Robert Kennedy Jr.

Biden's foreign policy has been pretty remarkable. He's economically kneecapped a century long adversary without costing us any lives and he's overseen the addition of Finland to be followed by Sweden into Nato, giving us strong allies along the eastern bloc that will have impacts for the next 50 some years.

Unless you are pulling for Putin. If that's the case then yeah, Biden's foreign policy sucks.
We haven’t knee capped anyone.
Lastly good news that's he's also created the most jobs in a first term. What are we up to....13 million? With the infrastructure jobs just getting started (over 36,000 construction projects) expect that number to keep rising.

He took over an economic disaster in the middle of a pandemic and has guided us out, avoiding a recession, balancing an inflation rate that was lower than other leading developed countries while not crushing market values so yeah....he's been awful.
Lol..the average American has lost 10-15% of their purchasing power the past two years. What planet do you live on?
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We haven’t knee capped anyone.

Lol..the average America has lot 10-15% of the purchasing power the past two years. What planet do you live on?

Please tell me how great Trump's economy was....til it wasn't.

Oh but that was because of COVID right? Before that it was pretty good right?

Interesting how the right tends to throw that disclaimer out there when talking about Trump (who ended up one of the worst job creators in our history) but never tend to mention it when talking Biden.

The world has gone through an inflationary phase. We were below average when it was all said and done while being one of the few countries to increase our GDP during that time.

You kept telling us a recession is for sure coming. Doesn't look like it now.

You're screaming 'were spending too much' as if a country is just like an individual. Whereas the truth is spending is going to rise as GDP rises. As long as GDP is rising, yeah we're not in a spending crisis.

Secondly countries loan to us because we are the baseline for the world and that not only gives us tremendous leverage it also protects us from being attacked (while giving us a stock market that is basically too big to fail since the world is betting on it, which means if you invest at all you're betting a horse that all the powers that be will do what it can to win).

Most people get that except for Maga. Maga is the one who tried to carelessly f with that because, they are led by idiots like Comer, Boebert, Gatez and MTG vs people who actually understand the global economy.

You know, like RINO republicans.
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Imagine someone who is so utterly naive and/or stupid that they're still defending Don the Con.
Imagine, just imagine someone so totally stupid that they defend a doddering fool who can't dress himself, talk, walk, or use stairways successfully just for starters , saying anything about anyone. You are likely the biggest fool that posts on here .
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Please tell me how great Trump's economy was....til it wasn't.

Oh but that was because of COVID right? Before that it was pretty good right?

Interesting how the right tends to throw that disclaimer out there when talking about Trump (who ended up one of the worst job creators in our history) but never tend to mention it when talking Biden.

The world has gone through an inflationary phase. We were below average when it was all said and done while being one of the few countries to increase our GDP during that time.

You kept telling us a recession is for sure coming. Doesn't look like it now.

You're screaming 'were spending too much' as if a country is just like an individual. Whereas the truth is spending is going to rise as GDP rises. As long as GDP is rising, yeah we're not in a spending crisis.

Secondly countries loan to us because we are the baseline for the world and that not only gives us tremendous leverage it also protects us from being attacked (while giving us a stock market that is basically too big to fail since the world is betting on it, which means if you invest at all you're betting a horse that all the powers that be will do what it can to win).

Most people get that except for Maga. Maga is the one who tried to carelessly f with that because, they are led by idiots like Comer, Boebert, Gatez and MTG vs people who actually understand the global economy.

You know, like RINO republicans.
Do you live in an alternate universe of some kind?
  • Like
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Please tell me how great Trump's economy was....til it wasn't.
Oh but that was because of COVID right? Before that it was pretty good right?

Interesting how the right tends to throw that disclaimer out there when talking about Trump (who ended up one of the worst job creators in our history) but never tend to mention it when talking Biden.

The world has gone through an inflationary phase. We were below average when it was all said and done while being one of the few countries to increase our GDP during that time.

You kept telling us a recession is for sure coming. Doesn't look like it now.

You're screaming 'were spending too much' as if a country is just like an individual. Whereas the truth is spending is going to rise as GDP rises. As long as GDP is rising, yeah we're not in a spending crisis.

