Silicon Valley Bank has failed

Don't under rate yourself. 🤣

This mess shows me one thing... the Safe and Sound ratings are no better than a coin flip. I was just reading that First Republic May be the next bank to fold and I looked up their Safe and Sound rating and guess what.... they get an A.

Do you have a link? What date was this of? Some of the reporting could be as of 12/31/22, which doesn't necessarily mean it's good, but just stale and not reflective of reality.
Do you have a link? What date was this of? Some of the reporting could be as of 12/31/22, which doesn't necessarily mean it's good, but just stale and not reflective of reality.
I believe it was the Q2 of last year. However I would think (probably a mistake :) ) when you look at safety rating you would look at the future and not just the here and now. If the rating is not looking down the road then what good is it except to tell you that your money is probably safe for the next month or two. I'll see if I can go back and find where I saw that.

Not the one I looked at but essentially says the same thing

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74 million is what is being reported!
A database from the conservative Claremont Institute shows the bank donated around $73,450,000 to the BLM movement and other social justice-related causes.
. . .
A report from August 2020 highlighted the fact that around two-thirds of the bank’s workforce met the "diversity" criteria. Another report that year touted SVB’s achievements in supporting minorities.

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74 million is what is being reported!
Cmon Lucy it was 81 million. 81 million!!! When they passed the judas coin and elbow bumped and pence, nancy, shumer and mitch walked out of the room smirking, they popped a bottle and said we have pulled off the greatest FU in American History....Woooo Hoooo
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Cmon Lucy it was 81 million. 81 million!!! When they passed the judas coin and elbow bumped and pence, nancy, shumer and mitch walked out of the room smirking, they popped a bottle and said we have pulled off the greatest FU in American History....Woooo Hoooo
You’re talking how many votes Biden got. I was talking how much money the bank donated to BLM.
A database from the conservative Claremont Institute shows the bank donated around $73,450,000 to the BLM movement and other social justice-related causes.
. . .
A report from August 2020 highlighted the fact that around two-thirds of the bank’s workforce met the "diversity" criteria. Another report that year touted SVB’s achievements in supporting minorities.

Bastards should have bought more low interest long term treasury bonds with that money.
Nope, my guess is the outcome would have been the same. But depositors would have had more information on which to make a decision whether to deposit their funds there.

That said, I'm not a fan of mark to market rules. It's only an accurate depiction of an asset bases' value temporarily - a snapshot - not a realistic depiction of the overall asset bases' value over time. It can reflect liquidity . . . but not value.

Perhaps requiring mark to market rules as part of a 10K would be a good idea, to reflect a company's liquidity, which is a factor in determining the company's current valuation.

All that data is footnoted in the same financials.... it's not like it takes a deep dive analysis to find the delta between the book value equity and mark to market equity. I posted a couple days ago that a short seller shop published this data 2 months ago that the bank was insolvent under M2M.

Obviously the bank would have never failed if there wasn't a massive run on it. The banks concentrated deposit base (in one sector) was really what brought it down.
You’re talking how many votes Biden got. I was talking how much money the bank donated to BLM.
lucy.............cmon man, get on the team............i know what you were talking about..........@mcmurtry66 put him back on the bench for a few.
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All that data is footnoted in the same financials.... it's not like it takes a deep dive analysis to find the delta between the book value equity and mark to market equity. I posted a couple days ago that a short seller shop published this data 2 months ago that the bank was insolvent under M2M.

Obviously the bank would have never failed if there wasn't a massive run on it. The banks concentrated deposit base (in one sector) was really what brought it down.
Yeah . . . thanks for pointing that out. I was just trying to answer Jamie's question about whether the result would have been different for SVB depositors had M2M rules been in effect. I didn't know that the information was available already. So good find . . . .

Now we know why SVB management must've adopted a "whistling through the graveyard" strategy. They must've known that the company was illiquid and letting the public in on their secret would have caused a bank run . . . like the one that developed.
A database from the conservative Claremont Institute shows the bank donated around $73,450,000 to the BLM movement and other social justice-related causes.
. . .
A report from August 2020 highlighted the fact that around two-thirds of the bank’s workforce met the "diversity" criteria. Another report that year touted SVB’s achievements in supporting minorities.

