Sen Hawley Auditioning for 2024

Chickenshits like Mike Braun, who is from my hometown fall into this category. He’s been tooting his horn about how he will “challenge” the results, was taking pics with the rioters beforehand, but then bailed out on his challenge after the trouble. He was doing nothing but pandering, if he really believed there was fraud he should have stuck to his guns.
I'm not been an Indiana resident for awhile so don't follow him closely, but wasn't Braun a fairly solid dude at one point?

Even though I'm not right leaning, seems like he impressed me a few times on tv for being even keel. Maybe I'm confused.
He’s been tooting his horn about how he will “challenge” the results, was taking pics with the rioters beforehand, but then bailed out on his challenge after the trouble. He was doing nothing but pandering, if he really believed there was fraud he should have stuck to his guns.
None of them truly believed there was fraud. It was all a giant group pander, led by Cruz and Hawley.
He's gonna run for Illinois Governor at some point.

Jurys out on him. He’s the district next to mine I have to see if he has any real substance other than the man standing in the breach against Trump. That’s an easy role to play.

Obviously if he won the gubernatorial primary id vote for him.
I'm not been an Indiana resident for awhile so don't follow him closely, but wasn't Braun a fairly solid dude at one point?

Even though I'm not right leaning, seems like he impressed me a few times on tv for being even keel. Maybe I'm confused.
He is well liked in the community & seems like a solid dude aside from his politics. He lost me when he started pushing for the Mid States Corridor, but this election stuff has been a major mis-step...
I'm not been an Indiana resident for awhile so don't follow him closely, but wasn't Braun a fairly solid dude at one point?

Even though I'm not right leaning, seems like he impressed me a few times on tv for being even keel. Maybe I'm confused.
No. Hell no. Braun's only campaign platform when he ran for Senate was "Trump likes me more than he likes Messer and Rokita."

Here is a paragraph from Brain's Wikipedia page:

Braun opposes the Affordable Care Act, same-sex marriage, abortion, and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Braun is a self-described conservationist who has pressured the Republican Party to take climate change more seriously; however, he also supported U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords. During Trump's presidency, he supported Trump's trade and tariff policies after having previously been a free trade advocate. Braun voted to acquit Trump in the impeachment trial related to the Trump-Ukraine scandal. After Joe Biden won the 2020 election and Trump refused to concede while making false claims of fraud, Braun defended Trump's attempt to overturn the election results.​

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Biden needs to do away with the filibuster and focus on legislation to save democracy from itself. That would be a noble legacy.
Biden and the Democrats need to figure out exactly what they can do to help West Virginia. Turn West Virginia into the model 21st century state. And do it all in the next two years. Same with Arizona and Sinema. Their only chance of getting rid of the filibuster and doing everything else they’d like to do in the next two years.

And they should. Don’t think the Republicans won’t next time they control the Senate. Republicans will do anything they can to retain power. Anything.
Biden and the Democrats need to figure out exactly what they can do to help West Virginia. Turn West Virginia into the model 21st century state. And do it all in the next two years. Same with Arizona and Sinema. Their only chance of getting rid of the filibuster and doing everything else they’d like to do in the next two years.

And they should. Don’t think the Republicans won’t next time they control the Senate. Republicans will do anything they can to retain power. Anything.
West Virginia and 21st century economy don’t go together. That state may be too far gone for democrats to salvage. Arizona, with some work, could turn blue. It’s already a purple state. I’d just give Manchin and Sinema a duffle bag of cash, some pork for their constituents, and enact my agenda. Hardball.
West Virginia and 21st century economy don’t go together. That state may be too far gone for democrats to salvage. Arizona, with some work, could turn blue. It’s already a purple state. I’d just give Manchin and Sinema a duffle bag of cash, some pork for their constituents, and enact my agenda. Hardball.
Sad. Extremely hard-working people and not a lot of opportunities there.
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Fear. A bird in the hand

Don’t buy into Morrison’s Schtick.

2% of West Virginian adults work in the coal industry, not an insignificant number but also not a bell weather like say oil and gas in Texas or Coal in Wyoming.

More than likely, they’re able to see the BS in politicians like John Kerry promising nonexistent wind and solar technician jobs to 30 year coal miners in between stops on his G5 to give another speech about protecting the climate.
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West Virginia and 21st century economy don’t go together. That state may be too far gone for democrats to salvage. Arizona, with some work, could turn blue. It’s already a purple state. I’d just give Manchin and Sinema a duffle bag of cash, some pork for their constituents, and enact my agenda. Hardball.
I’m not talking about turning West Virginia Blue, I’m talking about working with Manchin to figure out how to make that state a modern economy. It’s absurd to think it’s not possible. Of course it’s possible.
I’m not talking about turning West Virginia Blue, I’m talking about working with Manchin to figure out how to make that state a modern economy. It’s absurd to think it’s not possible. Of course it’s possible.
It’s possible, but Manchin would probably lose his senate seat trying. I don’t mean to sound cynical. I agree with you that modernizing the WV economy is needed and is possible, but man that’s a heavy lift with the political climate in that state.
It’s possible, but Manchin would probably lose his senate seat trying. I don’t mean to sound cynical. I agree with you that modernizing the WV economy is needed and is possible, but man that’s a heavy lift with the political climate in that state.
Having spent a fair amount of time in wv it’s a heavy lift for a ton of reasons
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It’s possible, but Manchin would probably lose his senate seat trying. I don’t mean to sound cynical. I agree with you that modernizing the WV economy is needed and is possible, but man that’s a heavy lift with the political climate in that state.
Well my original point was to find out what they need, what they want, to improve their situation. I doubt the younger people want to mine coal. They want to have pride in what they’re doing whatever that is. Find out from them. Maybe it’s just infrastructure for starters. Something, anything. Surely Manchin knows what they want. Give Manchin what they want. That’s my point. This is not complicated. I’m not talking about forcing solar panels on them if they don’t want to make them.
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Manchin says he might be willing to revert to the old stand there (no leaning, sitting, bathroom break) and talk rules. That is probably the best likely solution.

