Serious Question for Trump Voters

Not that you asked for my opinion which is admittedly not an investment sector that I have spent an absorbent amount of time on, but I did buy into 'ethereum' a little over a year ago which is my only crypto investment.....but because they say they are more blockchain focused and industry leaders compared to Bitcoin and my trading experience insights show that companies must have growth flexibility to become explosive.

Meaning how adaptive is the company to maximize growth opportunities is the core question because we all know, especially when it comes to technical markets that trends and technology are constantly churning, changing the way we live.

For example think of Google and Apple, two giants today but Google started as a search engine but adapted to a innovative social media tech company while other search engines who didn't adapt like Ask Jeeves died. Apple if I remember correctly was a personal computer company that got destroyed by Microsoft, so much that Jobs became massively depressed. Apple adapted to cell phone technology and cloud service and from that became the monster that it is today, seen as an innovative tech company.
Bitcoin is a line of code. It technically can be adapted, but is very very unlikely to happen now. It would need 51% consensus, which is basically impossible at this point. The larger the network grows, the more decentralized it becomes.

This is a feature however, not a bug. I want to know what I am investing in and what it will be in 10, 20, even 100 years from now. The feature will allow for Bitcoin to become the base layer of money for 8 billion people. To use an analogy, is it a good thing that 4 always equals 4? Of course it is. It allows for use to make computers, bridges, fly an airplane, and etc. What would happen if one day President Biden wakes up and says 4 now equals 5? All of us would have to reengineer everything we have already built. This is what happens with our current monetary system. Small groups of people (Central Banks/Governments) are able to change and manipulate the money, which has 1,000s of negative downstream effects. This has been a major issues countries around the world, for example Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, and etc.

The fact that Bitcoin can't be changed by any government, group, or person, is one of the reasons why it's so valuable. The overall point of Bitcoin is to have a sound monetary policy that is slow, consistent, and provides the base layer of society for 8 billion people. I want it to be the same today, tomorrow, and 100 years from now. The objective is for a person living anywhere in the world can be freed from oppressive regime and build a better life for themselves. You can't do that if the government is screwing up the money. Money is the base layer of societies. Americans just haven't had to think about it because it's been relatively stable the past 40-50 years.
Anyway my concern for Bitcoin is because from my understanding is it's a black box built by some Japanese dude who forbids in its creation for any adjustments therefore basically eliminating the ability for it to adapt. 'Ethereum' supposedly can adapt based on how the blockchain develops which is supposedly the big technical instrument of the crypto wet dream.

Bitcoin supposedly has a capacity of handling four transactions at once which is ridiculously small. It also is supposedly built that it takes ten minutes for a transaction to be validated (that's the mining process) meaning if you ever buy something with Bitcoin, the transaction will take you ten minutes the fastest.

Compare that to a Visa card. Visa can validate 60,000 transactions per second so.... that's the comparison argument. Who is going to want to use a payment system that is as slow to process as Bitcoin was designed to be?
Bitcoin can handle more than 4 transactions, but you're correct on the overall speed. It can handle far fewer transactions than Visa and etc. It was designed that way. In order to solve the Byzantine Generals Problem they need nodes to be able to verify transactions. The larger the block sizes (allows for more transactions) the more expensive it would becomes for nodes to verify the transactions. Basically, you would need a crap ton more of computing power and energy. This would centralize the network over time and make it fragile. Small block sizes means anyone (yourself included) can run a node and verify the network. It makes Bitcoin decentralized and anti-fragile. Once again, this is a feature, not a bug. Bitcoiners want slow and predictable. The goals are a sound decentralized monetary policy for the world. This is another innovation that allows for it.

The 2nd and 3rd layers are will the Visa payment type of systems will be built. A good analogy is to think of Bitcoin like the internet. In the 80s and 90s it had very few use cases (compared to today), but eventually people built 2nd, 3rd, 4th layers on it. Someone invented browsers, which led to search engines, which led to websites, which led to etc. The same thing will happen with Bitcoin. There are people already building those things. They'll catch on over time as more and more people use those "apps". I linked Mallers who founded Strike. Really cool due.

