Serious Question for Trump Voters

I appreciate you explaining that, but are you saying a crypto has to be 'mined' before it can be used in a transaction? Without it having to be converted to dollars (an another existing currency)?

Maybe I'm too old or my mind isn't open to all this, but don't understand the whole 'mining' thing.

I would actually pay for a tutorial on all this - Snarl, here is your chance to earn an out-of-date dollar by teaching an old dog a new trick.
I replied to Tommy above trying to give more information in Bitcoin.

The mining process is different between coins. Bitcoin uses proof of work. Ethereum uses proof of stake.

Proof of work requires something tangible. For Bitcoin, that is energy. The mining process for Bitcoin is then tied to something real and it helps secure the network. It’s also what ends up allowing it to be scarce.

Proof of stake is not tied to something tangible. They can change the amount of coins on whim (changes to the code) and there is no set cap. Ethereum is centralized and if the people in charge want to add a trillion coins, they can. Just like a company can issue more stock if they choose.

Hopefully, this a good analogy. Bitcoin is the like the Internet, but you can buy a piece of its value. Ethereuem (and all the rest of cryptocurrencies) is trying to be Microsoft, but might end up being
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Exactly what bar did Trump raise? And isn't a prerequisite for being "behind bars" a finding of guilty in a court of law? So by any measure isn't Trump the only one in the montage who should be behind bars?

The cop and the con. Harris as a DA went after rapists,fraudsters, con men and liars. Trump is all those things...
it's a joke

admit laughed
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Here's an article about "mining" as I've understood it.

OK, assuming I understand all that - which I don't - how is creating a bitcoin and different from the Fed creating money by buying bonds?

How is it any different from another country's currency, since you can't actually buy anything with bitcoin without converting it to dollars or yen or euros or whatever?
Here is the quote

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

You have point that he didn't call them murderers but he definitely called them rapists. He didn't say some or any other qualifier. It was just flat out that they're rapists.....but SOME are good people. I guess some of those people that he just accused of being rapists are also good??? lol That's about as good as him saying there are good people on both sides when discussing white nationalists and people protesting their racism.
It's a fact they've sent people with drugs and crime and rape. And some good people.

Why does that trigger you?
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Bitcoin is a line of code. It technically can be adapted, but is very very unlikely to happen now. It would need 51% consensus, which is basically impossible at this point. The larger the network grows, the more decentralized it becomes.

This is a feature however, not a bug. I want to know what I am investing in and what it will be in 10, 20, even 100 years from now. The feature will allow for Bitcoin to become the base layer of money for 8 billion people. To use an analogy, is it a good thing that 4 always equals 4? Of course it is. It allows for use to make computers, bridges, fly an airplane, and etc. What would happen if one day President Biden wakes up and says 4 now equals 5? All of us would have to reengineer everything we have already built. This is what happens with our current monetary system. Small groups of people (Central Banks/Governments) are able to change and manipulate the money, which has 1,000s of negative downstream effects. This has been a major issues countries around the world, for example Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, and etc.

The fact that Bitcoin can't be changed by any government, group, or person, is one of the reasons why it's so valuable. The overall point of Bitcoin is to have a sound monetary policy that is slow, consistent, and provides the base layer of society for 8 billion people. I want it to be the same today, tomorrow, and 100 years from now. The objective is for a person living anywhere in the world can be freed from oppressive regime and build a better life for themselves. You can't do that if the government is screwing up the money. Money is the base layer of societies. Americans just haven't had to think about it because it's been relatively stable the past 40-50 years.

Bitcoin can handle more than 4 transactions, but you're correct on the overall speed. It can handle far fewer transactions than Visa and etc. It was designed that way. In order to solve the Byzantine Generals Problem they need nodes to be able to verify transactions. The larger the block sizes (allows for more transactions) the more expensive it would becomes for nodes to verify the transactions. Basically, you would need a crap ton more of computing power and energy. This would centralize the network over time and make it fragile. Small block sizes means anyone (yourself included) can run a node and verify the network. It makes Bitcoin decentralized and anti-fragile. Once again, this is a feature, not a bug. Bitcoiners want slow and predictable. The goals are a sound decentralized monetary policy for the world. This is another innovation that allows for it.

The 2nd and 3rd layers are will the Visa payment type of systems will be built. A good analogy is to think of Bitcoin like the internet. In the 80s and 90s it had very few use cases (compared to today), but eventually people built 2nd, 3rd, 4th layers on it. Someone invented browsers, which led to search engines, which led to websites, which led to etc. The same thing will happen with Bitcoin. There are people already building those things. They'll catch on over time as more and more people use those "apps". I linked Mallers who founded Strike. Really cool due.