So does that mean that always Trumpers are becoming the anti democracy Republicans? I think it’s very clear that many would happily throw away the will of millions as long as their team stays in power.

How many GOP majority state legislatures have moved to bipartisan redistricting commissions? Democracy has become an inconvenience to many in the GOP. This latest raft of bull shit voter suppression legislation from all over the country is saying the bad part out loud. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
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Gentlemen, be aware that we have been living in a golden age of democracy. A historically fleeting phenomenon.
So does that mean that always Trumpers are becoming the anti democracy Republicans? I think it’s very clear that many would happily throw away the will of millions as long as their team stays in power.

How many GOP majority state legislatures have moved to bipartisan redistricting commissions? Democracy has become an inconvenience to many in the GOP. This latest raft of bull shit voter suppression legislation from all over the country is saying the bad part out loud. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.

Voter suppression is like beetle juice to you people.

Say it three times and hope it appears.

Seeing as the Biden admins two part immigration plan seems to be

1. Undermine border security

2. Work toward amnesty

You can’t really fault someone for wanting to put in voter ID laws that most Americans support.

The soft bigotry by Democrats who think that low income people can’t produce an ID or navigate the interwebs to find a vaccine station shows who the true racists are.
Voter suppression is like beetle juice to you people.

Say it three times and hope it appears.

Seeing as the Biden admins two part immigration plan seems to be

1. Undermine border security

2. Work toward amnesty

You can’t really fault someone for wanting to put in voter ID laws that most Americans support.

The soft bigotry by Democrats who think that low income people can’t produce an ID or navigate the interwebs to find a vaccine station shows who the true racists are.

I have no issue with requiring a valid ID to vote. But that’s not what any of the new rounds of measures are about now.

Hard bigotry is throwing out “urban” votes like the GOP tried to do in Atlanta, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
Voter suppression is like beetle juice to you people.

Say it three times and hope it appears.

Seeing as the Biden admins two part immigration plan seems to be

1. Undermine border security

2. Work toward amnesty

You can’t really fault someone for wanting to put in voter ID laws that most Americans support.

The soft bigotry by Democrats who think that low income people can’t produce an ID or navigate the interwebs to find a vaccine station shows who the true racists are.

How is analyzing voter data, finding out where/when/how democrats tend to vote more so than republicans and then trying to restrict that voting not voter suppression?

No one wants people to be able to vote without an ID. No one is for allowing voter fraud, which none of these changes are attempting to even address. Putting in extra obstacles and barriers to vote just because it helps one party over the other is complete BS and you're apparently closing your eyes to it.

Trump wanted people to believe that voting by mail is rife with fraud but yet he and his family voted by mail. You hear GOP congressmen talk about other states being susceptible to fraud because of how they allowed votes but then they look dumbfounded when it is pointed out that their own state had the same rules that he was just complaining about with the other state. It's fraud if it is a democrat state but ok if it is a GOP state?

Doesn't make sense. They just want people to believe there was a lot of voter fraud when there wasn't any more than usual. Some of the voter fraud that was found was dead people voting for Trump. I would be willing to bet that the little amount of fraud that exists happens on both sides and would tend to cancel each other out.
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Also read that MTG is really hauling in the donations.
Reminds me of the P.T. Barnum quote (maybe) about how often suckers are born.

I see a lot of people trying to emulate the “Trump playbook”. Like denying everything, and doubling down on preposterous claims. And then telling supporters that it’s not the person they’re going after, they’re going after YOU.

And it NEVER ends well for them. The most recent example being Matt Gaetz.

Hell, it may even catch up with Trump. The reason he wanted to stay in office so badly was that he knew all of the inevitable lawsuits for all his previous bad behavior would be put on hold for the next four years. The guy is looking at serious civil and criminal legal exposure right now, and he doesn’t have a title of his daddy to save him this time.

However, he does have lots of suckers that willingly part with their $$$ for him. It blows my mind that people still give him money. He has shown nothing but contempt for his supporters, as evidenced by the straight grift employed in manipulating people’s donations to him. The refund rate on giving is astronomical, and that’s just the folks that have spoken out at this point.
Court packing seems quaint

Court packing seems quaint in the face of the current GOP coup. It’s also theoretical at this time while the GOPs effort to overthrow the election is very real.

If only certain influential people hadn't convinced Republicans it was pointless to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs, maybe McConnell would still be in a position to do something.

If only certain influential people hadn't convinced Republicans it was pointless to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs, maybe McConnell would still be in a position to do something.
The commission is a sop to the progressives. Nothing is going to happen. They'd have to eliminate the filibuster first before they could expand the Court.

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