Other things from an investment consideration is the ownership of Bitcoin is weighted much heavier than others. Meaning the creator of Bitcoin is a monster share owner and if he dies, it will likely create a massive volatile panic based on how his shares are allocated.

Lastly security in Bitcoin or blockchain overall is non existent. It cannot go backwards so, say someone steals your account and makes purchases there's no way for you to be reconciled. Again compared to our credit system and financial system, those systems can correct fraudulent account activity whereas blockchain and crypto doesn't have that capability. Bitcoin again cannot adapt for security. Anyway this was one of the key reasons why some many people who bought NFTS got ripped off with no ability to's also why there's a large 'crypto scam' belief.

Again I don't know enough to prevent scamming or theft but I do know that Bitcoin was designed to not be altered so, there is no ability to adapt the product. That inability is what keeps me from investing heavily or from believing the selling points of it.
The inventors pseudonym is Satoshi Nakamoto. I linked his wiki if you want to read more.

Nobody knows who it is or if they're alive. There are 1 to 2 million coins that are probably lost forever. You can check the wallets on the network and they haven't moved for years. If Satoshi did still control them and chose to sell them, good. The market would absorb them over time and become more decentralized. I'd love it if he dumbed a million coins on the market. The price would drop and I'd get cheaper Bitcoin.

Once again, it's a feature you can't go back and change the network. If you lose your coins (forget your seed phrase for example), they are gone forever. There are numerous other ways to obtain Bitcoin if you're not comfortable with self custody. You can go through exchanges (Coinbase), ETFs (retirements), PayPal, Venmo, and etc.
But like everything, I could be wrong.

I also am aware that hype investments can see explosive, exuberant growth like it has seen from its origin. Meaning I don't have any clue on how high it will go from a forecasting methodology. I just feel much more confident that it won't move to being the primary used financial currency because of its design issues.
The question is what is Bitcoin? Is it a currency? Is it a store a value? Is it a network? Is it the new base layer monetary system for the entire world? Or is it all of them? I don't know for sure, nobody does. I think it will become all of those things, which is why I won't shut up about it.

I’ll add, it's clear at this point its a new asset class and at the very least it's a store value that is much better than gold. Gold is currently a 16 trillion dollars asset class. Bitcoin is just over a trillion. I'd strongly advise reading The Bitcoin Standard. You fundamentally misunderstand what Bitcoin is (I don't mean this in a condescending way).
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Yup tells a lot more about him than anyone else. It’s a really good look.
I guess I should have let the post up that was doxing you considering my poor character.

You and others on here have one set of standards regarding posting about Trump and those who will vote for him and another set for people you support.

I’ll be the first to admit I let it piss me off and sometimes go your level on Trump. I deleted my posts from yesterday. The next time you delete one of your offensive posts will be your first. You seem to have no problem liking extremely offensive and false posts from others.

Don’t bother answering.
You already have. Clinton and Biden. You're obviously a diehard liberal.

You are insane. Your kids should be more worried about you being their parent than any president. No man in his right mind wants to marry someone like you.
Oh bless your tiny little heart. Fortunately, not all men are afraid of strong women like many of the tiny little egos here. There is absolutely nothing about Biden that has been proven corrupt. At the time I voted for Bill Clinton all we knew about was affairs. P
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I guess I should have let the post up that was doxing you considering my poor character.

You and others on here have one set of standards regarding posting about Trump and those who will vote for him and another set for people you support.

I’ll be the first to admit I let it piss me off and sometimes go your level on Trump. I deleted my posts from yesterday. The next time you delete one of your offensive posts will be your first. You seem to have no problem liking extremely offensive and false posts from others.