Secondly countries loan to us because we are the baseline for the world and that not only gives us tremendous leverage it also protects us from being attacked (while giving us a stock market that is basically too big to fail since the world is betting on it, which means if you invest at all you're betting a horse that all the powers that be will do what it can to win).

Most people get that except for Maga. Maga is the one who tried to carelessly f with that because, they are led by idiots like Comer, Boebert, Gatez and MTG vs people who actually understand the global economy.

You know, like RINO republicans.
Biden made our inflation worse. Biden endeavored to be transformative with his safety net spending. From endless free cheese to stays on everything. Where we would be without manchin and sinema is a scary thought. Between his vapid woke bs to his out of the gates endeavors he has to be one of the dumbest mother f*uckers ever to sit in the Oval Office. He’s at once divisive and clueless and had trump lost us the house, as he almost did, I can only imagine where we would be now.

Americans are in bad shape. Partly Covid. Partly Biden. Jobs were coming back regardless but the jobs/wages haven’t come close to keeping up with the cost of living. Overkill on Covid lockdowns is still hurting cities big time. We are in a precarious spot. Consumer goods are cheap. You can load up on tvs from Walmart and shirts from old navy. But people can’t afford homes or cars. The American dream is going less attainable. Please don’t laud Biden for anything. The man is clueless. We need someone competent this next election.
Biden made our inflation worse. Biden endeavored to be transformative with his safety net spending. From endless free cheese to stays on everything. Where we would be without manchin and sinema is a scary thought. Between his vapid woke bs to his out of the gates endeavors he has to be one of the dumbest mother f*uckers ever to sit in the Oval Office. He’s at once divisive and clueless and had trump lost us the house, as he almost did, I can only imagine where we would be now.

Americans are in bad shape. Partly Covid. Partly Biden. Jobs were coming back regardless but the jobs/wages haven’t come close to keeping up with the cost of living. Overkill on Covid lockdowns is still hurting cities big time. We are in a precarious spot. Consumer goods are cheap. You can load up on tvs from Walmart and shirts from old navy. But people can’t afford homes or cars. The American dream is going less attainable. Please don’t laud Biden for anything. The man is clueless. We need someone competent this next election.

Gavin was on Hannity making similar points on the economic disses, so I feel decent on my stance.

Basically he hammered that Trump lost around 6 million jobs (worst jobs president since Hoover, who was actually a pretty incredible person) and of course, that was mainly due to covid which again I agree, except most arguments don't give Biden the same slack.

Anyway Biden has seen 13 million jobs created. So when people see the jobs growth and go ...ahh that's just covid jobs coming back. 6 mill lost to 13 mill gained.

On inflation ours wasn't as bad as the UK, Germany, Japan..... basically most of the other economic leaders. As he asked Hannity, was that Biden's policies that drove those economies or was it dealing with a major economic disruption of a global pandemic?

I believe the latter.

Sidenote, I haven't paid much attention to Newsom but as a messenger, he's exactly what we need. Someone who can go on Hannity and be chummy while also getting his points across and not letting Fox drive the conversation.

Obviously I miss having leaders who are obviously much more polished public leaders. Biden's and Trump's age are waaay past their prime.

Still I believe Biden's relationships across the aisle has allowed him to get more things passed than if a stronger, younger and more ambitious in their particular ideology (right or left) would have done in today's Shiite tribal climate so.....I think that's been an unsung good thing, maybe, kind of.
You are wrong.
Gavin was on Hannity making similar points on the economic disses, so I feel decent on my stance.

Basically he hammered that Trump lost around 6 million jobs (worst jobs president since Hoover, who was actually a pretty incredible person) and of course, that was mainly due to covid which again I agree, except most arguments don't give Biden the same slack.

Anyway Biden has seen 13 million jobs created. So when people see the jobs growth and go ...ahh that's just covid jobs coming back. 6 mill lost to 13 mill gained.

On inflation ours wasn't as bad as the UK, Germany, Japan..... basically most of the other economic leaders. As he asked Hannity, was that Biden's policies that drove those economies or was it dealing with a major economic disruption of a global pandemic?

