thought was made up and/or wasn't a big deal, you're probably taking up space that someone like this guy's wife needs.

I guess 'self-awareness' is the key here. I'd guess most anti-vaxxers are selfish people and don't really care how their actions impact others. I remember reading that it was mistake to position the vaccine or mask wearing as something that helps those around you because a good number of people in this country just don't care about their fellow citizens. This guy's wife being rushed out of the hospital is another example of that.

To be clear, I'm not saying hospitals should turn sick people away. I think the Hippocratic oath should supercede any and all differences or biases doctors may have. That said, I wish anti-vaxxers weren't sniveling little wussies and walk the freaking talk.
Not sure what anyone's politics are in this clip, but it does make you (me anyway) very sad. These are nice people who have been misinformed intentionally. 90% of the beds in this hospital are taken up by Covid patients.

That is the sort of juvenile rant you would appreciate.
Tell me which part of his "rant" you disagree with. You believe a stage 4 cancer victim should essentially be kicked out of the hospital because people (who much of the time are willfully ignorant) didn't act responsibly and get a vaccination that has proven to be safe and effective?

It's pathetic.
Tell me which part of his "rant" you disagree with. You believe a stage 4 cancer victim should essentially be kicked out of the hospital because people (who much of the time are willfully ignorant) didn't act responsibly and get a vaccination that has proven to be safe and effective?

It's pathetic.
Depends, did the cancer patient increase their chances of having it by making poor lifestyle choices? Who gets to be the arbiter of whether people are sick or injured through no fault of their own or because they were irresponsible or made bad choices?
Depends, did the cancer patient increase their chances of having it by making poor lifestyle choices? Who gets to be the arbiter of whether people are sick or injured through no fault of their own or because they were irresponsible or made bad choices?
Well, in the post it was breast cancer. You don't find it a bit irritating that 90% of the beds in the hospital that Don Lemon reported from are taken up by covid cases and all of them weren't vaccinated.

And as the guy says in the Twitter post, if you don't trust the medical science of a vaccine why be so hypocritical to run straight to the medical science of a hospital when they get sick from something that's almost entirely preventable?

I think people are getting sick and tired of these idiots. They don't want masks, they don't want a vaccine, they want to keep every business wide open. Meanwhile new variants morph. What is it that these losers want to do to tackle the virus?

They have absolutely nothing.
Look at the South. There are ZERO ICU beds available in Mississippi.

What is it that these losers want to do to tackle the virus?
They couldn't care less about containing the virus. They're only interested in slamming science and ignoring the general welfare while decrying temporary restrictions (like masks) on their freedoms.

"Medical authoritarianism" is going to become the new buzzword among the FOX News crowd, with a big assist from DeSantis and Carlson.

It seems that we are, as a society, becoming more stupid and more selfish by the day.

And if these people now believe that science and medicine suck, are untrustworthy and/or are somehow the enemy, then, yeah, they should stay the hell out of the hospital and leave those resources for people who still have faith in medical professionals and healthcare.
Obviously this guy is making these statements from an emotional place, but he's spot on (link has NSFW language).

If you're not going to get vaccinated because you think COVID is a hoax or not a big deal, then yeah, OK that's your right. If you get sick with COVID and start to realize that it really is a 'big deal' or 'no joke', people are losing patience with your comin' to Jesus moment in the hospital.
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BAM!!! Nailed it!
Sounds just like you on your drunken rant with MC66 the other week. Nothing cries stupidity like a profanity filled tirade or a drunken one on a message board. I swear myself but there is a point where all you do is look ignorant.
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Tell me which part of his "rant" you disagree with. You believe a stage 4 cancer victim should essentially be kicked out of the hospital because people (who much of the time are willfully ignorant) didn't act responsibly and get a vaccination that has proven to be safe and effective?

It's pathetic.
I believe it's bullshit. I believe if the woman needed treatment, they would have found a place for her to get it.

You believe anything you see on the internet because it supports your narrative. You have no idea whether it's true or not, but you believe it because..... he swears?
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This guy is an alleged journalist. It would have taken him 2 seconds to learn that Florida has one of the highest vaccination rates for the elderly in the country and this video was DeSantis promoting this treatment for the elderly if they get Covid-19 anyways.

The media sucks. But you guys keep on bashing DeSantis
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I believe it's bullshit. I believe if the woman needed treatment, they would have found a place for her to get it.

You believe anything you see on the internet because it supports your narrative. You have no idea whether it's true or not, but you believe it because..... he swears?
Really? This happened because of a bed shortage.
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Really? This happened because of a bed shortage.
No, it wasn't due to a bed shortage.

