Serious Question for Trump Voters

Ummmm whatever you're drinking slow down girl. Damn time to tuck you into bed and slip out the back door. Jeeeesus!

Edit: Your not one of those ones where we think your gonna fall asleep and then you end up talking about shit we could care less about while we sit and listen and fall asleep and get woke several times by you while totally dreading why we stayed...ARE You?
Oh it’s the Trumper tell… all so ignorant they don’t know second grade grammar.
Here you go: you’re is a contraction for you are
Your is possessive
Ignorance really isn’t bliss.
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OK, serious question - how is bitcoin any different than a foreign currency, since they're all valued in dollars?

I get your point about banks maybe using it, but it's still valued in dollars.

Edumacate me.

Not that you asked for my opinion which is admittedly not an investment sector that I have spent an absorbent amount of time on, but I did buy into 'ethereum' a little over a year ago which is my only crypto investment.....but because they say they are more blockchain focused and industry leaders compared to Bitcoin and my trading experience insights show that companies must have growth flexibility to become explosive.

Meaning how adaptive is the company to maximize growth opportunities is the core question because we all know, especially when it comes to technical markets that trends and technology are constantly churning, changing the way we live.

For example think of Google and Apple, two giants today but Google started as a search engine but adapted to a innovative social media tech company while other search engines who didn't adapt like Ask Jeeves died. Apple if I remember correctly was a personal computer company that got destroyed by Microsoft, so much that Jobs became massively depressed. Apple adapted to cell phone technology and cloud service and from that became the monster that it is today, seen as an innovative tech company.

Anyway my concern for Bitcoin is because from my understanding is it's a black box built by some Japanese dude who forbids in its creation for any adjustments therefore basically eliminating the ability for it to adapt. 'Ethereum' supposedly can adapt based on how the blockchain develops which is supposedly the big technical instrument of the crypto wet dream.

Bitcoin supposedly has a capacity of handling four transactions at once which is ridiculously small. It also is supposedly built that it takes ten minutes for a transaction to be validated (that's the mining process) meaning if you ever buy something with Bitcoin, the transaction will take you ten minutes the fastest.

Compare that to a Visa card. Visa can validate 60,000 transactions per second so.... that's the comparison argument. Who is going to want to use a payment system that is as slow to process as Bitcoin was designed to be?

Other things from an investment consideration is the ownership of Bitcoin is weighted much heavier than others. Meaning the creator of Bitcoin is a monster share owner and if he dies, it will likely create a massive volatile panic based on how his shares are allocated.

Lastly security in Bitcoin or blockchain overall is non existent. It cannot go backwards so, say someone steals your account and makes purchases there's no way for you to be reconciled. Again compared to our credit system and financial system, those systems can correct fraudulent account activity whereas blockchain and crypto doesn't have that capability. Bitcoin again cannot adapt for security. Anyway this was one of the key reasons why some many people who bought NFTS got ripped off with no ability to's also why there's a large 'crypto scam' belief.

Again I don't know enough to prevent scamming or theft but I do know that Bitcoin was designed to not be altered so, there is no ability to adapt the product. That inability is what keeps me from investing heavily or from believing the selling points of it.

But like everything, I could be wrong.

I also am aware that hype investments can see explosive, exuberant growth like it has seen from its origin. Meaning I don't have any clue on how high it will go from a forecasting methodology. I just feel much more confident that it won't move to being the primary used financial currency because of its design issues.
I guess you can vote for him because he did not call immigrants rapists and murderers. He was talking about the MS 13 crew and other gangs and cartel members that have been coming across.
Slight exaggeration on my behalf but he takes every opportunity he can to stoke the passions of the anti immigrant crowd. It’s not difficult to make people nervous about those who are different from us. That’s been a winning political strategy since the beginning of time. We need common sense border policy. I’m a realist. But stop making them all out as the evil “other” who are trying to threaten our way of life. Once again the vast majority just want a better life for their families. If I lived in abject poverty under a regime with no hope of escaping you can be damned sure I’d do anything legal or otherwise to get my wife and kids to a better situation
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So every single migrant is a rapist? Dear Lord this is why I don’t like my own party anymore
No one is claiming every single immigrant is a rapist. But many of the coyotes that are bringing them are. I think I might have quoted that 100% number earlier. I am not sure it is 100 but I would be willing to bet it is closer 100 than it is 50. Nonetheless 1 is too many.
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Oh yeah? Where is that list at?

People swore by Hitler, Jim Jones and Charles Manson. Not truly comparing Trump to that trio, but it proves nothing that you're nice to people if you're willing to do harm to others or allow harm to be done.

