Sen Hawley Auditioning for 2024

WSJ: "GOP Electoral College "stunt" will hurt US, Republican Party"
96% of GOP favor this so I'm not sure what it will hurt
WSJ: "GOP Electoral College "stunt" will hurt US, Republican Party"
96% of GOP favor this so I'm not sure what it will hurt

It only matters if there are less self identifying Republicans. Those still on board after these last 4 years are full on Trumpers. It’s the Trump party now. There is no GOP.
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It only matters if there are less self identifying Republicans. Those still on board after these last 4 years are full on Trumpers. It’s the Trump party now. There is no GOP.
Sane, principled Republicans willing to speak out publicly are definitely in the minority. They've ceded the party to the kooks.
Sane, principled Republicans willing to speak out publicly are definitely in the minority. They've ceded the party to the kooks.

Yep. Give me a R likeAdam Kinzinger. I’d vote for that guy all day long. His reward will be a primary challenge from Trumper.
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Yep. Give me a R likeAdam Kinzinger. I’d vote for that guy all day long. His reward will be a primary challenge from Trumper.
And that will be where the Republicans -- and by that I mean Republican voters -- will have a choice to make. Are there enough twentys and Rangers and Alohas out there to prevent the Trump cult from totally taking over completely? If not, I'm afraid that in the long term the GOP will be lost to the undemocratic populists, and whatever abomination that might follow.
And that will be where the Republicans -- and by that I mean Republican voters -- will have a choice to make. Are there enough twentys and Rangers and Alohas out there to prevent the Trump cult from totally taking over completely? If not, I'm afraid that in the long term the GOP will be lost to the undemocratic populists, and whatever abomination that might follow.
i think you're generalizing a little unclebulk. trump has been inconsistently populist. and i'm not sure i'd lump ranger in with twenty and aloha. ranger is pretty anti lifelong politicians etc. i may be speaking out of turn but i don't believe he's a fan of same. personally i don't think trump's "cult" is as much of an issue as other issues repubs face. fundamental strategic issues.

so if you look at what's going on now: fighting elections; trying to throw out of votes; gerrymandering. to me that's limiting votes as opposed to trying to win votes. the latter should be the goal. the repubs need to find a way to not lose votes and win votes by becoming a bit more secular; by becoming more diverse (including women). a center right party. i think a legit, known business type could emerge in the next four years and fill that role without the warts of a faux shyster. repubs have less registered voters, an aging voting bloc, and probably need a charismatic, known personality that's not a lifelong politician to excite voters and overcome the changing dynamics of the country. so in short it's not about trump going fwd. here’s my recipe for republican success:

1. harness the excitement of "a trump." existing politician types won't do that. have to find a competent outsider.
2. be a center-right party.
3. a bit more secular and more inclusive (minorities/women)
4. demonize the left as scary defund the police, free everything, tax us to death trannys. We don’t need the lgtqb votes we need the soccer moms trump lost

now that's the recipe for a landslide 2024 election victory
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...probably need a charismatic, known personality that's not a lifelong politician to excite voters and overcome the changing dynamics of the country.
One has to ask "How'd that work out for ya?"

But my obligatory snark aside, who do you think might fit the bill?Cuban? Dimon? Offhand I seriously can't come up with anyone that might be "a Trump" not named Trump.
One has to ask "How'd that work out for ya?"

But my obligatory snark aside, who do you think might fit the bill?Cuban? Dimon? Offhand I seriously can't come up with anyone that might be "a Trump" not named Trump.
i can't either; nor do i necessarily think it's the best move. i don't know yet as trump was an anomaly that sullied the experiment. you or someone on here criticized the entrepreneurial/business types as probably being too authoritarian/narcissistic and lacking the skill set necessary for gov. that very well could be true. i still believe 1) trump's message still resonates - the problem was the messenger 2) the non politician experiment still appeals to people. i believe someone new will come along outside of politics. Someone with a more inclusive spirit. i don't believe it's cuban.
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One has to ask "How'd that work out for ya?"

But my obligatory snark aside, who do you think might fit the bill?Cuban? Dimon? Offhand I seriously can't come up with anyone that might be "a Trump" not named Trump.
Exactly. The bigger problem for the GOP is Trump running again in 2024. The only possible barrier I see is dementia. Seriously. Trump can’t let go.
Trump trump trump trump trump. Trump lost. It won’t be him.
Don't count him out. Could be that if it's not him, it will be someone he has designated, someone who has shown abject loyalty to him and who has been involved in the transformation of [what's left of] the party into a personality cult.
Don't count him out. Could be that if it's not him, it will be someone he has designated, someone who has shown abject loyalty to him and who has been involved in the transformation of [what's left of] the party into a personality cult.
but go back to my original post. he lost by what 8 million votes. that's a shit ton. winning by disenfranchising voters/gerrymandering is an inherently flawed strategy. sustainable success requires winning over more voters. when the dust settles and with the benefit of time passing clearer minds will recognize same. putting the guy who lost back in the ring makes no sense
putting the guy who lost back in the ring makes no sense
Depends upon what the next three years bring. If things go badly (and I mean, "actually" badly, not "tan-suit-generated-outrage false equivalency" badly) you know that Trump will be front and center saying "Remember how things were going in my perfect presidency? You can have that again!"