I believe the latter.

Sidenote, I haven't paid much attention to Newsom but as a messenger, he's exactly what we need. Someone who can go on Hannity and be chummy while also getting his points across and not letting Fox drive the conversation.

Obviously I miss having leaders who are obviously much more polished public leaders. Biden's and Trump's age are waaay past their prime.

Still I believe Biden's relationships across the aisle has allowed him to get more things passed than if a stronger, younger and more ambitious in their particular ideology (right or left) would have done in today's Shiite tribal climate so.....I think that's been an unsung good thing, maybe, kind of.
Every expert attributed 1 to 3 points to Biden’s spending. Free checks. Tax credits as monthly checks. Unemployment extensions. Student loan stays. Eviction stays. Foreclosure stays. I don’t care about Europe. We don’t live in Europe. I am telling you what the majority of experts have found. 1-3 points. And remember only manchinsinema blocked him from more.

As for reaching across the aisle his woke pandering and calling out maga republicans is as divisive as hell. In most ways he’s more dangerous than trump bc his policies are infinitely worse. Even his fix the bridges and potholes is screwed. Calling for made in America. No clue where we get stuff

I don’t care two shits about hannity. Read yourself. You are woefully uninformed. Supported Biden going forward is a disaster for this country. We need a smart leader
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You voted for a brain dead idiot who spent more money than any President ever. Save me the the bullsh#t about vaccines. I don’t give two shits about JFK stances on vaccines. I care that the President has a logical fiscal policy and foreign policy.

I personally like DeSantis or anyone who is willing to cut the budget. Biden can go f#ck himself. He’s a disaster and the greatest threat to the U.S. stability is our debt issues. It’s not vaccines. Hopefully, that answers your question.
I posted about RFK Jr., but none of your response is about him. Why is it that no one cane respond to any particular post about anything or anyone without twisting it into something about Biden and/or Trump? I wanted you to tell me why RFK Jr. seems like a good choice. Can you do that?
Imagine, just imagine someone so totally stupid that they defend a doddering fool who can't dress himself, talk, walk, or use stairways successfully just for starters , saying anything about anyone. You are likely the biggest fool that posts on here .
You forgot Cosmic in the biggest Fool category.
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You are wrong.

Every expert attributed 1 to 3 points to Biden’s spending. Free checks. Tax credits as monthly checks. Unemployment extensions. Student loan stays. Eviction stays. Foreclosure stays. I don’t care about Europe. We don’t live in Europe. I am telling you what the majority of experts have found. 1-3 points. And remember only manchinsinema blocked him from more.

As for reaching across the aisle his woke pandering and calling out maga republicans is as divisive as hell. In most ways he’s more dangerous than trump bc his policies are infinitely worse. Even his fix the bridges and potholes is screwed. Calling for made in America. No clue where we get stuff

I don’t care two shits about hannity. Read yourself. You are woefully uninformed. Supported Biden going forward is a disaster for this country. We need a smart leader

Meh we just disagree my brother.

Your stat was relevant when, last year maybe? Okay again what was the blame, that last of 3 stimulus check.
Not the first two under Trump right but specifically that last one.

Okay sure whatever. That was a year ago. Today we're in pretty good shape, especially after all the doomsday calls of a recession. Looks like we've avoided that thank goodness.

We currently have one of the lowest unemployment rates in history, jobs seem to be popping off, my man Pete has just announced 36,000 construction projects (meaning the investment we're making is not only improving our infrastructure which will increase business activity, it's also going directly back into our economy as it's supposedly 100% American labor. That's what they mean by American Made) so don't see a slowdown coming and pandemic inflation has been dropping for what, 11 months now.

Again one of the few countries that grew it GDP and had a lower inflation rate than the global benchmark.

If you want to be a doom and gloomer that's cool I still love ya but economically I'm pretty optimistic about how things are looking right now going forward from an overall market perspective.