Aside from all the lying, the cheating and the fraud just in his personal and professional life alone, I'm sure he's a great guy.

That's the Trump he is. At some point you need just listen to him.
How about all the charities that he donated to on the Apprentice for one? Granted it was not all his money probably some sponsorship money. Lawrence Donald on MSNBC just showed a check Trump sent to him for his charity in Africa. There have been other examples of Trump paying people's bills. There was the story about the lady squatting in one of Trump's properties ( before squatting was legalized or normalized or whatever) he allowed her stay.

Your next point about Hitler, Jones and Manson you claim you don't want to compare him to them . But in essence you do.
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Seriously. Your propaganda is not something I visit often.
How about Fox News reporting the same thing

And yes, everything he has said makes no distinction between violent and nonviolent protesters. To Trump they are all "hostages"
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Yes I do indeed. I don’t like some of the things she did as AG. But she certainly doesn’t rise to the level of Trump corruption. Wouldn’t you agree?
No. Her corruption is in her role as a public servant, whereas Trump’s is more predominant in his private life & business dealings.🙂
Slight exaggeration on my behalf but he takes every opportunity he can to stoke the passions of the anti immigrant crowd. It’s not difficult to make people nervous about those who are different from us. That’s been a winning political strategy since the beginning of time. We need common sense border policy. I’m a realist. But stop making them all out as the evil “other” who are trying to threaten our way of life. Once again the vast majority just want a better life for their families. If I lived in abject poverty under a regime with no hope of escaping you can be damned sure I’d do anything legal or otherwise to get my wife and kids to a better situation

If the normal, responsible politicians continue to fail addressing this problem, it opens the door wide open for populist demagogues to exploit voters' angst about it. Of all the things on the list of "this is why we got Trump", I have a hard time thinking of one that belongs higher on the list than this one does.

I remember back to the 2013 debate over the "Gang of 8" immigration reform bill. The bill came out of the Senate and there were 4 Senators of each party working on it. Sen. Rubio was one of the Republicans and was considered a pivotal Senator to have on board, if the bill was to have any hope of becoming law. Rubio made a public pledge that the bill would contain "border triggers" -- basically, that the pathway to citizenship and other provisions would not kick in until and unless a range of security metrics at the border were reached. He even said that he would not support a bill that lacked this.

Well....the bill they passed lacked it. And that had two immediate effects: it killed the bill (House didn't vote on it), it damaged Rubio's political future....leading to his belly flop in 2016.

My question -- then and now -- is why? Why is it like pulling teeth for our policymakers to make it so that people migrating here have to come through the doors our law makes available, rather than through the windows that it doesn't? Was it really worth it for them to kill a great chance at immigration reform to keep the border a mess?
Me neither. I vote for morality, ethics, character, policy. I would never ever vote for a stupid, corrupt, unfit, criminal, sexual abuser. Never. No matter what party.
You already have. Clinton and Biden. You're obviously a diehard liberal.

You are insane. Your kids should be more worried about you being their parent than any president. No man in his right mind wants to marry someone like you.
I guess you can vote for him because he did not call immigrants rapists and murderers. He was talking about the MS 13 crew and other gangs and cartel members that have been coming across.
Here is the quote

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

You have point that he didn't call them murderers but he definitely called them rapists. He didn't say some or any other qualifier. It was just flat out that they're rapists.....but SOME are good people. I guess some of those people that he just accused of being rapists are also good??? lol That's about as good as him saying there are good people on both sides when discussing white nationalists and people protesting their racism.
Trump is like Knight was, a quirky, polarizing character with an abrasive personality who gets things accomplished through his assertive leadership.

Assholes can make effective presidents. Trump is one of them. Biden not so much, being just someone else’s “yes” man. Harris would be the exact same way, at the exclusion of the genitalia’s genetic design differences (visualize the hotdog vs taco analogy).
Trump really missed out on his opportunity. He should have faked death, and then come back to life on the third day. His people would have lapped it up like my dog goes after his water bowl after a walk on a 92 degree day.
Well then you should vote for the Democrats who time after time save the economy. Checked your portfolio lately?
How does a portfolio translate to or benefit how a typical American lives from day to day? Is a portfolio performance a true measure of the economy?
Is a portfolio performance a true measure of the economy?
It's not everything but it is one measure, and it ought to be a very important one, especially if you're between the ages of 45 and 65 and at least halfway intelligent. Remember when Trump called a press conference to tout the Dow reaching 30,000? Did that upset you?
How about Fox News reporting the same thing

And yes, everything he has said makes no distinction between violent and nonviolent protesters. To Trump they are all "hostages"
Well the protest was “mostly peaceful” so you should be fine with that. Right, doctor?