The inventors pseudonym is Satoshi Nakamoto. I linked his wiki if you want to read more.

Nobody knows who it is or if they're alive. There are 1 to 2 million coins that are probably lost forever. You can check the wallets on the network and they haven't moved for years. If Satoshi did still control them and chose to sell them, good. The market would absorb them over time and become more decentralized. I'd love it if he dumbed a million coins on the market. The price would drop and I'd get cheaper Bitcoin.

Once again, it's a feature you can't go back and change the network. If you lose your coins (forget your seed phrase for example), they are gone forever. There are numerous other ways to obtain Bitcoin if you're not comfortable with self custody. You can go through exchanges (Coinbase), ETFs (retirements), PayPal, Venmo, and etc.

The question is what is Bitcoin? Is it a currency? Is it a store a value? Is it a network? Is it the new base layer monetary system for the entire world? Or is it all of them? I don't know for sure, nobody does. I think it will become all of those things, which is why I won't shut up about it.

I’ll add, it's clear at this point its a new asset class and at the very least it's a store value that is much better than gold. Gold is currently a 16 trillion dollars asset class. Bitcoin is just over a trillion. I'd strongly advise reading The Bitcoin Standard. You fundamentally misunderstand what Bitcoin is (I don't mean this in a condescending way).
Pretty sure Satoshi Nakamoto is an alien. Not like an illegal alien - like an Alf alien.

if you only cast a vote for candidates whose every action and every position is something that you agree with, then you aren't looking very hard into all of their actions and positions.

There is no perfect candidate.

I think Harris was very much wrong in her speeches and actions during the BLM protests. It was inflammatory and nonproductive.

she DOESN'T think that climate change is a hoax
she DOESN'T think that COVID-19 was a hoax or a China weapon
she DOESN'T want to turn grade schools into Sunday Schools
she DOESN'T think that Roe v. Wade should have been overturned
she DOESN'T think that we need to cut support for Ukraine and let the Soviets have everything they want

All of these positions (and more) differ from Trump's in well-defined views, views not based on media spin or social media memes, but on Trump's own words and actions.

Is it clear, now? Probably not, I'm guessing...
Serious question - did you believe Biden when he said he'd bring back Roe v Wade?

If you do, you don't have a clue.

Every one of your statements is bullshit except the first 2 - and Trump's exactly right about those.

Please be sure to include his quotes about not supporting Ukraine and letting the 'Soviets' (lmao 1989 called, dumbass) have 'everything they want'.
Probability means that there are some involved in crime (heavily is subjective).

Dems underplay how much crime while Pubs overplay it, especially if there is a dem in the white house who they can blame it on. It's just like how the deficit only matters when the opposite party is in charge.

Problem with defending the Pub border position is that there was a bill on the table that would have greatly helped the situation on the border. It was written by a republican and supported by both parties...until Trump said he didn't want the border fixed this year. Trump obviously believes the border issue is more helpful than a border solution.
You're right - the House passed HR2 that would have controlled the border. The Democrat controlled Senate wouldn't even vote on it.

Had nothing to do with Trump.
The second,non jury trial was for damages, based on the finding of guilt by the jury a year ago...

Strange a "law and order" guy doesn't realize that....
You really don't get it, do you? It was a civil suit. It was the judge's opinion. The jury heard a he-sad/she-said argument with absolutely no facts presented. The Dems actually had to pass a new law to get around the Statue of Limitations on the entire thing. E Jean didn't even know the year it happened.

If you don't recognize it for the clown show it is, then you're beyond hope.
Yes! "He died like a dog" is one of the greatest lines of all time!

At least he didn't look like a little boy in a room full of adults.

Yes, because how one looks in a room is the most critical factor in their effectiveness. This entire post is goofy. Are you still mad from yesterday?
You really don't get it, do you? It was a civil suit. It was the judge's opinion. The jury heard a he-sad/she-said argument with absolutely no facts presented. The Dems actually had to pass a new law to get around the Statue of Limitations on the entire thing. E Jean didn't even know the year it happened.