Don’t bother answering.
I’ll answer what I want. Again I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you people to understand the difference between shaming a woman for having a sex life and shaming a man for FORCING himself on women. You have zero idea how many responses I’ve deleted.
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Here is the quote

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

You have point that he didn't call them murderers but he definitely called them rapists. He didn't say some or any other qualifier. It was just flat out that they're rapists.....but SOME are good people. I guess some of those people that he just accused of being rapists are also good??? lol That's about as good as him saying there are good people on both sides when discussing white nationalists and people protesting their racism.
Nice cherry picking. So during the 80' s do you think Castro was sending his finest? Do you not think the cartels and gangs are not coming in? Do you not think there are terrorists coming in? He does acknowledgement there regular people coming in.
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Nice cherry picking. So during the 80' s do you think Castro was sending his finest? Do you not think the cartels and gangs are not coming in? Do you not think there are terrorists coming in? He does acknowledgement there regular people coming in.
That isn't cherry picking. It is what he said.

Stats show a higher percentage of Americans commit crimes vs the people who come over the border. Probably don't want to do anything wrong that would risk them being deported.
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That isn't cherry picking. It is what he said.

Stats show a higher percentage of Americans commit crimes vs the people who come over the border. Probably don't want to do anything wrong that would risk them being deported.
I agree with that statement. However there are great deal that are here and are heavily involved in crime. You can't deny that.
For inexplicable reasons other than media and social-fueled hatred.

if you only cast a vote for candidates whose every action and every position is something that you agree with, then you aren't looking very hard into all of their actions and positions.

There is no perfect candidate.

I think Harris was very much wrong in her speeches and actions during the BLM protests. It was inflammatory and nonproductive.

she DOESN'T think that climate change is a hoax
she DOESN'T think that COVID-19 was a hoax or a China weapon
she DOESN'T want to turn grade schools into Sunday Schools
she DOESN'T think that Roe v. Wade should have been overturned
she DOESN'T think that we need to cut support for Ukraine and let the Soviets have everything they want

All of these positions (and more) differ from Trump's in well-defined views, views not based on media spin or social media memes, but on Trump's own words and actions.

Is it clear, now? Probably not, I'm guessing...

if you only cast a vote for candidates whose every action and every position is something that you agree with, then you aren't looking very hard into all of their actions and positions.

There is no perfect candidate.

I think Harris was very much wrong in her speeches and actions during the BLM protests. It was inflammatory and nonproductive.

she DOESN'T think that climate change is a hoax
she DOESN'T think that COVID-19 was a hoax or a China weapon
she DOESN'T want to turn grade schools into Sunday Schools
she DOESN'T think that Roe v. Wade should have been overturned
she DOESN'T think that we need to cut support for Ukraine and let the Soviets have everything they want

All of these positions (and more) differ from Trump's in well-defined views, views not based on media spin or social media memes, but on Trump's own words and actions.

Is it clear, now? Probably not, I'm guessing...
sorry, you believe Trump wants to turn schools into Sunday schools? And then you have the balls to imply I’m the idiot at the end?
The problem is that the game has changed. This is not Ellis Island from 1902 with all these people coming in with love in their hearts for this country, ready to legally enter and embrace our values.
A much higher threat element today with cartels, criminals and others intent on causing destruction when they arrive.
You’re watching too much destructive news. Most of the immigrants / refugees love this country and the opportunities it affords them
Who is stoking passions now? We can stipulate that most immigrants want to come here for a better life. That is not a relevant consideration. Most of the world’s population want a better life. We can’t take them all. Most who already legally reside here want a better life. Our first obligation is to them. Allowing migrants to soak up resources intended for our common good does not advance our common good.

Immigration policy, like any public policy, should be focused on the general welfare of our own inhabitants and citizens. If we need skilled labor, by all means we should encourage such immigration. Same for general unskilled labor and highly educated professionals.

I don’t how waiving the public charge immigration regulations, or offering free legal services and free cheese to every border crosser helps us.

