Random musings

CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?
A for effort, but no, it's Trump vs. Harris, and Trump keeps stepping on his own dick.

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?
I guessed it, conspiracy theory. What prize do I win for getting it right in your announcement in the other thread? It must be easy when nothing is ever one's fault or simply one's side is losing, there has to be a massive conspiracy. I think I will start up, clearly, I would be a billionaire right now except for this massive conspiracy to stop it.

Trump chose a VP based on "instinct" and not vetting, as is his way. He makes moves based on "instinct" and not a sound s strategy or tactic. Usually it is punch and punch hard. He is quite willing to accept the big mistake because it gets him press, and he accepts the only bad press is no press. So someone has developed a strategy to use all that against him. Let him have the negative press. When you punch back, do it with a sense of humor so his counterpunch seems mean. It's working to perfection so far. So it can't possibly be Trump, it has to be the evil media, big business, NGOs, etc.
I guessed it, conspiracy theory. What prize do I win for getting it right in your announcement in the other thread? It must be easy when nothing is ever one's fault or simply one's side is losing, there has to be a massive conspiracy. I think I will start up, clearly, I would be a billionaire right now except for this massive conspiracy to stop it.

Trump chose a VP based on "instinct" and not vetting, as is his way. He makes moves based on "instinct" and not a sound s strategy or tactic. Usually it is punch and punch hard. He is quite willing to accept the big mistake because it gets him press, and he accepts the only bad press is no press. So someone has developed a strategy to use all that against him. Let him have the negative press. When you punch back, do it with a sense of humor so his counterpunch seems mean. It's working to perfection so far. So it can't possibly be Trump, it has to be the evil media, big business, NGOs, etc.
And that is how you outshine the "teacher."
I guessed it, conspiracy theory. What prize do I win for getting it right in your announcement in the other thread? It must be easy when nothing is ever one's fault or simply one's side is losing, there has to be a massive conspiracy. I think I will start up, clearly, I would be a billionaire right now except for this massive conspiracy to stop it.

Trump chose a VP based on "instinct" and not vetting, as is his way. He makes moves based on "instinct" and not a sound s strategy or tactic. Usually it is punch and punch hard. He is quite willing to accept the big mistake because it gets him press, and he accepts the only bad press is no press. So someone has developed a strategy to use all that against him. Let him have the negative press. When you punch back, do it with a sense of humor so his counterpunch seems mean. It's working to perfection so far. So it can't possibly be Trump, it has to be the evil media, big business, NGOs, etc.
You failed. I didn’t describe a conspiracy nor do I believe one exists as pervasive as I described.

The System gains power through metastasis of common beliefs, not through planning and collusion.

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?
Or...Trump uses said system to give himself more exposure than any politician in the history of the world.

Trump is the one tweeting, often dozens of times a day. He's the one starting social media platforms. He's the one giving sound bite, after sound bite, after sound bite. He's the one starting fraudulent "Universities", selling Trading cards of himself, etc... He uses this same System you refer to, more than any human being has ever used it. Obviously there are A LOT of people that dislike him, that distort things he says and does, lie about things he says and does, in an effort to make him look bad. But MOST of the content is first created by Trump himself.

For a guy that gained fame politically by championing lies and conspiracy theories, and used media outlets to push his "content"...its more than a little ironic to now blame that same System for his downfall.

Our "System" is ever evolving. Social Media is a living, breathing, evolving phenomenon that is changing how everyone thinks, lives, makes decisions...everything. Including our government and political system. Its not rigged against Trump. It gives him TONS of exposure because above anything else, Trump craves and needs exposure.

And like I tell my teenage son with his sports career...Exposure can go both ways, if you're not careful, you can pretty quickly be exposed. The "System" that is now exposing Trump for what he really is, is the same one that enabled him to win in the first place. Exposure goes both ways.

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?

You failed. I didn’t describe a conspiracy nor do I believe one exists as pervasive as I described.

The System gains power through metastasis of common beliefs, not through planning and collusion.
You fail in that you give no explanation of Trump's shortcomings and how that has been leveraged against him. Some of his supporters here acknowledge he is a deeply flawed human being, more so than many. His desire to always be the center of attention.