That database is a joke:

  • The "BLM Movement" is composed of the BLM parent organizations (BLMGNF and M4BL), the BLM Foundation (a separate, BLM-aligned organization that some contributors confused for BLMGNF), BLM Grassroots, independent BLM chapters (the BLM10+, etc.), BLM PAC, the fiscal sponsors of BLM organizations (including AfGJ, Thousand Currents, the Common Counsel Foundation, and the Tides Center), BLM At School, BLM partners such as the NAACP (a partner of BLMGNF) and the ACLU (a partner of BLM DC), and the more than 150 member organizations of M4BL. "Related Causes" are organizations and initiatives that advance one or more aspects of BLM’s agenda.
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That database is a joke:

  • The "BLM Movement" is composed of the BLM parent organizations (BLMGNF and M4BL), the BLM Foundation (a separate, BLM-aligned organization that some contributors confused for BLMGNF), BLM Grassroots, independent BLM chapters (the BLM10+, etc.), BLM PAC, the fiscal sponsors of BLM organizations (including AfGJ, Thousand Currents, the Common Counsel Foundation, and the Tides Center), BLM At School, BLM partners such as the NAACP (a partner of BLMGNF) and the ACLU (a partner of BLM DC), and the more than 150 member organizations of M4BL. "Related Causes" are organizations and initiatives that advance one or more aspects of BLM’s agenda.
I'm a little slow . . . what's the import of your litany of BLM organizations?
I'm a little slow . . . what's the import of your litany of BLM organizations?
That Claremont apparently categorizes as BLM any donation to NAACP, ACLU and any number of unnamed charities that aren't actually BLM.

Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed. Josh Marshall already dug far deeper into the documents than I did.

That Claremont apparently categorizes as BLM any donation to NAACP, ACLU and any number of unnamed charities that aren't actually BLM.

Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed. Josh Marshall already dug far deeper into the documents than I did.

Strange re that institute. It was started by Jaffa who is kind of a legend. Got his phd from the new school (way left) then became a big name at Claremont colleges (conservative) and started the institute tho it’s not attached to the schools.
That database is a joke:

  • The "BLM Movement" is composed of the BLM parent organizations (BLMGNF and M4BL), the BLM Foundation (a separate, BLM-aligned organization that some contributors confused for BLMGNF), BLM Grassroots, independent BLM chapters (the BLM10+, etc.), BLM PAC, the fiscal sponsors of BLM organizations (including AfGJ, Thousand Currents, the Common Counsel Foundation, and the Tides Center), BLM At School, BLM partners such as the NAACP (a partner of BLMGNF) and the ACLU (a partner of BLM DC), and the more than 150 member organizations of M4BL. "Related Causes" are organizations and initiatives that advance one or more aspects of BLM’s agenda.
I agree about the database being a joke.

I looked at the Cummins announcements next to the $21 million that Cummins has "contributed" to BLM and it referred to investments in black owned businesses, $250,000 to the Indianapolis Urban League, $30,000 to a Memphis-based charity focused on providing mentoring resources to juveniles and $26,000 to Black entrepreneurs. If those are the standards used, it's pretty clear that the database is at best overly inclusive and racist at worst.

Heck, Chick-fil-A is listed. The total amount supposedly given to BLM is darned near $83 billion! That's nuts on its face.

That database and the posters citing it - @BradStevens and @IUCrazy2 - ought to be condemned either for knowingly using such misleading information or knowingly not checking out what they were referring to before they cited it.

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So question for all you bank, finance, blah, blah. My mom has her HVAC loan through Signature Bank. If the bank is disolved, whats gonna happen with that loan? I don't want her paying out into nothing. Thoughts?
I agree about the database being a joke.

I looked at the Cummins announcements next to the $21 million that Cummins has "contributed" to BLM and it referred to investments in black owned businesses. If those are the standards used, it's pretty clear that the database is at best overly inclusive and racist at worst.

Heck, Chick-fil-A is listed. The total amount supposedly given to BLM is darned near $83 billion! That's nuts on its face.

That database and the posters citing it - @BradStevens and @IUCrazy2 - ought to be condemned either for knowingly using such misleading information or knowingly not checking out what they were referring to before they cited it.
I posted an article to support Lucy's claim (that I admit I thought odd). I do that for a lot of posters, when they post something and don't provide a link. I might have done it for you before, I don't recall.

Why "ought" I be "condemned" for that? I'm not a news service and didn't vouch for the article's accuracy.

