Robert Kennedy Jr.

Imagine voting for someone who thinks the Queen of England is still alive after attending her funeral. Sehr embarrassing.
Totes. Imagine losing to that guy. And then imagine voting for the guy who lost to that guy. Ouch.
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Gavin was on Hannity making similar points on the economic disses, so I feel decent on my stance.

Basically he hammered that Trump lost around 6 million jobs (worst jobs president since Hoover, who was actually a pretty incredible person) and of course, that was mainly due to covid which again I agree, except most arguments don't give Biden the same slack.

I haven't paid much attention to Newsom but as a messenger, he's exactly what we need. Someone who can go on Hannity and be chummy while also getting his points across and not letting Fox drive the conversation.
I agree. Although this seems to contradict your stance about someone doing the same type of thing on Rogan's podcast. And Rogan's audience is much more open-minded than Hannity's.
Biden made our inflation worse. Biden endeavored to be transformative with his safety net spending. From endless free cheese to stays on everything. Where we would be without manchin and sinema is a scary thought. Between his vapid woke bs to his out of the gates endeavors he has to be one of the dumbest mother f*uckers ever to sit in the Oval Office. He’s at once divisive and clueless and had trump lost us the house, as he almost did, I can only imagine where we would be now.

Americans are in bad shape. Partly Covid. Partly Biden. Jobs were coming back regardless but the jobs/wages haven’t come close to keeping up with the cost of living. Overkill on Covid lockdowns is still hurting cities big time. We are in a precarious spot. Consumer goods are cheap. You can load up on tvs from Walmart and shirts from old navy. But people can’t afford homes or cars. The American dream is going less attainable. Please don’t laud Biden for anything. The man is clueless. We need someone competent this next election.
I missed your point in writing, "Jobs were coming back regardless..."

Aren't jobs affected mostly by federal policy and interest rates?
I agree. Although this seems to contradict your stance about someone doing the same type of thing on Rogan's podcast. And Rogan's audience is much more open-minded than Hannity's.

Sorry Brad I had to run but I do appreciate your posts and I think, probably pre-Maga I would have been more receptive to it because my mindset was 'the truth will set you free'.

Now I'm exhausted and see it differently. People aren't asking questions because they are curious, they are in general looking for affirmation, not information.

There was a college prof called Dave the Science guy if I remember that took on flat earthers in an attempt to simply debunk the core principles, and he was nice about it. He did, he crushed them with truth, didn't matter they rang his ass out, doxxed him, just terrible things.

So he made a second one this time brutally going after them and again crushing the core tenants of their beliefs. Didn't phase them a bit but now Dave was really getting harassed and threatened. To the point he said he now wishes he would have let them just run their course.

I've seen that repeated over and over in argument styles that honestly, sometimes it's probably better just to not give it oxygen.

It's counter intuitive, I totally get that, but as long as there are still avenues to have serious conversations for people who want it (and there are) something like this Rogan/RFK stunt is just going to give oxygen to it.

It's all about rabbit holes these days and a stunt like this doesn't inform it probably allows more people the opportunity to go down the hole.

Wish it was different but the tone should be reversed. RFK should be the one getting grilled because as he has the very minority position.

And the whole riff about a specific, particularly this 'debate' is over the top to me. We see this all the time honestly even when trying to be in good faith. Take climate change, it's always one guy vs one guy on tv (which already validates a minority position) when in reality it should be two guys vs 98 guys or something that shows the level of support in the professional community because yes, I think we're at that point in today's conversation.

Frankly, particularly after the COVID fights, I'm just exhausted and lean more into darwinism doing it's thing as I know it's not from a lack of information that's available.

Terrible answer I know.

It's like instead of a young person asking questions and challenging them to look at a position differently in the name of solutions, the reality is it's more like trying to convince your old, drunk uncle who's been saying the same shit, having the same arguments for the past 30 years.
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I posted it because sope claimed experts and agencies didn’t make numerous errors during Covid.