Harris is harnessing basic martial arts, let the bigger stronger opponent throw his weight around and use that weight against them. I'm sure she didn't come up with it, but she is smart enough to follow it. Which is Trump's additional fault, he's always certain his instinct is 100% correct.
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You fail in that you give no explanation of Trump's shortcomings and how that has been leveraged against him. Some of his supporters here acknowledge he is a deeply flawed human being, more so than many. His desire to always be the center of attention.

Harris is harnessing basic martial arts, let the bigger stronger opponent throw his weight around and use that weight against them. I'm sure she didn't come up with it, but she is smart enough to follow it. Which is Trump's additional fault, he's always certain his instinct is 100% correct.
No you fail!!!! This is an exercise
Or...Trump uses said system
You can’t use the system.
For a guy that gained fame politically by championing lies and conspiracy theories, and used media outlets to push his "content"...its more than a little ironic to now blame that same System for his downfall.
I didn’t blame the system for Trumps problems. But I think it’s accurate to say the system exaggerates, exploits, and even fasifies events to hasten his demise (Laptop, Russia, fine people)

Our "System" is ever evolving. Social Media is a living, breathing, evolving phenomenon that is changing how everyone thinks, lives, makes decisions...everything. Including our government and political system. Its not rigged against Trump. It gives him TONS of exposure because above anything else, Trump craves and needs exposure.
I’m not talking about the tools of the system. I’m talking about its product.
And like I tell my teenage son with his sports career...Exposure can go both ways, if you're not careful, you can pretty quickly be exposed. The "System" that is now exposing Trump for what he really is,
How do you explain Kamala?
You fail in that you give no explanation of Trump's shortcomings and how that has been leveraged against him. Some of his supporters here acknowledge he is a deeply flawed human being, more so than many. His desire to always be the center of attention.

Harris is harnessing basic martial arts, let the bigger stronger opponent throw his weight around and use that weight against them. I'm sure she didn't come up with it, but she is smart enough to follow it. Which is Trump's additional fault, he's always certain his instinct is 100% correct.
You keep wanting to make this about Trump and Harris. We have eleventy hundred other threads about that.
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I guessed it, conspiracy theory. What prize do I win for getting it right in your announcement in the other thread? It must be easy when nothing is ever one's fault or simply one's side is losing, there has to be a massive conspiracy. I think I will start up, clearly, I would be a billionaire right now except for this massive conspiracy to stop it.

Trump chose a VP based on "instinct" and not vetting, as is his way. He makes moves based on "instinct" and not a sound s strategy or tactic. Usually it is punch and punch hard. He is quite willing to accept the big mistake because it gets him press, and he accepts the only bad press is no press. So someone has developed a strategy to use all that against him. Let him have the negative press. When you punch back, do it with a sense of humor so his counterpunch seems mean. It's working to perfection so far. So it can't possibly be Trump, it has to be the evil media, big business, NGOs, etc.
Trump has his role but let's be real, there is a "system" and that "system" is definitely aligned against him to the point where they are willing to put their thumb on the scale.

That stuff isn't conspiracy.


The "system" had done this to the post on this story they were right about.

Conspiracy theories abound when you give people reason to believe things are not on the up and up and then have actual proof that they are not spill out to the public.

All of this stuff was conspiracy theory until it wasn't.
You keep wanting to make this about Trump and Harris. We have eleventy hundred other threads about that.
Ohh, let's play some make believe game that there are secret operatives out there skulking around backing Harris, secret operatives that evidently weren't backing Biden. OOOHH, very mysterious. Maybe they are using Taylor Swift's music, you should play it backwards and see what you here. Or maybe check out popular tv for subliminal messaging. Or, maybe the fluoride in our drinking water was put there specifically for this occasion.

You know what. a lot of very important personages back Trump. There are a lot of billionaires hedge funds pouring money into his campaign, Musk owns one of the largest social media companies and labeled the Arlington story as "unsafe" and i haven't seen a thread here about that.

So I'll tap out and you can keep living in you Spy vs Spy world.


I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?
You're half way there, buddy. The next step of your evolution is understanding it's all driven by dirty filthy fiat currency. Don't worry Neo, Bitcoin was sent to fix it. Take the orange pill C.O.

Pump It Mic Drop GIF by FullMag
You can’t use the system.

I didn’t blame the system for Trumps problems. But I think it’s accurate to say the system exaggerates, exploits, and even fasifies events to hasten his demise (Laptop, Russia, fine people)

I’m not talking about the tools of the system. I’m talking about its product.