I agree with Goat's analysis and that of talkingpointsmemo, but I have not "checked out" the backup for TPM, either. "Ought" I be "condemned" for that, as well?
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I posted an article to support Lucy's claim (that I admit I thought odd). I do that for a lot of posters, when they post something and don't provide a link. I might have done it for you before, I don't recall.

Why "ought" I to be "condemned" for that? I'm not a news service and didn't vouch for the article's accuracy.

I agree with Goat's analysis and that of talkingpointsmemo, but I have not "checked out" the backup for TPM, either. "Ought" I to be "condemned" for that, as well?
Did you check out the article before you posted it?
Did you check out the article before you posted it?
What kind of "checking out" do you do on every article you come across? I saw the figure mentioned in something else I read and answered a question someone asked. If the $73 million figure is wrong and you have researched it, go ahead and provide the correct amount.
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That Claremont apparently categorizes as BLM any donation to NAACP, ACLU and any number of unnamed charities that aren't actually BLM.

Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed. Josh Marshall already dug far deeper into the documents than I did.

I guess you could make arguments about the current versions of the NAACP and ACLU (they'd be wrong, but you could make them), but not sure how you can, in any world, justify including these:***

"Claremont lists 3M pledging a whopping $50 million to “BLM.” But the cited document, published in September 2020, appears to be mainly focused on supporting STEM learning in Black communities. It’s a pledge of $50 million over 5 years and lists $6 million in initial investments. That $6 million consisted of $5 million to the United Negro College Fund for work in St. Paul, Minnesota"
. . .
"Next up is Chevron, which Claremont reports pledged $15 million to “BLM.”

What does the actual cited document say? That $15 million went to $7 million in grants to historically Black colleges and universities; $1 million to the Executive Leadership Council; $5.1 million in grants to three foundations supporting k-12 education; $2 million to the United Negro College Fund; $1.6 million to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and $1 million to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture."

***I didn't think this needed to be stated, but to ensure I "ought" not be "condemned," I have not personally vetted the numbers or underlying documents cited in Goat's article.
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What kind of "checking out" do you do on every article you come across? I saw the figure mentioned in something else I read and answered a question someone asked. If the $73 million figure is wrong and you have researched it, go ahead and provide the correct amount.
No. The "correct" amount isn't available because - you would have determined this if you had looked - the methodology used to accumulate the total contributions made is pure schlock.
I guess you could make arguments about the current versions of the NAACP and ACLU (they'd be wrong, but you could make them), but not sure how you can, in any world, justify including these:***

"Claremont lists 3M pledging a whopping $50 million to “BLM.” But the cited document, published in September 2020, appears to be mainly focused on supporting STEM learning in Black communities. It’s a pledge of $50 million over 5 years and lists $6 million in initial investments. That $6 million consisted of $5 million to the United Negro College Fund for work in St. Paul, Minnesota"
. . .
"Next up is Chevron, which Claremont reports pledged $15 million to “BLM.”

What does the actual cited document say? That $15 million went to $7 million in grants to historically Black colleges and universities; $1 million to the Executive Leadership Council; $5.1 million in grants to three foundations supporting k-12 education; $2 million to the United Negro College Fund; $1.6 million to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and $1 million to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture."

***I didn't think this needed to be stated, but to ensure I "ought" not be "condenmed," I have not personally vetted the numbers or underlying documents cited in Goat's article.
If you link it, you're holding it out as accurate. Otherwise what's the point of linking it?
No. The "correct" amount isn't available because - you would have determined this if you had looked - the methodology used to accumulate the total contributions made is pure schlock.
My "give a shit" wasn't deep enough to dig because I don't care that much. It was already established that SVB was playing fast and loose with investments and other things in a few directions. They donated $73 million to BLM and other assorted left leaning groups. Same difference.
Did you check out the article before you posted it?
Lucy attributed a # to SVB (post #293). I googled "SVB" and that number and that article hit. I quickly perused it for a statement supporting Lucy's post, cut and paste it into the post, and included the link. That's the "checking out" I did.

As a result, Goat looked into it further. Would he have had I not done that, just based on Lucy's post? I don't know. I'm glad he did and, at least I, now know more about what Lucy was getting at and why it is wrong.

Condemn away.
My "give a shit" wasn't deep enough to dig because I don't care that much. It was already established that SVB was playing fast and loose with investments and other things in a few directions. They donated $73 million to BLM and other assorted left leaning groups. Same difference.
And that's where you are playing fast and loose with facts. Your lack of credibility is showing in this post.
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