To reply to your post. It’s an example of why having a debate is important in my opinion. Maybe if Twitter (MSM) wasn’t censoring information back in 20-22 we would have had more debates and fewer mistakes during Covid. Also, it shines a light on how experts aren’t necessarily experts that should be trusted always.

Edit: I want to add that I do think it’s important to rehash the mistakes of the experts (professionals is probably a better word) during Covid. There are a lot of people (sope for example) still clueless to those problems because they have been fed constant misinformation from their preferred news sources. Shining a light on it is a good thing.
Liar. I never claimed that no errors were made; I just asked you to prove your assertion that agencies made those errors. (Post #207). You asked for bitcoin and I declined because it was incumbent upon you to prove your assertions, not me to disprove them.
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Sorry Brad I had to run but I do appreciate your posts and I think, probably pre-Maga I would have been more receptive to it because my mindset was 'the truth will set you free'.

Now I'm exhausted and see it differently. People aren't asking questions because they are curious, they are in general looking for affirmation, not information.

There was a college prof called Dave the Science guy if I remember that took on flat earthers in an attempt to simply debunk the core principles, and he was nice about it. He did, he crushed them with truth, didn't matter they rang his ass out, doxxed him, just terrible things.

So he made a second one this time brutally going after them and again crushing the core tenants of their beliefs. Didn't phase them a bit but now Dave was really getting harassed and threatened. To the point he said he now wishes he would have let them just run their course.

I've seen that repeated over and over in argument styles that honestly, sometimes it's probably better just to not give it oxygen.

It's counter intuitive, I totally get that, but as long as there are still avenues to have serious conversations for people who want it (and there are) something like this Rogan/RFK stunt is just going to give oxygen to it.

It's all about rabbit holes these days and a stunt like this doesn't inform it probably allows more people the opportunity to go down the hole.

Wish it was different but the tone should be reversed. RFK should be the one getting grilled because as he has the very minority position.

And the whole riff about a specific, particularly this 'debate' is over the top to me. We see this all the time honestly even when trying to be in good faith. Take climate change, it's always one guy vs one guy on tv (which already validates a minority position) when in reality it should be two guys vs 98 guys or something that shows the level of support in the professional community because yes, I think we're at that point in today's conversation.

Frankly, particularly after the COVID fights, I'm just exhausted and lean more into darwinism doing it's thing as I know it's not from a lack of information that's available.

Terrible answer I know.

It's like instead of a young person asking questions and challenging them to look at a position differently in the name of solutions, the reality is it's more like trying to convince your old, drunk uncle who's been saying the same shit, having the same arguments for the past 30 years.
I understand your position. Part of me agrees. But the optimistic side of me doesn't ever want to give up hope that reason and persuasion and time will help the truth win out.

Again, I worry that the other route leads to despotism and undercuts the very assumptions a democracy and culture of free inquiry is built upon.

Thanks for participating in this with me in the spirit I intended and answering my questions directly. I think that while we haven't reached an agreement, we've advanced the ball in a way by just understanding each other. That means something, I think.
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I understand your position. Part of me agrees. But the optimistic side of me doesn't ever want to give up hope that reason and persuasion and time will help the truth win out.

Again, I worry that the other route leads to despotism and undercuts the very assumptions a democracy and culture of free inquiry is built upon.

Thanks for participating in this with me in the spirit I intended and answering my questions directly. I think that while we haven't reached an agreement, we've advanced the ball in a way by just understanding each other. That means something, I think.
Tommy C is good peeps
I understand your position. Part of me agrees. But the optimistic side of me doesn't ever want to give up hope that reason and persuasion and time will help the truth win out.

Again, I worry that the other route leads to despotism and undercuts the very assumptions a democracy and culture of free inquiry is built upon.

Thanks for participating in this with me in the spirit I intended and answering my questions directly. I think that while we haven't reached an agreement, we've advanced the ball in a way by just understanding each other. That means something, I think.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, and have the whole talk in principle.