I'm 100% in now the debt ceiling BS is behind us (thanks for that, cost me a big chunk of gains but, I don't trust Maga and probably never will).
But making up a Russian collusion hoax to influence the 2016 election and then handicap the Trump administration, having the FBI bury the Hunter laptop story to rig the 2020 election, using the FBI and DOJ to convince Twitter, Google, and Facebook to censor anything that's negative towards the Democrats, illegally changing election laws, and indicting the 2024 Republican nominee over a noncrime while the current President gets away with all sorts of major felonies is not a threat to Democracy.
You wrote that you thought the Democrats did something to "handicap the Trump administration." Huh?

Trump's administration had control of both houses of Congress for two whole years and near the end of 2017 lost by only one vote in the Senate in its efforts to change healthcare. Trump never tried again. He wasn't handicapped -- he just quit.

With the advantage of controlling Congress, Trump could have accomplished much more. But he didn't put out the effort or skill.

Trump personally disrupted his own cabinet several times by undercutting and replacing cabinet members and other key members of his own administration. You can't blame Democrats for Trump's surrounding himself with the likes of Flynn and Manafort and Giuliani.
You wrote that you thought the Democrats did something to "handicap the Trump administration." Huh?

Trump's administration had control of both houses of Congress for two whole years and near the end of 2017 lost by only one vote in the Senate in its efforts to change healthcare. Trump never tried again. He wasn't handicapped -- he just quit.

With the advantage of controlling Congress, Trump could have accomplished much more. But he didn't put out the effort or skill.

Trump personally disrupted his own cabinet several times by undercutting and replacing cabinet members and other key members of his own administration. You can't blame Democrats for Trump's surrounding himself with the likes of Flynn and Manafort and Giuliani.
You forgot Bill Barr.
Meh we just disagree my brother.

Your stat was relevant when, last year maybe? Okay again what was the blame, that last of 3 stimulus check.
Not the first two under Trump right but specifically that last one.

Okay sure whatever. That was a year ago. Today we're in pretty good shape, especially after all the doomsday calls of a recession. Looks like we've avoided that thank goodness.

We currently have one of the lowest unemployment rates in history, jobs seem to be popping off, my man Pete has just announced 36,000 construction projects (meaning the investment we're making is not only improving our infrastructure which will increase business activity, it's also going directly back into our economy as it's supposedly 100% American labor. That's what they mean by American Made) so don't see a slowdown coming and pandemic inflation has been dropping for what, 11 months now.

Again one of the few countries that grew it GDP and had a lower inflation rate than the global benchmark.

If you want to be a doom and gloomer that's cool I still love ya but economically I'm pretty optimistic about how things are looking right now going forward from an overall market perspective.

I'm 100% in now the debt ceiling BS is behind us (thanks for that, cost me a big chunk of gains but, I don't trust Maga and probably never will).
The economists agreed that it was Biden’s endless free cheese that sent us over the cliff. Remember he wanted to keep going too. And jobs mean little when inflation is at this level. I have very little patience for people who condemn trump while lauding Biden. Biden is a disaster. As for stay at home virtue singling Pete let’s see how the math shakes out on what we spent in taxes etc to create these 36,000 jobs. I’m all for fixing roads as my daily commute is a nightmare on my car with the condition of the roads. I’m looking forward to seeing this come to fruition. Name a mode of transportation and it’s been a disaster under Pete. As Romney said it was clearly too big of a job for him
The economists agreed that it was Biden’s endless free cheese that sent us over the cliff. Remember he wanted to keep going too. And jobs mean little when inflation is at this level. I have very little patience for people who condemn trump while lauding Biden. Biden is a disaster. As for stay at home virtue singling Pete let’s see how the math shakes out on what we spent in taxes etc to create these 36,000 jobs. I’m all for fixing roads as my daily commute is a nightmare on my car with the condition of the roads. I’m looking forward to seeing this come to fruition. Name a mode of transportation and it’s been a disaster under Pete. As Romney said it was clearly too big of a job for him
The frickin Mayor of South Bend Indiana who did nothing of note there. He got the job to fill in the gay quota, pure and simple.

At least he hasn’t been a thief like this quota filler. Well on second thought Mayor Pete has stolen time from us staying home from work.