"Harris Health System spokeswoman Amanda Callaway told The Associated Press that the Houston hospital where the young child was initially admitted, Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital, does not offer inpatient pediatric care."

See what happens when you don't read the actual article?
They couldn't care less about containing the virus. They're only interested in slamming science and ignoring the general welfare while decrying temporary restrictions (like masks) on their freedoms.

"Medical authoritarianism" is going to become the new buzzword among the FOX News crowd, with a big assist from DeSantis and Carlson.

It seems that we are, as a society, becoming more stupid and more selfish by the day.

And if these people now believe that science and medicine suck, are untrustworthy and/or are somehow the enemy, then, yeah, they should stay the hell out of the hospital and leave those resources for people who still have faith in medical professionals and healthcare.
It is discouraging to think about how cooperative anti-Covid-vaxxers will probably be if another case of Ebola comes to the US.

They seem totally unwilling to obey any precautions suggested by health officials for any disease. After rejecting the anti-Covid precautions suggested by health officials, there is no reason to assume they would change their tune and start obeying any precautions against Ebola suggested by health officials in the future.
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They couldn't care less about containing the virus. They're only interested in slamming science and ignoring the general welfare while decrying temporary restrictions (like masks) on their freedoms.

"Medical authoritarianism" is going to become the new buzzword among the FOX News crowd, with a big assist from DeSantis and Carlson.

It seems that we are, as a society, becoming more stupid and more selfish by the day.

And if these people now believe that science and medicine suck, are untrustworthy and/or are somehow the enemy, then, yeah, they should stay the hell out of the hospital and leave those resources for people who still have faith in medical professionals and healthcare.
Isn't it weird how all of these grifters posing as preachers keep urging their flocks to avoid getting the vax?

And yet Karma keeps catching up with covid deniers...

How stupid do anti-vaxers have to be to not be horrified by the number of people who claim covid isn't real and that the vax isn't necessary who then end up dying from a disease that "doesn't exist"?
No, it wasn't due to a bed shortage.

"Harris Health System spokeswoman Amanda Callaway told The Associated Press that the Houston hospital where the young child was initially admitted, Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital, does not offer inpatient pediatric care."

See what happens when you don't read the actual article?
Did you even read the article? This wasn't some isolated Texas hospital with no other hospitals less than hours away. This was in Houston which according to the Houston medical website has 85 hospitals in the metro area. Yet this girl had to be transported to a hospital 150 miles away.

Now even if the one hospital that you pointed out as having no inpatient pediatric care is eliminated from a "full bed" discussion, there are still 84 more hospitals in metro Houston.

The fact that none of those had a bed for the young girl with covid means that this is definitely a case of beds being full. Unless you want to argue that none of those other 84 hospitals provide inpatient pediatric care. Which would be pretty stupid to argue...

"Although children who come there needing hospitalization are typically transferred, Callaway said none of Houston’s major pediatric facilities had any beds, forcing the infant’s transfer to a Temple hospital, KPRC-TV reported."

In other words, ALL of the pediatric care beds in Houston were full, and the baby had to be transferred to Temple TX, which is NOT Houston...See what happens when you do NOT read the article?
Maybe "God" should ask John Prine and any of the other musicians on this list if they agree with his opinion of the vax. Something tells me they and their families would have loved to have a vax available for them...

And btw, both Clapton and Van the Man (who also opposes the vax) are British, and Clapton's experience was with the AstraZeneca vax. Not sure that is really relevant to a discussion of vaxes available to most in the US...
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Did you even read the article? This wasn't some isolated Texas hospital with no other hospitals less than hours away. This was in Houston which according to the Houston medical website has 85 hospitals in the metro area. Yet this girl had to be transported to a hospital 150 miles away.

Now even if the one hospital that you pointed out as having no inpatient pediatric care is eliminated from a "full bed" discussion, there are still 84 more hospitals in metro Houston.

The fact that none of those had a bed for the young girl with covid means that this is definitely a case of beds being full. Unless you want to argue that none of those other 84 hospitals provide inpatient pediatric care. Which would be pretty stupid to argue...

"Although children who come there needing hospitalization are typically transferred, Callaway said none of Houston’s major pediatric facilities had any beds, forcing the infant’s transfer to a Temple hospital, KPRC-TV reported."

In other words, ALL of the pediatric care beds in Houston were full, and the baby had to be transferred to Temple TX, which is NOT Houston...See what happens when you do NOT read the article?
Yes, I read the article. Obviously you didn't.

The hospital they took the infant to didn't have a pediatric facility, so they flew the child to one that did. It's in the article, and if you can't understand English, I can't help you.

Nothing but hysteria from you who love to spread fear.

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