If you don't recognize it for the clown show it is, then you're beyond hope.
I really think you are the one beyond hope. You would literally defend Trump no matter the infraction. You see there are Republicans like Aloha and Trumpers like you, DMB and Joe. Very different animals.
I really think you are the one beyond hope. You would literally defend Trump no matter the infraction. You see there are Republicans like Aloha and Trumpers like you, DMB and Joe. Very different animals.
Thanks - I have no desire to be the dupe Aloha is.
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OK, assuming I understand all that - which I don't - how is creating a bitcoin and different from the Fed creating money by buying bonds?
Bitcoin is decentralized and has a 21 million cap. Bitcoins purchasing power is increasing over time.
How is it any different from another country's currency, since you can't actually buy anything with bitcoin without converting it to dollars or yen or euros or whatever?
The dollar is the dominant currency and network is why. You can currently buy things denominated in Bitcoin and people do it already. It’s just a much smaller network of people doing it so you don’t know about it.

I’ve never seen anything denominated in the Turkish Lira, but it doesn’t mean people aren’t transacting in it.
Bitcoin is decentralized and has a 21 million cap. Bitcoins purchasing power is increasing over time.

The dollar is the dominant currency and network is why. You can currently buy things denominated in Bitcoin and people do it already. It’s just a much smaller network of people doing it so you don’t know about it.

I’ve never seen anything denominated in the Turkish Lira, but it doesn’t mean people aren’t transacting in it.
I get that bitcoin is decentralized, but doesn't that mean there is an unlimited amount that can be mined? Seems like that would devalue it, the more is mined.

Look, this is all way over my head. I don't pretend to understand it.
I get that bitcoin is decentralized, but doesn't that mean there is an unlimited amount that can be mined? Seems like that would devalue it, the more is mined.

Look, this is all way over my head. I don't pretend to understand it.
Which is why im staying away. Very intelligent financial type people I know have said stay away so I’m listening
Says he doesn't vote feelings, others say they vote policy, then they vote for a populist.
Did Trump ever accomplish anything while President that Mitch McConnell didn't just hand him?

They're proud that he packed the Supreme Court (which Mitch McConnell handed him; Trump didn't do that on his own). Now, McConnell dislikes him.

However, Trump completely failed in four years to improve healthcare and infrastructure as he promised, promised, promised in 2015 and 2016. Bridges fell into rivers under Trump's watch -- he didn't notice.

What a little boy Trump is.
I get that bitcoin is decentralized, but doesn't that mean there is an unlimited amount that can be mined? Seems like that would devalue it, the more is mined.

Look, this is all way over my head. I don't pretend to understand it.
No worries. I enjoy answering questions and don’t expect you to understand all of it. It took me reading several books and listening to more podcasts than I can count.

The network is already programmed to mine 21 million of them. Roughly 19+ million have already been mined. The last 1+ million are currently be mined.
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Says he doesn't vote feelings, others say they vote policy, then they vote for a populist.

Yeah, all the nonsense about Pubs being all about policy and the Dems being all emotional is total bullshit. See 2016. Pubs couldn't stand the entitled, arrogant, cackling bitch. Policy? We don't need no stinking policy!
OK, assuming I understand all that - which I don't - how is creating a bitcoin and different from the Fed creating money by buying bonds?

How is it any different from another country's currency, since you can't actually buy anything with bitcoin without converting it to dollars or yen or euros or whatever?

Again, Snarl has obviously spent a much higher level of time understanding Bitcoin, but when I did attempt to figure it out was that when someone makes a purchase transaction using it, the validation is a designed ten minute process that requires computers to solve a code riddle which validates the existence of usable coins from your account. As more computers go into mining, the Bitcoin riddle is made more complicated to keep the ten minute authorization.

I don't know for sure, but I compare it to using a credit card that has to get authorized for a transaction to complete a sale so, I'm assuming that is a forced ten minute wait time.

Meaning if Bitcoin becomes the preferred currency, than that Target run is going to get much slower at check out because everyone will need ten minutes. Maybe that's not the original goal, maybe that goal was big ticket items purchased over the internet so waiting ten minutes for approval won't be a huge deal but if people are saying that Bitcoin will become the global currency....that wait time seems to me something that would annoy me, especially since I've never had major credit card issues or financial issues from the US dollar.

Understanding, being told that Bitcoin cannot be updated in its design to fix issues or take advantage of opportunities....along with the fact that Bitcoin has been available for over a decade and isn't close to being this global life changing has me being more of a doubter which, admittedly I could be wrong.

It has definitely had extremely strong market price growth, no doubt. I'm not confident to say the stock price increases is foolish money or it's a real, global life changing technology. It hasn't been yet even though it's been around long enough to see the obvious growth potential. That concerns me as I'm used to life changing technology being adapted at a much higher rate than what Bitcoin has done. For example when Apple focused on the iPhone, it's market share grew quickly like it was a super influential life changing technology that was being sold.