So what is this supposed 'debate' going to solve or prove?

First off a debate is typically when presenting a case to an issue, and no one on one side believes there is an issue hencefore there's no need to debate. It's like debating if the moon is made of cheese? I don't need to hear a conspiracy nut make a case that against a scientist. I'm not demanding that a 'debate' happen plus I'm 100% sure such debate isn't going to change any opinions.

If a madman believes the moon is made of cheese, well there's really nothing anyone can say to convince them otherwise now is there?

However you do give the wingnut an opportunity to score some blows, giving the crazy person credibility and therefore making things worse.. maybe.

Main thing is if people really want to be convinced, there are many articles debunking the anti vaxxer theory, particularly the autism claim.

No need for a big theater, just read.

Secondly this is catnip for conspiracy theorists as it's a difficult subject that's not cut and dried, with many trap doors to fall into the one guy who is looking for any doubt which they believes validates the opinion.

Hell see Aloha and Danc talking about classified docs. One guy has experience working with docs and the other is an internet dude who likes to argue and doesn't give a f about 'finding truth'. It's just an exhaustive black hole of argument tactics where Aloha not only has to know the topic, he has to keep Danc on topic and he has to rebuke all of his nonsensical twists and turns.... because he's not looking for understanding, he's just arguing.

In the end, both sides probably believe they 'won the debate' but in reality, Aloha risked 100 times more arguing with a guy who doesn't know the topic as well but will never concede.

That's the issue with 'debating' crazies.

We've seen it a million times.

Another great example was the back masking nonsense religious nuts were attacking the rock community with. Crazy religious nuts said that bands like Judas Priest were putting in backwards messaging and subliminal messaging which was leading to teenagers commiting suicide.

They brought in recording engineers and played each track of a master tape (as to actually do back masking it has to be on the masters) which literally proved the claim was nonsense.

Didn't change a thing. They just pivoted to, well Ozzy did it or now do this song or some alteration of a never ending argument to that to this day, there are still people who believe there are evil backwards messages or my favorite subliminal message on rock albums.

Point being, it's a one sided claim made by extremists who have already been debunked, they just refuse to believe it.

FYI, the moon is not made of cheese. There is actually no moon. We all live in a dome and the government is projecting an image up off of it.
Given this stance, why do you believe presidents should debate or even respond to questions from the press? Indeed, how can you even support a democracy?

Ignoring problems doesn’t make them go away. Calling large swaths of the population “idiots” or “kooks” or “crazy” doesn’t change their minds. It makes them dig in. If vaccines are important for the country—and I believe that they are—they are worth arguing about and defending.

I believe that a cogent,persuasive, fact-based response to each and every claim made by RFK Jr would convince some non-negligible portion of Rogan’s 10+ million audience that RFK Jr is wrong. You don’t. You believe holding that discussion would actually make more people believe in RFK Jrs claims. To me, that sounds like fear you think RFK might score some points. To the more conspiracy minded, I’m guessing that sounds like an admission RFK is right.

By the way, science w/r/t medicine is not like physics. It deals in probabilities and statistics much more at the macro level, and there are many, many more variables. As a result, making blanket claims is usually unwise. That is, comparing the questioning of vaccine efficacy or the health effects of aluminum or mercury in the body to the moon being made of cheese is unhelpful hyperbole.
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It's theater.

Again, a public debate is when people are making public choices like, should we support Ukraine? You know a topic that has a high degree of uncertainty for both and is relatively unproven.

You don't have a public debate wondering if the world is flat because it's proven, therefore there is no debate. The only thing that does is give the crazy guy validation unless they absolutely fail, but even then the crazy guy was seen debating the serious guy and therefore the crazy guy was taken seriously.

How about this, since it's entertainment how about RFK debates a liberal internet personality or another political participant like Marianne Williamson?

I'm guessing you're not into that because that won't give the validation that is being desired.
Do you have any proof or evidence that debating scientific or medical facts only validates a kooky position? You keep saying it like we all have to just believe it.