There's a meme going around (who knows if it's actually true) where Plato or Socrates discussed fact vs rhetoric and how rhetoric to an audience of non knowers, which definitely includes me on this topic, can be a stronger influence and argued more effectively than fact. That's kind of my feeling here I think sumed up much more succinctly.
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Tommy C is good peeps

I do appreciate you my brother Murt, even though we obviously don't align up politically on a big chunk of things that's cool, I've always appreciated that you've tried to understand other povs which is critical for good discussion.

Plus you're funny as f#ck and conversational, humble in your humor. Wish more people were the same.

Anyway I should probably take your d out of my mouth now but know the love is returned.
I do appreciate you my brother Murt, even though we obviously don't align up politically on a big chunk of things that's cool, I've always appreciated that you've tried to understand other povs which is critical for good discussion.

Plus you're funny as f#ck and conversational, humble in your humor. Wish more people were the same.

Anyway I should probably take your d out of my mouth now but know the love is returned.
Right back at ya!
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Liar. I never claimed that no errors were made; I just asked you to prove your assertion that agencies made those errors. (Post #207). You asked for bitcoin and I declined because it was incumbent upon you to prove your assertions, not me to disprove them.
So, you agreed with me? My apologies. I assumed you didn’t.
I understand your position. Part of me agrees. But the optimistic side of me doesn't ever want to give up hope that reason and persuasion and time will help the truth win out.

Again, I worry that the other route leads to despotism and undercuts the very assumptions a democracy and culture of free inquiry is built upon.

Thanks for participating in this with me in the spirit I intended and answering my questions directly. I think that while we haven't reached an agreement, we've advanced the ball in a way by just understanding each other. That means something, I think.
I never lose hope. That’s why I continually tell you knuckle dragging heathens about Bitcoin.
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I never lose hope. That’s why I continually tell you knuckle dragging heathens about Bitcoin.

You've had a really nice two days! As I've said all along, I do think Bitcoin will be the Apple of crypto. Doesn't surprise me it's jumping as other coins are crashing (if that's the case, I don't pay attention to it other than saw it on my quote screen).

I love that feeling when I've made more money than most people in one day and didn't do a damn thing for it (of course I've lost more money in one day than a lot of people make like, wasn't so great for me but I've had a crazy two week run).

Anyway, congrats on your great day. Enjoy it!
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Imagine, just imagine someone so totally stupid that they defend a doddering fool who can't dress himself, talk, walk, or use stairways successfully just for starters , saying anything about anyone. You are likely the biggest fool that posts on here .

So, who is defending you?
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I have no idea why he's not rocketing up the serious dem candidate big board. He's is completely aligned with maga and Q....I mean the Dems.

My favorite lately was he said that the Spanish flu was likely caused by the flu vaccine, even though flu vaccines weren't available until the 30's.
I have no idea why he's not rocketing up the serious dem candidate big board. He's is completely aligned with maga and Q....I mean the Dems.

My favorite lately was he said that the Spanish flu was likely caused by the flu vaccine, even though flu vaccines weren't available until the 30's.
He’s already rocketed up the Democrats big board. The man is a force that can’t be stopped.
I have no idea why he's not rocketing up the serious dem candidate big board. He's is completely aligned with maga and Q....I mean the Dems.

My favorite lately was he said that the Spanish flu was likely caused by the flu vaccine, even though flu vaccines weren't available until the 30's.
I heard his interview and I think he was talking about experimental vaccines being worked on at a military base in Kansas.
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No, I'm not 12, which means I can see through your bullshit. Totes.
It doesn't take near the mental alacrity of a 12-year old to see through my bullshit. Does this mean you are 8? I could buy that. I'll work on writing to a level more appropriate for your age group. Totes.
My favorite lately was he said that the Spanish flu was likely caused by the flu vaccine, even though flu vaccines weren't available until the 30's.

I heard his interview and I think he was talking about experimental vaccines being worked on at a military base in Kansas.

That gain of function shit will get you every time.
Because his core supporters will instead vote for Trump?
Because people will see he holds unsupportable positions. Because he has a wrap sheet that includes heroin and cocaine possession. Because the media will destroy him. He's got no shot.
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Because people will see he holds unsupportable positions. Because he has a wrap sheet that includes heroin and cocaine possession. Because the media will destroy him. He's got no shot.
Joe Bribeun and Kamalalala says.... Hold my beer.
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Only if they assassinate him like his uncle. This is a RFK hype thread.