How do you explain Kamala?
This is a very creative theory, among about a thousand theories, on why Trump continues to get bashed and to lose.

At some point...maybe its just Trump?
A for effort, but no, it's Trump vs. Harris, and Trump keeps stepping on his own dick.
It is The System vs Trump but he also keeps stepping on his own dick.
Nope. The system is attacking millions of people because people wear a hat. This is way beyond Trump. Recall how The System geared up for DeSantis when he was viable. The System was just learning to walk, talk, and get out of diapers when it made Romney into a racist elitist. The System is a self-perpetuating singularity that likely cannot be defeated. And it is just learning AI. We do our part by refusing rigorous educations, refusing to think for ourselves, all while taking Xanax and fentanyl which The System happily provides.
Ohh, let's play some make believe game that there are secret operatives out there skulking around backing Harris, secret operatives that evidently weren't backing Biden. OOOHH, very mysterious. Maybe they are using Taylor Swift's music, you should play it backwards and see what you here. Or maybe check out popular tv for subliminal messaging. Or, maybe the fluoride in our drinking water was put there specifically for this occasion.

You know what. a lot of very important personages back Trump. There are a lot of billionaires hedge funds pouring money into his campaign, Musk owns one of the largest social media companies and labeled the Arlington story as "unsafe" and i haven't seen a thread here about that.

So I'll tap out and you can keep living in you Spy vs Spy world.

There aren't secretive operatives. See my post above. They have been pretty open about it.
Nope. The system is attacking millions of people because people wear a hat. This is way beyond Trump. Recall how The System geared up for DeSantis when he was viable. The System was just learning to walk, talk, and get out of diapers when it made Romney into a racist elitist. The System is a self-perpetuating singularity that likely cannot be defeated. And it is just learning AI. We do our part by refusing rigorous educations, refusing to think for ourselves, all while taking Xanax and fentanyl which The System happily provides.
I am like a proud father whose son has grown up right before his eyes. I'm going to warn you CO, it's addictive. The first time you buy Bitcoin is similar to the first time you dip your wick in “it”. There’s no turning back.
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There aren't secretive operatives. See my post above. They have been pretty open about it.
And the Republicans have many billionaires with vast resources to help counter:

They have X and Truth, a huge grouping of online groups used by the Alt-Right, Joe Rogan, Sean Hannity, Carlson. There is a plethora of right-wing generals and colonels willing to appear at a moment's notice to talk about the dangers of the left, and itwould be stupid to assume they don't have active duty allies.

Why is Gen. Flynn attacking the left OK but not the other way around?

I was thinking about the gist of this when I ran across this add that sums up my thoughts about this election.

We begin with the fact that just a few months ago, Harris was the least popular VP in history and there was serious talk urging Biden to dump her. Prior to that, she couldn’t even manage to get out of the starting gate in the 2020 Democratic primary. Now she will likely be the next president.

How did this happen?

We saw it in real time.

This election is not Trump v. Harris. It’s The System on the one hand, and the people on the other. The System is big government, big media, social media, big tech, big education, big NGO, and big corporate all working in simpatico. Not too long ago, these institutions operated as a self correcting check and balance. Now there isn’t. We have policy without meaningful review or accountability. Thus we have an impossible fiscal situation, third world conditions, bad education for those who need good education the most, violence, drugs, and the rest. There is no other reasonable explanation for the meteoric rise of Kamala in just a couple of months other than The System pushing her. She hasn’t changed. The System changed our view of her.

On the other hand we have Trump. He certainly has baggage. But he also has a striking number of positive policy initiatives that ought to be important, but aren’t. He has a self- destructive behavior pattern. But more importantly, The System exploits, exaggerates, and even lies about him, leaving The System’s chosen candidate without an effective opponent.

I like independence. I wish we had a different champion than Trump. But we don’t. Kamala is too high of a price to let The System in.

Watch the Matrix. Are we living the prequel?
You ever been to a 3rd world country? If you have then you’d realize how laughable the “3rd world conditions” phrase is
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Yeah, well, that’s kinda like IU going up against the rest of the Big Ten with Archie Miller. . . . .

To me, Archie Miller's legacy here will always be summed up by the scoreboard in the background showing the halftime score against Purdue during the game where Coach Knight came back to Assembly Hall.