Do you have meaningful data showing that debating a clearly disproven idea increases the number of people who believe it, for example? I’d like to see it if it exists.
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Please tell me how great Trump's economy was....til it wasn't.

Oh but that was because of COVID right? Before that it was pretty good right?

Interesting how the right tends to throw that disclaimer out there when talking about Trump (who ended up one of the worst job creators in our history) but never tend to mention it when talking Biden.

The world has gone through an inflationary phase. We were below average when it was all said and done while being one of the few countries to increase our GDP during that time.

You kept telling us a recession is for sure coming. Doesn't look like it now.

You're screaming 'were spending too much' as if a country is just like an individual. Whereas the truth is spending is going to rise as GDP rises. As long as GDP is rising, yeah we're not in a spending crisis.

Secondly countries loan to us because we are the baseline for the world and that not only gives us tremendous leverage it also protects us from being attacked (while giving us a stock market that is basically too big to fail since the world is betting on it, which means if you invest at all you're betting a horse that all the powers that be will do what it can to win).

Most people get that except for Maga. Maga is the one who tried to carelessly f with that because, they are led by idiots like Comer, Boebert, Gatez and MTG vs people who actually understand the global economy.

You know, like RINO republicans.
I don’t consider decreasing living standards to be a good sign of a strong economy. Until they get inflation and our debt under control we’re not in a good situation. Biden hasn’t helped the situation. We should be cutting back on spending, but instead are spending like we’re in war or depression. You are incorrect that governments can print infinitely. If they could, we would.
You can't give credence to people who are not scientists "debating" an actual scientist and spreading conspiracy theories which have no basis in fact. RFK Jr has no credibility to speak on a topic like vaccines causing autism. He's got no evidence or studies to support his claim, but because he goes on a forum like Joe Rogan (for example) suddenly millions of people who wouldn't know a scientific study if it bit them in the ass swallow his nonsense,and in many cases help to spread it...

When RFK was on Rogan last week he wildly claimed that wifi caused cancer. At first Rogan was skeptical, but after "researching" the subject on the Environmental Health Trust website (which is affiliated with RFK) Rogan became convinced within 5 minutes that wifi causes cancer. No evidence to support it, but Joe Rogan came away convinced by RFK. That's why debating RFK serves no purpose- many of his theories have been debunked repeatedly and he still peddles them. People even stupider than Rogan who hang on his every word (and harass a scientist at his home) are not going to be convinced because of a "debate".

Politicans debate- that's not what scientists do...

Btw, RFK's voice sounds horrible. He actually sounds worse than Biden, and he's considerably younger.

You can see the relevant clips regarding the wifi cancer claim at 7 minutes if you want to skip ahead. This guy does a real good job of debunking RFK conspiracy theories which btw his own family disown. But it's a pretty long video...

Wasn’t it the mid 90s when all that shit about cell phones causing brain tumors started going around? It sounded like horseshit then, and it sounds like horseshit now. With how much we’re all on cell phones or near wifi, we should all have f*****g cancer. On another note, I’ve heard cigarettes are totally not addictive.
I posted about RFK Jr., but none of your response is about him. Why is it that no one cane respond to any particular post about anything or anyone without twisting it into something about Biden and/or Trump? I wanted you to tell me why RFK Jr. seems like a good choice. Can you do that?
No, I can’t do that. I’m only talking about RFK because he is running for President. I’ll rationally compare him to the competition and come to a conclusion whether he a better nomination than the other person. In this case, it’s Joe Biden, who is a terrible President and has mental capacity issues because of his age and deterioration. Considering all of Biden’s major flaws, JFK’s stances on vaccines are irrelevant to me.
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Biden's foreign policy has been pretty remarkable. He's economically kneecapped a century long adversary without costing us any lives and he's overseen the addition of Finland to be followed by Sweden into Nato, giving us strong allies along the eastern bloc that will have impacts for the next 50 some years.

Unless you are pulling for Putin. If that's the case then yeah, Biden's foreign policy sucks.

Lastly good news that's he's also created the most jobs in a first term. What are we up to....13 million? With the infrastructure jobs just getting started (over 36,000 construction projects) expect that number to keep rising.