I know he says he won't but, I still would not be surprised in the least if he becomes Trump's running mate.

For Trump it seems to work...

1. Avid anti vaxxer where Trump isn't and more importantly, wants his credit for the COVID vax.

2. Kennedy is supposedly a Dem and could possibly pull some Dem votes from his name. Plus he can also spin it as apolitical, bucking the two party forced choice as a spin. He's uniting!!!

3. Huge q-anon crowd support which overlaps Trump support.

4. No governing experience, so he's not 'part of the swamp, the establishment, etc'.

5. Again, name recognition and celebrity recognition. Trump seems to be infatuated with celebrity but not a serious threat to challenge Trump's core like a Desantis or an actual politician.

I'm sure there's more. Kennedy said he's not interested but we're in primary season and he needs to keep up the impression that he's a serious dem candidate.

We'll see.
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Because people will see he holds unsupportable positions. Because he has a wrap sheet that includes heroin and cocaine possession. Because the media will destroy him. He's got no shot.

I agree and, damnit Brad you're making too much sense again. Stop it!
I know he says he won't but, I still would not be surprised in the least if he becomes Trump's running mate.

For Trump it seems to work...

1. Avid anti vaxxer where Trump isn't and more importantly, wants his credit for the COVID vax.

2. Kennedy is supposedly a Dem and could possibly pull some Dem votes from his name. Plus he can also spin it as apolitical, bucking the two party forced choice as a spin. He's uniting!!!

3. Huge q-anon crowd support which overlaps Trump support.

4. No governing experience, so he's not 'part of the swamp, the establishment, etc'.

5. Again, name recognition and celebrity recognition. Trump seems to be infatuated with celebrity but not a serious threat to challenge Trump's core like a Desantis or an actual politician.

I'm sure there's more. Kennedy said he's not interested but we're in primary season and he needs to keep up the impression that he's a serious dem candidate.

We'll see.
RFK Jr. has attacked Trump. Thinks he uses fear to advance instead of uniting people. I don't see it happening.

It's possible for people to have diametrically opposed views on some things but then have similar views on others, despite what the two-party system would have you believe.
I have no idea why he's not rocketing up the serious dem candidate big board. He's is completely aligned with maga and Q....I mean the Dems.

My favorite lately was he said that the Spanish flu was likely caused by the flu vaccine, even though flu vaccines weren't available until the 30's.
So if he's that crazy, why won't Joe debate him?
RFK Jr. has attacked Trump. Thinks he uses fear to advance instead of uniting people. I don't see it happening.

It's possible for people to have diametrically opposed views on some things but then have similar views on others, despite what the two-party system would have you believe.

Never underestimate the allure of power, attention and money.

Being VP would give him a tremendous platform for his beliefs. It also puts him in an apparatus to get paid a shitton of money to push your beliefs along with a massively larger audience that will give adoration.

That's hard to pass up.

Obviously I'm just speculating. I have nothing to back this other than Bannon is pushing him really hard (he's even mentioned the allure of a Trump/Kennedy ticket) and Trump seems to be listening to Bannon again.
It doesn't take near the mental alacrity of a 12-year old to see through my bullshit. Does this mean you are 8? I could buy that. I'll work on writing to a level more appropriate for your age group. Totes.
Congratulations. On the race to the bottom, you've won. I can no longer match your juvenile retorts.

I'm shocked UncleMark hasn't liked your post yet.
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He's loony tunes, but I'm voting for him in the Democrat Primary.

Of course you are. Political chaos is your brand and what you are attracted to.

Just like you voted for Bernie in the primary as Trump asked you to do, amirite or amirite?
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Of course you are. Political chaos is your brand and what you are attracted to.

Just like you voted for Bernie in the primary as Trump asked you to do, amirite or amirite?
I didn't vote for Bernie, smart guy.

But you can bet your ass I'll vote for RMK Jr as many times as I can.
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