Border enforcement and immigration policy is not the same issue. We should always have strong and effective border policy and an immigration policy that serves the best interests of all of us.
We basically agree. My issue is Trump’s rhetoric and the hate it stirs up
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I am not going to pretend I have any clue as to solve the border crisis. But I will tell you this you have to stop the illegal border crossings. You have to make it more affordable for immigrants. The process has to expedited and made easier to accomplish. I don't even have a problem financially assisting them for a year to help become a productive member. But if after a year you have not make significant progress to self sustainability then you are in trouble. But just to add them our permanent welfare is a problem.
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sorry, you believe Trump wants to turn schools into Sunday schools? And then you have the balls to imply I’m the idiot at the end?
My statement was hyperbole, but he's 100% in favor of stupid shit like requiring the posting of the ten commandments. Fox News link for you!

And of course, even worse, he doesn't personally believe in any of the crap that the religious right pushes on him, but he goes along with it for their votes and adoration. Multiple people who worked with Trump described his comments after the famous "laying on of hands" by the evangelical leaders in 2016. he remarked to the team, with a chuckle, "do you really think that they believe all of that bullshit?"
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I agree with that statement. However there are great deal that are here and are heavily involved in crime. You can't deny that.
Probability means that there are some involved in crime (heavily is subjective).

Dems underplay how much crime while Pubs overplay it, especially if there is a dem in the white house who they can blame it on. It's just like how the deficit only matters when the opposite party is in charge.

Problem with defending the Pub border position is that there was a bill on the table that would have greatly helped the situation on the border. It was written by a republican and supported by both parties...until Trump said he didn't want the border fixed this year. Trump obviously believes the border issue is more helpful than a border solution.
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I am not going to pretend I have any clue as to solve the border crisis. But I will tell you this you have to stop the illegal border crossings. You have to make it more affordable for immigrants. The process has to expedited and made easier to accomplish. I don't even have a problem financially assisting them for a year to help become a productive member. But if after a year you have not make significant progress to self sustainability then you are in trouble. But just to add them our permanent welfare is a problem.

I agree that the border needs address and there was a bill to accomplish just that.

But lets not pretend that people here illegally are getting govt assistance / welfare. Many of them are waiting for their day in court to see if they can stay.
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I’ll answer what I want. Again I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you people to understand the difference between shaming a woman for having a sex life and shaming a man for FORCING himself on women. You have zero idea how many responses I’ve deleted.
When you misconstrue the argument, I can see how you would feel that way.
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Probability means that there are some involved in crime (heavily is subjective).

Dems underplay how much crime while Pubs overplay it, especially if there is a dem in the white house who they can blame it on. It's just like how the deficit only matters when the opposite party is in charge.

Problem with defending the Pub border position is that there was a bill on the table that would have greatly helped the situation on the border. It was written by a republican and supported by both parties...until Trump said he didn't want the border fixed this year. The border issue is more helpful than a border solution.
See democrats continue to say that bill would have helped. However just like every bill no matter whether it was written by Republicans or Democrats there was so much unacceptable things in it. So much funding for Ukraine. Funding for Gaza. Funding for Israel. Much of the bill was funding more people to process more illegals. There was good points more border patrol agents more technology. Even more people to process more immigrants. What should have happened was both sides should have sat down and worked on the bill to get it to a point where it was acceptable for both sides not just walk away from it entirely that is not how government is supposed to work. However that is what is happening from BOTH sides and that is the problem.
We basically agree. My issue is Trump’s rhetoric and the hate it stirs up
The hate being stirred up isn’t Trump’s fault (I place blame elsewhere). That’s on the politicians allowing illegal immigration. There are millions of working class and poor working class Americans who suffer because of illegal immigration. There anger is justified in my opinion and one of many reasons why we shouldn’t have open borders and allow illegal immigration.
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My statement was hyperbole, but he's 100% in favor of stupid shit like requiring the posting of the ten commandments. Fox News link for you!

And of course, even worse, he doesn't personally believe in any of the crap that the religious right pushes on him, but he goes along with it for their votes and adoration. Multiple people who worked with Trump described his comments after the famous "laying on of hands" by the evangelical leaders in 2016. he remarked to the team, with a chuckle, "do you really think that they believe all of that bullshit?"
I’ll be the first guy in line at the school board meeting if the commandments are installed at my kids’ schools.