He took over an economic disaster in the middle of a pandemic and has guided us out, avoiding a recession, balancing an inflation rate that was lower than other leading developed countries while not crushing market values so yeah....he's been awful.
The Biden administrations full wake will be felt in 3-4 years, good or bad. Our current state is hard to credit/discredit to Trump, Biden, or even Obama considered covid happened. It’s an incredible anomaly.

Besides, we all know neither Biden or Trump are doing/did much besides nod their head, shake hands and talk shit.
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I never received my Bitcoin, so this one is on the house.
The kind of thinking in those tweets is detrimental to the idea of a discussion/debate with RFK Jr. about his IDEAS on this topic. If this whole thing is just about targeting Hotez for his prior inconsistencies or him being wrong about things in the past, that's just ad hominem. Has no bearing on the underlying facts.
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It's theater.

Again, a public debate is when people are making public choices like, should we support Ukraine? You know a topic that has a high degree of uncertainty for both and is relatively unproven.

You don't have a public debate wondering if the world is flat because it's proven, therefore there is no debate. The only thing that does is give the crazy guy validation unless they absolutely fail, but even then the crazy guy was seen debating the serious guy and therefore the crazy guy was taken seriously.

How about this, since it's entertainment how about RFK debates a liberal internet personality or another political participant like Marianne Williamson?

I'm guessing you're not into that because that won't give the validation that is being desired.
Again, you're wrong, even with reference to flat earthers, at least according to scientists. Scientists definitely DO need to engage with them, treat them serioulsy and with respect, do their best to answer their questions, and do not just ignore them and mock them. Your strategy creates more distrust in science and scientists, not more:

"Landrum agrees the underlying problem is one of trust rather than physics. “We really should figure out as a scientific community, and as a society as a whole, how we can start building back trust in our organizations and institutions.” And she feels we need to do this face-to-face. “I don’t mean go yell at them on Twitter – that’s not engaging.” It’s also vital, she says, for scientists not to patronize flat-Earthers but to take questions seriously. That may seem like an excruciatingly painful process, but a necessary one, for people to gain trust in science as an institution again.

A level of sustained personal engagement can change minds. “It does work to push back against science deniers,” argues McIntyre, pointing to current NASA boss Jim Bridenstine. He was appointed by Donald Trump in 2018 and was known to have disputed climate change. “[But] once [he] became head of NASA, within a matter of two months or so, he changed his mind on climate change, and publicly said, ‘I was wrong’,” says McIntyre. The difference was that the evidence was presented to him by scientists he had grown to trust.

. . .

“I think that physicists need to be more involved,” he says. “There’s really no excuse for us to just sit back and laugh at them. Because while we’re laughing, they are recruiting people to believe these crazy things.”"
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The kind of thinking in those tweets is detrimental to the idea of a discussion/debate with RFK Jr. about his IDEAS on this topic. If this whole thing is just about targeting Hotez for his prior inconsistencies or him being wrong about things in the past, that's just ad hominem. Has no bearing on the underlying facts.
I posted it because sope claimed experts and agencies didn’t make numerous errors during Covid.

To reply to your post. It’s an example of why having a debate is important in my opinion. Maybe if Twitter (MSM) wasn’t censoring information back in 20-22 we would have had more debates and fewer mistakes during Covid. Also, it shines a light on how experts aren’t necessarily experts that should be trusted always.

Edit: I want to add that I do think it’s important to rehash the mistakes of the experts (professionals is probably a better word) during Covid. There are a lot of people (sope for example) still clueless to those problems because they have been fed constant misinformation from their preferred news sources. Shining a light on it is a good thing.
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Again, you're wrong, even with reference to flat earthers, as least according to scientists. Scientists definitely DO need to engage with them, treat them serioulsy and with respect, do their best to answer their questions, and do not just ignore them and mock them. Your strategy creates more distrust in science and scientists, not more:

"Landrum agrees the underlying problem is one of trust rather than physics. “We really should figure out as a scientific community, and as a society as a whole, how we can start building back trust in our organizations and institutions.” And she feels we need to do this face-to-face. “I don’t mean go yell at them on Twitter – that’s not engaging.” It’s also vital, she says, for scientists not to patronize flat-Earthers but to take questions seriously. That may seem like an excruciatingly painful process, but a necessary one, for people to gain trust in science as an institution again.