Again, maybe Bitcoin will be this massive market share of currency but after being a technology that's been introduced and around for as long as it has hasn't shown much of a preview, at least to me that it's this incredible, life changing value.

Doesn't mean it won't be, just for me is why I tend to be doubtful. I do believe the stock price will hit higher marks but that's from the hype voices and that it's been so successful in its price changes. Like I mentioned I picked up some Ethereum for around $1800 and it's currently $3331.50 so ...I'm definitely not unhappy about it
Bitcoin is a line of code. It technically can be adapted, but is very very unlikely to happen now. It would need 51% consensus, which is basically impossible at this point. The larger the network grows, the more decentralized it becomes.

This is a feature however, not a bug. I want to know what I am investing in and what it will be in 10, 20, even 100 years from now. The feature will allow for Bitcoin to become the base layer of money for 8 billion people. To use an analogy, is it a good thing that 4 always equals 4? Of course it is. It allows for use to make computers, bridges, fly an airplane, and etc. What would happen if one day President Biden wakes up and says 4 now equals 5? All of us would have to reengineer everything we have already built. This is what happens with our current monetary system. Small groups of people (Central Banks/Governments) are able to change and manipulate the money, which has 1,000s of negative downstream effects. This has been a major issues countries around the world, for example Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, and etc.

The fact that Bitcoin can't be changed by any government, group, or person, is one of the reasons why it's so valuable. The overall point of Bitcoin is to have a sound monetary policy that is slow, consistent, and provides the base layer of society for 8 billion people. I want it to be the same today, tomorrow, and 100 years from now. The objective is for a person living anywhere in the world can be freed from oppressive regime and build a better life for themselves. You can't do that if the government is screwing up the money. Money is the base layer of societies. Americans just haven't had to think about it because it's been relatively stable the past 40-50 years.

Bitcoin can handle more than 4 transactions, but you're correct on the overall speed. It can handle far fewer transactions than Visa and etc. It was designed that way. In order to solve the Byzantine Generals Problem they need nodes to be able to verify transactions. The larger the block sizes (allows for more transactions) the more expensive it would becomes for nodes to verify the transactions. Basically, you would need a crap ton more of computing power and energy. This would centralize the network over time and make it fragile. Small block sizes means anyone (yourself included) can run a node and verify the network. It makes Bitcoin decentralized and anti-fragile. Once again, this is a feature, not a bug. Bitcoiners want slow and predictable. The goals are a sound decentralized monetary policy for the world. This is another innovation that allows for it.

The 2nd and 3rd layers are will the Visa payment type of systems will be built. A good analogy is to think of Bitcoin like the internet. In the 80s and 90s it had very few use cases (compared to today), but eventually people built 2nd, 3rd, 4th layers on it. Someone invented browsers, which led to search engines, which led to websites, which led to etc. The same thing will happen with Bitcoin. There are people already building those things. They'll catch on over time as more and more people use those "apps". I linked Mallers who founded Strike. Really cool due.

The inventors pseudonym is Satoshi Nakamoto. I linked his wiki if you want to read more.

Nobody knows who it is or if they're alive. There are 1 to 2 million coins that are probably lost forever. You can check the wallets on the network and they haven't moved for years. If Satoshi did still control them and chose to sell them, good. The market would absorb them over time and become more decentralized. I'd love it if he dumbed a million coins on the market. The price would drop and I'd get cheaper Bitcoin.

Once again, it's a feature you can't go back and change the network. If you lose your coins (forget your seed phrase for example), they are gone forever. There are numerous other ways to obtain Bitcoin if you're not comfortable with self custody. You can go through exchanges (Coinbase), ETFs (retirements), PayPal, Venmo, and etc.

The question is what is Bitcoin? Is it a currency? Is it a store a value? Is it a network? Is it the new base layer monetary system for the entire world? Or is it all of them? I don't know for sure, nobody does. I think it will become all of those things, which is why I won't shut up about it.

I’ll add, it's clear at this point its a new asset class and at the very least it's a store value that is much better than gold. Gold is currently a 16 trillion dollars asset class. Bitcoin is just over a trillion. I'd strongly advise reading The Bitcoin Standard. You fundamentally misunderstand what Bitcoin is (I don't mean this in a condescending way).

Appreciate the detailed reply. Especially as the last time I tried to better understand it was probably five years ago, but my impression was that the creator of it designed it so it couldn't be altered in any way which means, that 2001 flip phone that doesn't have GPS is the only one that's available today, which as an investor gives me doubt that it can take advantage of any problem issues or opportunities that come up as we look for the best solutions to future issues.