The contrast between Knight's legacy and Archie's legacy both being captured in the same's accidentally iconic.
I have some sympathy for the general point he's making.

But the tragedy is that the folks going up against "the system" have to do so with Donald Trump as their standard-bearer.
Agreed. It’s foolish and naive (or just disingenuous) to dispute that Trump is literally running against both Harris and the majority of the press and academia. But yes, he shouldn’t be the guy doing the running.

And an acceptable counter argument IS NOT “well the system is rallying around defeating a threat to Democracy!” That’s a load of hooey. This is the Democratic playbook going forward and it won’t be changing.
How do you explain Kamala?

This is easy, the campaign was nothing but Biden is too old. At that time, the race for those under 30 was tied, Trump even leading in some areas. Here is recent battleground polling:

  • Voters under 30
    • AZ: Harris 65%, Trump 35%
    • GA: Harris 60%, Trump 35%
    • MI: Harris 62%, Trump 32%
    • NC: Harris 55%, Trump 39%
    • NV: Harris 70%, Trump 28%
    • PA: Harris 65%, Trump 35%
    • WI: Harris 54%, Trump 41%

The strategy worked great, don't elect the old guy. Guess what changed? Who the old candidate was.
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You ever been to a 3rd world country? If you have then you’d realize how laughable the “3rd world conditions” phrase is
Yes. Third world conditions are a 5 minute drive. Trash, daylight gunfire multiple locks on doors, powerless cops, drugs, sex trafficking, retail theft, all from people who migrated from other third world places within the last year.
And the Republicans have many billionaires with vast resources to help counter:

They have X and Truth, a huge grouping of online groups used by the Alt-Right, Joe Rogan, Sean Hannity, Carlson. There is a plethora of right-wing generals and colonels willing to appear at a moment's notice to talk about the dangers of the left, and itwould be stupid to assume they don't have active duty allies.

Why is Gen. Flynn attacking the left OK but not the other way around?
It’s still underwhelming Marv. Money can’t remedy the imbalance in a cycle when you’re competing against the legacy media AND Hollywood and its media reach. It’s really the abuse that at one time the fairness doctrine sought to address but today is just unfettered
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This is easy, the campaign was nothing but Biden is too old. At that time, the race for those under 30 was tied, Trump even leading in some areas. Here is recent battleground polling:

  • Voters under 30
    • AZ: Harris 65%, Trump 35%
    • GA: Harris 60%, Trump 35%
    • MI: Harris 62%, Trump 32%
    • NC: Harris 55%, Trump 39%
    • NV: Harris 70%, Trump 28%
    • PA: Harris 65%, Trump 35%
    • WI: Harris 54%, Trump 41%

The strategy worked great, don't elect the old guy. Guess what changed? Who the old candidate was.
You made my point. Stop pretending that <30 voters are independent of the system.
It’s still underwhelming Marv. Money can’t remedy the imbalance in a cycle when you’re competing against the legacy media AND Hollywood and its media reach. It’s really the abuse that at one time the fairness doctrine sought to address but today is just unfettered
If it is so imbalanced, how did he win in 16 and come within a few thousand of winning in 20 and is virtually tied in 24?

Largely when polling is done on issues, Democrats win. Given that and all the media and all of Hollywood, and all of academia, and all the covert operatives, how do they not win?

Here are some examples from KFF. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA, all very popular.

Polling that a majority want to prioritize wind and solar, and believe AGW is a serious threat:

Democrats were unable to pass more money for childcare, but Rs refused to back it at all. Yet polling has it as popular:

Most U.S. adults believe the federal government should be investing more in childcare programs – more than 7x the share who say there should be less investment (51% vs. 7%).​

the only explanation, there is some vast right-wing conspiracy behind the scenes propping up the Republican Party.
You made my point. Stop pretending that <30 voters are independent of the system.
What system? In a world where news is consumed through YouTube, X, and the rest, who the hell is pulling the strings in all 1 billion places one can get news?

You are searching feverishly for a boogie man to blame and not a candidate that was only running a decent campaign because his opponent was even more inept.

If there is some bizarre cabal pulling the strings, why are you immune from them (either their influence or their ability to make you disappear)?
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If it is so imbalanced, how did he win in 16 and come within a few thousand of winning in 20 and is virtually tied in 24?