Agree with you, he doesn’t believe in religion as I don’t either. But he’s wielding it as a political weapon just as the Dems do with identity politics.
You don't think that some of the Dems rhetoric doesn't?
It's like Shaq shooting free throws or Reggie Miller shooting free throws.

You say "Don't you think that Reggie Miller misses a FT, now and then?"

I say "Sure, but Shaq clangs HALF of them, not 10% of them, so I want Reggie at the line instead"
MAGA: You are stirring up racial hatred, you Democrats!
Democrats: We were quoting you. verbatim, on the racist crap you spouted.
MAGA: But that stirs up hatred!
Democrats: Then stop spouting racist crap. If letting people know exactly what you said makes them mad, then it's not on us, it is on you.
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Lmao. Yeah there is no link to Putin at all, not at all. And that judge was totally lying. As were all the 20 plus women who accused him of sexual assault. That’s it. That’s what happened.
I see it's worked on you.
I just cringe. This is the person you want leading the country? Seriously?
Yes! "He died like a dog" is one of the greatest lines of all time!

At least he didn't look like a little boy in a room full of adults.

See democrats continue to say that bill would have helped. However just like every bill no matter whether it was written by Republicans or Democrats there was so much unacceptable things in it. So much funding for Ukraine. Funding for Gaza. Funding for Israel. Much of the bill was funding more people to process more illegals. There was good points more border patrol agents more technology. Even more people to process more immigrants. What should have happened was both sides should have sat down and worked on the bill to get it to a point where it was acceptable for both sides not just walk away from it entirely that is not how government is supposed to work. However that is what is happening from BOTH sides and that is the problem.

That bill was accepted by both sides and ukraine and isreal still got their funding that was necessary afterwards. The only thing that didn't happen was the border getting addressed. So no, it had nothing to do with being combined with the other stuff that was able to pass just fine separately, which is what the dems wanted initially before giving in and combining it with the border. So thanks Republicans, the aid was handed out and the border was left unaddressed.

Calling people waiting for asylum decisions "illegals" is just part of the bs propaganda against immigration. If you don't want those people in the country, then you should be supportive of more agents processing claims faster so that those immigrants don't get to be in the country for years before their turn for a decision comes up. If the bill had been passed, then they would have been processed before ever being released into the country. Seems a lot more secure to me.

When a bill is negotiated for bi-partisan support, no one is going to think it is perfect. But it was going to pass with support from BOTH SIDES until Trump stepped in and didn't want to give Biden a win or have the border fixed so he could campaign on the issue.
Exactly what bar did Trump raise? And isn't a prerequisite for being "behind bars" a finding of guilty in a court of law? So by any measure isn't Trump the only one in the montage who should be behind bars?

The cop and the con. Harris as a DA went after rapists,fraudsters, con men and liars. Trump is all those things...
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Not that you asked for my opinion which is admittedly not an investment sector that I have spent an absorbent amount of time on, but I did buy into 'ethereum' a little over a year ago which is my only crypto investment.....but because they say they are more blockchain focused and industry leaders compared to Bitcoin and my trading experience insights show that companies must have growth flexibility to become explosive.

Meaning how adaptive is the company to maximize growth opportunities is the core question because we all know, especially when it comes to technical markets that trends and technology are constantly churning, changing the way we live.

For example think of Google and Apple, two giants today but Google started as a search engine but adapted to a innovative social media tech company while other search engines who didn't adapt like Ask Jeeves died. Apple if I remember correctly was a personal computer company that got destroyed by Microsoft, so much that Jobs became massively depressed. Apple adapted to cell phone technology and cloud service and from that became the monster that it is today, seen as an innovative tech company.

Anyway my concern for Bitcoin is because from my understanding is it's a black box built by some Japanese dude who forbids in its creation for any adjustments therefore basically eliminating the ability for it to adapt. 'Ethereum' supposedly can adapt based on how the blockchain develops which is supposedly the big technical instrument of the crypto wet dream.

