The alt-right

Not exactly a special or brave stance, but commendable.

Gosh, I don't want cops killed either.

Raise your hand if you don't want cops killed. Or if you believe all children should eat.

My point was that it is as important as some small group of dumbass white suprematists that we're now calling the alt-right. They aren't any bigger group than they've ever been. Is the group wanting cops killed growing? It appears that group has killed and caused more mayhem than the alt-right in the last few months. Both are just as dispicable to me.
My point was that it is as important as some small group of dumbass white suprematists that we're now calling the alt-right. They aren't any bigger group than they've ever been. Is the group wanting cops killed growing? It appears that group has killed and caused more mayhem than the alt-right in the last few months. Both are just as dispicable to me.
Fine. Start another thread about how awful #BLM is. Lord knows we haven't had enough of them.

Can't you just say, "Yeah, white nationalists are bad," and that's it? No ifs, ands, or buts. No need to insert other issues. Just agree that these are awful people? End of story?
Fine. Start another thread about how awful #BLM is. Lord knows we haven't had enough of them.

Can't you just say, "Yeah, white nationalists are bad," and that's it? No ifs, ands, or buts. No need to insert other issues. Just agree that these are awful people? End of story?

White nationalist are scum! Exterminate them as far as I am concerned.
No, it's not. And the fact that you think nazism is just a form of pandering is, quite frankly, repugnant.

Now you lost me

R U claiming Nazism and the alt-right (as Vox Day describes it) is the same thing? What do you do with #15? That doesn't seem like white supremacy to me.

Frankly, I don't understand why you deny your point is about the politics of skin color on the one hand and then claim some white guys want to establish a political system for the benefit of white guys on the other. What is the difference?
Now you lost me

R U claiming Nazism and the alt-right (as Vox Day describes it) is the same thing? What do you do with #15? That doesn't seem like white supremacy to me.

Frankly, I don't understand why you deny your point is about the politics of skin color on the one hand and then claim some white guys want to establish a political system for the benefit of white guys on the other. What is the difference?
I've already explained it clearly to you, several times.
You guys sure love agreeing with things we don't say.

Let me help you all out:

Ethno-nationalism is bad. Full stop.

It may or may not be desirable for political parties to make their case to specific communities ("we will do X for the black community," etc.), and if that's what you want to argue about, have fun with that. But start your own thread to do it.

Because this thread isn't about racial appeals in politics. It's about a group of white nationalists who believe in setting up a strong, authoritarian, white ethno-state, and have existed in the fringes of our political discourse for a few years, but have now inexplicably begun to seep into the mainstream. One of the two major political candidates made an overture to them by putting their press secretary in charge of his campaign. I am completely astonished that so many of you are so happy to look the other way on this.
Not that it means anything but Jared Taylor the Godfather and brain of the alt-right had this to say about Trumps relationship with them: "Donald Trump is not part of the nebulous “alt-right” movement, and Hilary Clinton’s claim that he is, is just a “typical lefty campaign ploy,” AND “Donald Trump is not supporting the alt right nor is he part of it.

One of the head Freds says Trump isn't supporting them nor involved with them but those here will probably call him a liar and a simple ploy while holding up some bloggers comments as almost pure gospel.
Not that it means anything but Jared Taylor the Godfather and brain of the alt-right had this to say about Trumps relationship with them: "Donald Trump is not part of the nebulous “alt-right” movement, and Hilary Clinton’s claim that he is, is just a “typical lefty campaign ploy,” AND “Donald Trump is not supporting the alt right nor is he part of it.

One of the head Freds says Trump isn't supporting them nor involved with them but those here will probably call him a liar and a simple ploy while holding up some bloggers comments as almost pure gospel.
No one here has claimed Trump is an alt-rightie. In fact, we've gone to great pains explaining why we are not claiming that. Just read this article and it reminded me of the thread we had here last week. I've just been hearing of the alt right since a bit before Trump announced his new campaign manager, but was of course aware of Breitbart. While I knew alt right was white nationalist, I didn't realize they were so misogynistic. I didn't realize they were behind the Leslie Jones hate campaign. Please read this article. It's very disturbing and should be not just for women, but for anyone that has a wife, daughter, sister, or female friend.