Largely when polling is done on issues, Democrats win. Given that and all the media and all of Hollywood, and all of academia, and all the covert operatives, how do they not win?

Here are some examples from KFF. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA, all very popular.

Polling that a majority want to prioritize wind and solar, and believe AGW is a serious threat:

Democrats were unable to pass more money for childcare, but Rs refused to back it at all. Yet polling has it as popular:

Most U.S. adults believe the federal government should be investing more in childcare programs – more than 7x the share who say there should be less investment (51% vs. 7%).​

the only explanation, there is some vast right-wing conspiracy behind the scenes propping up the Republican Party.
He was new and coverage has changed. We’ve seen it with the media glow up of Harris. I suspect there are favorability articles research tracking media. I don’t have time to look now
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If it is so imbalanced, how did he win in 16 and come within a few thousand of winning in 20 and is virtually tied in 24?

Largely when polling is done on issues, Democrats win. Given that and all the media and all of Hollywood, and all of academia, and all the covert operatives, how do they not win?

Here are some examples from KFF. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA, all very popular.

Polling that a majority want to prioritize wind and solar, and believe AGW is a serious threat:

Democrats were unable to pass more money for childcare, but Rs refused to back it at all. Yet polling has it as popular:

Most U.S. adults believe the federal government should be investing more in childcare programs – more than 7x the share who say there should be less investment (51% vs. 7%).​

the only explanation, there is some vast right-wing conspiracy behind the scenes propping up the Republican Party.
Conservative source so who knows but anecdotally it’s certainly been my perception and it’s no secret journalism leans left

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Conservative source so who knows but anecdotally it’s certainly been my perception

It can't be a fair comparison. Trump would spit on his parent's grave if he thought it would give him media coverage, good or bad. Trump CRAVES attention. He doesn't care why. When you do that you will get a lot of attention.

Look at posting, the people who come in with all guns blazing and calling people names get the attention (positive and negative).
He was new and coverage has changed. We’ve seen it with the media glow up of Harris. I suspect there are favorability articles research tracking media. I don’t have time to look now

What's left of the mainstream media is out for clicks and TV ratings at the end of the day and owned by gigantic global corporations. Harris is new and people want to know about her. The current version of Trump has been campaigning since 2015 and that show is getting old.

And anyone who just blames the media for it is minimizing that:
  1. Kamala Harris has performed better than even what Dems were hoping for.
  2. The Harris/Walz campaign (with a lot of people Biden hired) has ran an excellent campaign over the last 40 days
  3. Trump's made a lot of mistakes by being undisciplined, picking JD Vance as VP, and hasn't been able to get a line of attack to stick to Harris yet since he's throwing 50 things at the wall at any given time.

If this was entirely manufactured there wouldn't be this level of Democrat excitement from Bernie Bros to Joe Manchin Dems. Tons of people are excited who don't consume MSM stuff at all (including me).

I know whining about traditional media being biased is straight out of Rush Limbaugh's playbook to work the refs. Republicans from Reagan with his jelly bean jar or Dubya getting the media to cheerlead hard for the Iraq War, to them obsessing over a CNBC anchor's rant igniting the Tea Party (with lots of astroturfing help), to Trump in 2015 & 2016 all have been able to manipulate the media successfully.
It can't be a fair comparison. Trump would spit on his parent's grave if he thought it would give him media coverage, good or bad. Trump CRAVES attention. He doesn't care why. When you do that you will get a lot of attention.

Look at posting, the people who come in with all guns blazing and calling people names get the attention (positive and negative).
It’s the type of coverage. Harris had what the lowest approval in history of vp. But now she’s cast in a positive light by the media with the glow up? They could run one hit piece on her after another. That’s a choice
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What system? In a world where news is consumed through YouTube, X, and the rest, who the hell is pulling the strings in all 1 billion places one can get news?

You are searching feverishly for a boogie man to blame and not a candidate that was only running a decent campaign because his opponent was even more inept.

If there is some bizarre cabal pulling the strings, why are you immune from them (either their influence or their ability to make you disappear)?
I described the system

Stop with that boogie man hogwash. That’s you, not me. Note is there a bizarre cabal.

There is only group think, conformity, and peer pressure. There is a reason why “influencers” is now a common word. It’s because there are millions of mush-brains to be influenced.

I can’t explain it better than the video I posted.
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