Bitcoin supposedly has a capacity of handling four transactions at once which is ridiculously small. It also is supposedly built that it takes ten minutes for a transaction to be validated (that's the mining process) meaning if you ever buy something with Bitcoin, the transaction will take you ten minutes the fastest.

Compare that to a Visa card. Visa can validate 60,000 transactions per second so.... that's the comparison argument. Who is going to want to use a payment system that is as slow to process as Bitcoin was designed to be?

Other things from an investment consideration is the ownership of Bitcoin is weighted much heavier than others. Meaning the creator of Bitcoin is a monster share owner and if he dies, it will likely create a massive volatile panic based on how his shares are allocated.

Lastly security in Bitcoin or blockchain overall is non existent. It cannot go backwards so, say someone steals your account and makes purchases there's no way for you to be reconciled. Again compared to our credit system and financial system, those systems can correct fraudulent account activity whereas blockchain and crypto doesn't have that capability. Bitcoin again cannot adapt for security. Anyway this was one of the key reasons why some many people who bought NFTS got ripped off with no ability to's also why there's a large 'crypto scam' belief.

Again I don't know enough to prevent scamming or theft but I do know that Bitcoin was designed to not be altered so, there is no ability to adapt the product. That inability is what keeps me from investing heavily or from believing the selling points of it.

But like everything, I could be wrong.

I also am aware that hype investments can see explosive, exuberant growth like it has seen from its origin. Meaning I don't have any clue on how high it will go from a forecasting methodology. I just feel much more confident that it won't move to being the primary used financial currency because of its design issues.
I appreciate you explaining that, but are you saying a crypto has to be 'mined' before it can be used in a transaction? Without it having to be converted to dollars (an another existing currency)?

Maybe I'm too old or my mind isn't open to all this, but don't understand the whole 'mining' thing.

I would actually pay for a tutorial on all this - Snarl, here is your chance to earn an out-of-date dollar by teaching an old dog a new trick.
Surely even you know a judge's opinion isn't a legal conviction.
The second,non jury trial was for damages, based on the finding of guilt by the jury a year ago...

Strange a "law and order" guy doesn't realize that....
Slight exaggeration on my behalf but he takes every opportunity he can to stoke the passions of the anti immigrant crowd. It’s not difficult to make people nervous about those who are different from us. That’s been a winning political strategy since the beginning of time. We need common sense border policy. I’m a realist. But stop making them all out as the evil “other” who are trying to threaten our way of life. Once again the vast majority just want a better life for their families. If I lived in abject poverty under a regime with no hope of escaping you can be damned sure I’d do anything legal or otherwise to get my wife and kids to a better situation
You're hearing what you want to hear. He's not doing or saying any of that if you listen to his actual words and not take them out of context.

This is what the media does.
I appreciate you explaining that, but are you saying a crypto has to be 'mined' before it can be used in a transaction? Without it having to be converted to dollars (an another existing currency)?

Maybe I'm too old or my mind isn't open to all this, but don't understand the whole 'mining' thing.

I would actually pay for a tutorial on all this - Snarl, here is your chance to earn an out-of-date dollar by teaching an old dog a new trick.

Here's an article about "mining" as I've understood it.

The second,non jury trial was for damages, based on the finding of guilt by the jury a year ago...

Strange a "law and order" guy doesn't realize that....
Damages in a civil suit.

Surely you understand that means nothing regarding rape. It was he said/she said I a case where E Jean couldn't even remember the year it happened. And she admitted she invited him into her dressing room.

Sounds real convincing.
Exactly what bar did Trump raise? And isn't a prerequisite for being "behind bars" a finding of guilty in a court of law? So by any measure isn't Trump the only one in the montage who should be behind bars?

The cop and the con. Harris as a DA went after rapists,fraudsters, con men and liars. Trump is all those things...

Apparently working at a bar is a bad thing??

That reminds of the joke i overheard about blow jobs clinton, no jobs obama, trump created real jobs or something to that effect.

Because you know trump didn't get blow jobs from his prostitutes or anything and obama turned the economy around without creating a single job in 8 years lmao.