Poll for self-identified MAGAs and Lean-MAGA Republicans.

Do you own or will you buy a Tesla?

  • Don't own one and won't buy one.

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Don't own one but would consider buying one.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I own one.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't own a Tesla but own another EV.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Electric Vehicles are a scam.

    Votes: 6 30.0%

  • Total voters

Aloha Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 30, 2001
Since Elon Musk became President Trump's BFF, I've asked certain posters if they're going to buy a Tesla or own one. I think it would be interesting to find out.
We bought two Tesla’s with cash and now pissed off we did. I’d love to get rid of it, but would be a terrible financial decision. We took the tax credit while we could. I may have to get one of those bumper stickers but they’re kind of dumb….just like I was.
We bought two Tesla’s with cash and now pissed off we did. I’d love to get rid of it, but would be a terrible financial decision. We took the tax credit while we could. I may have to get one of those bumper stickers but they’re kind of dumb….just like I was.
You don't like them? I thought Tesla owners were largely satisfied with them. I don't own one, by the way.
Since Elon Musk became President Trump's BFF, I've asked certain posters if they're going to buy a Tesla or own one. I think it would be interesting to find out.
I don’t know if I’m maga. Maybe I am. I don’t like how teslas look. I hate the squad and walz and Biden and stay at home Pete and Harris and all the Wokees and if they pooled their money and came out with a new Land Rover defender that was old school I’d be all in on it. I’d never let politics influence my friends, family, shit I buy, etc
I don’t know if I’m maga. Maybe I am. I don’t like how teslas look. I hate the squad and walz and Biden and stay at home Pete and Harris and all the Wokees and if they pooled their money and came out with a new Land Rover defender that was old school I’d be all in on it. I’d never let politics influence my friends, family, shit I buy, etc
I have a friend who bought a Tesla. One of the high-performance ones and he and his wife drove it across country. They love it. I have a high-performance sports coupe and that Tesla if much faster off the mark. My top end is 20 mph higher but neither of us would be driving at top speed. Mine is a gas guzzler.

I concur about politics. I don't care about it for entertainment, food, or vehicles.
I have a friend who bought a Tesla. One of the high-performance ones and he and his wife drove it across country. They love it. I have a high-performance sports coupe and that Tesla if much faster off the mark. My top end is 20 mph higher but neither of us would be driving at top speed. Mine is a gas guzzler.

I concur about politics. I don't care about it for entertainment, food, or vehicles.
I’ve driven (not owned) Ferraris 911s Ms Ss lambo suvs everything there is that isn’t a super car and the plaid Tesla is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever driven. I just don’t care for their looks. Like I said if I didn’t have so many baby mommas I’d have an old school totally refurbished defender
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I’ve driven (not owned) Ferraris 911s Ms Ss lambo suvs everything there is that isn’t a super car and the plaid Tesla is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever driven. I just don’t care for their looks. Like I said if I didn’t have so many baby mommas I’d have an old school totally refurbished defender
I'm not a fan of their looks either. The Plaid would destroy my car which has a 178 mph top speed. Can't reach 200 like the Plaid. No way, no how. ;)
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Since Elon Musk became President Trump's BFF, I've asked certain posters if they're going to buy a Tesla or own one. I think it would be interesting to find out.

2 buddies of mine own them. A 3 and a Y. Great cars! One friend is on his second. No issues for a decade.
Please make a choice in the poll at the top. Second choice matches what you said. I'm trying to keep this scientific! ;)
If anyone has made the decision based on Musk’s role then they aren’t thinking properly. I wouldn’t buy one because if doesn’t provide what I need in a vehicle. Plain and simple. I will stick with my Tacoma
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If anyone has made the decision based on Musk’s role then they aren’t thinking properly. I wouldn’t buy one because if doesn’t provide what I need in a vehicle. Plain and simple. I will stick with my Tacoma
Those new pimped out tacomas are going for 70 plus
Just wait until you get the dreaded...

Too low on OHMz warning light, in the hood. All extension cords have been sold for copper, for meth.

We will hold a vigual. (how do you spell Vigual anyway?)
Once a month my Facebook has someone posting a video of someone stealing catalytic converters. Look for this guy….
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I mean if you are going after an EV and not seriously considering a Tesla, especially because politics, then I dunno what to say.

That said I have no interest in any EV, or Hybrid, or Push Button Start/Lane Assist/Adaptive CC or several other fecktastical doodads that both increase the price of a vehicle while also increasing the opportunity for failure of components critical to a vehicle's basic operation. Of the 4 in my driveway the newest car is a 2014 (and I hate it), and I reckon I will be looking backwards from there when the next one is on it's last legs.
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I call all those doodads the Senior Citizen Package. They not only make me safer, but you too.

Thanks for looking out for us CoH, but I reckon if I need that package to safely operate a motor vehicle, I would prefer becoming a non-driving curmudgeonly shut-in lol.
Random thoughts from an old fart.

How often do Tesla (or any Ev) owners clean their windshields and how inconvenient is it.
Why would it be any different? There are wipers, a wiper motor, wiper fluid, same as any car. Unless you mean you never have the opportunity to use a squeegee at a gas station.
This poll is clearly not for me: I’m AIGAGG (have fun with that one!)

Money is power and currently I prefer not to give any power to Musk.

Attention and interest are also power, so similarly I don’t Xeet. Nothing personal. If you’re a Xeeter, Xeet on!