I mean, don't get me wrong, he is going to say that regardless of how things are going 3 years from now, but if he has any hope of winning again, you are going to have to prove to that middle 10% of the populace that things were definitively better back in 2017.
Depends upon what the next three years bring. If things go badly (and I mean, "actually" badly, not "tan-suit-generated-outrage false equivalency" badly) you know that Trump will be front and center saying "Remember how things were going in my perfect presidency? You can have that again!"

I mean, don't get me wrong, he is going to say that regardless of how things are going 3 years from now, but if he has any hope of winning again, you are going to have to prove to that middle 10% of the populace that things were definitively better back in 2017.
the percentage that won't forget his part in covid and the divisive messaging during the summer of love is too great for him to ever win again. and hell that says nothing of the scandals centering around trump that will emerge over the next three years. he's done.

biden is way too old and past his prime at this point to be president and harris is awful on numerous levels and that goofy duo beat trump by more than seven million votes. a decent democrat offering would have slaughtered trump. i would bet anyone on this board unclebulk's stimulus check that biden doesn't run again and the dems have someone far better than harris running for prez next election. trump's done. repubs need someone with the same messaging as trump minus the tacit racist shit and narcissism
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Good. He's the new punchable, phony face of what so many of us hate about politicians. that said, his stunt yesterday, and i do believe it was an unfortunate self-serving stunt, will likely be dismissed. there are tens of millions of people who believe that voter fraud or voter negligence transpired and have consequently lost faith in the process. that's not okay. even if nothing untoward happened their confidence somehow needs to be restored. and saying ah the courts threw them out isn't enough. the courts use very specific pleading standards. an investigation of some sort needs to take place to either review or reform or harmonize our voting practices
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Good. He's the new punchable, phony face of what so many of us hate about politicians. that said, his stunt yesterday, and i do believe it was an unfortunate self-serving stunt, will likely be dismissed. there are tens of millions of people who believe that voter fraud or voter negligence transpired and have consequently lost faith in the process. that's not okay. even if nothing untoward happened their confidence somehow needs to be restored. and saying ah the courts threw them out isn't enough. the courts use very specific pleading standards. an investigation of some sort needs to take place to either review or reform or harmonize our voting practices

Then it'll just go away like all the conspiracy theories did after the numerous investigations into Benghazi right?
Good. He's the new punchable, phony face of what so many of us hate about politicians. that said, his stunt yesterday, and i do believe it was an unfortunate self-serving stunt, will likely be dismissed. there are tens of millions of people who believe that voter fraud or voter negligence transpired and have consequently lost faith in the process. that's not okay. even if nothing untoward happened their confidence somehow needs to be restored. and saying ah the courts threw them out isn't enough. the courts use very specific pleading standards. an investigation of some sort needs to take place to either review or reform or harmonize our voting practices
Hopefully more 9/11 commission than Warren though right?
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He lives vicariously through Trump. Four years of delirious winning, now manic depressive losing.

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I’m pretty sure I’m going to enjoy January 6 a lot more than you will. What exactly do you think is going to happen? Besides a bunch of Republicans looking like fools and being on the wrong side of history.
Um, you mean January 20th?

Haha. Orwell? Really? Also didn’t he go to Yale. Does he not understand the First Amendmen?
Don't count him out. Could be that if it's not him, it will be someone he has designated, someone who has shown abject loyalty to him and who has been involved in the transformation of [what's left of] the party into a personality cult.

Rudy? Jr.? Jared? Pence?
Big deal . Yale does not give letter grades.

He's like Trump -- neither has ever competed with the real world.

so true!!!! yale law is a joke!! they don't give letter grades! that's how they distinguish themselves with employers from ave maria, cooley, etc. yale's a scam law school.
so true!!!! yale law is a joke!! they don't give letter grades! that's how they distinguish themselves with employers from ave maria, cooley, etc. yale's a scam law school.

A bit salty? 🤣 Unfortunately, schools don't filter flawed personalities as well.

My BIL graduated from Yale Law (his brother from Harvard Law with Obama)
They are some of the smartest people I know. Pretty good folks but a tad intense.
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A bit salty? 🤣 Unfortunately, schools don't filter flawed personalities as well.

My BIL graduated from Yale Law (his brother from Harvard Law with Obama)
They are some of the smartest people I know. Pretty good folks but a tad intense.
Sarcasm obviously. Hawley was also clerk to justice Roberts. His career path was interesting and fortuitous to MO AG then danforth cherry picked him for senate. It’s all just strange. A lot of shitty folks in politics. Disappointing.
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