As you said, I've only delt with American finance and American currency so I have no concern about the stability of it so, I'm likely never considering using any crypto that doesn't make my purchases quicker, easier and more safe.

Bitcoin to me seems to be lacking that compared to the US dollar and financial services.

The NFT security issues were a bit of an eye opener in regards to blockchain in general (where the NFT you purchased over the blockchain had identies and properties stolen with zero ability to account for it because, that's how the current blockchain works. It's impossible to correct transaction issues to my knowledge.)

Here's a little blurb on the NFT crime issues.....

Unfortunately, yes, NFTs can be stolen.

If someone were to get access to the private keys that are associated with your NFTs and other digital collectibles, they can send them to another wallet or an NFT marketplace and sell them for a profit. When this happens, it’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get your property back.

So having the ability to reconcile crypto theft seems like a big deal that my old understanding of Bitcoin and Blockchain is it's not able to adjust for it. Which again is the concern about getting into a technology that is pre determined by its original design vs being adaptive.
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Seriously. Your propaganda is not something I visit often.
You fool.

You asked for a link with no restrictions and a link was provided. Then, you responded with an automatic rejection that you could have written one year ago. Nothing new from you at all.

Typical MAGA non-thinker. Totally frightened little boys.
They're going to beat that trope forever. They just hope people are stupid enough to believe it if they say it enough.

Like linking Trump to Putin. Sheer fiction.

Is someone calling Putin a rapist?

Sorry, but Trump's sexual relations (back in his younger days) are in a different category.
It's not everything but it is one measure, and it ought to be a very important one, especially if you're between the ages of 45 and 65 and at least halfway intelligent. Remember when Trump called a press conference to tout the Dow reaching 30,000? Did that upset you?
Nope, nor did it compel me to claim it was indicative of the economy as a whole. Unless you receive distributions from stock or are retiring imminently the stock market doesn’t mean anywhere near as much to most Americans as how much things cost relative to their pay, loan interest rates, etc. I’ve done very well in the markets, including this year, but to tout that the stock market gains “saved the economy” is dumb, which explains why you’re here to defend it.

Because NOBODY gets it wrong more than OS!!!
Lmao. Yeah there is no link to Putin at all, not at all. And that judge was totally lying. As were all the 20 plus women who accused him of sexual assault. That’s it. That’s what happened.
The difference is that Putin is old and despicable and thinks he is a ladies man like this:


Trump is old and despicable and thinks he is a ladies man like this:


They're both frauds. But one of the two seems far better equipped to evaluate reality.
Ummmm whatever you're drinking slow down girl. Damn time to tuck you into bed and slip out the back door. Jeeeesus!

Edit: Youre not one of those ones where we think your gonna fall asleep and then you end up talking about shit we could care less about while we sit and listen and fall asleep and get woke several times by you while totally dreading why we stayed...ARE You?
Are you going to attend this weeks's student council meeting? You guys still need to finalize plans for that big Halloween dance.
The difference is that Putin is old and despicable and thinks he is a ladies man like this:


Trump is old and despicable and thinks he is a ladies man like this:


They're both frauds. But one of the two seems far better equipped to evaluate reality.
Are you going to attend this weeks's student council meeting? You guys still need to finalize plans for that big Halloween dance.
He's the Free Space on the Bingo card of dumbness.
The Clap!
How about Fox News reporting the same thing

And yes, everything he has said makes no distinction between violent and nonviolent protesters. To Trump they are all "hostages"
And, to Trump, they are all voters and contributors, too.
... to tout that the stock market gains “saved the economy” is dumb
And is also something I never said, or agreed with anyone saying it. I said it is ONE ASPECT of economic success. That's all it is, but that part is true.

You are great at attacking people for allegedly saying something that they didn't actually say. It's called a strawman, and you are the strawman scarecrow.
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Uh, your response just conceded the other four things Outside Shooter said. Looks like you two are 80% in agreement.
Boy you’re really bringing the Heat today. Couldn’t find a unisex bathroom?

I don’t agree with Shooter’s belief that project 2025 is something Trump endorses. I don’t endorse it either. My response, ****-wit, was to show how stupid that list is.
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You really don't get it, do you? It was a civil suit. It was the judge's opinion. The jury heard a he-sad/she-said argument with absolutely no facts presented. The Dems actually had to pass a new law to get around the Statue of Limitations on the entire thing. E Jean didn't even know the year it happened.

If you don't recognize it for the clown show it is, then you're beyond hope.
Actually, I think Carroll knew the exact year Trump called her a liar, right?