A level of sustained personal engagement can change minds. “It does work to push back against science deniers,” argues McIntyre, pointing to current NASA boss Jim Bridenstine. He was appointed by Donald Trump in 2018 and was known to have disputed climate change. “[But] once [he] became head of NASA, within a matter of two months or so, he changed his mind on climate change, and publicly said, ‘I was wrong’,” says McIntyre. The difference was that the evidence was presented to him by scientists he had grown to trust.

. . .

“I think that physicists need to be more involved,” he says. “There’s really no excuse for us to just sit back and laugh at them. Because while we’re laughing, they are recruiting people to believe these crazy things.”"

I think the important part of what you quoted was he changed his mind because he trusted the scientists he had GROWN to trust.

Do you think, in one sit down debate on the Joe Rogan Show, that someone against the vaccine is going to trust a scientist when they are already anti-vax?
I think the important part of what you quoted was he changed his mind because he trusted the scientists he had GROWN to trust.

Do you think, in one sit down debate on the Joe Rogan Show, that someone against the vaccine is going to trust a scientist when they are already anti-vax?
I think the important part of what you quoted was he changed his mind because he trusted the scientists he had GROWN to trust.

Do you think, in one sit down debate on the Joe Rogan Show, that someone against the vaccine is going to trust a scientist when they are already anti-vax?
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Would it convince everyone who listens to Rogan? No. Will it convince everyone who is anti-vax? No. Will it convince everyone who is agnostic on the issue? No.

But will it convince some of the above? Yes. Will it be a step in the right direction to establishing trust in the scientific community that they are willing to defend their conclusions? Yes. Will it provide fodder for people to later come up with better studies, examples, teaching tools, etc. to combat potentially false beliefs regarding how vaccines work, their proven efficacy, and safety? Yes.

Will it aloso be an example of how some things that we call "science" are based on probabilities and not certainties, evolving understanding of both the data and the causal mechanisms, and that scientific consensus on medical issues often changes? Yep, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I posted it because sope claimed experts and agencies didn’t make numerous errors during Covid.

To reply to your post. It’s an example of why having a debate is important in my opinion. Maybe if Twitter (MSM) wasn’t censoring information back in 20-22 we would have had more debates and fewer mistakes during Covid. Also, it shines a light on how experts aren’t necessarily experts that should be trusted always.

Edit: I want to add that I do think it’s important to rehash the mistakes of the experts (professionals is probably a better word) during Covid. There are a lot of people (sope for example) still clueless to those problems because they have been fed constant misinformation from their preferred news sources. Shining a light on it is a good thing.
The nyt did an entire piece on the piss poor efforts of our agencies’ response to covid
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Maybe someone should debate Ackerman as to the accuracy of his numerous pronouncements about economic and financial matters over the past 8-10 years. He has been a frequent fortune-teller on CNBC for a long time.
Of course he has been wrong numerous times and he would admit it. It’s impossible to predict the future. It’s also why it’s important for the Healthcare state to admit to their numerous mistakes during Covid. The goal should be great public health policy for Americans, but you can accomplish that when a large percentage of the population doesn’t trust you. This is of course assuming they want to restore faith in their institutions, which I question when they refuse to do interviews on Rogan with a Presidential candidate.
Of course he has been wrong numerous times and he would admit it. It’s impossible to predict the future. It’s also why it’s important for the Healthcare state to admit to their numerous mistakes during Covid. The goal should be great public health policy for Americans, but you can accomplish that when a large percentage of the population doesn’t trust you. This is of course assuming they want to restore faith in their institutions, which I question when they refuse to do interviews on Rogan with a Presidential candidate.
The agencies were on autopilot and not prepared. No plan. No method for tracking. Outmoded systems. No tests or defective tests. Dirty labs. Negligence. Blah blah blah. Chic filet and ups should have partnered up to handle it
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