It’s almost like you’ve actively avoided seeing this.
The guardian or NPR calling them rioters doesn't make it so. There are many people who wandered in and committed no violent acts who deserve pardons, commutations or charges dropped.
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Well the protest was “mostly peaceful” so you should be fine with that. Right, doctor?
I am not fine with any protests that involve violence. That goes for Jan 6, that goes for the looting after George Floyd's death. I'm a law and order Independent. In fact, one of the things that bothers me about Harris is the anti-police rhetoric during the so-called summer of love. But that concern pales in comparison to all of Trump's misdeeds.
Slight exaggeration on my behalf but he takes every opportunity he can to stoke the passions of the anti immigrant crowd. It’s not difficult to make people nervous about those who are different from us. That’s been a winning political strategy since the beginning of time. We need common sense border policy. I’m a realist. But stop making them all out as the evil “other” who are trying to threaten our way of life. Once again the vast majority just want a better life for their families. If I lived in abject poverty under a regime with no hope of escaping you can be damned sure I’d do anything legal or otherwise to get my wife and kids to a better situation
Who is stoking passions now? We can stipulate that most immigrants want to come here for a better life. That is not a relevant consideration. Most of the world’s population want a better life. We can’t take them all. Most who already legally reside here want a better life. Our first obligation is to them. Allowing migrants to soak up resources intended for our common good does not advance our common good.

Immigration policy, like any public policy, should be focused on the general welfare of our own inhabitants and citizens. If we need skilled labor, by all means we should encourage such immigration. Same for general unskilled labor and highly educated professionals.

I don’t how waiving the public charge immigration regulations, or offering free legal services and free cheese to every border crosser helps us.

Border enforcement and immigration policy is not the same issue. We should always have strong and effective border policy and an immigration policy that serves the best interests of all of us.
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The guardian or NPR calling them rioters doesn't make it so. There are many people who wandered in and committed no violent acts who deserve pardons, commutations or charges dropped.
You couldn’t believe your own frickin’ eyes? The people on camera who were climbing the walls, pushing through barriers and fighting with the cops and running through the halls, chambers and offices, damaging property and engaged in violence were most definitely rioting. The media didn’t brainwash anyone to believe what they saw with their own eyes. That some of the large crowd was engaged in standard protest doesn’t excuse the violent rioters any more than peaceful BLM protesters excuse violent rioters around them. This is stupid thinking. The J6 rioters who were convicted are frickin’ criminals, not hostages. Certainly not patriots. Your faction of the party has lost its collective mind.
I am not fine with any protests that involve violence. That goes for Jan 6, that goes for the looting after George Floyd's death. I'm a law and order Independent. In fact, one of the things that bothers me about Harris is the anti-police rhetoric during the so-called summer of love. But that concern pales in comparison to all of Trump's misdeeds.
Rhetoric? How about fundraising bail for rioters and other violent criminals?
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Sure there were. There are also petty being dealt with by DOJ with way too heavy a hand, who were otherwise just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

People like Aloha aren't capable of understanding that nuance.
He is capable of understanding that. But the words you’re using don’t leave room for nuance. They’re absolute.
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He is capable of understanding that. But the words you’re using don’t leave room for nuance. They’re absolute.
Trump has said there are those he won’t pardon from the 1/6’ers. Pretty much all will be done with their sentences by the time Trump would get back in office anyway.

It’s a stupid scare tactic.
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Slight exaggeration on my behalf but he takes every opportunity he can to stoke the passions of the anti immigrant crowd. It’s not difficult to make people nervous about those who are different from us. That’s been a winning political strategy since the beginning of time. We need common sense border policy. I’m a realist. But stop making them all out as the evil “other” who are trying to threaten our way of life. Once again the vast majority just want a better life for their families. If I lived in abject poverty under a regime with no hope of escaping you can be damned sure I’d do anything legal or otherwise to get my wife and kids to a better situation
I really don't believe it is Trump claiming to be anti-immigrant. I believe it is the media portraying Trump as such.
Reread your last post to me and then get back to me. I don’t doubt that the women in those caravans get abused. I’m tired of Trump stirring up so much hate in this country toward immigrants when the vast majority just want a better life for their families
The problem is that the game has changed. This is not Ellis Island from 1902 with all these people coming in with love in their hearts for this country, ready to legally enter and embrace our values.
A much higher threat element today with cartels, criminals and others intent on causing destruction when they arrive.